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Steps To Prosperity : 12 Laws Of Increasing Your Net Worth
Steps To Prosperity : 12 Laws Of Increasing Your Net Worth
Steps To Prosperity : 12 Laws Of Increasing Your Net Worth
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Steps To Prosperity : 12 Laws Of Increasing Your Net Worth

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Unlock the vault to financial success with "Steps to Prosperity: 12 Laws of Increasing Your Net Worth." This isn't just a book; it's a treasure map leading you to the wealth you've always envisioned.

Within these pages lies a wealth of knowledge distilled into 12 transformative laws. Each law is a golden key to understanding the principles that govern financial growth and prosperity. From the power of compound interest to the art of strategic investment, this book demystifies the path to increasing your net worth.

Picture yourself free from financial worries, where your assets work for you, and your wealth multiplies effortlessly. "Steps to Prosperity" provides you with the tools and insights to turn this vision into reality. It's more than just financial advice—it's a new way of thinking about and interacting with money.

Start your journey to financial enlightenment. Claim your copy of "Steps to Prosperity: 12 Laws of Increasing Your Net Worth" now, and start building the prosperous future you deserve!

Release dateMay 28, 2024
Steps To Prosperity : 12 Laws Of Increasing Your Net Worth


T. T. Jato is the Senior Pastor of Great Grace Assemblies of God, a Glorious Church in the city of Wa. Pastor Jato is a revivalist with uncompromising message on righteousness, holiness, discipline, Holy Ghost and order in the body of Christ. His meetings are characterized by a heavily saturated presence of the Almighty God, who saves, heals delivers and restores human destinies and dignities. His driving passion is to see souls saved into the kingdom of God and to see the earth filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters covers the sea. His messages are aired on radio networks in the upper west region eight times per week. He also ministers in prayer conference across the northern Ghana with a heavy Apostolic, prophetic and teaching mantle.

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    Steps To Prosperity - T.T. JATO


    Zechariah 1:17 KJV

    [17] Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.

    Prosperity is God’s will for you. God wants you to prosper in life. But nothing happens by chance. The world is run by principles. No matter where you are on earth, when you throw an object up it must come down after some minutes by the law of gravity. So for you to have prosperity, you must engage principles that brings prosperity. In this book are 12  laws that will open you up to financial fortunes.

    Job 8:7 KJV

    [7] Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

    God does not hate small beginnings nor despise the day of small beginnings. God expects you to start small but doesn't want you to die small. To begin small is God's way but to die small is not God’s will for you. The expectations of God for mankind is increase. The will of God for mankind is growth. From the above scripture, it is clear that God expects an increase from every child of God. It is not the will of God for you to remain at one place for life. He expects us to increase greatly everything He (God) gives us. But for every possibility comes with a responsibility. Nothing works without work. Nothing rises without effort. For every greatness, there is a way. The way of greatness is hard work. Take a look at the same chapter 8 of Job verses eight.

    Job 8:8 KJV

    [8] For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers:

    The ways of the father, helps you further.  To ignore the ways of the Heavenly Father is to embrace littleness. There's a way to increase everything God gives for a start. In every seed lies the potent for fruitfulness and increase. He said prepare thyself to the search of thy father. That means God expects us to search our way out of littleness and smallness. And that is why this book is being written. No man has excuse to refuse to increase whatever is given to him as a seed for a start. And take note, everyone will always be given the seed to start small. But to end small is not God's will.

    He said: Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:7. 

    That means it is mandatory to increase. You should start as a small business man, but should multiply and increase greatly at your latter end. 

    Zechariah 4:10 KJV

    For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord , which run to and fro through the whole earth.

    Welcome to the adventures of increasing your God given seed. Come along as I take you through these maxims of increase. May you experience increase in every area of your life in Jesus Name.


    Start From Where You Are With What You Have

    I f you do it the way they have been doing it, you will also end up the way they ended up, and get the results they got

    I was privileged to be part of a wealth creation seminar of which there was a Question and Answer exercise that helped me to know that nobody is poor or hopeless in life. If you will think well, you will discover you have something in you that you can use to achieve your dream. We all have gifts, talents, potentials ,energy,  etc. The following were the questions and answers exercise:

    "Question: How many of you have 2 kidney?

    Response: All hands went up

    Question: How many kidneys do you need to stay alive and function?

    Response: Some kept quiet. Some says two, and majority says one which is the truth.

    Question: How much is a kidney in the market today?

    Response: people laugh, scream, giggle and chorus different answers because they are beginning to get the message 

    Question: If all you need is one kidney and you have two, and one kidney goes for X amount, why then do you say you are poor when you can exchange one kidney for Money

    Response: the hall erupted with laughter, arguments, refutals with statements like I reject it God forbid etc but they now get it.

    I neither subscribe to people selling organs or body part for money, not am I encouraging anyone to sell his /her kidney. This is a wakeup call strategy to help you realize that your value in life is not determined by your bank balance or balance sheet, and that you have innate potentials, talents, gifts etc that you can use to change your world"

    Where you are and what you have is good enough as a starting point in life.

    From where you are life can turn to any direction depending on what you see.

    Nobody is totally empty in life. Everybody has something that can take them to the next level

    Don't waste your life lamenting on what you lack, but take the time to locate what you have. You are not totally empty as the devil wants you to believe.

    Where you are with what you have now is a potential means to your next level. therefore Arise and shine.

    Where you fall is traceable to where you stood

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