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Special Co-operation Section
Special Co-operation Section
Special Co-operation Section
Ebook1,108 pages18 hours

Special Co-operation Section

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Rookie junior criminal police officer Liu Zimo just wants to quietly be a small police officer, but unexpectedly was assigned to the most mysterious department in the police force - Special Co-operation Section.

Under the leadership of veteran criminal police officer Lin Qiuzheng, he enters a whole new bizarre world. Corpses carry drugs, g

Release dateJan 5, 2024
Special Co-operation Section

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    Book preview

    Special Co-operation Section - Kendra Berkeland

    Chapter 4: Ice Corpse Transporting Poison

        Just when Liu Zimo thought his life had come to an end.  He realized that the drug dealer actually didn't move. This is somewhat evil. How could that drug dealer not move after being slapped a few times by Lin Qiuzheng's chopping face?

        Lin Qiuzheng, who had finished doing the spell, threw a look at him, signaling that it was now safe. Only then did Liu Zimo greatly exhale, unusually tired, and jumped off from that drug dealer's body. Simply patting the dust on his body, hundreds of thousands of questions had long arisen in his inner mind. But just wanted to ask questions. Lin Qiu Zheng said in a bad mood: ''You want to ask why right. There's no time to explain now. I'm also exhausted." After saying that, he also exhaled greatly with Liu Zimo. It was obvious that both of them were exhausted.

        Liu Zimo got close to the stationary drug dealer. After observing for half a day, he rushed to him and said, Alright. You've stopped now~ Wait until you get into the squad room to see how I'll clean you up!

        He's a dead man~ It's true that he'll be in the hospital morgue later. Into the classroom I see exempt it. Slowed down Lin Qiuzheng, doing warm-up exercises twisting waist, shaking hands to look at the appearance should also intend to move out of this drug dealer.

        Liu Zimo heard Lin Qiuzheng's words. I thought to myself that today is also considered to be really hit by evil. Such a strange thing happened. Even if Lin Qiuzheng said he was a dead man, then why would a corpse walk? But also felt that there seems to be a few points of truth. Because he just held the body of the drug dealer when he only felt that he was cold, not the slightest sense of normal body temperature.

        Lin Qiu was doing a simple warm-up exercise before habitually lighting up a cigarette again. Taking a big drag, he explained, In my opinion, this should be what is said outside to be the Southern Ocean corpse control technique. Before Liu Zimo could answer, he continued, This is the first time I've encountered this. That's why I couldn't figure it out before. But his demeanor is very consistent with a book I read before. As he speaks Lin Qiu Zheng also plays the role of a lecturer at the same time, Liu Zimo frowns and listens intently at the side. He felt that the section chief in front of him didn't look like he was in the public security industry, but rather had the flavor of a ghost-catching celestial master.

        Then, Lin Qiu was pacing in circles around the corpse and began to recall how it was described in the book. The corpse was cold and incredibly hard, and was as strong as an ox. Three or five people could not get close. No pulse, no superficial appearance. This was usually used by Southern Ocean sorcerers to perform magic after death.

        Looking at the body in front of me was manipulated to be used for drug transportation. But why just now will be in the warehouse inside the wall does not move, move out only after moving again? This question Lin Qiuzheng seems to be unable to find the answer, can not answer.

        Liu Zimo, however, was on the sidelines and had been observing the dead body in front of him that was defined as a dead body by Lin Qiuzheng. Turning back once in three steps, looking back once in five steps. Always on guard against him. Afraid that he would move once again. Afterwards, Lin Qiu Zheng stubbed out his cigarette and indicated that they would carry the corpse out together. Liu Zimo is obviously somewhat unhappy, obviously can call outside colleagues to come in to help, but Lin Qiuzheng preferred to let himself help carry out. On second thought, there is no way who let him be his immediate superior.

        With a reluctant face, he walked to the corpse. Taking another look at the drug dealer, he took a deep breath, sank his chi into his dantian, and powered upward.

        Come on~! Liu Zimo reached out to hold the drug dealer's head. Intending to make the body lie down horizontally. Upon seeing this, Lin Qiu Zheng hurriedly shouted, Not good! Bad!

        It was only strange that Lin Qiu Zheng had forgotten to remind Liu Zimo that the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the corpse had been sealed. One cannot touch these places again or it will start up again. Just forgetting to say this, who knew that it would actually be touched.

        Liu Zimo, who had just reached out with the intention of helping the corpse to lie over horizontally, came up with his hands on the eyes and ears of the corpse. The moment his fingers touched, the corpse came back to life.

        This is good, all the previous work was done in vain. The corpse of the drug dealer also didn't give Liu Zimo a chance to react directly blasted a fist at his chest. He only felt a blackness before his eyes and fell to the ground. Lin Qiuzheng rushed forward and pulled Liu Zimo to the ground and dragged him to the side, then he immediately chased after him. This time, the drug dealer's body did not choose to leave. Rather, he intended to finish off the 2 guys in front of him who were in the way.

        Lin Qiu was facing this strong corpse with some weakness in his heart, after all, it was also the first time he had encountered such an opponent. If he didn't get it right, he might die on the spot. He thought to himself that he could only stall for time now, and he guessed that using the Kui Gang Steps again wouldn't be of much use.

        But one would always never give up hope, Lin Qiu Zheng was chanting under his breath. His footsteps were fast but not chaotic. Can vaguely see his left and right hands there are two masses of gas, one blue, the other red. The corpse seemed to be able to see the same did not recklessly approach. Secretly waiting for an opportunity. This surprised Lin Qiu Zheng, frowned and thought: Is it possible that the sorcerer manipulating the corpse can still see me?

