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New Africa's 24/7 Economy
New Africa's 24/7 Economy
New Africa's 24/7 Economy
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New Africa's 24/7 Economy

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This book carries promising ideas, exposing us the larger and transformational industrial scalable of daily nonstop 24/7-year-round 4-shifts 6-hours architecture labor time system and its enormous potential capacity necessary to respond to our contemporary daily economic challenges, because of the economic landscape is constantly changing.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
New Africa's 24/7 Economy

Kofi O. Takyi-Mensah

As a Ghanaian African in America, within this scope, consider my longevity as American resident and great observer of exposure of spectacular America's social, economic, and political structural demonstrations and revelations, which have helped to reshape my life experiences to becoming a great thinker and writer, to foresee and demand support for newer and stronger formative narratives to widen the known unknown horizon of greater potential economic possibilities in Ghana and New Africa. Besides, with my extensive developed strategic vision and passion, my ideas and writings are comprehensive and authoritative newer and stronger narratives to unlock the future of massive potential economic possibilities in a more coherent, dynamic, and fastmoving speed, which is part of its essence.

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    New Africa's 24/7 Economy - Kofi O. Takyi-Mensah


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    © 2024 Kofi O. Takyi-Mensah. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by Code and Word Solutions, LLC: 03/01/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-9888698-4-9(sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-9888698-5-6(e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This is dedicated to my two daughters, Kiaria Takyi-Mensah, and Jaedon Schaefer, from a long line of our ancestral lineage that has help instill in their senses of self-worth, strength, and resilience. I will always love you.




    At the Dawn of the 22nd Century: The African World-Chapter Collaborative-Enterprise

    African Continental Scale Army Units of Family’s Massive Economic Wealth Creation: New Africa’s Internal Economic Revolutionary Frontier in Post Covid-19 Pandemic and Post-Industrial Age

    These Books’ Series Possess Dynamically Pragmatic Impact


    The Expedition of Operation Abundance Economic Wealth Creation (OAEWC) in African Continental Scale Internal Economic Revolution


    The World_Very Reachable in Your Villages, Towns and Cities: Inevitably Necessity in Post Pandemic and Post-Industrial Age Massive Diversification of African Economy

    Constitutionally Enshrined Economic Basic Right of Self-Economic Empowerment Security for Every Citizen Labor: Effective Mechanism against the Rise of Inequality

    Decentralized Educational Economic District Locality Infrastructural Complex: Stronger Harmony with Local Labor Force Progressiveness

    Sheer Capacity to Mobilize Fully Any Local Economic Engagement: More Local Workforce Productivity and Continually Sophistication

    Post Pandemic and Post-Industrial Age of Gig Economy Remote Working: Formalize Economy 24/7-Year-Round 4-Shifts 6-Hours Labor Time System (Gig 24/7 Economic System)

    Special Relationship and Dynamic Energy between Gig 24/7 Economic System and Smart Educational Economic District Locality Infrastructural Complex

    This New Economically Combined-Multiplex: Maximum Solution to African Migration and Anti-Immigration Sentiment


    New Africa’s Fresh Conversations: Its New Reinterpretation of Humanism

    New Political Vision and Better Capitalism: New Africa’s Imaginative Reinterpretation of Humanity

    The Books’ Series: It is This Generation and Its Bold Leadership

    New Africa Begins to Experience World’s Most Sophisticated and Richest Economy by the Dawn of 22nd Century

    Are Current Individual African Nation-State Deficient in What Ways? What can New Africa do that Individual Nation-States are incapable of?

    Africa Unite Highly Possible and Imminent! Under What Umbrella or What Strategic Purpose? Is Agenda 2063 of African Union (AU) Stronger Enough?

