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Aliens on Earth
Aliens on Earth
Aliens on Earth
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Aliens on Earth

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In Aliens on Earth, author Tony Street challenges the conventional narrative of human history and argues that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times, greatly influencing the development of human culture and technology. Drawing upon evidence from archaeology, mythology, and religious texts from around the world, Street presents a compelling case that advanced alien civilizations interacted with and shaped early human societies, leaving behind tantalizing clues in the form of megalithic structures, advanced technologies, and cultural traditions.

From the mysterious Pyramids of Giza to the enigmatic Nazca Lines, and from the ancient Sumerian tales of the Anunnaki to the biblical accounts of the Nephilim, Street takes readers on a thrilling journey through the ancient world, revealing the hidden history of alien intervention on Earth. Thought-provoking and meticulously researched, Aliens on Earth offers a fresh perspective on the origins of human civilization that will challenge readers to question everything they have been taught about our past.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Aliens on Earth

Tony Street

Tony’s search for authentic knowledge, after reading other patient academic authors, led to his future research into ancient history. This exploration prompted a shift in his belief regarding the validity of the Bible as a historical document.

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    Aliens on Earth - Tony Street

    About the Author

    Tony’s search for authentic knowledge, after reading other patient academic authors, led to his future research into ancient history. This exploration prompted a shift in his belief regarding the validity of the Bible as a historical document.


    My granddaughter, Kellie, for her belief and assistance.

    Copyright Information ©

    Tony Street 2024

    The right of Tony Street to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    The story, experiences, and words are the author’s alone.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781528988117 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781528988124 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    My deep appreciation goes to the board of Austin Macauley Publishers for their belief in my book.

    Author’s Notes

    We inherit knowledge from our parents and are educated in schools and churches.

    Much of what we are taught is one-sided, false and misleading. For years, we have been subjected to distorted history. It is time for our historians and academics to present the original truth. And stop hiding behind their lucrative highly funded professions. Just because they have the title of Professor or Dr in front of their name does not give them the right to criticise ridicule and suppress other researchers work.

    Read Aliens on Earth with an open mind, and then form your own conclusions.

    Always remember to question everything and not rely on the first often false and misleading information that we are told.






    Pre-history ends and history started with the use of writing.

    The early writings of worldwide cultures run along almost parallel lines. But when we consider that in the third millennium BCE where you could not walk to, did not exist. And yet the writings containing the same advanced subject matter. Healing, Astrology, Astronomy, Law and Mathematics, and Construction.

    The orthodox theory of human history that is taught in our universities and schools should be abolished. It is time for historian academics to accept that extra-terrestrial beings visited Earth in antiquity, and influenced the development of human culture and technology up to modern times. For much too long, these so-called experts have attributed many ancient structures to those people who fit neatly into the scheme of their fabricated knowledge.

    There are many archaeological finds that are ignored because they don’t comply with the established academic concepts of our ancient history.

    There is evidence of artefacts deliberately dumped or lost. And researchers who ask probing questions banned from certain ancient sites.

    Why is there a lack of investigations and denials by funded academia on orders regarding new discoveries?

    We are lucky that amateurs such as Eric Von Daniken and Giorgio A Tsoukalos and many others including myself, will not accept the scandalous misinformation and suppression of new archaeology discoveries.

    Then the so-called experts set up a campaign to ridicule and mock anything that is a threat to their existing dogma.

    Historians and archaeologists have a nasty habit of calling many ancient buildings as Temples when they have no indication of their true purpose and use. The other stupid claim is that ancient skeletons with skull fractures were sacrificial victims when they were probably killed in a war.

    At a period in the distant past, when the human race was still in the hunter-gather stage of evolution and was living in small family groups, a significant change occurred with the arrival of extra-terrestrials on Earth.

    Who they were and where they came from is still a mystery. They settled in several locations where the local people were more advanced. By instructing a few of the brighter locals to pass on their knowledge to the rest of the people, they created the cult priest, shaman, medicine men and witch doctors who could talk to the Gods who became more powerful than tribal chieftains.

    This power has been exerted over gullible people by religious cults up to the present times.

    The evidence of several different Alien species living on earth can be found in many locations. Their megalithic monuments would be very difficult for us to construct even using modern machinery. Paintings, legends and ancient writings, including the Christian bible and the Mahabharata, describe technically advanced aliens who could fly.

