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The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke: The Billionaire Branson Brothers
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The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke: The Billionaire Branson Brothers

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Tattooed and troubled are not the top qualities I am looking for in a man, but that is exactly what I found…

Luke Whitmore, youngest of the billionaire Branson Brothers, is a troublemaker—just ask anyone in this small town.

When an injured horse forces us together, we butt heads right away. But soon, his unexpected sweet side reels me in.

The way he cares for the horse; I can't help imagining him caring for me and my baby the same way.

But Luke has a seedy past and his friends from that life won't let him forget it.

Can I have that kind of man around me and my baby?

Can he leave his past behind?

The way I feel when we are together is undeniable, but I have to do what's right for my baby.

If Luke wants me to believe he's ready for a family, he's going to have to prove it.


Author's Note: The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke is a standalone book in The Billionaire Branson Brothers Collection. The Collection features the Whitemore brothers of Branson, Missouri as they try to change their ways and find true love. The books can be read in any order and have reoccuring, relatable characters, slow burn, and HEAs.

Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Billionaire Branson Brothers: Luke: The Billionaire Branson Brothers

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire Branson Brothers - Lexi Masters



    The sunlight slices through a crack in the curtains, jabbing at my eyes with an intensity that feels like a personal attack. I groan, trying to shield myself from the intrusion, but the effort seems monumental. Every inch of my body feels weighed down, as if I’ve been filled with lead. There’s a throbbing in my temples, the all too familiar aftermath of a night spent chasing after fleeting moments of happiness at the bottom of a bottle.

    As I try to push myself up, the room sways, forcing me to grip the edges of the bed. The sheets are tangled around my legs, evidence of a restless night. The pillow next to mine has an imprint, suggesting someone was there, but they’re gone now. Was it Sadie? Or Jay? The memories are a blur, a swirling vortex of laughter, teasing, and shots being raised in toasts to bad decisions.

    I take a moment to study the room. Clothes are strewn everywhere—my jeans, a shirt, a jacket I don’t recognize. There are empty glasses on the nightstand, their rims stained with the remnants of last night’s mistakes. The air is stale, thick with the scent of alcohol and something muskier, something more intimate. It makes my stomach churn.

    Rubbing my temples, I try to pull together fragmented memories. I can hear Sadie’s voice, a seductive whisper in my ear, urging me to take another shot. And I see Jay, always the instigator, pushing a drink into my hand with a mischievous grin. The both of them, relics from a past I’ve been trying to escape, yet somehow always find myself drawn back to.

    There’s a flash of a crowded bar, the music pulsating, lights flashing, bodies moving in rhythm. Sadie’s golden hair catching the light as she dances, her eyes locked onto mine, full of promises and temptations. Jay, leaning against the bar, watching us with an unreadable expression. There was something he said, a challenge, a dare, but the exact words escape me.

    A sigh escapes my lips as the weight of regret settles on my shoulders. Why did I let them pull me back in? Every time I think I’ve moved on, they reappear, luring me back into their world of chaos and temptation. It’s a cycle I’ve been trapped in for years, and every morning after, like this one, I’m left picking up the pieces.

    The room feels suffocating. I need air. Pushing the sheets off, I force myself to stand. The cool floor beneath my feet offers a brief moment of clarity. There’s a mirror across the room, and I’m almost afraid to look, but I can’t resist. The face staring back at me is a shadow of the man I want to be—bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair, and a grimace of pain and regret.

    Sadie and Jay. Their names echo in my mind, intertwined with my own. They’ve been constants in my life, but not always in a good way. There’s a history there, a shared past full of highs and lows, love and hate, friendship and betrayal. The more I think about it, the more I realize how toxic our relationship has been. But like a moth to a flame, I keep getting drawn back.

    I remember a conversation with Jay, huddled in a dark corner of the bar. He was talking about some scheme, some plan that would set him up for life. I recall laughing it off, but there was a look in his eyes, a seriousness that I couldn’t ignore. And Sadie, always the peacekeeper, trying to bridge the gap between Jay’s wild plans and my skepticism.

    The shrill ringing of the phone slices through my reverie, pulling me from the depths of my memories. I stare at the intrusive device, my hand hovering over it. Every fiber of my being screams to ignore it, to drown out the world for just a little longer. But it’s relentless, demanding attention.

    Reluctantly, I pick it up, my voice gruff with sleep and irritation. Hello?

    Well, good morning, sunshine! The cheery voice on the other end is unmistakably Anita’s. I can practically see her smirking, probably amused by my obvious hangover.

