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Lord of the Skyline Warriors
Lord of the Skyline Warriors
Lord of the Skyline Warriors
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Lord of the Skyline Warriors

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Canopy, the sky that envelops the earth, also refers to the strongest defence against alien species! In a time of peace, a meteor streaks across the sky, and disaster strikes, the

A collision of alien species and native life on the planet Earth. A tough warrior who fought under the canopy for ten years is reborn before the disaster, and a

Release dateFeb 12, 2024
Lord of the Skyline Warriors

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    Lord of the Skyline Warriors - Liliana Yetman

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    Lord of the Skyline Warriors

    Copyright © 2024 by Liliana Yetman

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-9564-1

    Cover designed by Liliana Yetman

    Edited by Liliana Yetman

    Lord of the Skyline Warriors

    Chapter One: The Return

        Huaguo Star City, a Class A attached hospital.

        At this time, in the intensive care unit on the fourth floor of the hospital, a young man with a respirator in his mouth, aged around twenty-two years old, was lying motionless on the hospital bed.

        The youth in the hospital bed was bandaged in several places, while his mouth and nose, under the respirator, were always breathing normally.

        In a trance, the youth on the bed seemed to be moving, but this slight movement did not attract the attention of the nurses and doctors who were traveling to and from the bed.

        The bed.

        Wu Rui's eyebrows jumped, at this moment he was already fully awake. However, he didn't know for what reason, he who was awake still couldn't open his eyes at this moment.

        Where is this?

        Why am I here ......

        Remembering Wu Rui's last scene like this ......

        The Earth Alliance was subjected to a large-scale invasion by the Bugs, and the Canopy united with the Earth Alliance to launch one of the most disastrous counterattacks, with millions of fighters rushing to the stars, piloting all kinds of mechs and sniping at all kinds of space Bugs outside the planet.

        As far as he could remember, the battle had lasted for half a year and had yet to stop, and the moment Wu Rui was struck by a Bug with a tail spine cannon became the end of his memory.

        The camera turns back to Wu Rui at this moment, he is still lying on top of the hospital bed, but now he is able to open his eyes a little.


        How is this environment and equipment so old?

        And the paramedics are still wearing the most common medical uniforms made of silk? Have I come to that ancient land?

        A single question surfaced in Wu Rui's mind, while he had already felt the power of his body rapidly returning to his body at this moment.

        Where's the Yuan Power?

        Why can't I feel a single fluctuation of Yuan Power in my body?

        Wu Rui's heart suddenly sank as a bad feeling surfaced in the back of his mind.

        What the hell is going on here!!!

        Although he felt that the power of his body was returning, there was not the slightest fluctuation of Yuan Power in his body at the moment, not only that, he couldn't even feel the timely feedback information from the various functions of his body, which meant that the Light Brain Aid that was implanted into his body had also disappeared.

        And just at this time, a female voice of the system suddenly came from Wu Rui's mind, Host Wu Rui, testing the body function is good, now start to bind.

        System Zero Binding in Progress ......

        System Zero Binding Successful ......

        Open the host's own status section ......

        Current ......

        The host's physical ability is 27 points, level LV3, equivalent to a normal adult's higher level.

        Host reaction 16 points, level LV2, equivalent to normal adult upper-middle level.

        The host has 19 points of senses, level LV2, equivalent to the upper-middle level of a normal adult.

        Host has 0 points of Yuan Power, no level opened yet, prehistoric level.

        A series of information about his own state surfaced in Wu Rui's mind, these contents were not unfamiliar to Wu Rui, because it was much the same as the light brain he had used before, but he was puzzled by the fact that the system just now referred to itself as Zero, which wasn't the light brain that the official implanted in him after he had joined the Earth Alliance.

        And from the system Wu Rui was able to clearly understand that he had indeed lost the most basic Yuan Power in Star Wars at this moment!

        Just when Wu Rui's heart was as if it was dead, another piece of information came from System Zero in his mind.

        Detecting the current time ......

        The current time is 2021 BC.

        Detecting Character Information ......

        The current host's name is Wu Rui, a member of the Tiger Teeth No. 1 Battle Team of China's Foreign Joint Special Warfare Squad, and is currently occupying the position of the Tiger Teeth No. 1 Battle Team's raider.

        Detected that the host's physical state has been restored to ninety percent, the system is about to dock the brain domain information, please start making preparations.




        Ah !!!!

        Suddenly, Wu Rui on the bed let out a shocking scream, and in Wu Rui's mind, huge information about the characters quickly flooded into Wu Rui's mind.

        The world is still that familiar world, but this person at the moment, but not the real Wu Rui back then ......

        In the intensive care unit, with this amazing scream of Wu Rui, the medical staff immediately surrounded, only to see the doctors and nurses, one by one, hands and feet began to carry out various body checks on Wu Rui.

        I don't know how long it was, Wu Rui's side miserably woke up, but after waking up, Wu Rui no longer had the feeling that his head was going to explode before, and everything seemed to have returned to the most basic state.

        One question surfaced in Wu Rui's mind, while the system named Zero in his mind didn't answer everything at this moment for Wu Rui.

        Just at this time, a middle-aged man wearing a doctor's clothing came to Wu Rui's body, seeing Wu Rui lying on the hospital bed in a daze, the middle-aged doctor then asked out loud, Young man, how do you feel?

        Wu Rui turned his head to look at the middle-aged doctor, the memories in his mind indicated that he didn't recognize the man in front of him, but Wu Rui had now figured out why he was on top of this hospital bed.