    We are now in an electronic and scientific revolution that is rapidly changing our society.

    In the near future, our scientists and engineers will take us to undeveloped planets. If we do not destroy our own planet through stupidity. There we will be gods to the primitive inhabitants.

    Who were the gods of our ancient past? And are they still with us?

    I believe that there is a growing interest in our ancient past, with the desire of many people to find the real truth behind the one-sided history that has been accepted and taught for far too long.

    The scribes of old, or the educated translators changed their account of the story to suit their purpose. Whether it was because they were on the winning side in the war, or because it was better for the story to fit in with the religion or political group that they served. Propaganda is a very strong weapon in the hands of an expert, especially when all other information is restricted. From antiquity, exaggerated and false stories have been used to enhance the fame and prestige of many people.

    It is a great pity that so much knowledge has been lost or suppressed because it was deemed to be inappropriate for ordinary people to be informed of the truth.

    Much of the early western society history is based on Greek, Roman and Egyptian writings, with Christians believing that the bible is authentic history. Thankfully modern archaeological discoveries are changing the way that we see the ancient past. The Roman emperors and the Egyptian kings portrayed themselves as gods so that everything that they did was recorded in great detail with them being the good guys and their enemies being evil. The conquests of the Romans were always greatly exaggerated, as they were most of the time the winners, we get a very one-sided account of what really happened, as they destroyed any other records in the lands that invaded.

    The so-called Dark Ages of Europe was caused by the narrow-minded Christian church.

    That religious cult prevailed for hundreds of years, by suppressing the expansion of knowledge to only their priests, so that they could retain power over the uneducated people, especially females. The progress of the rest world was not hindered during this time so we see great advancements in science especially the medical field.

    A good example is that the Moorish city of Cordoba in Spain had a system of street lighting 600 years before London.

    The church in their attempt to retain power made many stupid statements that were considered heresy if anyone dared to contradict them. The Earth is the centre of the Universe.

    The world is flat.

    You will die if you travel faster than the speed of a galloping horse.

    Only birds can fly.

    Only recently, the Church has admitted that we may have been visited by extra-terrestrials in the past.

    The great scientist Marie Curie made a speech when she said, Let science light the way to a better future. When we can rid this beautiful planet of disease, poverty and wars.

    How much ancient knowledge was destroyed or is hidden away in libraries, or still to be discovered in secret places where they were put for safety and posterity.


    A long time ago, from a galaxy far, far away. They came to our home planet Earth when we were just emerging from the last Ice Age. The primitive natives regarded these extra-terrestrials as Gods. With their flying machines, and highly advanced weapons, like the thunderbolt of the sky god Zeus, they were probably responsible for the destruction of cities like Sodom, Gomorra and Mohenjo-Daro.

    There is ample evidence that once Giants roamed the Earth, as mentioned in the bible.

    Cave paintings from many places including Australia; depict figures in what appear to be flying suits and helmets.

    When they departed where did they conceal their very advanced equipment that enabled the building of the ancient wonders that are still standing after many thousand years? The search for wealth in the form of ancient artefacts and treasures is far less important than will be the discovery of this equipment and the knowledge of these ancient gods.

    From an early age, most of us are subjected to religious propaganda, and it is unfortunate that we believe the first stories that we are told. By the time that we are young adults many of us are educated and have access to unlimited information through our computers so that we can re-evaluate these mostly fictional stories.

    Aliens on Earth is a different modern view of our ancient past. Please read it with an open mind, and learn to question everything that we have been taught in the past, and is still taught in error in modern times.

    And hopefully, the leaders in many Academic fields and religions will revaluate what up to know has been accepted facts in so much of their teachings.

    Chapter 1

    Aliens and UFOs

    The Greek philosopher Plato describes the large island of Atlantis as a Utopia obliterated in a blast of fire and smoke by a volcanic eruption. When we see a modern space rocket during take-off, then we can imagine Atlantis blasting off into space, instead of being destroyed. Was Atlantis an alien city and centre of learning set up by an advanced race from another planet? If this was the case then it would explain how writing and advancements in education appeared in many regions of our world at about the same time.

    This concept of

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