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The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Wyatt: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Wyatt: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Wyatt: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
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The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Wyatt: The Billionaire Branson Brothers

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The last thing I need is another playboy to break my heart, but he is all I want…

I am starting fresh in a new town.

It's the first day on the job and nothing is going right. Then I see Wyatt Whitmore.

A quiver goes through my entire body as his eyes meet mine and he gives me a sexy smile.

I know his type- rich, sexy, handsome, and definitely in love with himself.

Everyone I know in Branson has warned me to stay away from Wyatt. But our chemistry burns hotter than the Ozarks in July, and I can't tear myself away. I'm falling hard for this irresistible playboy and his ragtag pack of rescue dogs.

Secrets from Wyatt's past are bubbling up, threatening to ruin everything, and I don't know what to believe.

I need an explanation for the rumors surrounding his past before we can have a future.

If he wants to make it work, he'll have to fight for me—and prove he's changed his wicked ways.

Will that even be enough for me to trust my heart again?


Author's Note: This is a standalone romance book that is part of The Billionaire Branson Brothers Collection. These books follow the Whitmore brothers of Branson, Missouri as they try to change their ways and find love in the midwest town. The books can be read in any order and feature relatable characters, slow burn romance and HEAs.

PublisherLexi Masters
Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Wyatt: The Billionaire Branson Brothers

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire Branson Brothers - Lexi Masters


    The last thing I need is another playboy to break my heart, but he is all I want…

    I am starting fresh in a new town.

    It’s the first day on the job and nothing is going right. Then I see Wyatt Whitmore.

    A quiver goes through my entire body as his eyes meet mine and he gives me a sexy smile.

    I know his type- rich, sexy, handsome, and definitely in love with himself.

    Everyone I know in Branson has warned me to stay away from Wyatt. But our chemistry burns hotter than the Ozarks in July, and I can’t tear myself away. I’m falling hard for this irresistible playboy and his ragtag pack of rescue dogs.

    Secrets from Wyatt’s past are bubbling up, threatening to ruin everything, and I don’t know what to believe.

    I need an explanation for the rumors surrounding his past before we can have a future.

    If he wants to make it work, he’ll have to fight for me—and prove he’s changed his wicked ways.

    Will that even be enough for me to trust my heart again?



    Who’s the new girl, Wyatt? my brother Luke asks, turning sideways in the booth to look toward the serving counter.

    New girl? I look up from my phone and see a new waitress coming out of the kitchen. She is smiling, and her cute face is framed by curly blond hair, but it is her deep blue eyes that mesmerize me. My heart skips a beat as our eyes meet for a moment.

    She looks hot, Luke continues.

    The waitress looks away, and I blink, grunting in response to Luke, my kid brother.

    Maybe I’ll get her number, Luke says as he turns back in his seat.

    A stab of emotion makes me look sharply at him. But he is looking over my shoulder. Raylan, Jesse, he says, loudly calling them over.

    I turn and see my other two brothers coming into the diner. Born barely a year apart, they are as inseparable as twins.

    Morning, Raylan says, sliding in across from us.

    I nod in response.

    We started without you, Luke says.

    As usual, Jesse replies.

    April, a waitress who has worked here since before I was born, comes over with the orders for Luke and me.

    Here you go, boys, she says.

    Let me help you with those. I reach past Raylan and Jesse and take the plates from April.

    Thank you, Wyatt, she says. A gentleman as always. She glances at Raylan and Jesse, but neither of them looks up from their phones.

    The usual, boys? April says.

    Sure, Jesse replies.

    And coffee, Raylan adds.

    We could all do with a refill, April. I smile at her.

    Sure thing, Wyatt, April smiles back. I’ll send the new girl, Fallon, over.

    Fallon, I savor the name in my mind as April heads back to the counter.

    It suits her, I think, as I watch April talk to her.

    Fallon grabs the coffee pot and heads toward our booth.

    Incoming, Luke says.

    Jesse and Raylan look up from their phones and notice Fallon for the first time.

    Fresh meat, Raylan says.

    I saw her first, Luke says.