        Due to being the raider of Tiger No. 1, Wu Rui was unfortunately shot half a month ago when he followed the Tiger Warriors on a mission, and was shot five times, and after that he was sent to the domestically renowned Star City Class A Annex I Hospital.

        In fact, the previous one, Wu Rui, had already been killed by the five shots, the one in the brain being a fatal wound, which was one of the reasons why Wu Rui had been able to replace the guy with the same name as him.

        Other things now Wu Rui can not think more, the only thing he can do now is to live well, as for other things, everything is waiting for him to slowly recover to say.

        Not bad, the body is recovering well. Wu Rui said.

        The doctor peeled Wu Rui's eyelids again and carefully looked at Wu Rui's pupils, then asked, Are there any symptoms of dizziness and wanting to vomit?

        No. Wu Rui shook his head, through the Zero System he had long been clear that there were no other problems with his body, the reason why he hadn't been able to fully recover now was entirely due to the aftereffects of lying on the hospital bed for a long time without moving.

        Well that's good, we'll do another check on you later, if there's nothing else wrong with you this time you can be discharged. The doctor said with a smile.

        Wu Rui grinned, returning the smile, Then I'll trouble you.

        Get some rest, lad, you're a national hero!

        After saying this, the middle-aged doctor turned around and walked out of the ICU.

        Are the nation's heroes ......

        For a while, Wu Rui's thoughts went back to that period when the Earth Alliance was fighting against the Bugs.

    Chapter 2: Tigers Special Operations Brigade

        In fact, the efficiency of the hospital was much faster than Wu Rui had imagined.

        In the afternoon of the next day, Wu Rui was told that he could be discharged from the hospital.

        And it was only at this time that Wu Rui realized that he turned out to have been hospitalized for nearly twenty days.

        Tiger One was naturally notified of Wu Rui's discharge from the hospital, but since Tiger One was on a mission overseas, the one that came to pick up Wu Rui was not the Tiger One battle team that Wu Rui was a part of.

        Just as Wu Rui was organizing his things and preparing to be discharged from the hospital, a middle-aged man dressed in the regular uniform of the Chinese army appeared at the door of the general ward Wu Rui was in, Hello comrade, I'm Chang Yu, I'm in charge of picking you up and discharging you from the hospital.

        Wu Rui was flabbergasted for a moment, but immediately reacted and nodded, lifting the organized things and coming to this middle-aged man named Chang Yu, Come on, where are we going now?

        Chang Yu smiled faintly towards Wu Rui, then handed over a document and said, This is a directive from the higher-ups to pick you up and return you to the Star City Military Region first now.

        Uh-huh. Wu Rui nodded, then followed Chang Yu out of the hospital together.

        Since it was a combat injury, all of Wu Rui's expenses at the hospital were funded by the army, and Wu Rui's side signed when he left, and nothing else was any of Wu Rui's business.

        Getting into the Warrior off-road in front of the hospital, Wu Rui sat on the seat and looked around curiously.

        In fact, during this morning, Wu Rui had already stood next to the window to take a look at this familiar yet unfamiliar world. The difference between this place and the Star City ten years later was huge, both in terms of technology and the flow of people.

        Ten years later in the Earth Union, although the population base hadn't declined, the vast majority of people had been requisitioned to go to the interstellar wars, so the resident population in the major cities was far less than what Wu Rui was seeing now.

        Looking at the people coming and going on the street, Wu Rui's eyes showed some bewilderment, but this bewilderment didn't last long, and soon, Wu Rui's face emerged in high spirits.

        Chang Yu was on the side and saw Wu Rui's abnormality, but Chang Yu was not a man of many words, so he didn't speak too much with Wu Rui after getting into the car.

        Chang Yu is a captain status, and Wu Rui is now just a non-commissioned officer status, the two rank difference is quite large, and before this the two do not know, so there is nothing to talk about.

        There were no words along the way, the car drove for a full hour, and when he saw the military post saluting and releasing the pass, Wu Rui had a hint of anticipation in his heart.

        In this day and age, I must do something!

        Wu Rui's heart was incomparably determined.

        Being brought to a conference room in the military region by Chang Yu, in the conference room there was a major and a captain, Wu Rui saluted a military salute towards them the first time he saw them when he entered.

        Report! Tiger No. 1 Commando Wu Rui is here to report!

        The report was almost subconsciously etched into Wu Rui's mind, so much so that he didn't feel anything strange when he made it.

        After Wu Rui saluted, the two officers also returned the salute at the first time, after the salute, the major gestured Wu Rui to sit down and said with a smile, We have already notified the Tiger Teeth Special Forces Brigade of your recovery, they will arrange for someone to come over to pick you up and take you back this afternoon, before that, you'll just rest in the lounge for a while, and you can talk to the Standing Company Commander if there's anything that you need.

        Thank you, Chief! Wu Rui saluted again to express his gratitude.

        At this time, the major put away his smiling face and said in a serious manner, You were wounded for the sake of the country, and you successfully rescued our outgoing citizens in this operation, so this time the superiors especially gave you Tiger Teeth No.1 a group second-class merit badge and individual third-class merit, you don't need to be too formal here, because our Star City Military Region has always respected you all for serving the country as heroes. of heroes.

        I dare not be a hero ...... Wu Rui smiled embarrassedly, because the hero that the major was talking about was not him, and had already died ......

        Well, you're formal even when I'm here, so if there's anything you want to do, you can just talk to the Changed Company Commander.

