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Colosseum of Death
Colosseum of Death
Colosseum of Death
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Colosseum of Death

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A mysterious contract allowed Xiao Yi to enter the Arena of Death, where heavenly gods and demons were divided into two camps to fight each other. Demon City, Zombie City, Devil's Seas, the

Sky City ...... In countless maps, the two camps fight to the death The winner, can win honour points, and even have the opportunity to bring equipment

Release dateFeb 22, 2024
Colosseum of Death

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    Colosseum of Death - Natalie Bienvenu

    Chapter 2: The Arena of Death

        In a daze, when Xiao Yi opened his eyes again, he realized that he was lying on a huge and empty square, which was paved with white floor tiles that were cold and smooth, while looking up there was a white blanket that was indistinguishable from the roof or the sky.

        Crossed over? Xiao Yi muttered, shaking his somewhat disoriented head vigorously and trying to clear his mind.

        You're finally awake, hehehe, I thought you were going to sleep until the start of the rodeo. A girl laughed as she walked towards the area.

        Xiao Yi took a few steps back slightly alertly, Who are you?

        There's no need to be nervous, we all belong to the God's camp, not to mention that we're all on the same team in this competitive match. The girl stopped two or three meters away and tried her best to dispel Xiao Yi's wariness with a kind gaze.

        Xiao Yi's mind was confused for a while, but he was keenly aware of the words God's Camp, and it seemed that the mysterious man had also said this before.

        Yan Ling, speed up! There's still 15 minutes left! A man in the distance shouted with some dissatisfaction.

        The girl nodded her head in a hurry and explained, This place is called the God and Demon Arena, I believe you also unintentionally downloaded this game and clicked in, you can treat this as a game, but it's a real game, and if you die, it's a real death, oh.

        A real game! Xiao Yi's face was covered with shock, annoyance and incredulity before he asked in a deflated manner after a long time, Since it's called the Arena, it means that it's a competitive game, who are our opponents?... npc's? Just now that man said there are still fifteen minutes left, does that mean the game has fifteen minutes left to start?

        Yan Ling, that is, this girl, slightly surprised at Xiao Yi's calmness, nodded and said, Our enemy is someone from the Demon camp, there are still fifteen minutes left for the game to start, more things I can't talk to you in detail, listen carefully, today this competitive match is 5v5, newcomers are assigned to the first match, it's still difficult, so when you enter the game. Don't ever panic, follow me and Zhang Kai!

        The Zhang Kai in his mouth, that is, the large man not far away, with his almost exaggeratedly swollen muscles exposed, revealing his great strength, was currently smoking a cigarette irritably while staring at the two trembling boys next to him with vicious eyes.

        Obviously, these two boys, like Xiao Yi, belonged to the newcomers of this competitive tournament, while Yan Ling and Zhang Kai, on the other hand, were the senior ones.

        After a brief explanation from Yan Ling, Xiao Yi roughly understood the mode of the competitive match, after the match started they would be teleported to their assigned maps, where the two camps of gods and devils would fight each other, with the winners receiving honorary rewards, and the losers dying, literally dying!

        Simple, yet brutal!

        As for the benefits of honor points, you can exchange all kinds of equipment, everything that exists or doesn't exist in reality, exists in this arena, and as long as you have enough honor points, you can also choose to bring all of these props into reality!

        Xiao Yi thought of something and murmured, Then how long would it take to exchange one million dollars? I mean real dollars!

        Yan Ling smiled gently, A million dollars is but a drop in the bucket here, things such as all sorts of magical and metaphysical skills, cold **, future weapons, and even a lot of super techs and abilities you've never even heard of, that's what's worth the most!

        Her words were very tantalizing, especially the thought of the opportunity to bring these things to life would make any person's heart pound.

        As Yan Ling arrived beside Zhang Kai, Yan Ling pulled over the man's shoulder, revealing a pleasingly winking smile, and said, Brother Kai, I've already spoken to this newcomer about the general situation, and he still seems to know better.

        Zhang Kai didn't show the slightest interest in the woman's currying favor as he glanced at Xiao Yi and grunted, How damn unlucky! I can't believe I was assigned with three newcomers, I won't say much nonsense, if you want to survive, you must unconditionally listen to me after entering the game!

        A yellow-haired youth indignantly muttered, Does that mean we have to carry out even if you ask us to die? I don't want to die for you, I'm waiting to exchange tens of millions of dollars to go back and enjoy my life!

        Even if I let you guys die, you still have to go! Zhang Kai sneered, Although it is said that killing your teammates is not allowed in a match, I can break your legs and make you unable to move, and I believe that the people from the Demon Camp will be happy to clean up after you! On a side note, if you think you can go and enjoy life that easily, you're going to be disappointed!

        When these words came out, the other two newcomers both changed color slightly and looked at Zhang Kai with anger on their faces, but they did not dare to say anything, Xiao Yi frowned, Zhang Kai was acting very strong, there was no need for him to touch the other party at this time, not to mention that, as a senior, he could only rely on the other party for this match no matter what.

        However, Xiao Yi was still wary of Zhang Kai in his heart, and he thought of the possibility that if it was a team match, then it was entirely possible that Zhang Kai would use a few newcomers as bait.

        A few newcomers each had their own confused thoughts as the God and Demon Athletic Tournament finally began, five white light pillars slowly rose up around the plaza, and according to what Yan Ling had said earlier, they would be automatically teleported to the tournament map after entering the light pillars.

        What happens if I don't go into the light pole? A newcomer asked timidly.

