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My Ghost
My Ghost
My Ghost
Ebook102 pages1 hour

My Ghost

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About this ebook

In My Ghost, delve into the universal journey of understanding pain and embracing the shadows of our past. Every soul bears a ghost, an echo of moments that shape and haunt us. Yet, not all can discern their spectral companions.

Through these pages, readers are guided towards self-reflection and acknowledgment. It’s a call to recognize our deepest hurts and, instead of fleeing, confront them head-on, with hope and courage.

As we confront the spectres of yesterday, we make way for a brighter tomorrow. This tale is a gentle reminder that even amidst pain and sorrow, we have the power to rise and embrace the dawn of a new day.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
My Ghost

Derek Harewood

Due to changes in life situations, he has found his inner me, which has helped him write and have artwork shown at Koestler Arts. My Ghost was the best for him.

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    My Ghost - Derek Harewood

    About the Author

    Due to changes in life situations, he has found his inner me, which has helped him write and have artwork shown at Koestler Arts. My Ghost was the best for him.


    To my brother Curtis and my friend Chris Culley for putting up with me. To my Mum and Dad for forgiving my mistakes. To the rest of the family and most of all my children and grandchildren for enjoying my words.

    Copyright Information ©

    Derek Harewood 2024

    The right of Derek Harewood to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781528960793 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781528964425 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781528965279 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    Miss Georgina Gibson, my fiancé and PA. Mr Barry Gibson for his belief and trust. Alex Gibson whose poems helped me to see life. Mr Halon at Lewes Prison for pushing me to write. Ellie from Koestler Arts. Gemma from RIFTE for help to believe in myself. Mike and Helen Snell for designing my book cover and believing in my words.

    Short Story





    My Ghost

    Is this what life is? Thirteen years of schooling, nine-to-five jobs. Routines daily; hustling money, paying rent and taxes.

    Blazing, getting high, usually ending up in a comatose state and feeling like you’re up in the clouds… my God, what state!

    Drinking horrible-tasting lager just to experience a wavy state, not remembering what you got up to or had done during it with uppers and downers for your mixed-up drug induced mind.

    Is this what my life is? Those people who befriend you because of what you can get them on the cheap. Others relying on you because you shield them… Amazing! The life you enter, you come in naked, innocent to all. So how is it your life? Your ways are faulted by others who enter this life the same as you have done, yep, into this world! With no realisation of what, how and why? Or who they will be.

    Different levels of emotions, anger, rage and even love hit whoever has been given the grace of living life, the life which affects all that are born—birds, insects, humans, even vegetation, an experience of some life’s realities and troubles. All are different examples of nature’s creations.

    Is this life a lesson that never ends? Because in life, there is always a lesson that never explains why. WHY? We have curiosity of how we become and how or why our actions happen. The one thing in life that cannot and will not change is the emotional carnage that we, as people, entertain. It doesn’t reason with good or bad in people. It doesn’t let us understand the evilness and spitefulness that we, as people, in life have.

    Also, life gives us more than one answer, more than one solution to the many problems we endure. Life has one element that nobody can beat. Life brings death, hence we people know ultimately death means never to come back. THE ONE DEFINITE RULE IS: We always say goodbye to loved ones. Yet, we have many beliefs of the unknown. This is what gives us afterlife experiences.


    Us as elements of life have the ways of routines of life; that is what we do, who we really are, why we live.

    Scientists have their opinions and tests. Naturists have their opinions. Also, religions have participated with their own views. But nobody has the right answers to why I am here sitting away from life, stating these views and thoughts, or as to why and how life decides to place me where I am.

    But nobody has the right answer. All have different outlooks, as I have told you we go through ups and downs, ins and outs of life’s unpredictable routines and its rhythms; but in fairness, the answer may be that what is good for some people can be bad for others.

    I mean in life, as we say, one man’s waste is another man’s treasure. Here I am writing things I think I now understand. Why me? Why my life? That always ends up with me having to understand ‘why me’ and people of similar ways like mine to be there for life’s darker side to keep beating on us.

    Not making my thoughts and actions revolt against life, but I now must step out of myself. Like a ghost staring at the outer soul of myself and my shell, trying to understand why. Why should my body and soul have to get my inner self to look at my outer? Not with pleasure, not with hate but with observation.

    Observation of my outer self/soul, a ghost dealing with situations life has presented before me.

    My inner is telling my ghost to SEE WHAT YOU DON’T SEE!

    I am now getting my answer as to why I am here at this present time. I am here incarcerated by life’s rules from judges and their peers.

    Yet, even though my ghost is seeing where I am at, also the depths of my curiosity, my ghost is not accepting the outcome of my situations.

    How could I be the one life wanted to punish? Why should I be the one my life would try to break? My ghost is looking at myself, still with no judgement of myself or pity. My ghost can see and feel my acceptance of my doings, but my ghost is wanting to know how and why. It is woken from my body. Why it is seeing me actually acknowledges its presence—me, myself, is not craving for freedom but craving to understand why life has allowed me to be in confinement. Why would my ghost leave it till now? For me to have understanding, the words of my father come to mind.


    Well, I am now here with my ghost outside of the inner me, watching the deepest part of myself come to light. As I am writing, my ghost shivers my spine. It won’t speak to me, as I am not dead but my ghost is showing me I am not alone. I am to notice the inner me, which has now come to light. My ghost is showing me the inner me must be on the outer side of myself so I can realise the magic and natural possessions life has given me amongst all the heartache, pain, love’s losses etc.

    Within the emotional episodes my life has been through now, my ghost was trying to show me and open my eyes. I can cleanse my pains and my soul to believe in the magic if I believe in life. I NOW SEE THE BEST OF MY LIFE. MY QUEEN and MY FAMILY also see the worst of my life, not being able to accept my hurt.

    I now respect my ghost for showing me that I let my common sense turn to stupidity by turning to drink, drugs and the blind and false feelings by letting myself be pulled into by the wrong associates. I must let in POSITIVITY. I am now being shown by seeing the normality of life. I do and will fit perfectly. I ALSO KNOW IF YOU CAN SEE THTROUGH MY EYES that you will see your own strengths.

    I now know that I have no need for anxiety or depressive thoughts where you battle yourself. My ghost has taught me to know myself, a lesson well learnt. I tell you that for nothing amazing that being actually on the outside, looking in, being able to look at oneself to be your own judge and jury, that can be a dangerous

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