    Africans are Drinking from Wells We did not Dig deliberately

    Most Fundamentally Understanding of this Newfound African Strategic Missionary Movement

    Each Era’s Rising Population Growth’s Stressor Pressure People to Innovate Larger Constructive Economic Structural Model

    The Rhythm in Every Era_Each Era and Its Beat: The Beat must Facilitate the Continuity of Better Extension of Humanity


    Dramatic Restructure of the Tax System: One of the New Waves of Democratic Capitalist Capabilities

    Constitutionally Enshrined Economic Programs for Protection: Public Financial Literacy and New Forceful Transparency Cultural Maturity_Enhanced Transparency Public Expenditure System (ETPES)

    New Constitutionally Enshrined Educational Budget Taxation System for Protection and Guaranteed in Post Pandemic and Post-Industrial age

    Constitutionally Enshrined Direct Health-Care Taxation Budget Expenditure_Universal Health-care System: Decentralized Medical Institutional Regime in Post Pandemic and Post-Industrial Age Society

    Direct Taxation Structure Funds for Nonstop/Permanent Finance Infrastructural System

    Strategic Purpose of New Direct Tax Structural Revenue System: Bold Innovation of Nonstop/Permanent Fiscal Stimulus for Continually Massive Wealth Creation


    Proliferation of Unstructured Wage Outlets: Current Standard (formerly known Minimum) Wage Structure is a Bankrupt Practice

    The Failure of Our Contemporary Standard (Minimum) Wage Structure

    Standard (Minimum) Wage Structure Renewal: Normalize Special Relationship with the Major Economic Facets

    New Kind of Independent Wage Monitor Department Structural Functions_Strategic Purposes of Institutionalized Wage Monitor Department: For Firepower-Lubricator of New Africa’s Economic Capabilities




    There would be massive economic wealth creation in the land of African soil, and out from the deep belly of the land of African continental soil comes one of the greatest constructively inclusive economic powerhouse societies in the post pandemic and post-Industrial age in our modern history of the world.

    Kofi Osei Takyi-Mensah

    When you understand the mysteries of life you can call the attention of God.

    Solomon Bonney, Facebbok page,

    January 30, 2020

    Be the person who can pull results into the present from the future no matter the circumstance and situation. Be a ruthlessly committed human being up to big things that when you speak about something, the world, heaven and earth move because they know your word means everything and when you speak, it happens, guaranteed. You are responsible for producing everything we have today.

    Facebook, August 30, 2019,

    Setema Gali Jr. Sponsored

    At the Dawn of the 22nd Century: The African World-Chapter Collaborative-Enterprise

    THE LAND OF AFRICAN SOIL is attractively vibrating louder in this era for greater strategically purposely adventurous undertakings in this new era. It is about purposely visualizing our hope for a new, larger, and dynamic constructive economic innovational development of New Africa. The land of African soil and Africans is deeply excited by New Africa. This generation of Africans can no longer hold it, and our mood for the excitement of the inclusive economic innovative revolution is compelling. It can be boldly said that the moment has arrived, and it is here, within our reach. Seriously, we are now, and we are here. Africa’s future is far brighter than ever. The day in Africa is here, and the dew of the brightening sun is shining on it. It is a forward-looking occurrence of Africa marshalling to the forefront of its own strategic economic endeavor; it is inevitable. Indeed, this is now an exceptional continental dialogue during this era. At the dawn of the 22nd century it would be the beginning of the rise of New Africa. It is the next page of New Africa and one of the most memorable chapters in the history of humanity. It has been strongly confirmed that this is a novel and unprecedented course.

    Arguably, modern humanity’s most memorable economic prosperity achievements left Africa behind. The land of African soil was forgetful continental land in terms of modern economic development endeavor; and was referred to as uncounted of the world. However, New Africa and Africans are now leaving behind the world’s baleful collective groupthink about (512) Africa’s damaged preconceived notions. The existential question is how could the uncounted of the world become the most unquestionable and attractively talking point of the world for generations to come or long haul? Using the power from above, anything is possible under the sun. If not mistaking, the laws of Nature decree that all living entities alter, adapt, develop, mature, collapse and die over time, and relations between (621) groups of people and their audaciously ambitious pursuant of abundance economic wealth creation is no different. (621)

    Thus, in this era, the generation of African leadership and Africans on a continental scale is audaciously and magically preaching a completely new dimensional dialogue. Inevitably, this is a significant cause. This is not a fundamental half-baked undertaking or movement. We are all in to complete the race. In all ages, men have fought more desperately for beautiful cities yet to be built and gardens yet to be planted… Dreams, visions, and wild hopes are mighty weapons and realistic tools. (594) In conclusion, it can be said that it does not underestimate the power of this generation of and New Africa to push the world’s humanity or human race forward into a completely new dimensional light despite some of its historical sequences’ uncounted hours.