        You guys can try. Zhang Kai smiled wryly.

        If you don't enter the light pillar within the limited time, you'll be forcibly erased! Yan Ling hurriedly explained.

        Xiao Yi had already stepped into the light pillar with a big stride, the milky white light wrapped around his whole body, he only felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and his body rapidly fell down as if he was weightless, when he regained his footing, his eyes gradually brightened up.

        It was the ruins of a city, filled with scorched earth and broken walls, the gray sky was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the temperature around them was so low that it looked like there was no one else here but them.

        Yan Ling spoke first, The people from the Demon Camp will randomly appear at other locations, and according to the law, the distance between the two teams will be very far apart, since it's a 5v5 competition, this map is a town ruin, so we have enough space for strategic deployment.

        Deployment my ass! Zhang Kai's face was covered in a haze as he hurled insults, With just three newcomers and a loser like you, even the best tactics are bullshit!

        There was also some anger on Yan Ling's face who was scolded as a waste, which quickly flickered away and she said with a delicate smile, I listen to Brother Kai in everything.

        Zhang Kai snorted coldly, his eyes sizing up Xiao Yi and the other three newcomers, and said, I need a newcomer to scout the way for me, and collect information on my opponents along the way, which one of you is going to go.


        I'm not going!

        The other two newcomers desperately shook their heads in unison, but Xiao Yi calmly spoke, I'll go.

        The others looked at him in surprise, and one of the taller newcomers exclaimed, You're crazy! Can't you see that this guy definitely wants us to be bait to get killed!

        Xiao Yi sighed, I can see that, but if we don't go, will we survive?

        Zhang Kai looked up and down at Xiao Yi somewhat appreciatively and said, Not bad, very wise decision, in that case, I'll allocate you some food first. Don't worry, as long as you listen to me honestly, I will guarantee your safety.

        Saying this, Zhang Kai touched out a piece of blackened bread from the backpack he was carrying in his left hand and threw it to Xiao Yi, half threateningly saying, If you encounter people from the Demon Camp, write down the number, gender and looks of the other party, don't think of leaving and not coming back for this, the food given to you will only be enough for half a day at the most, we'll be setting up camp here, and we'll be coming back in half a day at the most.

        Utilizing the distribution of food to control the newcomers was also expected, Xiao Yi's heart moved and he suddenly asked, How long will this Rodeo roughly last?

        Yan Ling said, The 5v5 matches only last for three days at most, of course if the opponent is completely destroyed within three days, the match will end earlier. If they fail to completely destroy their opponents, the winner will be decided based on the number of people remaining at the end of the three days, and the victorious team will be rewarded with additional prizes.

        What if we don't assault each other for three days and live in peace waiting for the end of the competition? Xiao Yi asked again.

        Zhang Kai laughed maniacally as if he had heard some funny joke: If a million dollars in cash suddenly appeared in front of you, would you walk away oblivious to it? Or would you pick it up?

        I see. Xiao Yi smiled slightly bitterly, it was true that he himself was too naive, before Yan Ling had introduced that if you killed your opponent in a match you would be rewarded with honor, so I thought that this honor value must have a great deal of use, as long as the benefits were great enough, who would be willing to live peacefully with each other?

        Zhang Kai seemed to be satisfied with Xiao Yi's attitude and said a few more words, Newbies will randomly receive a normal quality weapon after entering the game for the first time, this is the only capital you have to survive, so make good use of it. Here, if you don't kill, you can only wait to be killed!

        There was a heavy dose of blood in the light words, and the other two newcomers couldn't help but shiver, it was clear that as a senior, there were not a few people who had died at the hands of Zhang Kai.

        Xiao Yi pulled out a dagger from the attached carry-on backpack, which was the weapon he had randomly acquired, and he gripped it tightly in his hand as he nodded his head, I'll be off then, I'll be back here by evening, if I'm still alive!

        Xiao Yi left silently after bringing half a day's worth of food and water, and not long after he left, Zhang Kai got up, Let's set off as well!

        One of the newcomers asked strangely, Didn't we say that we would camp here first and wait for Xiao Yi to return?

        Zhang Kai looked at the two newcomers and sneered, Idiot! What if that guy betrays us and brings someone from the Demon Camp over? Don't even stand there, you two go and stay in the houses on those two sides, keep a good watch on the movements here, and if Xiao Yi or any other strangers come over, light this paper.

        Looking at a yellow paper handed over by Zhang Kai, the two newcomers stifled their red faces, they hadn't escaped being used as bait after all, and said angrily, If Xiao Yi really lures the other side's people over, won't we be dead!

        You have two choices now, either you can honestly keep watch here, at least you can share food and water, or I will break your legs and then leave you in the center of the city, choose for yourselves! Zhang Kai slightly clenched his fists, his icy gaze causing the two newcomers to shiver once again.

        Okay, we promise! But you must guarantee our safety! Otherwise we'd rather defect to the other side!

        What did you say? Zhang Kai narrowed his eyes and violently rushed over, swinging his fist and ruthlessly hitting him in the face, throwing the other party more than ten meters away and crashing heavily into a ruin.

        If you think you'll end up better in the hands of the Demon Camp, go ahead and try! Yan Ling, let's go first!

        Yan Ling didn't dare to say much, and looked apologetically at the two newcomers for a few moments, following behind Zhang Kai and quickly disappearing at the end of the dilapidated street.