    Anita, I grumble, massaging my temples. What do you want?

    Oh, don’t sound so thrilled to hear from me, she teases. I just need a tiny favor.

    I sigh, leaning against the wall. What is it?

    I need you to take Chester to the vet for me, she says, her tone turning serious. It’s important.

    I hesitate, memories of last night still fresh. The last thing I want is to be out and about, but it’s Anita. She’s always been there for me, a comforting presence amidst the chaos of my life. All right, I concede, I’ll do it.

    A delighted chuckle comes from the other end. I knew I could count on you. And don’t be so grumpy about it, she adds playfully. I’ve heard the new vet tech is quite a beauty. Might be just what you need to shake off that hangover.

    I roll my eyes, though a smirk tugs at my lips. Always playing matchmaker, aren’t you?

    It’s a talent, she replies with faux modesty. Just be on your best behavior, okay? We don’t need any more scandals.

    Her words sting, a painful reminder of the reputation I’ve built for myself. I’ll behave, I promise, though a part of me wonders if I’m even capable of that anymore.

    The line goes silent for a moment, and when Anita speaks again, her tone is softer, more sincere. Luke, I just want what’s best for you. You deserve happiness.

    My throat tightens, her words hitting me harder than I’d like to admit. Thanks, Anita, I whisper, the weight of my choices pressing down on me.

    Just promise me you’ll try to stay out of trouble, okay?

    I promise, I reply, though I can’t help but wonder if it’s a promise I can keep.

    We say our goodbyes, and I hang up the phone, a mix of gratitude and guilt swirling within me. The conversation with Anita serves as a stark reminder of the two worlds I straddle: the wild, reckless nights with Sadie and Jay and the quiet, comforting moments with people like Anita who genuinely care about my well-being.

    The drive to Anita’s house is a short one, but it feels like an eternity. Every bump in the road sends a nail through my head, exacerbating the hangover’s effects. I try to focus on the road ahead, but my mind keeps drifting back to the conversation with Anita, her words playing on a loop in my mind.

    As I pull into her driveway, the early morning sun casts a soft glow over her property. Birds chirp in the distance, and the scent of freshly mown grass fills the air. It’s a stark contrast to the chaos of my own thoughts, and I find myself taking a deep breath, trying to soak in the tranquility.

    Before I can even step out of the car, the front door of Anita’s house swings open, and she steps out. Her expression is a mix of concern and mild irritation. Took you long enough, she comments, but there’s a twinkle in her eye that belies her stern tone.

    I offer a sheepish grin. Sorry, had a rough night.

    She raises an eyebrow, her gaze sweeping over me, taking in my disheveled appearance. I can see that, she remarks dryly.

    I cross my arms over my chest. Look, I said I’d help, and I’m here. Let’s just get this over with.

    Anita sighs, her shoulders slumping slightly. Luke, I’m not trying to attack you. I’m just worried. You’ve been spiraling for a while now.

    I look away, uncomfortable under her scrutiny. I’m fine, I mutter, though we both know it’s far from the truth.

    She steps closer, placing a gentle hand on my arm. You don’t have to pretend with me, she says softly. I’ve seen you at your best and your worst. And right now, you’re far from your best.

    Swallowing hard, I meet her gaze. It’s just…complicated, I admit.

    Anita nods, her expression understanding. Life usually is, she replies. But that doesn’t mean you have to face it alone.

    A lump forms in my throat, and I struggle to find the words to respond. Before I can, a neighing sound interrupts us, drawing our attention to the stable nearby. Anita’s horse, Chester, a majestic black stallion, pokes his head out, his eyes fixed on us with a curious gaze.

    Anita chuckles. Seems like someone’s eager to get going.

    I smirk, grateful for the distraction. Well, let’s not keep him waiting.

    As we approach the stable, Anita’s demeanor shifts, her concern replaced by a gentle authority. She speaks softly to the horse, her touch gentle as she leads him out. I can’t help but watch in awe, struck by the bond between them.

    She glances at me, a teasing smile on her lips. You could learn a thing or two from him, you know.

    I raise an eyebrow, playing along. Oh? And what’s that?

    Anita shrugs, her gaze softening. Patience. Trust. Loyalty. All things you seem to have forgotten lately.

    Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I look away, the weight of my choices pressing down on me once more. I’m trying, I whisper.

    Anita places a hand on my cheek, turning my face back to hers. I know, she says softly. And I’m here for you. Always.