        After Liu Zimo, who had collapsed on the ground, coughed painfully for a few moments, he seemed to have regained some sanity. However, it was still making that miserable moaning sound. Lin Qiu was staring intently at the corpse in front of him while shouting to Liu Zimo, who had fallen to the ground behind him, Knight! Listen to me, you are still young. The situation here right now might be out of my control. If you still have the strength, run away. Leave this place to me.

        This sentence makes Liu Zimo a little surprised at first hearing, the original at this moment this is the so-called life and death line. And it is not like the usual movie and TV drama kind of heroes, randomly hit are not dead. He was lying on the ground in pain and clenched his teeth, no longer have the strength to answer, but his heart is a hundred feelings. Only to see his brow tightly locked with a defiant look, heart a ruthless: old son today even if it is dead! I have to fight with you!

        As the people s police, our backs are left for the people to see. He summoned all the strength of his body and stood up by holding the wall. Viciously staring at the lifeless drug dealer filled with defiance. Lin Qiu was hearing the movement that was happening behind the back stay. Just with the corner of the eye to the back drifted eyes. Shook his head but he said: ''You are still young ah. There is no need to be so persistent. Quickly go~"

        Liu Zimo didn't pay any attention to Lin Qiuzheng. He reached out and pulled out the 38 pistol that was at his waist. With some effort, he raised his hand to aim at the drug dealer.

        Boom! A low sound echoed throughout the mall. The drug dealer fell to the ground in response. They hadn't even had time to catch their breath. The drug dealer actually got up from the ground. Only a piece of flesh was missing from his body and bones could be seen, but there was no blood.

        The drug dealer's corpse turned to Liu Zimo on the side, feeling that he might pose a threat. It suddenly ran wildly towards Liu Zimo. Liu Zimo, who had absolutely no time to think, instinctively hooked the trigger and fired 3 shots in a row. Boom! BOOM! BOOM!!! A low growl passed. The corpse rose from the ground once again.

        Liu Zimo took a look at the gun couldn't even work. Just a moment ago was full of fighting spirit defiant eyes, but also gradually darkened, turned into the eyes of despair. It felt that the body in front of him had already turned into a god of death that would harvest his own life.

        Just as Liu Zimo was shooting, Lin Qiu was running quickly to the drug dealer's corpse. Using his right and left hands with the two colors of fire and blue, he frantically slapped the five doors of the corpse's face. Pulling up his voice again, he shouted, Seal the eyes! Both ways!!! , seal the ears! Two ways!!! The gates are all sealed!

        Snap! Snap! PAP!!! With all his strength he hit the corpse's face. Hoping to still be able to seal the corpse's movement again with this move. But what was never expected was that Liu Zimo had just had a shot directly hit the corpse's left cheek. Blasting half of the corpse's entire left face away.

        Biologically, it's the same as losing your ears and half your mouth. Strictly speaking this sealing of the five doors was incomplete. But Lin Qiuzheng couldn't care less at this point. Frantically outputting a set of combos, he repeatedly muttered in his mind: seal it first, seal it first.

        As expected, the sealing of the five doors worked before. Now without half a face, the pressure can not be sealed ah. The body once again climbed up, see this Lin Qiuzheng is covered with a sense of helplessness. Take this thing in front of you simply can not do anything.

        In the heat of the moment, I can only use half a lifetime of physical skills, Wang Bakuan. Splitting the head and face a violent beating, beating the hands are blood. It was no use at all. The corpse seemed to find Lin Qiu Zheng quite annoying so he kicked over. He instinctively blocked it, but was still brought up by the brute force and fell to the concrete floor.

        At that moment, their walkie-talkies rang. Lin Qiuzheng! Liu Zimo! Are you guys okay? I heard gunshots outside just now! Are you guys okay? Please answer? ,

        Liu Zimo replied to himself with a look of despair, Good my ass! Good can still shoot? Answer your ass! Roll~

    Chapter 5: Rice Cooker?

        Lin Qiuzheng, who had fallen to the ground, squinted and saw that the corpse was walking straight towards Liu Zimo, who was leaning on the wall.

        He braced his hands on the ground and fought his way up. And once again rushed towards the corpse shouting loudly, Heaven and earth are limitless! Qiankun borrows the law!

        Only to see that Lin Qiu was stretching out the middle finger of his left hand and putting it into his mouth, biting hard on the tip of the finger. Blood instantly bubbled out from between the fingers. He shrugged his shoulders again to store up his strength, making the posture of a rugby player intercepting the ball. Desperately using the force of the whole body to ram the corpse. Wanted to make the corpse deviate from its original course of action through this impact.

        At the same time, he poked his middle finger, which was bubbling with blood, hard at the seal on the corpse's face. He knew very well that Chinese Taoism and Southern Ocean sorcery did not share a common ground. This one also meant that there existed the ability to not be able to restrain the other party's sorcery. The bloody finger at the Hall of Seal was also just to try his luck.

        The moving corpse actually slightly deviated from its route under this desperate impact from Lin Qiu Zheng. Accompanied by a poke of the bloody finger of the Hall of Seals here in the brain. The corpse actually began to move slowly with a jerk.

        In the eyes of others, the body may have looked funny as it jerked and jerked as if it were break-dancing. But the two people at the scene couldn't laugh at all, all they wanted was for the body to stay put.

        The body was bouncing and jumping like a morbid dancer, with no pattern.

        At this time, Liu Zimo and Lin Qiu, who were on the side, met face to face. They stared at each other with wide eyes. What kind of show was this?

        The walkie-talkie bared its teeth at this moment, People inside, please reply when you receive it.

        Repeat, those inside receive please... Bared~Bared~...

        Liu Zimo just turned around, and that intercom couldn't receive the signal again. Lin Qiuzheng also took the opportunity to catch his breath, he did not expect this today.

        The blood finger of the seal is usually used to seal the action of the zombie. But today, Lin Qiuzheng is also considered to try it by mistake, after all, there is no full certainty.