    Chapter III. Gift packages

        After Xiao Yi had left the line of sight of Zhang Kai and the others, he quickly drilled into the ruins of the buildings that littered the city to hide carefully, he was not so naive as to think that he could complete the reconnaissance mission just by himself.

        One of the reasons why he took the initiative to go out and scout was that he didn't trust Zhang Kai at all, this guy was clearly trying to use a few of them newcomers as bait, judging from his attitude, even that senior called Yan Ling was nothing more than a senior cannon fodder, in this case, instead of staying and being scared, it would be better to take the initiative to come out and look for a way out of this situation.

        At the very least, Xiao Yi wanted to take the possibility of survival into his own hands!

        Exhaling, slightly calming the fear in his heart, suddenly being brought into this weird God and Demon Arena, to say that he was not afraid was impossible, it was just that Xiao Yi had never been accustomed to revealing his negative emotions, so just now, he had always acted very calmly.

        Xiao Yi opened his carry-on backpack and took out a small and delicate iron box from it, which he had accidentally realized was extra in his backpack when he checked his weapons earlier.

        While holding the iron box, a line of information flashed in Xiao Yi's mind: Chen Pingnan's Gift Pack, open the Gift Pack to obtain a gift, the Gift Pack is presented by Chen Pingnan, consumable item, cannot be used again after opening. Tip: The gift pack is limited to be gifted only to newcomers logging into the game for the first time.

        This was the main reason that prompted his determination to go out and scout on his own initiative, no matter what was in the iron box, he didn't want the others to know. Especially Zhang Kai, if he was found out, he was afraid that he would immediately be robbed, taking the opportunity to go out to check the gift bag was the best way.

        Chen Pingnan, undoubtedly, is the guy who lured Xiao Yi into the God and the Devil game, although the other party also paid a million dollars, but the thought that this is a game that will be the real death, Xiao Yi will hate to gnash his teeth, the money is more than enough to have a life to spend ah!

        That Chen Pingnan said that the value of this gift pack is far beyond what money can measure, so let me see what's inside! Xiao Yi resolutely opened the black iron box.


        With a slight popping sound, the iron box shattered in the air and several items fell to the ground in a flurry, only the palm-sized box could actually hide so many things, making Xiao Yi look surprised.

        Taking a careful inventory, Xiao Yi's face finally revealed the first smile of the day, these props, at the very least, had greatly increased his chances of surviving this competitive match.

        Detecting Eye: After using it, it can detect a range of 500 meters in a radius, and if a person from the opposing camp enters, they can receive a warning immediately. Quantity 10: Tip: After use, the Eye of Detection itself is invisible for 6 hours.

        Eyes of True Knowledge: Use to detect all invisible units within a 100 meter radius, lasts 6 hours, Qty 10.

        Flame Badge: Ordinary quality, attached magic fireball spell, attack rating f+, consumable, can be used three times. Remarks: Attached to the skin with the Flame Badge, the success rate of casting the attached magic is 100%.

        Green Cloud Sword: Ordinary quality, attack power rating f+. Remarks: A famous sword forged from Green Cloud Flowing Iron, possessing a notable attack power that surpasses that of ordinary weapons.

        Silk Jacket: quality ordinary, physical defense rating f+, spell defense rating f+.

        Previously Yan Ling introduction has been mentioned, God and the devil arena also have equipment, equipment quality can be divided into ordinary, rare, fine, excellent, epic and legendary six levels, and according to the attack power, defense or speed and other data high and low evaluation from f to s is not the same, the evaluation of the f belongs to the lowest, and the f + is between the f and e.

        This set of equipment was undoubtedly the lowest ranked novice outfit, but for the currently penniless Xiao Yi, it was definitely worth its weight in gold, and it was no wonder that Chen Pingnan would say that the value of this great gift package was definitely not something that could be measured by any amount of money.

        Xiao Yi immediately changed his equipment on, the Flame Badge was directly attached to the skin of his chest after using it since it was a consumable item, however, he also kept an eye out and wore the Silk Jacket in his ***, while still wearing his original clothes on the outside.

        The Green Cloud Sword was instead in his hand, as newbies entering the game would be randomly given a normal quality weapon, and it wouldn't arouse anyone's suspicion.

        Xiao Yi's idea was very simple, he was just a newcomer in this competitive match, if he was suddenly seen to have so much equipment, it would inevitably cause suspicion, and he still understood the reasoning of harboring a small item.

        In addition to these equipments, a very thick notebook and a light golden metal fragment remained in Chen Pingnan's gift bag. Xiao Yi opened the notebook and there were these lines written on the title page.

        No matter who you are, when seeing this notebook, I'm afraid it means I'm dead, and although I'm not happy about it, I don't want all these things I left behind to just disappear into this damned God and Demon Arena.

        The notebook is a collection of all the tips and experiences I've jotted down over the year I've been in the arena, which I'm sure will help you a lot, and then there's some notes about the Newbie Bundle.

        Newbie gift pack is at least silver level above the arena may have a very low probability of obtaining the props, can only be given to the first time to enter the game of the newcomers, and gift packs can be stored in the equipment limit is very harsh, I send you the lowest level of gift packs can only be put the worst of the ordinary quality equipment, but I believe that these equipment is enough to get you through the first few competitive matches.

        All of the above is my gift to you, and all you have to do is help me kill Lin Tianfang!

        Lastly, there is an unknown prop in the gift pack I sent you, the function of which even I don't know, so let's just give it to you by the way, if you think it's useless, you can just throw it away.