        After that, the Major and the other Captain left the conference room directly.

        Only after the two left did Chang Yu smile and say, Come on, I'll take you to the rest room to rest, there's a phone over there so you can contact home.


        A flash of bewilderment flashed in Wu Rui's eyes, but it was instantly covered up by him.

        Following Chang Yu to the rest room, after a brief explanation Chang Yu left.

        After all, Chang Yu is the commander of a company, he has a lot of things to do, it is not possible to accompany Wu Rui all day, and he is here Wu Rui can not let go, so when Chang Yu said to leave Wu Rui smiled very sincerely.

        Only after Wu Rui closed the door of his room did he let out a long breath, and it was only at this time that he was truly relaxed.

        Looking at the room where he was the only one left, Wu Rui sat on the bed in the lounge in a daze.

        Family ......

        I still have family ......

        In his previous life, Wu Rui was an orphan, not to mention his family, he didn't even have a girlfriend.

        In his last life Wu Rui after the disaster came he joined the army to fight against the war, wild origin he also mixed in the army for a small ten years, although there is not the same as here, but Wu Rui how to say is also in the army is not.

        And during his time in the army, Wu Rui had been fending off the invasion of alien bugs and had never had the chance to get into a relationship, so much so that for the Wu Rui of his last life, he didn't really have a home.

        And in this life, Wu Rui has a home, his parents are both alive, although he is still an excellent single dog, but he at least has his own relatives not.

        Can they be considered my family?

        Wu Rui asked himself.

        But this thought didn't last long, due to the wholesale reception of the memories of the previous one, Wu Rui's family and affection were also received by Wu Rui.

        There may be some disconnect, but whether it's for myself or for the guy before me, I should maintain the kinship, and that's kind of the last thing I want to do for that dude ......

        Wu Rui picked up the landline in the room and thought about the phone number for a moment, then dialed it, the phone didn't take long to connect, and a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar came from the other end of the line.

        Hello? A middle-aged female voice asked.

        I am Wu Rui. After a few seconds of hesitation, Wu Rui still responded.

        Rui Rui! How can you call? Aren't you on a mission abroad? The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit surprised and excited.

        Being asked by his mom, Wu Rui didn't know how to answer, so he froze there.

        What's wrong with Rui Rui? Why aren't you talking anymore? Is something wrong? Mom's voice was filled with concern and nervousness.

        Nothing, just miss you, make a call with you, I just returned home from a mission on my side, I can make a call to my family, I'm going back to the army in the afternoon, I will definitely fight for a place this year, and go home to spend the New Year as much as possible! Wu Rui put in his mind originally that memory wanted to say all the words.

        Dude, that's all I can do. Wu Rui said silently to the late Wu Rui.

    chapter iii. arrival in sylibi

        After hanging up the phone, Wu Rui began to check the Zero System on his body.

        Before that, although Wu Rui had been implanted with the Light Brain System, he had always treated it as nothing more than an auxiliary tool.

        But it was different now, he had gone back ten years, and in this era without a light brain, he was curious to find out what kind of existence this system in his head was.

        It would be nice if this light brain was like the one I used before.

        There was no presence of other people in the room, so Wu Rui was not on the defensive.

        Thoughts were immersed in his mind, and soon, Wu Rui saw the interface virtualized by System Zero in front of his eyes.

        Host opens System Zero ......

        System Zero is currently capable of executing Crisis Determination, Basic Analysis of Surroundings, Functionality Datamining, Meta Force Enhancement Program, Physical Fitness Enhancement Program.

        System Zero currently has a number of functions that have yet to be developed, and when the host's own abilities reach a certain threshold, System Zero will automatically open the remaining functions.

        Looking at the lines of prompted subtitles on the interface in front of him, Wu Rui's eyes radiated a strange luster.

        To know, in his previous life, Wu Rui brain implanted in the light brain can only perform functional data and basic analysis of the surrounding environment, as for the meta-power enhancement program and physical fitness enhancement program shown now, these things in the previous life Wu Rui basically never heard of ......

        As for the program of Crisis Judgment, Wu Rui had actually heard of it in his last life, and this function seemed to be a rare function only possessed by advanced light brain, as for how to use it exactly, Wu Rui was not very clear about it now.

        Wu Rui opened the Yuan Power Enhancement Program through his mind, while in the virtual interface in front of Wu Rui's eyes, the Yuan Power Enhancement Program showed that he needed to replenish his own water in large quantities, and as for what to do next, it was not clearly shown in the program.

        Boosting your own moisture? Is this meant to make me drink water ......

        Wu Rui was a bit dumbfounded, the environment in front of him was clearly impossible to give him too much opportunity to experiment, in order to prevent others from treating him as a monster, so he had to put this Yuan Power Enhancement Program on the back burner for the time being.

        What the hell is a fitness enhancement program?

        With a thought, a relevant tip soon appeared on the virtual interface in front of Wu Rui's eyes.

        The host currently needs to complete three hours of exercise per day, which contains weighted cross-country, reaction training, stun training, 400 meter obstacles, firearms training, etc., the training cycle is ten weeks, to complete the various values, the host will enhance the physical fitness synthesis level, combined with the host's current level, the host's physical fitness synthesis of LV4, to reach the current world's high-end level.

        LV4? What is the significance of this thing? And what are the criteria for rating this level?

        Completing a ten-week training to raise your physical fitness composite level, does this mean raising this LV4 to LV5?