        Now this body in front of them that had no regular twitching was also making it difficult for them. Fearing that this thing would suddenly return to its state that would be bad.

        Shouting kept coming out of the intercom, on and off. It made the 2 people inside the mall feel distracted. At this moment, they didn't even have the heart to answer. They were just in a state of silence, and there was no other sound in the mall except the sound of breathing and twitching.

        Liu Zimo was waiting for Lin Qiuzheng to give the next step. Lin Qiuzheng, on the other hand, was looking at the twitching corpse and didn't know what to say, having no way to start. The still twitching corpse suddenly stabilized again after twitching for a few minutes.

        This caused their faces to change drastically. Inside their hearts, they not only thumped a little. If this thing recovered again, then their lives would probably have to be accounted for here.

        The damn thing in front of me is simply what it is commonly known as: a hooligan knows martial arts, and no one can stop it.

        They both held each other up and whispered, Master, I don't think we'll be able to get through this today.

        Lin Qiu Zheng shielded his mouth with his hand, coughed dryly a few times, and reluctantly responded, Don't say anything demoralizing. It should still be possible for him to smoke again.

        After listening to what Lin Qiuzheng said, he looked up at the corpse again. Inwardly sighing: Today! I've really hit a ghost!

        Liu Zimo pursed up his lips and frowned, smiling bitterly in resignation, This is my first day on the police force!

        Quickly though it was riddled with holes, the corpse still moved quickly, and these injuries didn't seem to play any role for the corpse. It was still moving as freely as this.

        Only to see the corpse gradually approaching in front of them, he raised his hand and threw a punch, sending Liu Zimo flying a few meters away.

        Immediately after that, both hands pinched Lin Qiuzheng's neck. Gradually tightening them with force, as if they were strangling a chicken, intending to slowly suffocate him to death. Lin Qiuzheng instinctively kicked and punched the corpse, struggling desperately. But all of this seemed to be to no avail.

        Tick tock, tick tock, in a matter of seconds... Lin Qiu Zheng's eyes began to redden, that was caused by the blood vessels in his eyeballs filling up with blood after being squeezed.

        The world he saw through his eyes began to glow red and gradually turned white. The white light was dazzling, but it was not blinding, rather it was a warming sensation. Soon he lost his resistance, and his body didn't struggle anymore. Gradually lost consciousness.

        At that moment... "Lin Qiu fell to the ground like a piece of meat...

        Ah~~!!! The man who fell to the ground took a big breath instinctively. It felt like he could take in all the oxygen in the world with this breath.

        Lin Qiu was desperately and greedily lying on the ground gasping for air in defiance of everything. It didn't matter anymore if it was a corpse or not.

        After a few seconds of reprieve he glanced up slightly at the body above him. Only to see that the corpse's head was covered with something, as if this thing had worked. Seeing that the corpse didn't move, he seemed to have remembered something using his remaining strength to shout out, Knight! Knight! Are you alright?

        Pfft! ~~~ There's still a small breath left. The sound actually came from behind the corpse.

        Lin Qiu Zheng spared the corpse and saw Liu Zimo who was sitting on his butt on the ground. The body was sandwiched between the 2 of them like a sandwich bread. When he saw that Liu Zimo was fine, he was relieved inwardly.

        Only then did he squint and stand up, trying to figure out what had happened to the body. At a fixed glance, there was a round object attached to the corpse's head. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a rice cooker that had been placed over the corpse's head in its entirety. The body's head was covered with a rice cooker,

        Lin Qiu is using his finger, poking the rice cooker on the corpse's head with a dumbfounded face, Did you do this?

        At this moment, Liu Zimo is covered with injuries have long been too painful to bear, simply also fell on the ground, completely disregard for the image, powerless nod, and spit out two words: Yes.

        Lin Qiu was looking at him with a face full of confusion, wanting an explanation. Why did this thing not move after this rice cooker ran onto the corpse's head?

        Liu Zimo on the ground also knew Lin Qiuzheng's mind, just as if he was also eager to figure out what Lin Qiuzheng and this Special Cooperation Section were actually doing.

        At this moment both sides have hundreds of questions waiting for the other to explain.

        Just now they are very weak, Liu Zimo put up his ears to search for the direction of the sound that is still constantly hissing and hissing, and straightened his hand to point in that direction, which turned out to be the police walkie-talkie that had just fallen aside in the chaos.

        2 words crumbled out of his mouth, Signal!

        In fact, before Liu Zimo has thought to, this corpse will not be the same principle as the walkie-talkie call. Because Lin Qiu is in the front has mentioned that they encountered this time this is the Southern Ocean corpse control technique. Assuming that the premise of the Southern Ocean corpse control technique is established, then remote control of any object should require a transmission medium, including the corpse is the same.

        Then the transmission medium should be a signal. And as long as the remotely manipulated body can't receive the transmission signal that's all that matters.

        Liu Zimo, through his own observation in front of him, realized that as long as the police walkie-talkie was in the area of silence, then the corpse would also show a state of silent cessation.

        However, after the police walkie-talkie appeared poor signal reception, the corpse as long as walked into the area, followed by a twitch as if in a break-dancing state. The above is exactly in line with the transmission medium problems, will lead to the receiver, poor signal reception or not receive the signal presented by the silent state.

        As he watched Lin Qiu was on the verge of being strangled to death, he just held the mentality of trying, and ran back after finding the most expensive rice cooker in the home appliance area of the already dilapidated mall. With the strength of a big dunk, he went up and down, and snapped at the corpse's head with a single blow.

        After the remote signal was roughly cut off by Liu Zimo, the corpse immediately appeared in a state of silence. It stood still without moving.

        Seeing that Lin Qiuzheng was saved, Liu Zimo let out a long breath, it seems that this is out of danger.