        The record in the title page ends here, but Xiao Yi's face is a little weird after reading it, the owner of the notebook Chen Pingnan should be dead, so is it possible that the one who chatted with him on qq before is not a ghost?

        Xiao Yi couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, Chen Pingnan should have randomly found someone and then entrusted this gift package to the other party, and whether he, who had been chosen, was considered lucky or unfortunate?

        Unknown props, probably means this golden fragment. Xiao Yi picked up the fragment and information about the fragment flashed through his mind.

        Windrunner's Scraps: unknown quality, unknown function.

        As expected, as Chen Pingnan had recorded, everything about this thing was unknown and it really wasn't of much use, Xiao Yi thought about it and still threw the fragment into his backpack for the time being.

        Continuing to look through the notebook, the back is a lot of survival tips summarized by Chen Pingnan, the content inside is very much, a moment simply can not see the end, so Xiao Yi can only pick up as much as possible first important to sweep a few eyes.

        For example, in one of the pages, it is written: never trust others easily in the arena, even if they are your teammates. However, as a newcomer, it was not even qualified to be a teammate, newcomers who wanted to live had to have the awareness of being a decoy, and if they were lucky enough to make it through the first few arena matches and had enough honor points to exchange for equipment and skills, they would become senior.

        God and the devil arena is never the kind of two teams of people rushed together, and then kill each other for a while on the end of the brainless game, intellect, layout and strength is particularly important here, including reconnaissance, knowledge of the map and the use of the same determines the winners and losers.

        As bait? Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned, Zhang Kai's intention of asking him to scout didn't seem to be that simple, according to what was recorded in the notes, the senior people all had at least one set of normal quality equipment and a number of skills, and the difference in strength between them and the newcomers was simply worlds apart.

        If I encounter someone from the Demon Camp, can I really retreat in one piece and bring back the information? After learning about the gap between a newcomer and a senior from the notes, Xiao Yi became skeptical about it.

        Could it be that Zhang Kai deliberately sent him to his death?

        Xiao Yi shook his head again to negate this possibility, Yan Ling's explanation was very clear, the final victory or defeat in the arena was determined according to the number of kills from both camps, so it was impossible for Zhang Kai to let himself die for no reason.

        Hiding inside the half-collapsed house, Xiao Yi flipped through the notebook once and fell into deep thought. Many of the common sense introductions in the notebook were like treasures to Xiao Yi, who was now severely lacking in intelligence.

        The arena also has a grade, from low to high is divided into the four major grades of black iron, bronze, silver and gold, theoretically it is impossible for people in different arenas to play against each other, this is also in order to not let the strength of the people who are too strong to be immediately divided with the newbie.

        Xiao Yi was now in the lowest ranked Black Iron Arena, and although the map range was small, only the size of a very small town, intelligence gathering was also very important, which was why Chen Pingnan's gift pack came with the Eye of Detection and the Eye of True Knowledge.

        Wait! Intelligence gathering! Xiao Yi's eyes brightened slightly, his face changed, and he whispered to himself, I see! That bastard Zhang Kai, he's intentionally trying to get me caught by the people from the Demon Camp!

    Chapter 4: Zhang Kai's Mind Tricks

        As Xiao Yi suspected, it was impossible for him to complete the scouting mission with his strength, and once he encountered someone from the Demon Camp, he was afraid that he would be killed immediately.

        No, it won't be killed, but captured alive!

        The people in the Devil's camp also wanted to get their information, such as the ratio of the number of newcomers to the number of veterans, such as the locations where they were located, etc. If Xiao Yi was really captured and faced with the threat of death and even the possibility of torture, would he be able to keep his mouth shut about this information?

        Xiao Yi was silent, in the end, he hadn't known Zhang Kai and the others for more than half an hour, and in the knowledge that he had deliberately been used as bait, under the anger, Xiao Yi would definitely be honest about the location of Zhang Kai and the others!

        What a ruthless mind! Xiao Yi didn't know whether to be angry or grateful.

        Zhang Kai had told him to go back in half a day at most, but it was obvious that Zhang Kai couldn't possibly still be staying at the original camp, and might even have prepared an ambush near there, so that as long as the people from the Demon Formation Camp went over, they would immediately be attacked by a sneak attack.

        From the very beginning, Zhang Kai had been prepared for Xiao Yi to be captured and for all the information to be leaked!

        I can't continue on, this town isn't that big, it's estimated that it'll only take two to three hours at most to walk from the beginning to the end, if I continue on, I might encounter the people from the Demon Camp in an hour at most, but if I go back now, Zhang Kai might not let me go either.

        Xiao Yi sighed, the best thing he could do now would be to wait for a change here, the only thing he was thankful for was that with Chen Pingnan's Novice Gift Pack, he had at least a little bit of ability to protect himself.

        The Eye of Detection was used as a tool for detection, while the Eye of True Knowledge was undoubtedly anti-detection, Xiao Yi placed the next Eye of Detection and the next Eye of True Knowledge at an intersection more than four hundred meters away.

        Under the anti-invisibility ability of the Eye of True Knowledge, all the enemy's detecting eyes within a radius of 500 meters had nothing to hide, after ensuring that there were no detecting eyes of the Magic Camp around, Xiao Yi slightly put down his heart and returned to the house, checking up in all directions.

        This is a two-story residence, half of the roof completely collapsed, all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances inside the house is complete, but they are all covered with dust, the corners of the walls are woven with thick cobwebs, I do not know how long this place has been abandoned.