        The doubts in Wu Rui's mind were growing, even though he was reborn and returned, he looked a bit ignorant about these seemingly familiar things in front of him.

        Why do I get the feeling that this thing is quite a bit more advanced than the era I came from ......

        This idea suddenly took root in Wu Rui's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more Wu Rui felt that this system had a very important connection with his rebirth and return, but no matter how much he studied it now, this system didn't allow him to see any clues.

        Time unknowingly came to 1:30 p.m. After having lunch in the military district canteen, Wu Rui was picked up by the officers of the Tiger Teeth Special Operations Brigade, and when he was leaving, Chang Yu even came over to see Wu Rui off.

        The plane took off, and on the plane, the officer of the Tiger Teeth Special Warfare Brigade who came to pick up Wu Rui said to Wu Rui, Ruizi, the Special Warfare Brigade's side has already gotten the details of your body from the hospital, and it was confirmed by the hospital side, that you are now able to return to the combat unit, and the higher-ups have instructed that it will now be sent directly to Tiger Teeth No. 1 to meet up with your teammates.

        Going abroad? I'm just recovering and you want me to go out on a mission?

        Wu Rui's face was unbelievable, even though he was a big man who had returned from rebirth, he was a bit dumbfounded in the face of this situation in front of him.

        The officer of the Tiger Teeth Special Warfare Brigade also smiled bitterly and said, Our country's foreign combat units in Syriabi only total seven, and now all the departments are cooperating with the Earth Alliance Peace Force in the siege against the anti-government forces, so it's true that there's a bit of tension in terms of manpower.

        Then what ...... Wu Rui was speechless, I'm an injured person, okay, this has just recovered to go to the front line to carry out the mission, really exaggerated.

        There's no way, it's an order! The Tiger's Teeth Special Operations Brigade officer shook his head and said as such.

        As ordered! Wu Rui nodded his head, the word order was out, what else could he say!

        On the way the officer consoled Wu Rui all the way, although Wu Rui has accepted the reality, but the words of complaint are inevitable, and the two are both from the special operations brigade, so there is not as much constraints as the upper and lower ranks.

        From the officer's mouth, Wu Rui learned that the man in front of him was named Zhou Qi, a second lieutenant in the Special Operations Brigade, and that the situation in Syrippi was now so bad that thirteen people had died in the Peace Corps of the Ground Alliance before he came to pick up Wu Rui.

        The plane landed and Wu Rui was at a location where they were by a harbor in Syrippi.

        Arriving at the barracks location, Wu Rui was brought by Zhou Qi to the location where Tiger No. 1 was.

        Tiger Teeth No. 1 plus Wu Rui has a total of eight people, which is the standard number of special operations team, in the barracks, Wu Rui into the eyes saw the remaining seven people, that familiar and unfamiliar feeling once again surfaced in Wu Rui's mind, for a time Wu Rui even a little stiff in place feeling.

        Wu Rui, welcome back!

        The one who spoke was Yang Zhi, the captain of Tiger No. 1 and the big brother who brought Wu Rui into Tiger No. 1, with the rank of Major.

        Haha, I told you that your kid is not so easy to die, only five shots, brother can be more than you have to be shot twice!

        Another rough voice rang out, and Wu Rui looked at the voice, only to see a northern man around twenty-five years old walking towards Wu Rui with his arms open.

        In a sturdy hug, Wu Rui and this northern man hugged each other.

        Warmth, spreading in Wu Rui's heart, this kind of real feeling brought by the owner of the body, the current Wu Rui was also fully able to feel it.

        Just come back.

        One by one, the teammates came up to greet Wu Rui, and one by one, their happy expressions were shown on their faces, as if those deep things in the society had nothing to do with them at all.

        Wu Rui at this moment also completely put down the heart of the defense, little by little, Wu Rui began to accept all this in front of him.

        In fact, before arriving, Wu Rui thought that he would be a little uncomfortable, but now it seems that those previous thoughts seem to be a little redundant, everything is so natural, as if it was engraved in the bones.

        Comradeship Wu Rui has always understood, but also very cherish, but these comrades in front of him is not his real sense of comradeship, but these are okay, because from today onwards, these people in front of him, is his Wu Rui real comrades!

        The welcoming ceremony lasted for a full ten minutes, and after the crowd had hush-hush, Captain Yang Zhi came to Wu Rui's side and said seriously, Well, welcome and welcome, now back to business.

        Looking at Captain Yang Zhi's serious face, Wu Rui also immediately stood up straight and put away his smile. Team member Wu Rui requests to return to the team!

        Team member Wu Rui, you are now ordered to start organizing your equipment, at seven o'clock in the evening, I, Tiger No. 1, will execute to assist the Syrian Libyan government forces in defending the war zone, and you will be directly involved at that time.

        Wu Rui leads the way! Wu Rui had a straight face.

    Chapter IV. Refugee camps

        After a few moments of seriousness, Yang Zhi brought Wu Rui to the place where the equipment was piled up next to him with a relaxed face.

        Looking at the various colors of equipment laid out on the table, Wu Rui's eyes lit up.

        These things are antiques!

        Faced with a wide array of contemporary equipment, Wu Rui didn't pause for a moment and directly rushed up and began to mangle the equipment on the table.

        Since this was an out-of-country operation, all the equipment we used in Syriabi was of the European type, which also facilitated our ability to replenish ammunition directly on the battlefield.

        While Yang Zhi was talking, Wu Rui was already in the process of starting to load his magazines.

