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Wrong Husband
Wrong Husband
Wrong Husband
Ebook56 pages35 minutes

Wrong Husband

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In the heart of a bustling city, Anna, a young woman graced with beauty but burdened by familial deceit, finds herself entangled in a sinister plot orchestrated by her own sister and fiancé. Their malevolent plan? To murder Anna, ensuring that the vast inheritance left by their father falls into the sister's hands, as per the stipulation that th

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 27, 2024
Wrong Husband

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    Book preview

    Wrong Husband - Farah Sepanlou





    Chapter 1: BeginningsinDisguise

    Chapter 2: TiesThat Bind

    Chapter 3: UnveilingTruths

    Chapter 4: Depths of Deception

    Chapter 5: Climax of Courage

    Chapter 6: New Beginnings


    Chapter 1: Beginnings in Disguise

    Anna's World Unravels

    Anna's life, once filled with the warmth of family and the promise of inheritance, began to crumble one fateful evening. The revelation came unexpectedly, shattering her world into fragments of betrayal and disbelief. Her sister, whom she trusted above all others, had conspired against her very existence.

    I can't believe this, Anna whispered to herself, staring at the documents strewn across her father's study. The papers detailed a sinister plot, meticulously planned by her sister and fiancé. All for greed, she muttered, a sense of isolation wrapping around her like a cold fog.

    The confrontation was inevitable. Anna faced her sister, seeking answers or perhaps an apology she knew would never come. How could you? Anna's voice barely rose above a whisper, yet it carried the weight of her shattered trust.

    Oh, please, her sister scoffed with a dismissive wave of her hand. You were always father's favorite. This is just leveling the playing field. The casual cruelty in her words stung Anna more deeply than she anticipated.

    In the midst of despair, an unexpected ally emerged. Jack, introduced by a mutual friend as part of a desperate plan to save what remained of her dignity and fortune through a fake marriage, offered not just an escape from her predicament but also an understanding ear.

    Why are you helping me? Anna asked one evening as they discussed their arrangement over coffee in a dimly lit café corner.

    Because I see someone who's been wronged, Jack replied earnestly.

    And maybe because I need this as much as you do. His admission revealed his own battles with familial expectations and unwanted commitments.

    As their plan unfolded with each passing day, so did their interest in each other—a silver lining in the dark clouds that loomed over Anna's world. Yet even as they grew closer, the reality of Anna’s financial ruin lingered like a shadow over their newfound connection.

    Anna’s world had indeed unraveled; but within its tangles lay threads of hope woven by newfound alliances and unforeseen

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