        Although Xiao Yi knew that this was just a virtual map town that was meant to be a battlefield for the two camps of Gods and Demons to kill each other, he had to say that this town was set up too realistically.

        Xiao Yi rummaged around, trying to find some food and water, since he had already planned not to go back for the time being, he couldn't hold out with just this half-day portion of bread.

        Xiao Yi did not trust Zhang Kai, earlier he was forced to temporarily succumb due to the helplessness of survival, now that he had a set of rookie equipment and a certain ability to defend himself, he naturally would not be foolish enough to go back as a bait.

        When he came to the kitchen, there were some meat and vegetables placed messily on the kitchen utensils, but with the swarms of flies lingering on it and the pungent stench, Xiao Yi almost spat out even the overnight meal, and busily exited the kitchen to check the water source again, but unfortunately, although there was a water pipe, not a single drop of water could be streamed out.

        Climbing carefully up the rickety stairs to the second floor, where the damage was even more severe, Xiao Yi's gaze looked around and finally landed on the refrigerator lying horizontally in the corner.

        There are quite a few appliances, it seems that this map is modeled after a modern town. Xiao Yi muttered twice and made an effort to move the refrigerator upright, opening the door, his eyes instantly lit up, there were actually more than a dozen canned goods stuffed in the lower layer of the refrigerator, and because they were stored in the refrigerator, the canned goods were still sealed intact.

        The canned goods had meat and fruit types, Xiao Yi stuffed all of them into his backpack, the food problem was finally solved, making him very relieved and whispering to himself, Rationally utilizing the map? That means there are actually some hidden props in the map, such as food and water, and perhaps weaponry!

        This idea invigorated Xiao Yi and he continued his search, and a few moments later he found a set of props, but they were rusted at the blades, while he also got a hint in his head.

        Obtain a chopper with ragged quality. Hint, ragged quality equipment does not have attack power.

        Xiao Yi was speechless for a long time, this rust filled blade, it was estimated that it was indeed impossible to cut someone to death, and finally threw it to the side, it seemed that although he had the right idea, he was afraid that he would not be able to find much of a good thing in this kind of Black Iron level low level map.

        Sitting next to the windowsill on the ground floor, eating the canned meat in his hand, Xiao Yi gradually calmed down, thinking about the way out of this competition, from the beginning of the competition to now, only more than two hours have passed, the thought of having to survive here for more than two days, can't help but scalp numbness, instantly have a set of novice equipment, Xiao Yi is still not 100% sure that he can survive.

        A few hours ago Xiao Yi was nothing more than a geek who played games all day long, could he really be ruthless enough to kill in order to survive? Xiao Yi did not think about this question and did not dare to think about it for the time being, in his opinion, the best result was to utilize the Eye of Detection and the Eye of True Knowledge to successfully avoid the people from the Demon Camp, and hide until the end of the three-day competition.

        This canned meat is quite tasty, much tastier than the ones bought in the supermarket before, what brand is it! Xiao Yi carefully recognized that the canned meat was written with Tianxing brand, but he had never heard of this brand, but what surprised him more was the production date at the seal, which was actually February 15, 2030.

        It's only a virtual location, but is it necessary to get this future date?

        Xiao Yi shook his head and decided not to think about it anymore, no matter what, at least he didn't have to worry about whether or not these cans had expired, after all, according to the normal time in reality, these cans hadn't even been produced yet!

        After eating the canned food he leaned against the corner of the wall and took a nap in a daze, after about two or three hours of this, Xiao Yi in his shallow sleep abruptly awoke with a strong warning from the Eye of Scouting in his mind that someone from the enemy camp had stepped into the range of the Eye of Scouting!

        The intruder was only one person, the range of the Eye of Detection was five hundred meters, this distance was enough for Xiao Yi to retreat or sneak attack, but he hesitated for a moment or chose not to move, he could not tell if this person was a senior or a newcomer in the Demon Camp, and if he was a senior, five hundred meters could be a bit dangerous.

        Moreover, Xiao Yi had previously placed the Anti-Reconnaissance Eye of True Knowledge and determined that there was no opponent's Eye of Detection in this zone, and this was a residential area with many houses, so it was difficult to go and search them one by one, so as long as he didn't alarm the other party, there was basically no possibility of being discovered.

        Along the window edge of the gap, Xiao Yi carefully observed the movement outside, a few minutes later a girl's figure appeared in the street, the girl is probably more than twenty years old, all the way jogging over is already out of breath, she looked around suspiciously, her right hand holding a machete, it seems unorthodox, can be seen vaguely holding the knife hand in the faint trembling.

        The area was full of residential building ruins, making it difficult to search, but at the same time it was a good location for an ambush and sneak attack, and the girl had probably thought of that as well, her face full of fear and nervousness.

        Xiao Yi withdrew his sight, the visitor was likewise a newcomer, in fact, the best way to judge a newcomer and a senior is the expression of both, a newcomer who enters into a competitive tournament for the first time is mostly fearful, horrified or bewildered, instantly, how calm Xiao Yi acted earlier in front of Zhang Kai was in fact nothing more than an attempt to cover up the instinctive fear within his heart.

        The veterans were different, they had participated in many competitive tournaments and were used to the cruelty and rules of the place, so more often than not, the expressions on their faces would be subdued.

        Obviously, the people from the Demon Camp had similarly dispatched the newcomers as cannon fodder to explore the path.

        As long as he wasn't a senior, Xiao Yi didn't have to be afraid at all, and while he was relieved, a terrifying thought emerged uncontrollably in his mind: since the other party was just a newcomer, why don't we just kill him here? The moment this thought came up, even Xiao Yi froze for a moment.

