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Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions
Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions
Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions
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Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions

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This book respectfully submits the incident at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, which took the incredible and most valuable lives of 14 students of my daughter's colleagues and 3 Teachers. This book reveals the heartbreaking real-life histories of innocent school children, teachers and others being massacred for a period in the United States of America along with the inhuman massacre of masses of humanity by heartless dictatorships and violence, and in the name of religion in the world. In this book, discussed on the origin of violence, murder and massacre from the history of humankind, and how they are passed on to us from the demonic power and influence of Lucifer, one time archangel of God became a rebellious, vicious murderous one turned to become the Satan or the evil one. The book so discusses on how humans Adam and Eve fell for Lucifer's enticing powers and obeyed him, all the natures of Satan inflicted or transferred into the humankind. Then it also gives the God given solutions to the problem of the world we acquired through Lucifer's influence, from Biblical perspective.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions

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    Book preview

    Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions - Dr. Chacko Varghese

    Table of Contents





    Chapter 1

    A History of School Shootings in America

    Chapter 2

    Church Shootings and Details from News Media

    Chapter 3

    The Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting

    Chapter 4

    The Process of Finding Protection

    Chapter 5

    The Evil of Anger and Hatred

    Chapter 6

    Why Is History Important?

    Chapter 7

    The Origin of Sin

    Chapter 8

    The First Murder

    Chapter 9

    The Great Flood

    Chapter 10

    Man's Rebellion against God

    Chapter 11

    The Origin of Wickedness

    Chapter 12

    Lucifer Under God's Authority

    Chapter 13

    Man's Fallen Nature

    Chapter 14

    The Total Depravity of Humanity and the Way of Deliverance

    Chapter 15

    A God-Ordained Method of Salvation

    Chapter 16

    The Human Efforts

    Chapter 17

    How God Punished Sin

    Chapter 18

    The Disappearance of Fear and Reverence for God

    Chapter 19

    Is There a Solution for Today's Violence?

    Chapter 20

    How to Follow and Obey God and Who Is the Right God?

    Chapter 21

    Present-Day Violence in the World

    Chapter 22

    Can God Save Murderers?

    Chapter 23

    Solutions to the Problem


    About the Author



    Violence! Murder! Massacre! The Origin, Historical Rise to Present Day and Applicable Solutions

    Dr. Chacko Varghese

    ISBN 979-8-89112-561-2 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89112-562-9 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2024 Dr. Chacko Varghese

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible, King James Version, American Standard Bible, New International Bible, and Berean Study Bible where indicated.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    To our daughter Jensine Varghese and her friends and teachers

    at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, 2018

    And in memory of the ones who died as victims of massacre, named below:

    Alex Schachter, fourteen years old

    Jaime Guttenberg, fourteen years old

    Meadow Pollack

    Aliana Petty, fourteen years old

    Luke Hoyer

    Martin Deque

    Gina Montalto

    Peter Wang

    Nick Dowret

    Alyssa Alhadeff

    Joaqin Oliver

    Cara Loughran

    Helena Ramsay

    Carmen Schentrup

    Aaron Feis, assistant coach

    Chris Hixon, athletics director

    Scott Beigel, geography teacher

    And all the students who died before and after the MSD shooting¹

    Foreword for the Book of Dr. Chacko

    Dr. Chacko Varghese is an Ordained Christian Minister, Clinical Christian Counselor both bachelor and postgraduate in Doctor of Pharmacy. His previous published books are When You Meet God and Does God Answer Your Prayers. I have gone through the 23 chapters of this book concluding with some practical solutions that we can do to stop these types of crimes. It's not done by the one man's job, but a joint venture. Dr. Chacko is an intimate Christian friend and prayer partner of me since 2018 who is passionate in Teaching the Word of God, Radio Ministry, Evangelizing and supporting the Missions overseas out of his earning and savings.

    This book is written in memory of the students who died before and after MSD shooting as victims of massacre, at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018. The author's daughter Jensine Varghese, her classmates and teachers were the eyewitness of this brutal tragedy which is narrated in detail in chapter 3. As a journalist, I appreciate the author for choosing a suitable title for this book. Violence! Murder! Massacre!. The introduction and the order of the episode such as the ‘origin of violence along with the historical rise of the present day' is well done. The topic is clearly explained in the subsequent pages by proving from proper biblical perspective and conclude with some applicable findings and solutions. The sincere purpose of this book is to redirect everyone to God, but not to push any religion.