        The outer field made several attempts to talk on the walkie-talkie, but did not get a response from Lin Qiu Zheng and Liu Zimo. In the end, the criminal team in the outer field, after receiving orders from their superiors, decided to force their way in.

        A tactical squad of five people quickly felt their way into the mall. There was no dialog the entire time, just a simple tactical maneuver to cooperate with each other and cross each other's paths.

        In no time they found Lin Qiu Zheng and Liu Zimo lying weakly on the ground seemingly having gone through a vicious battle.

        In the middle of their lying down there was another one with a rice cooker for a head, poking in place all the time without moving.

        The tactical squad after seeing this was a bit hesitant to go up. The squad members, one after another, all focused their eyes on their captain.

        Then the tactical squad leader quickly signaled to his team - surround.

        After receiving the order, the members of the tactical team, without a moment's hesitation, quickly surrounded them to form a circle.

        Dude, do us a favor and carry us out. It's done here, don't take the rice cooker off that thing next to it. Remember...! Lin Qiu was sitting on the ground and reached out to pull out the cigarettes that were placed in his left chest pocket, skillfully shaking down the cigarette case. Using his hand to clip a cigarette into his mouth, not waiting for him to take out his lighter. The captain of the tactical squad also pulled out a lighter from somewhere and went up, lighting up the cigarette for Lin Qiu Zheng.

        And then took off his black mask in passing. At a glance, it turned out to be Xu Yibo, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Team 3 that he had recognized outside the door earlier, who had personally led the team to carry out the rescue operation.

    Chapter VI: Establishment

        Captain Xu Yibo didn't dare to take it lightly, frowning and narrowing his eyes vigilantly, he scanned the surroundings again.  Found that the only people nearby were Liu Zimo lying on the ground with his head smothered and a man standing stupidly with a rice cooker.

        He picked up his walkie-talkie to inform his colleagues in the outfield that it was safe inside. Lin Qiu Zheng was afraid that the rice cooker that was placed over this ghost thing's head would be removed by someone else. He specially instructed Xu Yibo, saying that the first batch of the outer field could only enter the forensic pathologist and transport this thing back first. Never let anyone touch it on the way.

        Although Xu Yibo didn't really understand Lin Qiuzheng's intentions. But seeing the extent of the damage around the mall, it was obvious that it was caused by a vicious battle that had already taken place. Not daring to slack off, he rearranged the work of the outfield personnel through the walkie-talkie again.

        After everything was arranged, Lin Qiu Zheng was relieved. Raising his eyebrows and squinting at the rice cooker corpse, he thought to himself: if it wasn't for Liu Zimo's seemingly somewhat haphazard actions in front of him, I guess he would have been dead by now.

        At this time, Liu Zimo, who was on the side, had already fallen into a coma.

        Soon the forensic team arrived. All of them looked at this thing in front of them with a dumbfounded face, and they didn't dare to voice their questions. After Xu Yibo's repeated emphasis on the scene, this thing with a rice cooker is very vicious. Together with the environment of the scene, the team members of the forensic team were deeply impressed that this thing in front of them, which was standing motionless here, should be very evil.

        Forensic team with gloves and masks, brought a stretcher, so the set of rice cookers of people a flip will be flat on the stretcher to transport away. Only left behind Xu Yibo and a few other team members who were supporting Lin Qiuzheng. Liu Zimo was also transported out when the forensic team arrived just now and sent to the nearby central hospital.

        While assisting Lin Qiuzheng, Xu Yibo's face showed many questions, but he was too embarrassed to ask, after all, he was not familiar with him. Lin Qiuzheng had long understood his thoughts and cleared his throat, ''Captain Xu. It's not that I'm unwilling to speak. It's just that the police force has a rule that everyone is not allowed to ask about the Special Cooperation Section's affairs at all."

        Hearing him pressurize himself with the police force regulations, he could only nod his head to show that he was aware of the rule. But inwardly, he was really curious. Supporting Lin Qiu Zheng limped to the front of the black briefcase that was not closed. He looked down and saw that the bag was filled with the charms and mahogany swords that were usually seen on TV to exorcise and subdue demons. Lin Qiuzheng struggled to squat down and simply organized the bag, indicating that he could leave.

        This journey can really be too difficult for Comrade Xu Yibo. In his heart, he wondered if Lin Qiu Zheng could be a Taoist priest. But then again, he grew up in an environment that preached science and de-superstition. At this time he was really too tormented inside.

        From this moment on, Xu Yibo secretly resolved to find out what Lin Qiuzheng and this Special Cooperation Section were really doing in the police force.

        A few days later at noon, the weather was good.

        Lin Qiu was carrying a fruit basket as she wandered through the ward area of the central hospital. After a few simple questions to the nurses, she quickly found the ward where Liu Zimo was.

        The young and strong Liu Zimo recovered quickly. Previously, after being admitted to the hospital, after examination the doctors claimed that his body had suffered many serious injuries and contusions. What was fortunate was that there were no ruptures or fractures in the internal organs. However, he needs to stay in bed for 2 weeks, during which time he should avoid strenuous exercise.

        At this time, Liu Zimo in the hospital room was not willing to be lonely, but even lying on the ground doing push-ups. Hearing a movement at the door he looked up. Found that it was the leader who came to see himself. So sweaty and hurriedly stood up with a big smile on his face and went forward to greet Lin Qiuzheng.

        It seemed that Lin Qiu Zheng usually didn't have a lot of socializing with people. He didn't know how to deal with Liu Zimo's enthusiasm. Lin Qiuzheng reached out with a stern face and handed him the fruit basket.

        Liu Zimo held the fruit basket he had just received and hurriedly signaled for Lin Qiu Zheng to sit down quickly, and hurriedly poured him a cup of water and handed it over. These days in the hospital but Liu Zimo was suffocated. Every day his mind was filled with wanting to figure out what was going on. He was just as curious as Xu Yibo, the captain of the third team. He also wanted to find out what this Special Cooperation Section was all about.