        The rules of the God and the Devil Arena is to kill each other, kill each other to get honor value rewards, and the honor value can be exchanged for a variety of skills and equipment, maybe dodge can temporarily survive, get the honor rewards will be very little, in the long term, and the gap between the other people will get bigger and bigger, until the dodge can not be dodged when it will be eliminated.

        As a former professional player, Xiao Yi completely understood this, but after understanding, he still had a serious mental block when he was really asked to kill someone.

        This isn't a game... In Yan Ling's words, death can be a real death! Am I, am I really going to be a murderer?

    Chapter 5: Encounter with the Demon Camp

        Xiao Yi's heart was conflicted beyond measure, the palm of his hand that was tightly attached to his chest was also shaking slightly, at his chest was none other than the Flame Badge, and that newcomer from the Devil's camp was just a few meters away, and at this distance, Xiao Yi had absolute certainty that he would be able to hit the small fireball that was attached to the badge.

        It only takes one click to get an honor value.

        To kill, or not to kill!

        In the midst of the rapid turn of his mind, Xiao Yi's right hand slowly lowered from his chest, and in the end, he gave up the idea of striking down, and just in the time of hesitation, the other party also turned around and left, until he completely disappeared from the range of the Scout's Eye.

        Xiao Yi collapsed into a corner disheveledly and smiled to himself, it was true that he still couldn't do it without any psychological barriers to kill ah.

        However, this is good, although killing the other team's newcomer will gain honor value, at the same time, I've exposed myself. Zhang Kai will know that I'm hiding something, and although I can't kill my teammates, there's no guarantee that Zhang Kai will snatch what I have on me. And the Demon Camp will also think that I'm a senior and will definitely send their senior over, and by then it will be hard for me to even escape.

        Though more or less self-congratulatory and not without reason.

        There were no clocks here, and the exact time could only be felt, and after about an hour or so had passed, Xiao Yi, who was quietly waiting, stood up alertly again, and within the range of the Eye of Detection, there was once again an intruder from the enemy camp.

        Is it the same newcomer from just now? No, no, this one is moving so fast, the other party must have darted in, and with this kind of speed, it's no less than those track and field champions.

        Something's not right! The opponent's target seems to be exactly this building!

        Xiao Yi understood that although he didn't know what method was used, the other party must have discovered himself, at that moment he didn't hesitate, he lifted up the green wood sword and darted out of the house, but he hadn't even run more than a dozen meters when a man blocked in front of him at an unimaginably high speed.

        This man was about thirty years old and was sizing up Xiao Yi with a playful look, and in his right hand, he carried a long sword with a faint blue luster on its blade, which was even coated with a strong poison!

        With the speed he had just seen, Xiao Yi would never be able to escape, so he stopped in his tracks and placed his right hand at the flame emblem on his chest, looking at the other party vigilantly.

        Looks like you're the cannon fodder from the God's Camp's pathfinder, although it looks like the quality is quite a bit better than our newcomers, but unfortunately newcomers are just newcomers after all, you don't even have the courage to kill people, it's really laughable! The man's eyes were heavy with mockery and disdain.

        Xiao Yi seemed to understand somewhat and said incredulously, The one you guys scouted out just now, could it be that he discovered me? How is this possible!

        In this area he was laying down the anti-detection Eye of True Knowledge, and the statute of limitations had not yet expired, so he could be sure that the other party did not have any detecting eyes here.

        The man shook a certain box-like object with his left hand and said contemptuously, Then I'll explain it to you, it's called a heat sensing detector, as long as the transceiver device is placed on someone else's body, and wherever you go, you can detect if there's anyone nearby through heat sensing detection, and in this kind of map of the no man's land, this thing is the best to use.

        Xiao Yi finally woke up to the fact that the newcomer he had spared earlier had already detected himself hidden nearby by relying on his heat sensor detector, and that was why he had returned suddenly, thinking that he must be trying to give the information to their senior.

        You're really pathetic too, if you could have killed our newcomers back then, we wouldn't have been able to position ourselves so accurately, regardless, this competition is a good start. Well, don't think of resisting either, honestly tell me the staffing of your God's Camp, and the location of the camp.

        Xiao Yi took a deep breath barely calming the intense fear in his heart and shook his head in rejection, I won't tell you, if I do, you will definitely kill me.

        The man laughed out loud, To be able to understand that, you really are quite a bit better than the average newcomer, it's a shame you're not from our camp. But I don't think you have room to bargain now, see this sword of mine, it's coated with a kind of toxin that has never appeared on Earth, the poisoned person will be in pain as if they were cutting their flesh, and it will hurt for three whole days before they gradually die, this is not a good taste.

        Xiao Yi couldn't help but fight a cold war, he believed that this man wasn't lying, if he insisted on not letting go, the other party would surely use this toxin to slowly torture himself, but if he really revealed the information, the result would just be a more painful death.

        Left and right are both deaths, why torture yourself so much, if you die early, you won't have to experience the cruelty of the God and Demon Arena, you see, I'm still merciful ah. The man grimaced as he slowly approached, and his long sword gradually moved towards Xiao Yi's neck.

        There was a short silence, Xiao Yi's face was clouded with uncertainty, biting his lip in death as if he was struggling with something, the man waited with good grace and was in no hurry to make a move, having experienced several competitive matches he was certain that no newcomer would be able to hold out in that kind of pain, and in the end they would all have to speak out the information in exchange for a quick death.