        A set of weapons equipped was actually very fast, and with the addition of the pistol and other tactical equipment, Wu Rui had only spent a total of half an hour.

        I didn't realize that after receiving that guy's memories from before, I also received all the information about how he felt about weapons, but that's good, at least I don't have to practice from scratch for these common sense things.

        Body armor, ballistic helmets, tactical watches, communication equipment, assault rifles, automated pistols, magazines and ammunition, melee knives ......

        After putting on all these things, the Tiger Teeth No. 1 Special Operations Squad formed by Wu Rui and the others had already made its first appearance.

        There were still a full two hours before the replacement time, and at this time, Syrippi was in the city of Sam, which was where Wu Rui and the others were going to support them later.

        An armed force of nearly fifty Syriabi reactionaries approached a refugee camp guarded by government forces, and they approached over this route without the government guards being the least bit aware of it ......

        Time ticked by, and soon it was time for the Tiger's Teeth No. 1 Special Operations Squad to head out.

        At the place where Wu Rui and the others had assembled, the Peace Corps of the Earth Alliance had already assembled.

        The Earth Alliance, a confederation of nations on the planet Earth, and the Earth Alliance Peace Forces, which are commanded by them, are armaments and armed forces drawn from the various nations in the Earth Alliance. In other words, the peace forces of the Earth Alliance do not belong exclusively to one country.

        At this time, Wu Rui into the eyes of the entire ground United Peace Forces about a thousand people size, and the various barracks are still constantly people walking over to gather, Wu Rui expected, this time the number of reinforcements at least can reach the size of two thousand people.

        It's amazing that so many peace forces have been mobilized to assist in the counterinsurgency, how much did Syrippi give to the Ground Alliance ......

        Wu Rui, who knew the bottom of the Earth Union well, knew very well what the existence of the Earth Union really meant before the outbreak of the alien disaster.

        After about another ten minutes or so, Tiger No. 1's captain Yang Zhi returned to the team, and in his hand he was currently holding a paper document.

        Zhou Xu, you set this location with gps and send the exact location to all the team members on top of their devices, the rest of the team come over for a meeting, let's go over the guarding plan for tonight.

        For special operations teams, the missions issued by their superiors are very different from those of the Peace Corps.

        There were a total of seven squads of special operations forces left behind by China in Syrippi, and Tiger Teeth No. 1 was one of them.

        According to the instructions of our superiors, after we set out to reach our destination, we will cooperate with the government forces to carry out the transfer operation of the victims, at that time, Zhao Haoqian, Wang Song, me and Wu Rui will act as a line of fire guard, Zhou Xu will cooperate with Huang Jie to carry out the transfer of the proximity point along with the government forces, Zhao Yang and Li Lingya will look for the high ground to control the situation, and the other situations will be improvised.

        After saying these words, Yang Zhi scanned the crowd and said, Any questions?

        No! The crowd answered in unison.

        All right then, gear up and get in the car!

        The eight men of Tiger One collectively entered the armed off-road vehicle that the government forces had outfitted them with.

        There's nothing dangerous about this operation, right!? Wu Rui asked as he sat in the car, actually Wu Rui was still a bit confused about the situation over here.

        Dangerous ...... Wang Song beside Wu Rui with a speechless face said, You're afraid that you haven't slept awake, this is Syrippi, the reason why we're going to transfer the refugees there this time is purely because the government forces are also not sure that they can continue to guard that location.

        So it's possible to go to war! Wu Rui's face became quite serious.

        Hmm. Yang Zhi spoke at this time, It might be more difficult than you guys imagined.

        According to the intelligence we just received, the government forces have completely retreated to the center of SAM City at this moment, the upper city close to the rebels has basically been lost, and apart from our team, the other six special operations squads will all follow the peace force to go and cooperate with the main force of the government forces to take positions, and as far as danger is concerned, they may be a bit more dangerous than us.

        Captain, the casualty report you asked for is out. The man who spoke was Zhou Xu, the communications soldier in Tiger One.

        Yang Zhi took the tablet and looked at it for a while, then his face hardened quite a bit and said, Everyone pay attention to this, this morning until now, not counting the government forces in Syriabi, the peace forces alone have a total of forty-nine deaths, and a lot of the seriously injured soldiers have not been able to get out of danger, this battle has now entered a white-hot state.

        It should be realized that the Peace Corps had not really intervened in the battle yet, and the area they were in was basically not a frontal battlefield, and the fact that a unit that was assisting in the defense of the battle had suffered such high casualties was all enough to show just how ferociously the frontal battlefield was being fought.

        And there is one more thing to mention here, that is, the peace force is almost composed of the elite troops of various countries, they are already well-trained existences, and such a troop still lost nearly fifty people in a position that is not a frontal battlefield, which is why Yang Zhi's face is ugly.

        With this heaviness, Yang Zhi said solemnly:

        Attention all members, once we leave, we must all be careful and make sure we get home safely.

        Aye! Captain!

        The convoy drove slowly, at a location about forty kilometers away from the base of the military camp, the convoy suddenly split into three teams, and the team that Wu Rui was in only had a total of thirteen vehicles, and the direction that they were going to was exactly the location of the refugee camp that Yang Zhi had said.

        The remaining eleven vehicles in the convoy were all Peace Corps non-commissioned officers, totaling seventy people, in addition to Tiger One, the number of people going to support this time totaled seventy-eight.