    Tears prick my eyes, and I pull her into a tight hug, grateful for her unwavering support. As we pull apart, she gives me a stern look. But that doesn’t mean I won’t give you a piece of my mind when you need it.

    I chuckle, wiping away a stray tear. Wouldn’t expect any less.

    The task of trailering the horse seems daunting in my current state. Every little noise feels amplified, every movement a jarring reminder of the night before. Still, I steel myself, determined to see this through.

    Approaching Chester, I’m struck by his majestic beauty. His sleek black coat gleams in the morning sun, muscles rippling beneath the surface with each step. There’s a wildness in his eyes, a hint of the untamed spirit that lies within. Yet, as I draw closer, the horse seems to sense my intent and calms, allowing me to approach.

    I gently run my hand along Chester’s neck, feeling the warm, steady pulse beneath my fingers. The sensation is grounding, a tether to the present moment amidst the storm of my thoughts. The horse snorts softly, his breath warm against my face as he leans into my touch.

    As I begin the process of securing Chester into the trailer, my mind drifts to the upcoming visit to the clinic. The mention of the new vet tech, the supposed beauty that has the town buzzing, lingers in the back of my mind. I can’t help but wonder who she is, what she’s like. Perhaps she could be a welcome distraction from the turmoil of my own life.

    Chester seems to sense my inattention and stamps his foot impatiently. I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. The straps need to be tightened just so, ensuring the horse’s safety during the journey. Each movement is deliberate, a dance of sorts between man and beast.

    I’m struck by the trust the horse places in me, allowing me to guide him, to secure him. It’s a stark contrast to the trust I’ve broken in my own life, the promises I’ve failed to keep. The weight of Anita’s words presses down on me once more, a painful reminder of the choices I’ve made.

    As I finish securing Chester, I take a moment to meet his gaze. There’s a depth there, a wisdom that seems to see straight through me. I’m reminded of the bond that exists between humans and animals, the unspoken understanding that transcends words.

    The journey to the clinic is a quiet one. The rhythmic sound of Chester’s hooves against the trailer floor is oddly soothing, a balm for my frayed nerves. My thoughts drift once more to the new vet tech. What will she think of me? I wonder. Will she see the mistakes written on my face, the guilt that lingers in my eyes?

    The hangover still grips me, a dull throbbing that refuses to be ignored. I can’t help but wonder if this is my body’s way of punishing me, of forcing me to confront the choices I’ve made.

    As I pull into the parking lot, my heart races in anticipation; the moment of truth is upon me. Stepping out of the truck, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what’s to come. Chester seems to sense my anxiety, nuzzling my hand in a gesture of comfort. I offer a grateful smile, drawing strength from the bond we’ve formed.



    Starting a new job is always a mixture of excitement and nerves. But for me, the stakes are higher. I need this job not just for myself but for the little life growing inside me. The local veterinary clinic in Branson is my fresh start, my chance to stand on my own two feet after everything that’s happened.

    The clinic is a hive of activity when I walk in on my first day. Dogs barking, cats hissing, and the distant whinny of a horse create a cacophony of sounds that’s both overwhelming and oddly comforting. It’s clear that this place is well-loved and well-used by the community.

    Allegra? You must be the new assistant. A friendly voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to see a middle-aged man with kind eyes and graying hair. I’m Dr. Harold Jennings, but everyone just calls me Doc.

    Nice to meet you, Doc, I reply, extending a hand. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.

    He shakes my hand firmly. From what I’ve heard, you come highly recommended. We’re glad to have you on board.

    As the days go by, I start to find my rhythm. The job is demanding, both physically and mentally. From assisting with surgeries to managing appointments and calming anxious pet owners, every day brings new challenges. But with each challenge, I grow more confident in my abilities.

    One morning, as I’m helping to sedate a particularly feisty cat, Dr. Jennings walks in. Need a hand? he asks with a chuckle.

    I sigh in relief. Always.

    Together, we manage to get the cat ready for its procedure. As we work, we chat about everything from our favorite breeds of dogs to the quirkiest pet names we’ve ever heard. It’s clear that Dr. Jennings is not just a great vet but a genuinely good person. It’s no wonder the community loves him.

    Our conversations often drift to more personal topics. One day, as we’re grabbing a quick lunch together, he asks about my pregnancy. You’re handling everything so well, he says with admiration.

    I smile wryly. Doesn’t feel like it most days. But I’m determined to give my child the best life possible.

    He nods in understanding. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.

    As the weeks go by, I find myself looking forward to our little chats. Dr. Jennings becomes a mentor, a friend, and a much-needed source of support. He shares stories of his

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