        I see. Xiao Yi seemed to have made some kind of decision and said in a low voice, It's true that I was too naive, I actually thought of sparing others before, but I didn't expect to betray myself just like that.

        The man said impatiently, It's too late for that now, I don't have time to spend with you, I'll give you a minute to either tell me the information or taste my poisoned sword.

        If you want to live, you can only kill! Xiao Yi sighed in a self-deprecating manner, then softly said, Then, go to hell.

        Whoosh! Whoosh!

        Two fireballs shot out from Xiao Yi's fingertips without any warning, the other party was a senior with notable strength, if one strike failed then there was no doubt that he would be countered afterward, Xiao Yi didn't want to take any chances so even though the Flame Badge could only be used three times, he didn't hesitate to use it twice to deal with this man.

        The fireball came too suddenly, even so, the man in a moment of dismay, but still instinctively with great speed to the left side to avoid, actually managed to avoid the first fireball, but faced with the second fireball has been unable to do anything, in the unbelievable expression, the fireball hit the man's abdomen.


        The fireball, which was only the size of a fist, erupted with a dull explosion, and the man was sent flying so hard that he knocked down the wall of the house behind him before coming to a stop.

        What a great power! Xiao Yi was slightly surprised and did not dare to delay as he lifted his Green Wood Sword and rushed over to try to make up for it.

        After seeing the man's tragic situation was unnecessary, the abdomen that was hit by the fireball had completely exploded, blood, flesh and intestines were mixed and spilled all over the place, his eyes were still open, until he died he did not understand how Xiao Yi as a newcomer actually used the small fireball.

        The attack power rating of the small fireball is f+, I can't imagine that the power is actually just this great, directly killing a senior. Xiao Yi also had an intuitive understanding of this evaluation system.

        And almost at the same time, all the participants in the ruins of this town got an echoing sound in their heads, the God Camp killed one person from the Demon Camp, current score, 1:0!

        In addition to this, Xiao Yi also received another tip, killing one person from the Demon Camp, gaining 100 points of honor value.

        Both camps that got the hint froze on the spot, more than five hours from the start of the competition, the appearance of the first victim was something that no one had expected.

        The Devil Formation Camp's camp at the moment was in a supermarket located at the other end of the town, two of the men therein were filled with incredulity as they looked at each other, the younger of the two, a boy, was furious and threw the half-eaten can in his hand onto the ground fiercely as he angrily said, ''Are you kidding me! Didn't Li Feng go and capture the newcomer from the God's Camp? How could he be killed back?"

        The other, more old-fashioned man wrinkled his brows and mused, That poison sword of Li Feng's has an attack rating of E, and the toxin effect attached to it is terrifying, so there are hardly many people who can block it in the Black Iron Arena.

        This means that the other party is even stronger than Li Feng? A trace of fear appeared on the boy's face.

        The man suddenly pulled out a machete and picked up a girl who was sitting on the ground shivering, the machete was placed on the girl's neck, and he questioned in a deep voice, I'll ask you one more time, was there really only one person that you detected with your heat sense earlier? If you dare to lie, I'll kill you!

        The girl was so frightened and bloodless that it didn't even occur to her that she couldn't kill each other on the same team, and with the man apparently just under threat, the girl stammered, I promise! There really is only one person detected by the heat sense!

        The boy also said, The range of the Heat Sensor Detector is much greater than the Eye of Scouting, and since this is an empty city, there are no other NPCs to disrupt the Heat Sensor Detection, so there really is no ambush from the God's Camp.

        Then it can only mean that that guy was intentionally not killing our newcomers earlier, and then waited for the senior to pass before carrying out an ambush, after all, the value of killing senior is far more than the newcomers, but it doesn't make sense ah, how did the other party know that we have a heat sensing detector, and if he wasn't sure about it, what makes him think that our newcomers found out!

        All in all, it's better to retreat quickly now! The other party's senior is stronger than us, it's no longer safe here, and God knows if Li Feng leaked the location of this place before he died.

        Where to retreat to?

        Go to the other side's camp! Although we don't know the exact location, the map isn't too big, so we can definitely find it by slowly groping our way there! The strongest senior of the other party isn't there, and their camp is probably left with some underpowered senior and newcomers, while we'll do the opposite and sneak into the other party's lair! The man calmly analyzed.

        Good idea! As long as we kill their newcomers while their seniors are away, we won't have to deduct honor points for negative scores!

    Chapter 6: Killing

        Leaving aside the actions of the Demon Camp, on the side of the God Camp, Zhang Kai and Yan Ling were also surprised, Yan Ling's surprise was tinged with happiness, Great, that Xiao Yi seems to be doing alright, killing the other side's newcomer so that we'll have a point in hand!

        Zhang Kai's face was slightly gloomy, It's been half a day by now and Xiao Yi hasn't come back yet, it seems like he knows how to use the map to find food, so I guess he doesn't plan to come back.

        Yan Ling somewhat defended Xiao Yi, Maybe the battle delayed a lot of time, no matter what we are a team aren't we?

        Zhang Kai said with some annoyance, The reason doesn't even matter, notify those two newcomers that we're withdrawing immediately.

        Yan Ling did not understand and asked, Why are we withdrawing? What should we do if Xiao Yi comes back and can't find us?