    African Continental Scale Army Units of Family’s Massive Economic Wealth Creation: New Africa’s Internal Economic Revolutionary Frontier in Post Covid-19 Pandemic and Post-Industrial Age

    CONVENTIONALLY, TO CREATE A KIND of revolutionary resilient economic production, there must be practical thoughts for change. Thus, innovation is about is anything completely new and experimentally robustly dynamic. The intent of innovation is massive in the realm of the economic revolutions. Most certainly, it is ideological pressure for change, and it is how New Africa must be more thoughtful about executing this colossal change for bold economic undertakings for a continental-scale society’s economic improvement and empowerment. In this case, Africans must exploit the historic opportunity to the full. (548) New Africa nascent economic doctrine belief-systems must be highlighted on the frontline concerning future economic trends.

    What is the intent of the new body of economy in Ghana and New Africa? The basic right to any individual’s self-economic security and for all people in all walks of life. Ultimately, this revolutionized how people educate themselves. These are strategic needs for daily economic services in peoples’ lives. This means that it is privately individual-self re-assertiveness dominance in the area of economic function in this era. This is the fresh practical thinking of the educational economic space, or the lifelong continuum reskilling space. It is a massively inclusive majority, or a massive extension of franchises to all walks of life. This will not be based on slow gradualist systemic promotion, far from it. It is worth noting or mentioning, these practical economic concerns. Hence, the principal theme is the abundance of economic wealth creation. It is now universally understood that it is the continental-scale experimental expedition of abundant economic wealth creation in the history of humanity.

    The new wave of African entrepreneurial capitalist culture (482), which is imminently about flooding the African continental region and the rest of the world, is at hand, and harder for some to believe. Inevitably, the postmodern 21st century would be a far greater waves of wealth creation that (536) will be unleashed by Africans on a continental scale. By the dawn of the 22nd century, New Africa will begin to experience stationing itself as creating the largest industrial capacity (330) in the world. Without any doubt, the future African continental-scale Internal Revolutionary Economy (IRE) will energetically and massive expand to another completely higher dimension in global wealth creation. This is the bold strategic economic vision. Yes, this is the dreamlike prosperity of the world’s Africans envisioned. It can be pointed out that this is a new dimension of capitalist democracy.

    Additionally, it can be assured that New Africa will be an arsenal of better-market-based democratic capitalism. This is the first time a continental region as large as Africa has done in the world. This time Africans create and operate in it since we are all the masters of the universe. (536) It is a moral obligation and admirable action that the leadership of this African generation and Africans are about to undertake. As it is repeatedly mentioned throughout the series of books and more in this book, this author does not imply that the current individual nation-state in Africa cannot do so. Each can on its own, but its energetic speed of impact and effectiveness and result will be zero or none at the continental scale.

    Thus, African soil is energetically vibrating for massive and miraculous economic action. The birth of an abundance of economic wealth creation is chasing the land of African soil, which is now signaling a welcome and ready to accommodate it. It must be said that then boldly, the dew of heaven in the land of African soil and out from the deep belly of the land of African continental soil is one of the most advanced economic powerhouses and influential nations in the world in the postmodern 21st century.

    These Books’ Series Possess Dynamically Pragmatic Impact

    WHAT, THEN, IS THE PURPOSE of the adventurous spirit of Mankind? (420) There is saying if you can find a way to see the beauty in the human predicament_the beauty in a creature who truly wishes that we could all be happy but has no idea how to make that happen_then compassion begins to arise naturally. (harperonebooks) Virtually, Africans must first pose these big questions to ourselves: Where are we, what happened, and how did we get ourselves into this far? Why the New Africa for these nova platforms as the right choices?

