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Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality
Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality
Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality

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An ant dies, leaving nothing to be remembered for, despite all its struggles to store up food for the future. It is a tragedy for humans to live like an elephant but die like an ant. Living without conscious thoughts to create a lasting reality leads humans to face the same fate as the ant.

All the struggles and labours of a person will someday be forgotten, no matter how wealthy and successful they may be. The wealth will eventually fall into the hands of those who are not as wise as the ant, and all accumulated wealth will be exhausted. A person will be forgotten if there is no record of their thoughts for future generations.

Maximizing the wealth of thoughts is a great privilege, allowing one to live like Methuselah, the recorded oldest man on Earth. Unfortunately, neglecting the wealth of thoughts makes one live as a ‘walking corpse.’ A person without conscious thoughts is like a ‘walking corpse.’

The difference between managers and their subordinates, as well as the rich and the poor, lies in their thoughts. The rich think differently and achieve success. However, wealth and success without a record of thoughts will one day be forgotten. What does it profit a person to gain all the wealth and success in the world, only to be forgotten? Live by recording your thoughts.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality

Lucky Onyeoghani

Lucky is a Nigerian author who believes in the power of thoughts as revelations that should be recorded. Inspired by the loss of 14 books he had written, Lucky is now aspiring to become a full-time writer, turning his thoughts into published works. He has already published several articles in educational journals. As a teacher with over a decade of experience, both locally and internationally, Lucky holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics Education from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His inspirational reality is motivated by Sunday Adelaja, a prolific author of about 300 books and the founder and senior pastor of the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations, an evangelical-charismatic megachurch and Christian denomination in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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    Living by Thoughts - Lucky Onyeoghani

    About the Author

    Lucky is a Nigerian author who believes in the power of thoughts as revelations that should be recorded. Inspired by the loss of 14 books he had written, Lucky is now aspiring to become a full-time writer, turning his thoughts into published works. He has already published several articles in educational journals.

    As a teacher with over a decade of experience, both locally and internationally, Lucky holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics Education from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His inspirational reality is motivated by Sunday Adelaja, a prolific author of about 300 books and the founder and senior pastor of the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations, an evangelical-charismatic megachurch and Christian denomination in Kyiv, Ukraine.


    This book is dedicated to the tree of knowledge, the eternal source of all thoughts from which reality emerges. It is an ever-yielding tree that neither withers nor becomes barren, forever giving freely and uncompromisingly to those who seek its wisdom. To all readers of this book, may you find favor and sustenance from this tree, just as it has provided for countless others.

    Copyright Information ©

    Lucky Onyeoghani 2024

    The right of Lucky Onyeoghani to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    The story, experiences, and words are the author’s alone.

    ISBN 9781398474277 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781398474284 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd ®

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    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    I extend my heartfelt acknowledgments to all those who recognize and cherish the truthfulness of thoughts. To those who commit to their thoughts, creating tangible realities for the benefit of mankind, your dedication and imagination give birth to the world we inhabit. I am grateful to everyone who has supported the publication of this book in any way, including those whose works have been referenced and the many others from whom we learn to shape and sharpen our thoughts through words. A special thank you to the Austin Macauley Publishers team for their tireless efforts in ensuring the quality of this book.

    I give merit to the Vine, of which I am a fruit-bearing branch. Without the Vine, I can do nothing; with the Vine, I am enriched and nourished to write until my thoughts become a book. Through personal commitment to writing and the strength provided by the Vine, I am capable of achieving even greater things.

    Chapter One

    Separate and Fix by Thinking

    There are two groups of people that live: the group that comes and goes, and the group that lasts forever. The group that comes and goes doesn’t care. The group that comes and goes has a shallow mind. The group that comes and goes has eyes but doesn’t see; the people are shortsighted. The group that comes and goes has ears but doesn’t hear; the people are hardened. The group that comes and goes has a heart but doesn’t imagine. The group that comes and goes is left alone because of a lack of imagination and a lack of understanding of deep things. The group that wears clothes for fashion displays the woefulness of the heart and refuses to beautify it with wisdom and understanding. The group that gives in to marrying is never tired of jumping from one woman or man to another, and the people forget about the consequences of their actions. The system of the world places everyone in this category. A group of consensus people! A group of just-come people! Do you belong to this group that comes and goes? Examine yourself! Therefore, Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you (2 Corinthians 6:17, NIV Bible). We need to separate ourselves because it is absolutely awful in the eyes of the Almighty if everyone is doing the same thing. Don’t follow multitudes to commit sin. Question everything because what is good for Peter might not be good for Paul. If you fail to question everything, you will live in assumption.