        Lin Qiu Zheng had wanted to return to the police force after delivering the fruits and proceed to investigate the case about the Southern Ocean Body Control Technique. But now it seemed that he couldn't leave.

        At this time, Liu Zimo mysteriously closed the door. Sitting back on the bed, using his cuffs to briefly wipe down the sweat on his hanging forehead, he opened his mouth and asked, Master Lin. Today you can always help me answer my questions.

        To be honest for the rice cooker incident Lin Qiuzheng also had questions he wanted to ask Liu Zimo. However, immediately Lin Qiuzheng rolled his eyes towards Liu Zimo. He habitually pulls out a cigarette from within his pocket, lights it up and sends it into his mouth to take a puff, Alright. You'll have to know sooner or later anyway.

        As soon as Liu Zimo heard Lin Qiuzheng finally open his mouth. Excitedly nodding his head up and down, he could not help but feel a surge of joy in his heart: it has been so long. I can finally know what my department does. Usually friends ask me exactly what I do, I can not answer, said it is to organize the internal affairs professional.

        Fingers flicked the ashes of the cigarette. Lin Qiu Zheng began to talk about the establishment of the Special Cooperation Section.

        The background of the Special Cooperation Section was established decades ago. At that time, Lin Qiuzheng and Wu Wei were both rookies who had just entered the police force. It was Wu Wei, who is now the chief boss of the criminal team, Captain Wu Wei.

        Hearing this Liu Zimo suddenly understood why Senior Captain Wu Wei would address Lin Qiuzheng as Ah Zheng.

        An evil incident happened back in the day about the Shanghai Dragon Pillar. In the 1990s, Shanghai elevated road construction in full swing. Following the completion of the inner ring road and opened to traffic, through the urban area of the north-south elevated and Yan'an Road elevated has been launched, forming a through the Shanghai Municipal East and West, South and North of the Shen word pattern. But did not expect, when the project is carried out to the key east and west of the north-south elevated road junction, as a support for the main pillar of the foundation piles how to hit down. Afterwards, it was announced to the public that a master was invited to deal with the incident. In the end, under the guidance of the master, the columns were surrounded with white steel and fitted with dragon motifs as a tribute to the gods who had helped make the piling a success.

        Liu Zimo excitedly interjected upon hearing this, ''Right! Right! Right! Right! There is this matter! I also know about it. I heard that the Master passed away in the end."

        Hearing Liu Zimo's snatch of an answer, Lin Qiu Zheng was smiling at him knowingly, obviously saying: you're wrong. But Lin Qiu Zheng did not give him the opportunity to continue his question. And said that in the future, if he had the opportunity, he would tell Liu Zimo about this incident back then.

        Then Lin Qiu Zheng continued the unfinished topic above to tell him. Through the nineties of the last century, that dragon pillar incident as an opportunity, and thus set up the police force's special cooperation section.

        As the name suggests, whenever there is a case or incident that cannot be explained by scientific means, then our Special Co-operation Section will intervene. Just like the drug dealer the other day. This is not mentioned okay, a mention of Liu Zimo joyfully laughed.

        This laugh caused his body to swell and ache, as if he had been beaten up by a dozen strong men. It seemed that the doctor had forgotten to instruct Liu Zimo that he needed to avoid laughing as well.

        Lin Qiuzheng turned the tables just in time to take this opportunity to ask why the rice cooker was used to cover the corpse's head.

        Seeing that Lin Qiuzheng would actually have questions for himself, he told his thoughts and judgment at that time one by one.

        At once, it caused Lin Qiu Zheng to be enlightened. Feeling that the idea and judgment of this kid in front of him was extraordinary. In fact, it turns out that the purpose of his own set of Seven Star Kui Gang Fist is also to seal the corpse's gas, commonly understood as sealing the signal. The purpose is the same just different techniques.

        Lin Qiuzheng pondered back alone for a few moments, and then raised his eyes to look at this kid, secretly nodding his head to feel a little interesting.

        Master, are you a Taoist priest. It's the kind that is often shown on TV to subdue demons and get rid of devils. Asking the question, he didn't forget to imitate the Taoist priest's appearance in the TV as he subdued the demons and removed the devils.

        After hearing this, Lin Qiuzheng did not answer, just remained silent. Liu Zimo, who was beside him, saw that he didn't say anything and thought to himself: this is considered a tacit acceptance? Then it seems that Master Lin is indeed a Taoist priest.

        Lin Qiuzheng, who was sitting in the chair, changed his position and crossed his legs, adding that he told Liu Zimo, who was sitting on the bed. The Special Cooperation Section has dealt with many incidents so far, and in the future Liu Zimo will come across them one by one, but the most problematic one at the moment is this case in front of him of manipulating corpses to transport drugs.

        Hearing this Liu Zimo's eyes stared like a walnut: Master, this matter. Wasn't it dealt with a few days ago?

        We just grabbed the body. Who was behind the fall? Where are they hiding? This case isn't solved yet. And it doesn't look easy.

        As the words fell, Liu Zimo could only nod, thinking about it. Currently, only one useless corpse was caught. This matter seems to be just a beginning, and it is estimated that there will be more drug-carrying corpses in the future. And guns don't work on corpses either. Is it possible that every colleague involved in the arrest has a rice cooker in his hand? That's not appropriate either ....

        Then he told Liu Zimo that he had delayed coming to see him for a few days because he had been busy looking for clues.

        Hearing that he was looking for clues, Liu Zimo instantly came to his senses, his face full of excitement, So are there any clues?

        Lin Qiu Zheng, who was beside him, saw that he was surprisingly so excited and slapped his face, What's the rush? Wait until you are discharged from the hospital.