    Inevitably necessary, in this era, in the era of the post Covid-19 pandemic, whether Africans like or not in the settled legal credibility realm of humanity or the flame of humanity has dumped pressure on this African generation and the people of Africa in general to act beyond, and push the boundary. In a solidified preparation this is where some people come in like us, and for instance, like this author who senses a problem and decides to propose and champion an idea as a solution. This idea of (delivery) champion interacts with the environment in his area of (self-instinctively belief) expertise, and (he boldly) responds with action. The idea champion (of some us hold it dearly) provides energy to move the system, energy to gain acceptance for a change. (20) With some of us self-awareness and familiar affairs, it can be noticed that New Africa and for better extension of humanity where every fiber of our breadth lies. From this reverence phenomenon, these books’ series demonstrate a love affair for the nation of Ghana and region of Africa. However, great exuberance in our pan Africanism, it must be clear that many of us are not unilateralists, and we have zero desire to advocate unilateralism, far from this.

    It is fundamentally believed that change and growth are the law of life, and no generation can impose its will on the growth of nations and the distribution of power upon succeeding generations. (147) On the contemporary African participatory stage, this author and some more people are coming in as outsiders with a completely new face of political economic conversation to energize the new idea of New African continental scale achievable revelatory decentralized federalism economic powerhouse platforms.

    However strange, it may be said that these books’ series audaciously propositional ideas have the natural sense of political, (economical, and social) timing. (172) If carefully questioned these books’ series are carefully examined, each segment exhibits the idea of ideas as a resource (259) in the embryonic imagery stage of New Africa. The books are transformational normative guide to action (98), detailing the visual aspects of extraordinary execution. It is self-affirmed that these books, more future books from this author, and hopefully many future books from other authors are going to be the major involvement in the strategic planning process (253) for this inevitably and memorably new democratic capitalist market capability movement in New Africa and for a better extension of humanity. Each book would be heavily proactive and involved in every facet of the New African economic motional change of movement in this era. The burning desire for a new extraordinary economically productive African society is an indication of self-assurance that these books’ series of visualized pragmatic ideas will not be treated as motionless elements. Obviously, what is used for greater ideas if they are not being utilized for their strategic purposes and productivity, simply saying that innovative problem definitions are not helpful if they never get translated into policy proposals? (6)

    Apparently, from prescription standpoint, the series of these books highlight the serious analysis of the reasons for the crisis (534) in Africa among the magnitude individuals. In their genuine nature, these documented books’ innovative ideas are not vague; rather, it can be seen that these books’ series possess energetically pragmatic impacts considering their experimentally necessary applications. What is more to this strikingly fact is that all these completely and dynamically innovative propositional positions, which this author and more people are championing, were and are already deeply rooted in Africans’ daily conceptual debate environment. They were there in the past before some of us jumped into scenery. Admittedly, these books’ series innovatively revolutionary ideas are just boldly reviving, transforming and fostering an overdue spirit of reform (The Economist) in Africa, period. This fantastic audaciously ambitious or grandiose revolution has been energized since the early 20th century and through the period of territorial political independence until this point, where we are now, and here.



    To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.

    Kofi Annan, United Nations Stamp

    A large population is a king’s glory,…

    Proverbs 14:28

    Let us set our goals too high; let us demand more of ourselves than we believe we possess.

    Haile Selasie

    The Expedition of Operation Abundance Economic Wealth Creation (OAEWC) in African Continental Scale Internal Economic Revolution

    THE EXPEDITION OF OPERATION ABUNDANCE Economic Wealth Creation (OAEWC) in Africa is the economic purpose of New Africa’s continental-scale experimental Internal Economic Revolution (IER). The African continental-scale inquisition of operational abundance economic wealth creation is a massively offensive undertaking in the history of humanity. The principal theme here is abundant economic wealth creation for tactical and effectively massive economic enfranchisement of New African-magnitude individuals.

    Additionally, in this era, it is also the revelation of reform of better or greater democratic capitalism capabilities, and not just good capitalism. This is also effective in elevating or structurally institutionalizing one of the greatest platforms in the post-modern 21st century and post pandemic, the experimental idea of constitutional economic rights. The difference is that in an expedient way, New Africa and Africans are immediately and directly economically enfranchising African-magnitude individuals on a continental scale. This is the age of the direct and immediate enfranchisement of magnitude of individuals in the economic landscape. The future African continental scale as the base for an arsenal of better democratic capitalist markets necessitates a new idea of constitutional economic rights.

    Why and how does Africa become one of the prominent role players, or possibly the continental scale, become the main potential conduit in the new economic body? Why is this necessary now? Why does the operation of massive economic wealth creation need to be integrated on the African continental scale? One of the

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