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Satanic Playground
Satanic Playground
Satanic Playground
Ebook65 pages56 minutes

Satanic Playground

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About this ebook

Zack goes hunting on the dark Web and comes across an article about a yoga retreat weekend. Zack convinces his best mate Paul to go too. The horny fuckers have this idea that it's going to be a loving hippy happy group that have lots of orgys, because along the print advertised it says open minded and only looking for young lads. They soon discover the disturbing reality that awaits them. I warn you it's fucked up and it's not for the weak minded that is my trigger warning it's not what you expect enjoy !


Release dateMay 27, 2024
Satanic Playground


I live in the North West, I write poetry, I love Horror, Sci, Fi, Extreme Horror, Splatterpunk. I grew up in the 80s, I love Steven Jackson and Ian Livingstone, Warhammer. 

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    Book preview

    Satanic Playground - Jokerface


    Life was good for Paul, he'd only just moved into his new flat having got the keys to the new place a few weeks back.

    Before that he was living at home, but it just wasn’t the same for him, or for most teenagers. Sure he could open cupboards and food magically appears there without any

    effort of buying any or going shopping. Sure, you can have your own space, but it just isn’t

    the same.

    His small bedroom would often get invaded by his uninvited mum, holding a wine bottle, one boob falling out, watching his every move in that smelly pink dressing  gown.

    She was constantly telling him how fucking ugly he was and what a waste of sperm he was.

    He couldn’t fuck his girlfriend without being disturbed or drink lager on his own. No,he had to be in the character that his parents would like him to be in, even though they weren’t

    the best role models themselves. At his parents you couldn’t just one day blast your music which he really wanted to do. No, not in that house, chores had to be done from mopping to doing the dishes, hoovering to gardening, for FUCK sake, gardening?

    Chapter One.

    It was a small town and everybody knew everyone else. Criminal activity still existed,

    especially when the town had seasonal tourists. But infractions tend to be less serious than the ones seen in a bigger city. For the most part, locals involved in criminal activity are known to the police, and a smaller population allows those in charge to better control any troublemakers.

    Zack worked in a video store not far from his mums place, and he would just rent out any horror film or porno, whenever he wanted. So, Paul would visit him at his mum’s from time to time to catch up and grab a few videos he hadn’t seen, like the latest horror or snuff. After all his mum's had free electric, free food and stunk a whole lot less than Zacks. 

    Whenever Zack had someone covering for him, they would watch them in his bedroom with a few cold beers and a pack of smokes.

    Zack moved out two years ago and now rents a flat out not far from his best mate Paul. Zack hated it whenever Paul came over and talked about his mum. She always looked like she was gagging for it, though, brushing against him fluttering her spider-leg eyelashes

    and pouting like a trout. Paul wouldn’t mention this to Zack, only about how nice she was and sweet. She always seemed to smarten up well, look tartier whenever Paul came over. The last time he came over, she wore, sunrise blonde waves of hair over a black low-cut top, and a zip-up pencil skirt flaunting a bumble bee waist. She had dreamy puffy lips with flirting galaxy blue eyes that would drift sometimes checking him out.

    She would give him a cheeky wink sometimes in front of Zack.

    But it looked like Zack was oblivious to it, or he might have just gotten used to it and

    accepted his mum for just being a flirt.

    Paul tried his best to restrain himself, he didn’t want to catch anything either. She would sink her wide pear shaped bum next to him taking up his space. Asking him with a warm alcoholic breath if he had a HARD day, and if could he TRIM her BUSH sometime, it would mean the world to her, as she likes it nice and neat.

    The sky was gloomy grey, the carrion black pillow clouds were drifting, and the

    luminescent ghostly moon was spotlighting Paul’s approach to the video store. It was lit up like a beacon in the night. The banshee winds were caressing his cheeks and styling his hair while

    the street lamps were punching the shadows away. The shop was lit up, like a lighthouse, alone surrounded by the dark sea.

    Paul approached the counter walking past aisles of films and video games.

    How’s it going? are there any sick horror slashers out yet? he asked stifling a yawn.

    You can borrow busty Milf Suckers if you want, or Mission and Cock and Balls ha-ha,

    Zack said. His feet were on the counter and his cap was on back to front.

    "Two hot chicks were in before, they looked like sisters, I asked for their eleven digits for

    me and you but i think they were cunting lesbians.

    Maybe they saw your ugly face. Paul answered.

    Fuck you! Ha

    "Hey you coming out for a smoke, it’s been dead tonight. I’ve just been sitting on my ass watching films,I’ll just close

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