        There are only four Chinese buses in total, there aren't many people in this refugee camp! Wu Rui said as he looked at the convoy in front of him.

        These four are just temporary additions, the government army side has long arranged for vehicles to evacuate the refugees. Communication soldier Zhou Xu said.

        By the way, if we encounter a rebel attack, do we have the right to shoot? Wu Rui asked Yang Zhi.

        Yang Zhi looked at Wu Rui and nodded, The Syribi government has given us permission to use our weapons in combat, so during combat, whenever you feel that there is a threat to your existence, you may open fire without having to ask for permission.

        That's good. Wu Rui nodded his head with a straight face, and seeing the serious Wu Rui, the other two people inside the car burst out laughing.

        As the convoy entered the city, the sound of artillery fire became particularly shrill.

        When they were far away, they didn't think that the sound of the gunfire was anything, but after they entered the city, the smoke filled the air and the sound of the gunfire constantly reminded Wu Rui and the others that they were already in the middle of a battlefield.

        After entering the city, Yang Zhi said in the voice channel, Attention all units, test the communication channel, now start to enter the first level of combat readiness.

        Raider Wu Rui copy.

        Communicator Zhou Xu copy.

        Sniper Li Lingya copy.

        Observer Jo Yang copy.

        Blaster Zhao Hao Qian received.

        Machine-gunner Wang Song receives.

        Communications are normal, so be careful!

        Wu Rui took a deep breath, the first battle that belonged to him since he was reborn was about to be fought!

    Chapter 5: Cleaning up the Rebels [1]

        The car flew through the various positions set up by the government forces, while the sounds of gunfire that Wu Rui and the others could hear became clearer and clearer.

        It's already nighttime in this nigga, and this group of rebels still won't stop. Zhou Xu said as he sat in the front row.

        Don't panic, take a deep breath if you're nervous. Wu Rui grinned.

        I'm panicking my ass, do I look like the kind of person who panics! Zhou Xu instantly exploded when he heard Wu Rui's words.

        The car was plunged into a dead silence for a while, and after about ten seconds, Yang Zhi came very seriously, Not like, it would have been ......

        Crowd: ......

        For this kind of scene in front of them, no one was more calm than Wu Rui and Yang Zhi.

        Yang Zhi is because he has already experienced this situation many times before this, as for Wu Rui, this guy is returning from the disaster, not to mention this kind of scene, even if it's a hundred times bigger than this, Wu Rui has seen it no less than a hundred times.

        Not to mention the fact that this was only a war between people, and without that horrible and disgusting existence of an alien species, Wu Rui could now be said to not have a single ripple in his heart.

        The car arrived near the refugee camp, but from Wu Rui and their direction, the refugee camp at this time was in a state of chaos.

        What's going on? Inside the car, Yang Zhi's face instantly sank, the situation in front of him didn't seem to be as easy as he had imagined.

        All units pay attention to the alert, there might be a problem over at the refugee camp. After Yang Zhi finished speaking, he signaled Huang Jie to slow down the vehicle, and he was the first to jump from the vehicle.

        Wu Rui followed closely, followed by Wang Song and Zhao Haoqian in the second car.

        The four of them got out of the car and turned on the safety of the firearms in their hands directly, walking vigilantly in the direction of the refugee camp.

        At the same time, the convoy that had come to provide support stopped, and three vehicles totaling fifteen people stepped directly out of the vehicles, led by none other than Joseph, the Peace Corps chief who had come to support the refugee camp.

        Yang Zhi with Wu Rui four people had arrived at the entrance of the refugee camp at this time, Yang Zhi looked at the chaotic refugee camp and directly asked a government soldier at the entrance, What's the situation?

        Hearing Yang Zhi's question, the soldier immediately replied, The rebel army suddenly attacked, the front suffered heavy losses, I'm not too sure what the exact situation is, but we just received orders to pay attention to the surrounding buildings.

        As soon as the government soldier's side's words fell, a gunshot rang in Wu Rui's ears, and immediately after, a bullet knocked down a government soldier who was about ten meters away from Wu Rui and the others.

        Wu Rui raised his head at the first time to look at the location of the gunshot, more than ten years of battlefield career made him enter into a state of battle readiness at the first time.

        The Zero light brain in his mind also opened at the first time, the light brain quickly established the surrounding environment image, in less than a second, the basic analysis of the surrounding environment has been established, Wu Rui in front of his eyes has appeared in the virtual interface imported by the light brain.

        All alert! There are rebels in the building! Yang Zhi lowered his body at the first moment he heard the gunshot and yelled loudly over the voice channel.

        With Yang Zhi's yell, all the members of Tiger's Teeth No. 1 all got out of the car, and all of them turned on their gun safeties, directly entering into a state of combat readiness.

        And Joseph, who was no more than five meters away from Yang Zhi, also gave a direct order, and all the Peace Corps soldiers in the car got down from the car en masse, and they raised their guns to look for the source of the gunfire in the surrounding buildings.

        Yang, you need to help us purge the building of rebels, we will coordinate with the government forces on our side as soon as possible and try to evacuate all the Syrippian people in the camp within an hour. Joseph said in a serious manner.

        What the special operations squad was meant to perform was originally a mission like the one in front of them, so after Joseph finished speaking, Yang Zhi didn't hesitate and directly nodded his head in response.

        Zhao Yang Li Lingya find the high ground on your own, I ask you to control this street now and cooperate with the government forces as much as possible to complete the evacuation on this side.

