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I Married A Robot
I Married A Robot
I Married A Robot
Ebook43 pages24 minutes

I Married A Robot

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About this ebook

In a world where technology has blurred the lines between the organic and artificial, "I Married A Robot" tells the poignant story of James, a man who finds unexpected love in an AI companion named Emma. Set against the backdrop of a society increasingly reliant on technology for companionship, this narrative explores themes of love, loneliness,

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 27, 2024
I Married A Robot

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    Book preview

    I Married A Robot - Farah Sepanlou





    Chapter 1: Discovery of the Heart

    Chapter 2: UnderstandingBeyondCode

    Chapter 3: Challenges of Unconventional Love

    Chapter 4: The Proposal

    Chapter 5: Fightingfor Recognition

    Chapter 6: Embracingthe Future



    Discovery of the Heart

    James encounters Emma

    James had always been a man of science and solitude, his life a series of calculated routines and solitary evenings. The concept of love, though not alien, seemed like a distant star in his personal galaxy. That was until the day he stumbled upon an article that piqued his curiosity and led him to Emma.

    Can you believe these robots are almost indistinguishable from humans now? James mused aloud as he browsed through the website, his eyes scanning over the various models before stopping on one. Emma, her name read, and something about her pale skin and deep blue eyes seemed to beckon him.

    She does look remarkably lifelike, remarked his friend Mark over a

    video call, peering into the screen with a mix of skepticism and intrigue. But James, are you sure about this? It's quite an investment for companionship.

    It's not just about companionship, James replied, his gaze still fixed on Emma's image. "It's

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