    I don’t say anything. But I feel a slow grin spread across my face as I look at Fallon. I can’t help but admire her beauty and grace. Even if she is just serving coffee in a diner.

    She stops beside our booth and places two mugs down on the table.

    Coffee, gentlemen, she says. Her voice is like honey. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s the only way that I can describe it.

    Sure, Jesse says, looking back at his phone.

    Raylan openly looks at the tightness of her new uniform across her chest.

    I want to reach over and slap the back of his head. She fills Raylan and Jesse’s mugs. I lift my mug to save her from having to reach across my two brothers.

    Thanks, she smiles at me as our hands touch. Her skin is soft and cool against mine. I glance at her face and see that her eyes are the bluest I’ve ever seen, deep and sparkling.

    New here? Luke asks as he offers her his mug.

    New to town, she replies. And first day working here.

    And how are you liking Branson so far? Luke asks, turning on his charm.

    It’s a nice little place, Fallon replies. She is looking directly at me as she says it. I give her a lazy grin in response.

    You want my number? Luke says. I can show you around. Get the lay of the land and all that.

    Fallon blinks, turning to him. I shoot daggers at him as Raylan and Jesse snigger.

    Fallon smiles and says, Thank you for the offer, but I’m just settling in.

    Too bad, Luke says with a shrug. You look like you’d be fun company.

    I frown. I know he’s trying to save face, but that’s not how you impress a woman.

    Fallon glances at me and says, I’m sure I will find someone who’ll make a good friend.

    She gives me a meaningful look before she heads off. I try to hold her gaze, but she turns away and heads back to the counter.

    You’re an idiot, I say to Luke.

    An idiot who’s planted a seed in her mind, Luke smiles back.

    Yeah, but it’s the only seed you’re going to be planting, Raylan says.

    Jesse laughs and high-fives Raylan.

    I suppose you could do better. Luke looks at me.

    Yeah, I reply. I can get any girl’s number. You’ve just got to make her intrigued.

    Intrigued, Raylan says. Have you been looking at your word of the day calendar again?

    The last time you had an interest in a girl, you said the same thing, Jesse reminds us. How did that work out?

    It ended in disaster, Raylan says.

    It ended in a long weekend in Aspen, where we spent more time in the hot tub than on the slopes, I say.

    Yeah, Jesse says. And then she wanted to marry you. We all laughed.

    That’s just an occupational hazard of being a billionaire playboy, I reply.

    Are you sure she wasn’t only trying to marry you for your money, Raylan says. She was trying to marry into the Whitmore fortune. That’s not a bad way to become rich and famous.

    Well, duh, I reply. Why do you think I shot her down and moved on.

    Anyway, Wyatt has a chance with the new girl, unlike you, small fry. Jesse smiles at Luke.

    Well, let the games begin, Luke responds.

    The three of us groan at him.

    Dude. Raylan shakes his head.

    You can’t compete over a girl, Jesse explains.

    Yeah, that will just scare her away and neither of you will get the prize, Raylan says.

    I bristle a bit at having Fallon described as the prize. But then, this isn’t the first time that the Whitmore boys have played this game.

    A couple of booths down, Fallon is looking very apologetic. She takes a plate off the table and hurries back into the kitchen with it. Wrong order?

    I suppose you get to go first because you are the eldest. Luke looked at me.

    Damn right, small fry, I reply.

    A moment later, Fallon comes over to our table with two plates for Raylan and Jesse.

    Let me help you with those. I reach past Raylan and Jesse to take the plates from her.

    My hands brush against hers once again. She gives me a little smile in return, and my heart skips a beat. I try to make eye contact as I put the plates down in front of my brothers, but she looks away.

    Hold up, Raylan says. I got the Eggs Benedict.

    And I got the eggs with extra hash browns, Jesse says.

    Oh, no, sorry, she looks back toward the kitchen. They must have made a mix-up in the kitchen. Let me go get your right orders right now.

    That’s okay, Jesse says. Just be quick about it.

    She hurries off.

    What’s wrong with you? I ask. My two brothers turn to look at me.

    It’s her first day, I say.

    And? Jesse asks.

    We still got the wrong orders, Raylan says.

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