        Zhou Xu stay behind, set up a communication channel as well as detecting the surroundings, drones and probes are released, I want to make sure that the area around the refugee camp is under our surveillance.

        The rest of you come with me, the buildings over here are all sealed off by definition, even if the rebels could get here, they'd only be able to get to a single road, so all we have to do is take out the group from earlier and look for the road they came over on, and we'll make sure that no other rebels feel their way over here!

        Okay, all hands on deck, let's move!

        As Yang Zhi's order was given, Tiger's Teeth No. 1 began to move as a whole.

        The entire Tiger One was divided into three teams that started arriving at different locations, while Wu Rui and Yang Zhi walked at the forefront of the clearing team.

        Did anyone see where that shot came from just now? Yang Zhi asked as he walked.

        Wu Rui glanced at the location he had just locked and said directly, I see it, follow me!

        Wu Rui said and walked in front of Yang Zhi to lead the way.

        The remaining few people followed behind Wu Rui, this time the Tiger No. 1 was on full alert, and the playfulness on each face was no longer there before.

        Light Brain Zero build me a model of the basic environment of this building, I want a clear understanding of this building! Wu Rui directly gave orders to Light Brain Zero in his mind.

        Zero begins to establish base analysis of surroundings ......

        Create generate ......

        Establishment complete!

        As the system tone fell, the virtual interface in front of Wu Rui's eyes has generated the detailed data of this building. And in front of Wu Rui's eyes, not only can he see the basic situation of the building's various hallways, but he can also see the location of the fifth floor, the three active figures ......

        For a moment, Wu Rui was stunned!

        There's even a thermal search? This light brain is more than several times more advanced than the one I used before! Damn it!

        With the detailed data and the specific distribution of the enemy, Wu Rui's original mood, which was still a bit tense, instantly dissipated into thin air.

        However, considering that there were still Yang Zhi and the others behind him, Wu Rui maintained various tactical maneuvers as he made his way up the stairs, carefully and vigilantly leaning towards the floor where the rebels were located.

        And just as Wu Rui they entered the third floor, the virtual interface in front of Wu Rui's eyes suddenly displayed the silhouette red dots on the roof location, and as Wu Rui's body paused, the silhouette red dots continued to increase.

        Crap! This is them coming for backup? Wu Rui's body came to a complete stop, while the Tiger Teeth No. 1 team members behind him, one by one, also alerted their surroundings.

        What's wrong? Yang Zhi asked in a small voice.

        There are footsteps, just in the upstairs position! Wu Rui said to Yang Zhi, but all of his attention was on the red dots of the silhouettes added to the roof of the building.

        Go, screw them. Yang Zhi said, and then made a sudden gesture behind him.

        Since everyone was wearing night vision, Yang Zhi's gestures were clearly in the eyes of the others behind him.

        But when Yang Zhi was about to move, Wu Rui reached out and stopped the crowd, Wait first, give me a few seconds.

        ??? Yang Zhi looked at Wu Rui with a puzzled face, confused as to what kind of situation Wu Rui was in.

    Chapter 6: Cleaning up the Rebels [2]

        There was about a full fifteen seconds of pause, and only after Wu Rui was sure that there were no silhouettes with red dots that continued to increase, did he take a deep breath and make a gesture towards his back to make a sudden advance.

        Together with the three people on the fifth floor, there are a total of fifty people, which means that this battle is going to be five of us against fifty people, and we have to fight a building assault battle, this is really nifty! Wu Rui licked his lips, a little excited.

        Taking the rifle in his hand, Wu Rui arrived at the junction of the fourth and fifth floors, and at this moment, right at the location of the entrance to the fifth floor hallway, one of the three people in the rebel army was guarding there.

        This building had a total of seven floors, eight if you counted the top floor, and at the moment the rebels in the top floor position had not come down, which meant that Wu Rui and the others had to take care of the three rebels on the fifth floor at the first opportunity.

        Taking a deep breath, Wu Rui moved, standing in the first position of the assailant, this kind of charging thing naturally fell on his body, combat experience and combat skills this moment in Wu Rui's body got the most perfect embodiment, only to see Wu Rui turn around and enter into the view of the entrance of the fifth floor hallway, lifting the gun is a three consecutive points, instantly solved the first rebel that came into the eyes.

        Immediately afterward, without bringing the slightest pause, Wu Rui directly took a step and rushed towards the room where the remaining two were.

        But as the shots rang out, the two remaining rebels in the fifth floor began to react.

        However, the moment they had just turned around, Wu Rui had already stepped into the room, and with the assistance of Zero's light brain, Wu Rui fired six shots in a row, directly taking out the two remaining rebels in the room.

        Purge! Wu Rui said in the voice channel.

        Yang Zhi entered the room and kicked the guns out of the hands of the two corpses before throwing Wu Rui a complimentary look.

        But at this time, Wu Rui didn't pause, turned around and exited the room and said in the voice channel, On guard! There are still footsteps upstairs!

        Wang Song, who was guarding the position of the entrance of the fifth floor hallway, immediately raised his gun and aimed at the hallway, while Wu Rui at this time had already rushed to Wang Song's side.

        Meanwhile, the top floor location.

        Captain, there's gunfire downstairs! It's the sound of a silenced gun! A rebel with better ears came to the side of the one in charge and said quickly.

        Attention all, there might be someone coming to attack the building! As the captain of this raid team, Namir was also a guy who was good at fighting and knew how to fight, and almost at the first moment he got the information, he gave an order towards the people around him.