        Looks like you're quite concerned about that Xiao Yi! Zhang Kai narrowed his eyes and coldly grunted in an unkind tone, Now that the Demon Camp is in a negative score, in order to not have their honor points deducted, their senior players will surely come out in force, and we're going to make use of such a time to sneak up on the opponent's camp and kill their newcomers! As long as we keep the score advantage until the end, it doesn't matter even if we can't kill their senior players.

        Yan Ling hurriedly asked, What about Xiao Yi?

        A guy with only a novice weapon facing a senior, what do you think the outcome will be? Zhang Kai said without any concern and then packed up his things with the intention of setting off, Yan Ling bit her lip and sighed, eventually following behind. As for the two newcomers who had been on tenterhooks the entire time, they also followed along because they were worried about being sneak attacked.

        The devil camp thought that Xiao Yi was a very strong senior, while the god camp thought that Li Feng, who was killed by Xiao Yi, was just a novice, because of the error in judgment, it made the people from both the god and devil camps leave their respective camps where they were stationed, and began to take the initiative to strike out towards each other.

        At this moment, Xiao Yi was counting the loot, the one he killed was a senior, but he was carrying quite a lot of goodies, first of all, it was a leather jacket with a physical defense rating of f+, but since it was mostly shattered by the small fireball, it was obviously scrapped.

        Only physical defense is rated, and it doesn't carry magic defense, is that why it was killed by my little fireball? Xiao Yi understood somewhat.

        Although he was a senior, he was still in this black iron level arena after all, and his strength wouldn't be too ridiculously high, or else he would have been directly assigned to the more advanced bronze arena.

        Then there was a pair of gold silk shoes, the speed rating was actually e. It was no wonder that the other party's speed would be so fast, the shoes were stripped from the corpse, Xiao Yi still more or less overcame the psychological barrier and replaced the shoes.

        In addition to this, there are some other equipment such as undershirts that increase weight and wrist guards that increase wrist strength, all of which are of ordinary quality and have a data evaluation of f. However, it is better than nothing, so Xiao Yi has also given it a dressing up.

        Next up was the main event, the poisonous sword that shimmered with an ethereal blue luster, and while picking up the sword, Xiao Yi's attributes flashed through his mind.

        Bone Devouring Sword

        Quality: Rare

        Attack Rating: e

        Toxicity rating: e

        Description: a sword said to be so toxic that it can melt even bones.

        After reading this, Xiao Yi could not help but feel a sense of fear, just now if he did not take advantage of the other party's defenselessness to sneak attack and win, in a normal battle, he would not be able to block this Rare Grade Poison Sword no matter what.

        The last prop is a heat detector, a square black box.

        Heat Sensor Detector: Ordinary quality, detects heat sensing within eight hundred meters, can be remotely sensed by arranging a receiver. Note that the detector can only react to heat sources and cannot distinguish between identities.

        It's a great thing to have in a small town map like this in the middle of nowhere, but if you put it in a place where there are NPCs present, or a map where there are some large animals present, a heat detector will be of minimal use.

        After counting the loot, Xiao Yi quickly left the area, the possibility of the people from the Demon Camp counterattacking after realizing that their side had lost a senior was very high, although Xiao Yi had some capital with his current equipment, he knew very well that what he lacked was far from being as simple as equipment.

        First of all is the mentality, instantly Xiao Yi can now constantly admonish himself, want to live can only kill each other, but unless it is again faced with just now the kind of life and death moments, he is very difficult to guarantee that he can still be out of that decisive. As an ordinary person, killing decisively is not something that can be easily done in one or two sentences, much less in two or three hours' time!

        The more important point is the skill, now Xiao Yi is just empty equipment, for example, this rare quality Bone Devouring Poison Sword seems to be very powerful, but the fact is that Xiao Yi has never learned swordplay, this poison sword in his hand and burning stick is not too different.

        The only thing he could fully rely on for the time being was the last small fireball attached to the Flame Badge, the magic damage attached to this was quite astonishing, especially when faced with armor that had no magical defenses, instantly, it was entirely possible to kill a veteran in seconds.

        Walking on the road, Xiao Yi pondered, There are still four people left in the Demon Camp, they can't all be senior, ideally, the last small fireball would still be able to kill one person, but the other party has already negatively scored, and the rest of them will most likely act en masse, which would be very troublesome, and I'm not enough to deal with multiple people at the same time right now.

        Because of the heat sensing detector, Xiao Yi did not use the Eye of Detection any more, and the detection range of one thousand meters was better than that of the Eye of Detection, and allowed Xiao Yi to avoid the others' routes at least twice during the entire afternoon's march.

        One of the times, the detector showed four people, judging from the direction it should be the Demon Camp, as Xiao Yi guessed, the Demon Camp chose to hold the group and act collectively, and he didn't have the slightest intention of sneak attacking, he didn't hesitate to go around the road and head to the other direction of the fork in the road.

        Almost three hours later, the detector reacted again, and this time, the heat sensor showed the same four people, and judging from the other party's orientation, they were feared to be Zhang Kai and Yan Ling and the other two newcomers.

        Xiao Yi frowned as the two sides advancing from the God and Demon camps were actually heading in the same direction, and if it went on like this, the two sides would encounter each other after a few hours at the most.

        Should we go back and warn Yan Ling and the others now?

        Xiao Yi was indeed distrustful of Zhang Kai, but he still had some goodwill towards Yan Ling, after all, when he first entered the competitive tournament, it was this girl who explained the rules of the competitive tournament to a few of their newcomers.

        After hesitating for a long time, and seeing the position of the other party in the heat sensor getting closer and closer, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and decided to go back, as long as he hid the identity of the senior of the person who

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