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Navy Seal Mental Toughness: Training for a Stronger Mindset, Self-Discipline, Grit, Spartan Up
Navy Seal Mental Toughness: Training for a Stronger Mindset, Self-Discipline, Grit, Spartan Up
Navy Seal Mental Toughness: Training for a Stronger Mindset, Self-Discipline, Grit, Spartan Up
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Navy Seal Mental Toughness: Training for a Stronger Mindset, Self-Discipline, Grit, Spartan Up

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Are you looking to develop the unbreakable mental toughness of a Navy Seal?

Do you want to overcome obstacles, stay focused, and achieve your goals, no matter what challenges come your way? Look no further than "The Resilient Mind: Navy Seal Mental Toughness" - the ultimate guide to developing mental toughness and achieving suc

Release dateMay 26, 2024

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    Book preview

    Navy Seal Mental Toughness - Alpha Baker


    This book will make you unstoppable, a dynamo of power, your mind will be so fired up and ready to go, you can do anything you set out to do. Your beliefs will create the mindset that can allow you to make your dreams come true.

    I will show you just what it takes to develop the Self-Discipline Mindset within yourself.

    Thinking like a champion can allow you to achieve your goals, get that dream job, open that business, finish school, travel, whatever it is that you really want to do in life is all their for the taking.

    Regardless of whatever path you may be on or what life has thrown at you, we all will have obstacles that will come our way as we go after our dreams.

    The inner beliefs and mindset development in this book will maximize your power, so your mind works for you not against you. You will take control of your life and nothing will stand in your way.

    Alpha Baker


    As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

    -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Have you ever felt like life is getting you down? Like it is hard to just get up out of bed in the morning? Feeling like you will never accomplish the things you want to do?

    You always have the constant feelings of being tired, pooped out, under great stress, life becomes too much?

    I know, I have had all the same feelings you are going through now, the debt, family problems, spouse left you, and maybe you are just tired of having a long day at work and have a pounding headache.

    Take for a moment to think of just how a true warrior would act in these situations.

    Think deep down about a person who is in the trenches, hasn’t slept in days, lack of food and water, doesn’t know if they will make it through the night, they can be killed in an instant. This same person cannot wake up, head to the kitchen in their nice slippers and make that great coffee, have a delicious breakfast and take action for the day. They take everything minute by minute, they ignore pain and weakness, they kick ass and kill if they have to, their best friends are killed right in front of them by some trash terrorist, but they still complete the mission.

    But, I know, you feel tired, you had to work late yesterday, and the boss won’t give you vacation time, someone cut you off in traffic and flipped you off, you have tremendous debt and on and on…

    What I am showing is, your life is great! And it isn’t as hard you think it is. You may think that life is extremely hard and it may also feel that way, but it truly isn’t.

    Think about all the other people going through much worse situations than you right now, they have worse lives than you. There are many people who are struggling with cancer dying on their feet; countries with war all around them, death and destruction, many don’t have food or even money. I have seen the poverty worldwide first hand in third world countries, and one thing that stuck in my mind is, these people struggling keep on, they still can smile and be brave enough to never give up on themselves or whine.

    You will soon see that having a warrior mindset has nothing to do with being in a war zone or even combat. In fact, if you think of having a mindset of a warrior means picking fights with people and being a hot head at your local bar or pub is being tough minded, it’s not. That is far from being a true warrior as you can get, these people are weak minded and will be the first to run when danger calls. Don’t believe me? Just ask anybody who has seen real combat and has been in numerous firefights if they go out day to day picking fights with people in traffic or act reckless.

    The true mindset of a warrior is something special. It is knowing how to get the most out of life, having a positive attitude at all times, going for what they want and having self-discipline to see it all through.

    This mindset is about becoming sharp and hard, not cold and letting life control your thoughts and who you are, you never let the small things bother you. You keep on no matter what life throws at you, being responsible and carry whatever burden is upon you, knowing right from wrong and having dignity and respect. You are in full control of your emotions and you never look for the easy way out.

    So, where does the mindset of a warrior originate from? What is the groundwork for developing self-discipline?

    What do we think of when we conjure up the feelings of a warrior? We think of Russell Crowe in Gladiator, doing what is right, fighting for himself, family and country and seeing justice to the end, never letting his mind get the best of him. These stories are in our history for thousands of years. Being brave, women and men, fighting battles and keeping a level head, sacrificing their wants for helping others and doing the impossible and incredible.

    Now, in reality we know that not everyone is like this from day to day, and many won’t fit the bill either. When their is one that fights for what is right and is not weak in the mind or body, there is also 100 more that will complain, we went in for the wrong reasons, we shouldn’t help others, let them fend for themselves, it isn’t our fight, some just outright are cowards. Glorifying war is actually not a good idea; if you have ever experienced it yourself it is sad really, horrific things happen in war, we all know this. In fact, many who are faced with this grotesque fight for what is right rarely feel like a ‘warrior’ in battle.

    What we are looking at is the image and ideal of a true warrior. History’s warriors such as the Samurai and Spartans of old and our great men and women that fought on the front lines of World War 2, these are true heroes and warriors.

    The point I am trying to drive home is that there are many people that stay cool and level headed when they are under extreme stress and grave danger. They won’t allow small things to bother them from day to day, or let their mind control them.

    When we take a step back and really look hard at how we act from day to day, the whining about the small things affecting us, we can see just how much a waste of energy this really is. The world is large and we are much greater than all these petty things going on.

    Suppose you could take that same mentality and apply it to current life. Rather than getting worn out or stalled, rather than being diverted and enticed, you would rather drive forward with a relentless, impenetrable attitude. Your adversaries would tremor realizing that there was nothing they could do to stop you and your career ambitions, relationship objectives and monetary plans would all disintegrate underneath your will.

    If you apply yourself and get your mindset right, build a mentality of a warrior and use it in the modern setting, you will have laser like focus, efficiency is all you do, develop pride and determination and become unstoppable. Self-discipline as well as self-sufficiency are traits that you’re your mind and body strong, they help you to achieve whatever it is that you want in life and more.

    These same traits make us better at business, work, being parents that our children love, good soul mates and partners. Make our mind bullet proof strong and live a life free of depression and then those around us will respect and love us, we will be admired the world over, these are what having true warrior mindsets are all about, being a leader not a follower.

    Just imagine that you had the strength in the mind to take a cold shower every morning, wake up with vigor and life, jumped out of bed no matter how much sleep you had, never get tired, even if someone tried to rob you it wouldn’t even matter, you are as cool as a clam. Now take these traits and face them at the weak minded challenges that our affecting us from day to day, they would blow away with the wind.

    Developing and achieving a warrior mindset is like living every day like you were going to live forever, no task is too hard, no mountain is too high to climb. This mindset is a exercise for the brain, like soup for the soul. You will become unstoppable in all you do. A true hero.

    That is why in the next chapter you will learn about your inner beliefs and…


    What does it really entail to develop a true mindset of a champion? What words can we conjure up to describe this strong willed person?



    Strong willed


    Growth oriented






    In charge

    Motivational, Inspiring, Charismatic




    This traits are what build great character in us all, traits of someone who has a strong will, and is

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