        In a moment, the rebels on the top floor then began to charge downstairs.

        A dense sound of footsteps suddenly came from the position of the stairway entrance, and this sound naturally reached the ears of the people responsible for clearing the hallway in Tiger One.

        A lot of people! Wang Song gritted his teeth and said in the voice channel.

        They're rushing down! Zhao Haoqian found a cover at the entrance of the building.

        Pay attention to concealment, we can just defend the fifth floor! Yang Zhi also came to the position of the entrance of the building at this time, and as soon as he pulled Wang Song away, he and Wu Rui stood on the left and right sides of the entrance of the building respectively.

        Captain, the location is too small for a firefight! There was no way to fire from where Huang Jie was, he said in the voice channel.

        We're not in a position to engage in a firefight, and they're just as much in a position to do so, take care to stay hidden, and you're always ready to replace any other of us who run out of bullets. Yang Zhi ordered.

        Understood. Huang Jie nodded.

        The distance from the top of the building down to the fifth floor was not long, so in this time that the people were talking, the first rebel appeared in Wu Rui's field of vision.

        The light-brain is beginning to simulate for me the situation three seconds after the battle and detecting whether the knocked-out enemy survived.

        Wu Rui finished his command, and towards the first rebel that appeared in his field of vision was to shoot.


        Three shots hit the body of the first rebel, the second rebel appeared in front of Wu Rui's eyes, on this side Wu Rui had not moved his gun to aim, on the other side Yang Zhi opened fire, also three consecutive points, directly resolved a rebel.

        Hearing the gunshot, the rebels rushing down from the upper floors suddenly stalled in their steps, and one by one, they blocked the position of the sixth floor's hallway entrance.

        You guys watch for me, I'll throw the thunder! Wu Rui said almost immediately after Yang Zhi took out the second guy.

        For a while, Wang Song, Zhao Haoqian, and Yang Zhi all aimed at the location of the entrance of the building.

        Wu Rui threw back the rifle in his hand, and immediately after that, he took out a grenade from the tactical belt pack on his waist, pulling the grenade's safety off, Wu Rui took a big stride to the position in the middle of the staircase, and threw it up towards a gap in the stairway.

        Grenade! Look out!

        After throwing the grenade out, Wu Rui made a lunge and roll toward the stairs, directly into a safe position.


        The grenade exploded, filling the room with smoke, while the wall at the stairway's location collapsed.

        Yang Zhi stepped out from the side right after the grenade exploded, and without saying a word, he rushed towards the sixth floor position with his gun.

        The stairs were not blown off by the grenade, in fact, after entering the sixth floor, the location was much wider, and that grenade of Wu Rui's was not thrown on the stairs of the sixth floor.


        Seeing Yang Zhi rushing, Wang Song was the second to follow, followed by Yang Zhi's voice in the voice channel.

        Zhao Haoqian was the third to follow, while Wu Rui and Huang Jie looked at each other and both followed up to the sixth floor.

        While Wu Rui was walking around, gunshots had already been heard from the sixth floor, and the rebels also reacted at the first opportunity and began to frantically return fire on Yang Zhi's men who had just gone up the stairs.

        Close quarters combat actually tests reflexes and marksmanship the most, because in such a narrow a distance, a single slip could get you killed.

        Tiger No. 1 is obviously not the kind of fledgling guys, after many battles and practice, all the members of Tiger No. 1 actually have high tactical literacy and tacit understanding, so that even if it is three against dozens, Yang Zhi they did not fall into the wind.

        Wu Rui quickly arrived at the sixth floor, and by this time there were already dozens of rebel corpses at the sixth floor stairway.

        Come up! Wang Song Zhao Hao Qian take care of the left side, Wu Rui and I will take care of the right side, and Huang Jie will watch the stairway on the seventh floor for me, finish them off!

        After Yang Zhi finished speaking, he rushed into the sixth floor with a roll.

        Immediately after that, Wang Song helped Yang Zhi shoot for suppression, while Zhao Haoqian shot to suppress the few remaining rebels on the left.

        With the Zero Light Brain, Wu Rui had a clear idea of the position of the remaining number of rebels on the sixth floor before he went up to the sixth floor, so while Wang Song Zhao Hao Qian was suppressed by fire, he directly rushed to kill Yang Zhi at the right position where he was.

        Wu Rui into the field, dense gunfire sounded, a few in the corner position just showed his head of the guys were killed by Wu Rui a hit, a magazine finished, Wu Rui a dump rifle directly from the right side of the thigh position to pull out the pistol, turn around and rushed towards the left side of the position.

        Yang Zhi's side reacted quickly, and after seeing a few corpses fall, he also immediately paid attention to the position to the left of the stairway.


        A few more shots were fired in a row, and when Wu Rui hit the tenth round, the remaining rebels on the sixth floor were all purged.

    Chapter 7: Cleaning up the Rebels [3]

        Wang Song Zhao Hao Qian watch the stairway, Wu Rui and I will check the sixth floor. Yang Zhi's voice came from the voice channel again.

        The division of labor between the several people was clear, and in no time Zhao Haoqian and Wang Song began to help up Huang Jie to guard the position of the stairway on the sixth floor.

        In fact, in Wu Rui's field of vision, the sixth floor had now been purged, but in order to cooperate with Yang Zhi a little, Wu Rui still did not directly shift his attention to the seventh floor and the sixth floor stairs.

        On his way to check, Wu Rui changed the magazines of the pistol and rifle in his hands, and since the pistol

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