        Oh ~~~~~~ He purposely stretched out his voice as if he were a small child full of disappointment.

        In the end, Lin Qiuzheng specially instructed Liu Zimo to tell him that no matter who comes to ask in the future, including his own parents, he can't tell them the truth. Just make up a story to fool them.

        Liu Zimo nodded his head immediately understanding his intentions. Smiling smugly, he stated that he had fooled around a long time ago and was excited to tell Lin Qiuzheng that even Captain Wu Wei hadn't told him yet. People in the police force have come to see him, and Xu Yibo, the head of the third detachment of the criminal investigation team, has also come to visit. He kept his mouth shut and didn't tell anyone.

        After hearing this, Lin Qiuzheng sighed in relief. Instead, Liu Zimo was left with a questioning face, Master. Why can't anyone speak?

        He replied with a serious face, Because it's the rule. It is also an order. It was set at the beginning of the establishment of this department, and no one can break it. But actually, Wu Wei knows what we do. Everyone else wouldn't know, and of course, they can't know.

        Every time you encountered a difficult case directly dumped to the Special Cooperation Section, making this section into a famous backstabbing section. However, as the head of the section, Lin Qiuzheng is also not almost.

        For a long time this section no one wants to go, and finally turned into Lin Qiuzheng a bare-knuckle commander. This time Liu Zimo mistakenly into the special cooperation section, the long-lost light-rod commander is considered to have a partner. This is the only way to make the few words of Lin Qiuzheng began to have a normal behavior of the day. Before leaving Lin Qiuzheng specially instructed Liu Zimo to take good care of his body, and when he went out he might encounter something even more powerful. What exactly is he can not say.

        Right after he left, Liu Zimo quietly lay on the bed, staring blankly at the sky outside the window, combing through his thoughts.

        It was the first time in my life that I had encountered such a situation. In retrospect, it is also a bit scary. Now it seems that I am a bit of a police officer, not a police officer. I immediately imagined myself as a Taoist priest, using a mahogany sword to fight demons in the city, walking the world with a sword. Think about some exciting... It's even better than being a cop. ....

    Chapter 7: The Morgue

        After a few more days, the hospital issued a certificate.  It proves that Liu Zimo's body has recovered and can be discharged. But he was discharged from the hospital also did not go home, straight to go to his office to find Lin Qiuzheng. Open the door to see Lin Qiuzheng sleeping on the sofa and snoring at the sky, keep quiet and approach to see, estimate that this Lin Qiuzheng should be a few days did not go home. A face full of stubble, the ground is also all cigarette butts. Is he not afraid of a fire in the office? Liu Zimo skimmed his lips, rolled up his sleeves and tried his best to keep quiet and started to clean up the office like a doghouse... After all the hygienic work was done, he waited for him to wake up from his nap.

        Lin Qiu, who woke up naturally, opened his eyes and saw a person sitting quietly playing with his cell phone. He looked sleepy and a bit confused, only feeling that his head was muddled and stuffy... After a while, Lin Qiuzheng reacted and vocalized, Why are you here?

        Liu Zimo crossed his legs and shook it up, looking very pleased with himself, and replied, The doctor let me out of the hospital ~ I'm not here to find you to solve the case together. How is it now~ Master?

        Lin Qiu Zheng rubbed his eyes with his hand and stretched, En~ There's progress. Come with me to the hospital's morgue later.

        After hearing the words morgue, Liu Zimo unconsciously softened his legs. Feeling that he only came back from the hospital how to go back again, this time or to go to the hospital in the most exciting place. After a simple combing and organizing Lin Qiuzheng, changed clothes and took out the black briefcase that was put in the closet. A wave of the hand signaling that can be issued.

        Along the way, Liu Zimo couldn't help but ask all sorts of questions. Although Lin Qiuzheng always had an old face and didn't have a good temper when he spoke, he still answered all his questions. But he still answered all the questions he asked one by one.

        He had already gotten used to the way Lin Qiu Zheng communicated with people, and this kind of no-good answer didn't make Liu Zimo feel bad, instead, it was more of a kindred spirit. Still full of care and continue to ask questions. Questions learned that the original Lin Qiuzheng black briefcase inside loaded really Taoist practice with the magic weapon. Also know that Lin Qiuzheng and Wu Wei captain of the friendship is not shallow. I heard that once upon a time their group of people also had a loud and clear combination.

        The current privilege that only Lin Qiuzheng could have in the entire police force was that the housekeeping and dress code was whatever he pleased. Captain Wu Wei when he saw Lin Qiuzheng, always full of enthusiasm, cheerfully take the initiative to go forward to greet hello. But Lin Qiuzheng is not very love to take care of Captain Wu Wei like, at the same time will not give him a good face look.

        On weekdays when there was a morning meeting in the police force, all the police officers present, including Liu Zimo, also paid great attention to their neat attire. Because privately everyone knew that Captain Wu Wei was a very demanding person. He is very strict with all the police officers under his command, but only Lin Qiuzheng does not have any requirements, and he is always smiling and happy to see him. People who don't know also thought that Captain Wu owed Lin Qiuzheng a lot of money still can't pay it.

        In the face of Liu Zimo's incessant questions, Lin Qiuzheng was somewhat unable to resist. Seeing that he had already arrived at the hospital entrance, he couldn't help but say, Are you investigating the account? Or is it that I am the object of your interrogation? With this reminder, Liu Zimo's face immediately turned red. He also felt that he had asked a bit too much and appeared embarrassed. Giggling awkwardly, he apologized, Hehehehehe~Master, I'm sorry. Sorry. I was a bit abrupt.

        After they arrived at the hospital, Lin Qiu was familiarly leading Liu Zimo. He came directly to the hospital's lower 2 floors. When the foot just stepped into the lower 2 floors, Liu Zimo immediately felt that it was cold and piercing. There was an indescribable sense of uneasiness.

