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I Wish Time Could Go Back
I Wish Time Could Go Back
I Wish Time Could Go Back
Ebook52 pages34 minutes

I Wish Time Could Go Back

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About this ebook

   In a small, nondescript town, Sara's life takes a tragic turn when her father abandons the family, leaving her with her mother and soon-to-be stepfather, Mike. Mike, a man plagued by his own demons, turns to alcohol for solace, subjecting Sara and her mother to daily torment. The situation worsens when Sara's mother falls ill a

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 27, 2024
I Wish Time Could Go Back

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    Book preview

    I Wish Time Could Go Back - Farah Sepanlou



    Iwish time could go back

    Farah Sepanlou



    Chapter 1: The BrokenHome

    Chapter 2: Shadows of Despair

    Chapter 3: Lost Innocence

    Chapter 4: The Depths of Desolation

    Chapter 5: Revelationsinthe Night

    Chapter 6:A New Dawn?



    The Broken Home

    Sara's Last Happy Memory

    The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the small, cozy living room where Sara sat curled up on the sofa next to her mother. The air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine from the garden outside, mingling with the aroma of freshly baked cookies that wafted in from the kitchen. This moment, serene and full of warmth, marked Sara's last happy memory before her life took an unforeseen turn.

    Sara, do you remember the story I told you about the stars? her mother asked, her voice soft and comforting.

    Yes, Mama, Sara replied eagerly. You said each star is a guardian watching over us.

    Her mother smiled gently. That's right, my darling. And no matter where life takes you, always remember that your star will guide you home.

    Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Mike, Sara's soon-to-be stepfather, bearing gifts and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Despite the unease that flickered in her mother's gaze, Sara tried to see the best in him.

    What did you bring us? Sara asked innocently as Mike handed her a beautifully wrapped box.

    A little something to make this house more cheerful, Mike responded with a forced cheerfulness.

    Sara unwrapped the gift to find a delicate porcelain doll with glassy blue eyes and golden curls. It was beautiful but somehow sad-looking, much like

    how Sara felt deep down—a premonition of things to come.

    As night fell and stars began to twinkle in the sky outside, Sara clutched her new doll close. Her mother tucked her into bed with a kiss on the forehead and whispered words of love that would have to last a lifetime.

    This memory of love and simplicity became a beacon for Sara in darker times—a reminder of what once was and what could be again if she dared to dream beyond

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