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Wispering Void
Wispering Void
Wispering Void
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Wispering Void

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The Whispering Void:

In the quiet aftermath of cosmic turmoil, the rift that once threatened to consume our existence had been sealed—for now. The very fabric of reality quivered, its threads stitched together by the collective will of humanity.

Yet, hope lingered like a fragile ember in the vast darkness.

The void, once a gaping maw of despair, now whispered secrets of redemption. Its echoes carried the weight of countless choices—the decisions made by ordinary souls who walked this fragile planet.

Could we, the stewards of Earth, rise above our discord and strife? Could we mend the fractures that threatened to shatter our unity?

The answer lay not in grand gestures or celestial interventions, but in the mundane acts of kindness—the outstretched hand, the shared laughter, the recycled plastic bottle, the solar panel catching the sun's embrace.

Hope was not a distant star; it was the warmth of a grandmother's hug, the resilience of a child's laughter, the unwavering faith of generations past.

So, yes, there was hope.

As long as hearts beat and hands reached out, as long as stories were told and love was shared, humanity would persist.

The void watched, its whispers now softer, urging us toward a better tomorrow.

And in that fragile whisper, we found our strength.

PublisherAnne Griffin
Release dateMay 28, 2024
Wispering Void

Anne Griffin

Anne Griffin is a warrior in the truest sense. At 57, she's not just an author of three insightful books, a loving mother, and a doting grandmother; she's a survivor who has turned the pages of her life into a roadmap for others seeking light in the darkness of abuse. Her writing is a testament to the power of hope and the unyielding human spirit. With a touch of humor as unexpected as finding a blooming rose in a battlefield, Anne Griffin  guides readers through the shadows with a gentle hand and a steady heart. In her latest work, she tackles the harrowing journey of escaping abuse with the same tenacity she's shown throughout her life. Her words are a beacon for those navigating the treacherous waters of fear and uncertainty, offering solace and a promise that one can emerge on the other side, not just to survive but to thrive. Anne Griffin's narrative is a blend of raw honesty and compassionate storytelling. She doesn't shy away from the dark corners of human experience, but she also knows that within every person lies an indomitable force ready to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. As you turn the pages of her book, you'll find more than just a story; you'll discover a companion for the journey, a laugh in the silence, and a reminder that faith—especially in oneself—is never misplaced.

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    Book preview

    Wispering Void - Anne Griffin

    To my beloved family

    Your steadfast presence has been the compass guiding me through life’s odysseys. My love for you is eternal, a perpetual flame that burns forever. You are the heartbeat of my world. This book is a tribute to our infinite connection.

    In the silent depths of the unknown, we find the echoes of our bravest selves. It is there, in the whispering void, where courage is born and legends are forged.



    As dusk yields to the night, a velvety darkness unfurls across the sky, swallowing the last signs of daylight. The stars, those distant celestial sentinels, shines brightly in the open sky, their twinkle reflecting on the smooth ocean surface, In their stead, the moon emerges—a solitary luminary whose silver glow bathes the world below in ethereal light.

    The sea, a vast expanse of untamed waters, responds to the moon’s silent vigil. Its surface, a mirror to the heavens, shimmers with a spectral dance of light and shadow. Gentle waves lap at the shore, a rhythmic whisper that speaks of the ocean’s timeless journey. The breeze, a tender and unseen artist, sketches patterns upon the water, each ripple a stroke of tranquil beauty.

    In this hallowed moment, the world is at peace. The restless sea, often wild and unpredictable, now cradles the moon’s reflection with a lover’s touch. It is a scene of serene majesty, a nightly performance that unfolds with quiet grace—a lullaby of light and water that lulls the world into a state of calm repose.

    The waves might look gentle, but deep down, there’s a battle for survival. Life in the ocean is tough.

    The darkness of the night is more than just the absence of light; it’s a heavy curtain that hides the unknown. The moon, a cold, distant watcher, casts a ghostly light over the ocean, making the waves glow. It’s a false sense of peace because below the surface, the water is alive with danger.

    In the depths, the sea creatures are in a panic. The small fish, their bodies glinting like tiny silver coins, dart around, trying to escape the larger shadows that chase them. They’re desperate, knowing that any wrong move could be their last.



    The bigger fish, once the rulers of this underwater world, now swim with fear. They can sense that something isn’t right—a new threat that’s more terrifying than anything they’ve known before.

    This new danger is a mystery, a shadow that moves with a chilling purpose. It’s a destroyer, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake. Its hunger is like a bottomless pit, a dark force that drives it to madness. The ocean, which used to be full of life, now feels like a trap, closing in on all the creatures with the promise of a nightmare too big to understand.

    The predator, a ghostly figure hidden in the night, moves with a deadly beauty. It’s barely seen, but its presence is felt—a nightmare waiting in the darkness. Its eyes shine with a crazy hunger, the only sign of the insanity that hunger has brought it.

    It’s out there, in the dark water, waiting for the right moment to strike. And when it does, the attack will be fierce and terrible. The ocean won’t just whisper then—it will scream out loud, a sound of fear that will travel through the deep water, telling of the unspeakable horror that rules the night.


    Chapter 1

    The shrill cry of the alarm slices through the silence, yanking John from the depths of slumber. He blinks open his eyes, a lazy yawn escaping him as he stretches languidly across the bed. The dream world fades, replaced by the stark reality of dawn's early light.

    It's time for work, he mutters to himself, the words barely a whisper. A hand drifts across his day-old stubble, the rough texture a stark reminder of the day ahead. I must get a wife, he thinks, the thought lingering like the aroma of the coffee he craves.

    Rising from the bed, he shuffles to the bathroom, his movements a well-worn dance of routine. Each step is heavy with the weight of solitude, a longing for someone to share the mundane moments of life. At 52, John's life as a cop is etched into the lines of his face, and now, as the town's sheriff, he seeks a quieter existence. The relentless pace of the big city is behind him, leaving a desire for simplicity as pronounced as the silver threads invading his hair.

    This valley, cradled by the gentle arms of nature, is where he took his first breath. The only son of John and Mary, he inherited more than just the family name—he inherited a legacy, a home, a life etched into the very soil of this place. And it is here, in the house that has stood the test of time, that John begins each day, pondering a future that holds more than just the echo of his footsteps. the sailors with its tentacles. grabbing them and then sucking it close to its body where they dissolve.

    In the eyes of the townspeople, John stands as a paragon of integrity, a man whose promises are as steadfast as the ancient oaks that line the valley. His strength is legendary, not merely in the breadth of his shoulders or the calloused grip of his hands—hands that seem to have been carved from the same rugged timber as the fishing boats that weather the storms at sea—but in the unwavering resolve of his character.

    To the people he serves, John is the bedrock of the community, the one they seek in times of distress. His presence alone, like a lighthouse in a tempest, offers guidance and assurance. He harbors a deep affection for his town and its inhabitants, a love as vast as the valley itself.



    Yet, despite the reverence he commands, John views himself through a humbler lens. In his own mind, he is simply another face in the crowd, a man of simple

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