        Even though it was down to the ground floor here, the lights were playing through. But it still made people feel uncomfortable. Animal instinct told Liu Zimo to get out of here quickly. But the Lin Qiu Zheng in front of him appeared to be calm and unbroken, with no adverse reaction, not even raising an eyebrow.

        Along the corridor they came to the door written morgue, Lin Qiuzheng raised his hand and gently knocked on the door, followed by the thumb and middle finger, rapid friction to produce snap a ringing finger. Snap! Snap! Snap! A series of three ringing fingers were short and powerful.

        Then slightly sideways to stand to the side of the door, Liu Zimo simply can not understand what he is doing now, but also do not dare to ask. Can only follow Lin Qiuzheng the same, stood to the side of the door. Just stood and felt a gust of wind blowing through the corridor from the door to the outside. This gust of wind also brought Liu Zimo's hair up, making him feel that this place is very strange.

        Okay, they're gone. Let's go in. Lin Qiu Zheng pushed open the door and stepped inside.

        At this moment, he had just been blown by the cloudy wind, and immediately felt that his legs were out of control, and he couldn't take a step... Just now that gust of wind was too fucking scary. Lin QiuZheng see him did not follow, turned around and saw standing in the doorway motionless, pale LiuZiMo said with a disgusted face: If you do not come in, they are going to look for you to play oh!

        The words made him instantly feel like he was going to be incontinent himself. Trying to overcome the fear within himself, he took a trembling step. While unconsciously letting out a shaky voice: Master... Master... They... Do they really exist?

        Lin Qiu Zheng felt that the Liu Zimo in front of her was a bit funny, rolled her eyes and asked rhetorically, ''What do you think. In the future, if you're doing things alone, you should also remember to be like me just now. Knock on the door and then snap your fingers three times."

        He pursed his lips in fear and tried to keep up with Lin Qiuzheng's steps, then his body pressed tightly behind Lin Qiuzheng's, Master, ah, what's the Three Snapping Fingers?

        The three snapping fingers are. Tell the invisible beings. Inform them that we are coming so that they can take shelter and lend each other a hand. That's why the wind blew out immediately after snapping our fingers just now. That's because they left... Liu Zimo's spine chilled as he listened to this, his sweaty hairs had long since stood up as if they were the tips of needles. Then like a frightened kitten, he tightly leaned against Lin Qiuzheng's body, his eyes vigilantly scanning the surroundings. Fearing that something supernatural would happen again.

        Inside the morgue on the 2nd basement floor were all movable metal beds with bodies lying flat on them. The surface is covered with white cloth, and the thumbs on the feet are covered with information cards of the dead people. This kind of removable iron plate beds, filled with left and right 2 rows are very neat.

        Realizing that none of the dead faces could be seen here, Liu Zimo inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he grew bold again and probed over full of curiosity to look at the information on the toes of one of the corpses. Liu Yuanzhi, 86 years old. died of a sudden heart attack on May 23, 2017 at about 4:00 am.

        He pursed his lips at the sight of the information card, and curiously tried to reach out to remove the white cloth to see the old man's face. At that moment, the quiet morgue resounded with a pop! After a sound, he only felt a numbness and pain in the back of his head. It turned out to be Lin Qiu is under the cruel hand, see Liu Zimo actually want to go to lift the white cloth of others, angry directly to the back of his head slapped. With an unusually serious expression, he said, The cloth of a dead person cannot be uncovered! In case he has any wishes that are gone, he will look for the last person who saw it!

        It turns out there are so many rules. Liu Zimo is like a child who has made a mistake, he can only hold an apologetic face and mutter in his heart: fortunately, fortunately. Thanks to the master's reminder, otherwise it would have been bad.

        Lin Qiu Zheng then proceeded to kick his ass gently again, signaling him to move forward. Liu Zimo didn't quite understand, there was no road in front of him. There are only a few doorknobs poking at the wall. Turned back to look at Lin Qiuzheng with a puzzled face, through the expression tells the front no road ah, you let me go forward why?

        Seeing this, Lin Qiu Zheng rolled his eyes again, unwilling to communicate more with that rash person next to him. Walking straight forward, he grabbed that door handle and exerted a force outward.

        Only a crisp sound was heard. Ka-ta!

        A movement to open the door outwards opened what was thought to be a wall, and inside this door were corpses that were permeated with cold air. Liu Zimo took a look with eyes wide open, thinking: good guy! It turns out that this wall-like thing is a big refrigerator ah. Hiding so many corpses.

        Lin Qiu was counting down the body numbers inside the large refrigerator and soon found the body. It was dragged out from inside. It turned out that the thing still had a rice cooker with it that hadn't been taken off. The whole body was also tattered. Several large holes in the body were left by Liu Zimo with a pistol in the beginning, and from the large holes in the body to look inward you could actually see the internal organs.

        He fixed his eyes on it, isn't this the drug dealer from that day? Why is he still lying here?

        Lin Qiu was looking at the corpse with the rice cooker on its head and signaled for Liu Zimo to help along to remove the rice cooker from the corpse's head. But this made him difficult, his mind couldn't control the crazy look of this guy that day. He was afraid that after removing the rice cooker, if this thing suddenly jumped up, he would have to have a bad fight in the morgue. He had just been discharged from the hospital.

        From his face Lin Qiuzheng could see Liu Zimo's inner concerns and told him that he was now on the 2nd underground floor. Not to mention the signal, even the missiles may not be able to shoot down. But whoever it is will still be a bit apprehensive, only to see Liu Zimo pull out his own cell phone, rigorously checking it, and finding that there is really no signal here, which is only slightly reassuring.

        Gulping, he grasped the sides of the rice cooker with both hands. Started pulling upward with force. Lin Qiu Zheng, on the other hand, pulled the corpse's shoulders with both hands to keep the corpse from going in the direction of Liu Zimo's force.

