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Tangle My Tinsel
Tangle My Tinsel
Tangle My Tinsel
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Tangle My Tinsel

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About this ebook

Local Ace Winst is over the holidays.
Long days driving the cheery tourist of Mistletoe, Montana around in his horse-drawn sleigh can get exhausting. All he needs is a beer and solitude at the end of his day. 
The peace and quiet he longed for is gone when he stumbles upon Sybil in the middle of the woods during the biggest snowstorm that Mistletoe has seen in ten years. Without any choice, he is stuck having to take her back to his place. 
Ace's quiet cabin is no more once Sybil barges in wondering where all the Christmas cheer she found in town is missing from Ace's place. 

Will Sybil be able to thaw this sleigh-boy or will she tangle his tinsel and get booted out on her butt?

Release dateMay 28, 2024
Tangle My Tinsel

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    Book preview

    Tangle My Tinsel - Winter Travers

    Also by Winter Travers

    Devil’s Knights Series

    Loving Lo

    Finding Cyn

    Gravel’s Road

    Battling Troy

    Gambler’s Longshot

    Keeping Meg

    Fighting Demon

    Unraveling Fayth

    Devil’s Knights 2nd Gen

    Passing the Torch

    Riding the Line

    Skid Row Kings Series




    Fallen Lords MC Series










    Kings of Vengeance MC

    Drop a Gear and Disappear

    Lean Into It

    Knees in the Breeze

    Midnight Wreckage

    Powerhouse MA Series

    Dropkick My Heart

    Love on the Mat

    Black Belt in Love

    Black Belt Knockout

    Nitro Crew Series





    Royal Bastards MC: Sacramento, CA


    Sweet Love Novellas

    Sweet Burn

    Five Alarm Donuts

    Stand Alone Novellas

    Kissing the Bad Boy

    Daddin’ Ain’t Easy

    Silas: A Scrooged Christmas

    Wanting More

    Mama Didn’t Raise No Fool

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About the Author

    Coming Soon

    Chapter One


    H ow did I not know sugar plum muffins were a thing? I shoveled another bite of the sweet, light, fluffy goodness into my mouth and groaned. What do they put in here?

    Sugar. Tons of sugar. Aunt Vi chuckled. Beau’s has the best baked goods, and so does It’s Beginning to Look a Latte like Christmas. Though I might be biased since I think everything in the Mistletoe is the best in the world.

    I licked a crumb off my fingers and pushed the small plate back. Well, I can tell you right now, my waist is going to grow a size a or two living here.

    Vi’s always present smile shone brightly. I’m so happy you decided to give it a go here.

    I sighed and looked out the large picture window of the bakery. It wasn’t like I had tons of choices. A failed cake decorating business and an apartment in Chicago I couldn’t afford to live in was what I left behind. Anything is better than that. I looked at Vi. Running to my favorite aunt with my tail tucked between my legs was my only option unless I wanted to live in a cardboard box. Watching my life’s dream dwindle and die was almost enough to break me. I didn’t know how long I would stay in Mistletoe, but I knew I would be here for a while.

    Vi patted my hand. That’s in the past, dear. Now you turn the page.

    Well, at least this page has sugar plum muffins, right?

    Just wait. You’ve only been here for four days. There is so much more to see in Mistletoe than Beau’s Bakery.

    A laugh bubbled from my lips. "Well, even if this is all Mistletoe has to offer, I’m more than okay with that. I have to admit there is just something about the slow way of life around here. I felt like I was always running behind in Chicago and could never get ahead. That was probably why my cake decorating flopped.

    Just wait until you see Rudolph Toys and It’s Beginning To Look a Latte Like Christmas. Handmade toys and an eggnog latte that will knock your socks off.

    Vi went to pay our bill while I bundled up.

    Everything was Christmas themed in Mistletoe. While it was Christmas time now, I had to wonder if this would get to be too much. Though, that would be a good excuse to book a trip to Hawaii or something for a few weeks to shake the Christmas jolly.

    Ready? Vi pulled her gloves on and smiled wide. I thought maybe we could stop by and chat with Mary at the train station.

    I shrugged. It wasn’t like I had anything else to do. I was unemployed and in a new town. Vi was the only person I knew. I wasn’t about to wander away from her just yet.

    We walked down the shoveled sidewalks that had large piles of snow next to them. Being in Chicago, I wasn’t new to snow in general. There it was cold and wet. Here it was magical and fluffy.

    Montana seemed to have its own brand of snow, and I was more than here for it. It made the already Christmas feel of the town intensified by twenty.

    The charm of Mistletoe was intoxicating. It was only mid-November, and I was in full-blown Christmas mode after having a sugar plum muffin and pure white fluffy snow floating down on me.

    We crossed the street and walked to the edge of town where the train tracks were.

    I’ll just wait out here, Vi. I wanted to stay outside and just enjoy the snow. I had met Mary the day I had driven into town, and I knew Vi and her were just going to gossip and whatnot.

    I planted my butt on the bench outside the train station.

    Most people were down the street going in and out of the shops while only a few wandered into the train station.

    The slowed-down pace of life in Mistletoe was serene and tranquil. It was a Hallmark Christmas movie brought to life. My fast-paced in Chicago was a thing of the past.

    A horse neighed in the

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