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You Don't Matter... or Do You?: Ignite Your Impact Potential in Life & Business
You Don't Matter... or Do You?: Ignite Your Impact Potential in Life & Business
You Don't Matter... or Do You?: Ignite Your Impact Potential in Life & Business
Ebook185 pages1 hour

You Don't Matter... or Do You?: Ignite Your Impact Potential in Life & Business

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Every fire begins with a SPARK.

In an ever-evolving world, clinging to familiarity is a liability. Glimmers of ingenuity often flicker and fade, leaving behind the ashes of extinguis

Release dateJun 4, 2024
You Don't Matter... or Do You?: Ignite Your Impact Potential in Life & Business

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    Book preview

    You Don't Matter... or Do You? - Priscilla Pfeiffer

    You Don’t Matter … or Do You?Cover page image of book title

    Copyright © 2024 by Priscilla Pfeiffer

    Publisher Phenomena Productions LLC

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    First paperback edition June 2024

    ISBN 979-8-9906576-0-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-9906576-1-8 (ebook)

    For Information about special discounts on bulk purchases, please contact Priscilla Pfeiffer



    Cover design: Madilyn Moritz

    3D art: John Jannis

    Photographer: Levi Walker

    Developmental editor: Matthew Richmond

    Proofreader & copy editor: Emma Moylan

    For my beautiful sisters. 

    Know that I see potential in you and I want your eyes to be opened to discover for yourself. 

    Dare to dream bigger. 

    Have the courage to take risks.

    Develop the discipline to take action. 

    Act in spite of fear. 

    Set your goals higher than your comfort zone will have you believe. 

    Show love no matter how much the world tries to break you. 

    In the best of times and the worst of times, remember to look up. 

    I love you.


    Access all the resources outlined in this book including the exercises, quotes, graphs audio recordings, worksheets,

    and more (it’s free!)

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    Bonus Bundle



    SPARK Process

    I. S | SHIFT & SHINE

    How to Shift

    Monkey See, Monkey Do

    Glimmers in Darkness

    TORCH IT System


    What’s Your Pyro Polaris?

    Fire Extinguisher #1: Illuminating Limitations

    Fire Extinguisher #2: Fueling the Wrong Flame

    Fire Extinguisher #3: Embers of Assumption

    Fire Extinguisher #4: Untamed Wildfires

    Fire Extinguisher #5: Ignition of Opposition

    Fire Extinguisher #6: Phoenix Flames

    Fire Extinguisher #7: Candlesnuffer

    Fire Extinguisher #8: Smoldering Fear

    Fear of Public Speaking


    What’s Your Accelerant?

    Accelerant #1 Flames of Discomfort

    Accelerant #2 Forging the Path Up

    Accelerant #3 Radiant Resolve

    Accelerant #4 Habit Fuel

    Accelerant #5 Taking Risks

    Accelerant #6 Fireproof The Future

    Accelerant #7 F.I.R.E Formula

    IV. R | REFINE

    Refine Explained

    Refinement Recipe for Success

    Reigniting Extinguished Embers

    V. K | KINDLE

    Where’s Your Kindle?

    Magic of Momentum

    Creating Ripples from Reluctance

    Give. It. All. You. Got

    Next Steps




    To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that which would be his finest hour.

    —Sir Winston Churchill

    Most people stick with what’s safe, predictable, and known. But our world is shifting at an unprecedented rate, requiring us to adapt to change like never before. It can be difficult to keep up with the evolution of technology, with artificial intelligence threatening to take our jobs, and information spreading at the speed of light. Now more than ever, the innovators and the changemakers will be the commodity most sought-after in the marketplace, those who have developed a flexible mindset, and an outlook on life to harness positive change. So how do you strengthen that resilience muscle?

    When implemented, certain small but mighty attributes can truly set you apart. Why? Because most people, and most companies for that matter, are perfectly fine doing things the way they’ve always done them—saying, This is just the way I am, or This is how we’ve always done it, without any desire to improve or achieve at a higher level. In contrast, those who are open to growth optimistically choose to create or find a way when faced with a new challenge. This can be you, on a quest to continually discover ways to persevere, and take yourself to the next level. You’re an overachiever or you wouldn’t have picked up this book.

    You are my people!