    The group that lasts forever is sorted out to follow a unique pattern. A thinking pattern! They are separated and chosen; they are a ruling group. A people with understanding as one of the seven Spirits of God. The Spirit of understanding is thinking. If you want to understand anything, think about it. It has to do with how we see from the mind; how we hear from the mind; how we feel from the mind; and how we imagine from the mind. Be farsighted! The choice is ours to place ourselves because the opportunity is available to all. We need to see deep out of depth; we need to hear deep out of depth; we need to feel deep out of depth; and we need to imagine deep out of depth. We don’t just have to be ordinary people who sleep, wake up, and do anything without having inner and deep interactions with the mind about what we want to do. Thinking deepens insight to see, hear, feel, and imagine beyond the ordinary.

    We are living souls! We have to make ourselves thinking machines, generators that produce high-voltage ideas, skills, processes, constructive criticism, etc. Generations that just don’t accept anything; generations that ask to receive what is more than gold and silver. The stuff we can get out of the depths is more than gold and silver. If we don’t have any idea—no skill, no process, etc.—that we are busy working on, it means that we are not thinking deeply enough. Separate yourself and start thinking, start developing, be awake, be aware, and be alert because you are different and you belong to a new generation—the group that lasts forever.

    If we can think deeply enough, we can convert any complexity into simplicity (and vice versa) through personal commitment to it. Henry Ford, an American industrialist, business magnate, and founder of the Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it. If you want to be a hard-working person, think more. There is no specific way of doing something except the one we know. If we want to know more ways, we have to think and work it out. There are many better ways of doing what we know how to do, only that we have not thought deeply enough to work out the better way. No matter how hard the kernel of a palm is, it can be broken and separated. The hammer we need to break complexity into simplicity is locked in a strong room. We have to think deep enough to force the door open. We have all it takes to play the music. It’s just to start from one note, make a rhythm out of it and then, separate the tunes.

    Every music starts from one note. Just a starting sound, which in the thinking perspective could be just a word; just an internal image that one needs to paint. When you have succeeded in finding a starting point, identify different notes―different words that will fit the requirements, then bring the different notes together to form a chord―a chain or sequence of sound. Bring the words together to form an idea, a skill, a process, etc.; then repeat it to form a rhythm. Do it again and again to eliminate ambiguity, remove noise, remove confusion. Repeatedly practice your idea, your skill, your process, etc.; again and again and as you do it repeatedly, break it down again into a different rhythm. Identify all the single steps you are undertaking to carry out the task. Pay more attention to your inner man. God is always speaking to guide one in all things. Combine different steps and see your result. Repeat the sequences of actions and see the next outcome. Produce more and more appropriately for consumption.

    Chapter One Summary: Here are the key learning points to master. The points are good reasons to separate and fix where need be by thinking.

    Question everything to avoid living in assumption.

    The Spirit of understanding is thinking.

    Thinking deepens insight to see, hear, feel, and imagine beyond the ordinary.

    The stuff from the depth of insight is more than gold and silver.

    Those who are not thinking deeply enough have no idea, skill, process, etc, that they are busy working on.

    Personal commitment to thinking can convert any complexity into simplicity, and vice versa.

    There is no specific way of doing something, except the one we know.

    One needs at least only a word, as a starting point for thinking.

    Chapter Two

    Know, Practice, and Teach

    Everyone that knows the truth, practices, and teaches it is the greatest in heaven like a child but whoever that knows the truth, does not practice the truth he knows but teaches it is the least in heaven. There is a hierarchy in heaven according to the truth one practices. Knowing the truth sets you free. Having the right knowledge is total freedom. Practicing the truth positions you. Practice makes you perfect and gives you rank in the hierarchy. Teaching the truth that you know decorates you with stars of light. Knowing the truth without practising it is the greatest self-cheating. You complain when someone cheats you but when you cheat yourself, what happens?

    The generation that refuses to teach the truth is selfish. Teaching is the greatest act of love. Teaching is sharing. It is unfortunate that many bury the truth without teaching it. If there is any reason for a long life, it is simply to teach the truth to younger generations. Evils prevail in a society where men don’t teach the truth. What do you know that you don’t teach? Just as love covers multitudes of sin, so does teaching the truth covers multitudes of evil and social vices in a society.

    If you know financial truths and you don’t teach them, you may be responsible for the poverty of younger generations. If you know about marriage truth and you don’t teach it, you may be responsible for broken homes in your society. If you know the health truth and you don’t teach it, you may be responsible for the illnesses and deaths in your society. Knowing the truth without teaching it is wickedness. No one can claim that he doesn’t know anything. You set people free by teaching them the truth you know but you make yourself wicked by not teaching it.

    Everyone is designed to be a teacher. We all have mental power―the ability to think clearly and put all parts of a problem together, even though in different capacities. If we lack mental power, it is because we didn’t separate and fix ourselves by thinking. Teaching is our pride! If you cannot speak it, write it down. But writing it is the best way to reach out to so many, present and future generations. God is writing all the time and will always encourage you to write it down.

    Teaching is the greatest way of knowing, and retaining what you know either in yourself or in others. You may not know much if you don’t teach the little you know. Only those who teach can be trusted and those who refuse to teach will be exhausted.

    Teaching is one of the ways you can be more fulfilled―fruitful and multiplying what you know. Whoever teaches, shares life with people and gains

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