    The 10 commandments should be summarized in two. 1 to 4 is a relation with God and man. 5 to 10 is the relationship between our neighbor and society because man Is a social being. A horizontal and vertical relationship, right with God and right with man. Acts 24:16. We never blame the law enforcement failures and security of the school authorities. We buy toy cars for our kids and when they're grown up, they buy real cars. If we buy and give toy guns to our kids, do they buy real guns when they grow? No matter what humanly we can do, God's ultimate protection and provision for humanity can only make this possible if we are ready to surrender to the supreme ruler and creator and believe in him.

    As per recent statistics of the Centers for Disease Control more than 45,000 people in the U.S. were killed by guns in 2020. That year, firearms became the leading cause of death for American children. On average, gun violence kills nine children every day.

    May the God Almighty smile upon this great endeavor and extend your horizon of publications in the days to come.

    Rev. George Varghese M.A., M.Th.


    Dr. Chacko Varghese challenges the reader to open the curtain on evil, to study its origin, to explore its destructive reach, and to expose the deep darkness of shootings in America. As father of a surviving child of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School shooting Dr. Varghese's family experienced first-hand the tragic loss of close friends and the painful ongoing struggle to recover from it. This book provides a shocking overview of the trail of tears following several years of increasing violence in America. It then seeks to analyze some of the questions raised and present some thought provoking solutions. In an age of rage is there healing for the hurting? Is there cause of hope for the survivors? This book will take you on a journey beyond the questions raised and provide guidance through some of the tough decisions that face us today.

    Jonathan D. McClain, BA Biblical Studies, Founding Pastor Abundant Life Ministries, President Treasure Coast Christian Alliance, General Manager WCNO, 89.9 Christian Radio


    Violence, murder, and massacre! Not what humanity looked forward to when they were first created on the planet Earth. The first humans, Adam and Eve, did not even have a vivid imagination of such things. When the Creator made them, they were emotionally, physically, and mentally fulfilled with joy, comfort, and security. There was nothing to fear about. They spent beautiful mornings, days, and nights. They had a constant relationship with their Creator and Father, God, and other animals and living things. They shared love, affection, and fellowship with their Father. There was no fear and no worry. Until the day they were tempted by Satan, Lucifer, their life was beautiful. They listened to the evil one, and disbelieved their Father, God. That very moment they disobeyed God, the authority which God had given to them had been surrendered to Satan. They became fearful, upset, and lost their joy, peace, and happiness. They also received all the ill natures of Satan, such as disobedience, jealousy, hatred, anger, and unfulfillment in everything they did and desired.

    This book discusses the results of sin and how wickedness entered our planet Earth, its repercussions or sufferings due to the evil, and some solutions to the problem. It talks about how the devil had cheated our first parents from the biblical perspective, the only book available on the history of creation and mankind. The sin natures were opened to humanity from the evil one, Satan. Satan continued his wicked schemes of cheating nations and peoples. The book discusses the origin of Satan and how he became prideful, jealous, and rebellious to God and how it was passed on to humanity. It talks about the first murder in the land where man was first created. It discusses how man operated after the fall by sin, how they acquired all the natures of a devil. Man became selfish, evil, ungodly, jealous, hateful, angry, and murderous. It talks about how men's evil and wicked acts grieved God and how God destroyed every living creature on the earth by flood: The Lord saw how great the wickedness of humans had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled (Genesis 6:5–6 NIV).

    The wickedness from Lucifer passed on to humanity continued for generations, and it still goes on. The book discusses how wickedness caused the rise and fall of human empires and human ideologies, such as imperialism, humanism, secularism, and many others. At the present time, the violence which existed even after the flood of Noah in competing, defeating, killing, and overcoming one tribe or people by others continued. Violence has increased in homes, communities, and, presently, in our schools for about the last eighteen years. School shooting until this year continued since the time Columbine took place. This book reviews all the school shootings and some of the church shootings from that time. There could have been other isolated shootings or violence in the history of our country previously. But it increasingly became of serious concern to us, the parents, school authorities, and the government.

    This book continues speaking on the reasons and causes of these incidents and some preventive measures that we all can take part in. More than anything, it discusses the need of parents to get involved in early childhood teaching and mentoring their own children, and also disciplining life by educating, training, and praying to God. Here also comes the usefulness of community churches, synagogues, or any religious and secular organizations like Scouts and divisions of armed forces in schools and colleges. All these organizations will train young people in discipline and responsibilities they must have for themselves and for society. The author explains some of the humanly possible protection methods. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. The preventive measurements also explained how to rely and depend on God's mercy and be obedient to law and order.

    The author is a father whose daughter was involved in the 2018 school

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