        After a few minutes had passed, there was no effect at all, but the 2 men were already sweating and breathing heavily. They felt that this is not a solution. So they discussed briefly. They said that they would work together, one of them would pull upward, and the other one would press downward. Both sides together to contribute.

        Finally they came to an agreement to shout 1.2.3. and power up together on the count of 3.

        One called out, 1~2~3~ and the other picked up, La~ah!

        1~2~3~ Use~force~ah!

        1~2~3~ La~ah!

        1~2~3~ Use~force~ah! Just like that they echoed each other, shouting slogans one after the other. The morgue, which was supposed to be cold, instantly had a few lively moments. If it wasn't for the three big words morgue written on the door of the room, it was estimated that people passing by would most likely think that a tug-of-war was being held inside, so lively.

    Chapter 8: Master, this I understand is fire cupping

        The 2 men went back and forth like this, clumsily peeling that rice cooker off the corpse's head.  What was revealed to them was a face like a sardine can, full of distortions and extrusions. It was long unrecognizable. The original outline of the human face had also turned into a cylinder, and looked slightly comical.

        Lin Qiu was looking down at the corpse laid out in front of him. He kept making tsk, tsk, tsk sounds. The sound of tsk, tsk, tsk... came out of his mouth, obviously confused, not knowing where to start. He looked up at Liu Zimo. He looked quite natural, without the fuss he made earlier.

        After looking at the corpse also looked at Lin Qiuzheng, as if to say: look at me for what, do it.

        Now it is Lin Qiuzheng's turn to make a mistake, pondered for half a day, raised his eyebrows, his heart crossed, well! The head of this cylinder in front of him is a little bit different from what he has learned. But since it's all like this, it's a dead horse.

        He rolled up his sleeves and swallowed. Then he opened the black briefcase of the treasure bag he carried with him. After rummaging around for a while, he took out a transparent glass jar, looking about the same size as the cups we usually use for drinking water. The right hand took out a yellow charm with red scriptures written all over it. His mouth began to recite the incantation silently. Not long after that talisman was miraculously lit up, very brightly.

        Liu Zimo beside him was silently observing what was happening in front of him, not daring to gasp loudly much less speak. His brows were unconsciously tightly wrinkled, and his heart was apprehensive, fearing that this thing would once again appear to be supernatural.

        Just see Lin Qiu is holding a glass cup in his left hand, his right hand is holding the ignited talisman and fiddling with it, his mouth chanting, The Three Ching lends me the Qiankun law, but also the demon to subdue! The words just fell, he hurriedly burned to half of the charm into the glass, and then hands together, the cup mouth down sucked in the top of the body's head heart, Tian Ling Gai position.

        As soon as this glass was sucked in the position of the corpse's head, the talisman in that glass gradually transformed into yellow smoke and spread out in the glass. Lin Qiu Zheng was relieved when he saw this change. It seemed that even if the transformed head was still attached to the body, this spell seemed to be able to work. Gradually loosening his hand that was tightly pressing on the cup, the glass was now firmly attached to the corpse's head.

        After Liu Zimo finished reading Lin Qiuzheng's dao art, he nodded his head with high self-esteem, thinking that he had read and understood it. Then he cheerfully grabbed the answer, wanting to show off his knowledge: ''Master! Master! This I understand. This I understand. This is the Chinese medicine of fire cupping Well, I usually sore back when my mom always give me fire cupping. She said this fire cupping can remove dampness. But why are you cupping the corpse? Can fire cupping remove dampness even after death?"

        After hearing his snatch, Lin Qiu Zheng was so infuriated that he was close to spitting a mouthful of old blood on the spot. When he thought about his previous use of the Seven Star Kui Gang Fist to seal the corpse's five gates, he actually said that he was smacking the drug dealer in the face. And the current use of the Three Qing Soul Pursuing Technique was interpreted as helping the corpse to cupping, in order to help the corpse to get rid of wetness! He was really angry and helpless.

        In fact, Lin Qiuzheng's has been reviewing the literature on Southern Ocean corpse control techniques for the recent period of time after the end of the mall incident. It was found that generally speaking, the Southern Ocean corpse control technique was to manipulate a corpse by inserting an object similar to the shape of an awl into the position of the Hundred Meetings Point on the top of the corpse's head. Therefore, I intend to use the Taoist Three Qing Soul Pursuing Technique to force out the object inside the top of the head in an inverted manner.

        At this time the side just grabbed the answer Liu Zimo, see Lin Qiu is a serious face to observe that adsorption in the head of the body glass and did not pay attention to their own. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he was the only one who could answer the teacher's tricky questions in school, so he looked a little smug and happy.

        Otherwise, Master would have given another blank stare or a look of disgust. Figuring that Master must be unwilling to recognize himself face to face due to his face.

        How could he now understand Lin Qiu Zheng's true thoughts and intentions. He only thought that Master was a bit strange, and that he had come all the way down to the morgue on the 2nd floor of the ground floor, just to take off the rice cooker and pull fire cupping on the corpse's head?

        Only a few seconds passed, and in a few moments the yellow gas that had been diffusing inside the glass seemed to have found some kind of entrance. A brain gushed to the position of the corpse's head. The yellow gas seemed to be sucked into the head and ran away without a trace. Only the ash of the spell was left in the glass.

        Lin Qiu Zheng didn't say anything when he saw this situation, merely the corners of his mouth rose, looking a little smug. He knew that this gas should have been sucked into the Hundred Meetings Point, and next he just had to wait to force the contents out.

        Liu Zimo, on the other hand, was astonished, his mouth open wide. Pointing his finger at the glass, he incredibly shouted, How did the yellow colored gas drill into his head? The words did not fall, the corpse began to twitch slightly without any regularity, and after not more than a few seconds, the body that

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