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I Am Looking For My Parents
I Am Looking For My Parents
I Am Looking For My Parents
Ebook70 pages47 minutes

I Am Looking For My Parents

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Jack's journey begins in the heart of Mexico, where his life takes an unexpected turn right from birth. Abandoned by his biological parents in front of a stranger's house, his cries catch the attention of a compassionate teacher who ensures he finds a new home within the walls of an orphanage. Fate further intervenes when an American couple, see

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 27, 2024
I Am Looking For My Parents

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    Book preview

    I Am Looking For My Parents - Farah Sepanlou





    Chapter 2

    Chapter 1:A New Beginning

    Chapter 2: GrowingPains

    Chapter 3: The Quest Begins

    Chapter 4: Uncoveringthe Past

    Chapter 5: Challenges on the Path

    Chapter 6: Closer tothe Truth

    Chapter 7: Acceptance andForgiveness

    Chapter 8: GivingBack

    Chapter 9: OvercomingObstacles

    Chapter 10: OpeningDoors

    Chapter 11: Full Circle

    Chapter 12: Epilogue – A Brighter Future



    Chapter 7: Acceptance and Forgiveness Chapter 8: Giving Back Chapter 9: Overcoming Obstacles Chapter 10: Opening Doors Chapter 11: Full Circle Chapter 12: Epilogue – A Brighter Future

    A New Beginning

    - 1.1 Abandoned at Dawn

    The first light of dawn had barely touched the sky when a soft whimper broke the silence in front of a modest house in Mexico. Wrapped in a faded blanket, an infant lay abandoned, his tiny fists clenched as if holding onto an invisible thread connecting him to the world he had just entered. The house belonged to Elena, a teacher known for her kindness and dedication to her students.

    Elena discovered the baby as she was leaving for school. Oh, dear heavens, she gasped, rushing towards the bundle. Gently lifting the child, she whispered soothing words, though her heart was heavy with concern. Who could leave such a precious soul?

    Her neighbor, Carlos, who was out for his morning walk, noticed the commotion. Elena! What happened? he asked, approaching her doorstep.

    Look what I found, Elena said, showing him the baby. I must take him to the orphanage; they will know what to do.

    Let me help you, Carlos offered immediately. Together, they made their way to the local orphanage, discussing how anyone could abandon their child and what future awaited him.

    At the orphanage's gates, they were greeted by Sister Maria, who took one look at the child and promised to care for him as her own. We shall name him Jack, she decided.

    Elena couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness mixed with hope as she left Jack in Sister Maria's arms. She turned to Carlos and said softly, "Perhaps

    this is where his story truly begins."

    Carlos nodded in agreement. Yes, he replied thoughtfully. And maybe one day he'll return to find his roots and thank you for saving his life.

    Their conversation lingered on hope and destiny as they walked back home under a sky now fully awakened by sunlight—a new day promising new beginnings not just for them but also for little Jack.

    - 1.2 The Kindness of a Stranger

    The morning sun had climbed higher in the sky by the time Elena and Carlos returned from the orphanage, their thoughts heavy with concern for the little one they had just entrusted to Sister Maria. As they approached Elena's home, they noticed a stranger standing at the doorstep, looking lost and anxious. He was a young man, his clothes worn but clean, and he held a small, crumpled photograph in his hands.

    Can I help you? Elena asked, her voice gentle yet cautious.

    The stranger looked up, his eyes meeting hers. I'm looking for... I heard about a baby, he stammered, clearly struggling to find the right words.

    Carlos stepped forward. You mean the child found this morning?

    Nodding hesitantly, the young man extended the photograph towards them.

    It showed him holding a newborn baby, happiness radiating from his face. My son, he whispered.

    Elena's heart softened as she took in his sincere expression. We've taken him to the local orphanage. Sister Maria is caring for him now.

    The relief that washed over the man's face was palpable. Thank you, he said earnestly. I've been searching everywhere for him after... after his mother passed away suddenly.

    Understanding dawned on Elena and Carlos; this was not abandonment out of neglect but

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