    The SPARK Process outlined in this book is intended to be used as a road map for pushing through obstacles, expanding mental fortitude, and ultimately as a guide for taking what you’re currently doing in your life and business to the next level! Through that, the side effect is impact.

    By growing in the areas outlined in this book, you’ll make subtle shifts that will prepare you to not only accept but welcome change. This gives you the ability to show up as your best self in your job, as a spouse, partner, friend, or parent. Putting ego aside, in order to honestly self-reflect, is an admirable trait. True power lies in investing your efforts into endeavors no one can take from you, which means that resilience muscle keeps you from becoming rattled in the midst of change.

    This allows you to show up differently, and when you do, people notice. You may never hear them tell you, but they notice.

    And when you can lead by example, you can inspire others. This is where the magic happens. My favorite part … IMPACT! Deep down you have this innate desire to make a difference somehow, some way. What if I told you that even the smallest spark can ignite a wildfire, creating a ripple effect beyond your imagination?

    Matchsticks representing timeline with gaps

    If you look at your life on a sequential timeline, you’ll likely see various gaps. When you fill these gaps it inevitably takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Filling these gaps may require an increase in skills, a change of viewpoint, or taking a massive leap into uncharted territory. Every situation will be different, but nonetheless, the process is still the same.

    I look at this timeline as if each day is a matchstick lit with fire. The matchsticks that are lit make it very easy for the matchsticks lined up beside them to alight. These gaps are like unlit matchsticks that prevent the fire from wicking to the other side. There’s potential sitting under these unlit matchsticks. That’s what I call the Kindle, which sits beneath these unlit matchsticks, just aching for a SPARK to set it off. This is where your competitive edge ignites.

    I’m going to outline these small but powerful adjustments with the SPARK Process.

    Let’s dig in!



    The doctor held his clipboard, looking at the results of my MRI, then looked up at me with a mild-mannered tone, almost too mild, and asked, What’s your line of work, again?

    I replied, I’m a professional dancer.

    I was slightly annoyed by the question because he was the fourth doctor I’d visited for a second opinion, and my last bit of hope. I chose him because he was the top orthopedic doctor at a prestigious hospital. This doctor did a lot of work with NFL players, and if he could save those athletes’ poor knees after they smashed their three-hundred-pound bodies into one another at upward of twenty miles per hour, then surely my knees weren’t a lost cause.

    Do you do any other line of work?

    My annoyance increased as I thought, just get to the point.

    No, that’s all I’ve ever done.

    He finally came out with it. Your knees are shot. You need surgery. And even after surgery, you’ll never dance again. Your career is over. I would start exploring other career options. You can talk to Susan about ma …

    As he continued to tell me how I could talk to the nurse about setting up the appointment for surgery, his voice suddenly began to drown out, becoming the background noise to my thoughts. As I stared off, frozen, lost for words, it felt like someone had just hit me over the head with a baseball bat. What will I do? What could I possibly do that would fulfill my love and passion for performing? My career is over.

    Have you ever been there, metaphorically speaking, looking at the road of your life and it’s so foggy that you can’t see more than ten feet ahead, but you need to find your way somehow? Feeling lost, and no longer knowing the way anymore. We’ve all encountered times in our lives when we’re unsure of the next step, questioning which way to go.

    Perhaps you’ve questioned your worthiness or ability as you navigate the road of your life.

    Feeling stuck. Like you have a GPS staring back at you with a lit-up error sign, destination unknown. Or maybe you’re on the other side of the coin. You know where you’re headed but you keep being reminded that work is shifting, robots are taking over jobs, and AI is the way of the future. Our world is shifting at such a rapid pace that just when you feel like you’ve caught up, some new concept, gadget, or idea comes out that you have to catch up to anew.

    We’re all being replaced by robots! screams every other headline.

    Like … you don’t matter, but do you?

    I believe that regardless of what path you’re currently on, regardless of your accomplishments, there’s still that small whisper telling you there’s more you’re meant to do. If you’re reading this book maybe you’re ready to level up in business or be able to show up as your best self for your family. Perhaps you feel utterly defeated and whatever fire you once had has extinguished and you don’t know how to reignite it.

    Sometimes it just takes a small spark to ignite something brewing inside and I’m going to show you how the small actions you take do matter, and how to make subtle yet impactful shifts to give yourself that competitive edge in life. Packaged up in an easy-to-digest, relatable, fun way.

    How do you keep your fire lit while every outside force

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