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Integration of secondary worlds
Integration of secondary worlds
Integration of secondary worlds
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Integration of secondary worlds

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The traveller, who has just returned from the other world, suddenly discovers that huge cracks leading to the other world keep appearing on Earth, monsters, demons and magic empires are coming one after another, and the end of the world is coming - that's strange! The traveller says that at such a time, of course, he should quickly call the poli

PublisherDaphne Camp
Release dateJan 17, 2024
Integration of secondary worlds

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    Book preview

    Integration of secondary worlds - Daphne Camp

    Chapter 1: The Returned Traveler

        May 2020.

        The seaside city of Hai is at its most comfortable day of the year, with a warm breeze and a touch of humidity.

        In the high-rise city center, there is still a small piece of the old town has not been demolished, although old, but only 16 or 17 years of history, so people still come and go, bustling.

        And at this time in this small square in the old town, Chen Fei is alone to set up the venue for the martial arts performance later, although his appearance is average, height is average, but has a body comparable to Mr. Bodybuilder's white muscles, in the black tight tank tops under the backdrop of the especially obvious, so even if you have not yet yelled, but also has attracted a number of little girls in the sidelines giggling and screaming.

        Don't miss it, don't miss it, the ancestral masterpiece, the Running Thunder Fist has recruited a heir, absolutely real kung fu!

        After setting up the venue, Chen Fei shouted a few words at the top of his voice, some students from school and white-collar workers from work were attracted over, seeing that the people have gathered almost, Chen Fei smiled and patted the stone bricks that stood up vertically in front of him.

        Ladies and gentlemen, practicing martial arts splitting a brick, kicking off a plank, I believe that you are already tired of seeing, in fact, those things are as long as the diligent practice, will be able to do, today I'm going to perform the 'Running Thunder Fist', is also a fist breaking stone bricks, but exactly what is the difference between that and those, you will know at a glance, you will know. Next, welcome to test the authenticity of the stone bricks.

        National people watching the mind has never subsided, since it is allowed to test, there are many young men and young people came out, and move up to try the weight, and kick to try the hardness, and even two people together to move up to the ground and smashed hard.

        The slab that Chen Fei had picked was concrete picked up from a construction site, and under normal circumstances it could not be shattered unless it was pounded with a heavy hammer.

        If you can really break this brick, young man, even if you don't learn, I won't be polite with the reward money.

        A middle-aged man with a beer belly panting after trying the weight, immediately opened his wallet from which he pulled out a few tickets and waved, full of disbelief.

        Chen Fei smiled coyly, Thank you, Uncle, then.

        One hand easily grabbed the stone brick on the floor, stood up on the table and then took a few steps backwards, assuming a boxing stance before exhaling and striking out with a punch.


        The stone slab on the table flew out backwards and hit the ground, and it was instantly split into pieces, and there was a crater in the center of it.

        Wow! Awesome!

        Little brother is so handsome!

        The lad can!

        The onlookers roared with excitement, and although the process was somewhat uneventful, the result was satisfying enough.

        The middle-aged man who said he wanted the reward money just now was not stingy, and immediately stuffed the ticket in his hand into Chen Fei's hand, his face full of regret, If I were thirty years younger, I would surely follow little brother as you learn martial arts, alas.


        As a result, Chen Fei still hadn't recruited any students on this day.

        He wasn't too disappointed though, and when the people had dispersed, he silently packed up the bricks and mortar in front of him; today had still been a productive day, and those tickets were enough for him to let go of his stomach and eat a meal.

        You've got a problem with your customer definition.

        Suddenly, a crisp voice appeared at Chen Fei's side.

        It was a tall schoolgirl with short shoulder length hair dryly tied in a ponytail behind her, slightly wheat-colored skin and a sunny brow.

        Seeing that Chen Fei didn't reply at once, the female student in front of her didn't care and went on to say to herself, Those who pass by at this hour are either penniless student parties or busy working parties, they don't even necessarily have the time to exercise, so how would they be willing to learn this martial art which is difficult to learn at first sight? It's also impossible to endure that pain, so it can only be called good, plus now our martial arts education has been biased towards the nature of performance, there is no future for ordinary people to learn practical martial arts like yours.

        You still know that this is a practical martial art? Only then did Chen Fei turn his head and scrutinized the young girl in front of him, how to put it, there seemed to be a familiar aura on her body.

        I've been observing you here for three days now. Seeing Chen Fei finally respond, the young girl raised her neck triumphantly, Your swings are very dry and crisp, there are no fancy gestures, and the force is amazing, even if you moved some hands on the stone tiles it's still very powerful, it's definitely going to injure someone if you use it in a fight, right?

        Count on it. Chen Fei spread his two hands, But what can I do, I went to learn this without graduating from high school, and I don't know anything else.

        I can show you a clear path oh. The young girl instantly smiled and finally said her purpose, For violent martial arts to be legitimate, naturally it can only appear in legitimate violent institutions, how about it, is there any interest in teaching in the army, truth be told, my father and brother are both soldiers, if you are interested, I can recommend you to recommend it, oh, and with this physical ability of yours, if you go to be a soldier, how can you also Stand out.

        Be a soldier ......

        Chen Fei sighed in a low voice, the young girl's suggestion was a bit naive and innocent.

        Besides, there was no way he was going to be in the military, not even for a physical.

        Because he is a second time traveler.

        To be more precise, it is a high school sophomore year crossed into the sword and magic of the other world, after six years of mixing eyes will be successful, to marry a rich white beauty towards the peak of life, and then suddenly crossed back to the bitter traverser.

        Why say bitter, because he did not dare to expose his identity ah, personal strength even if far more than ordinary people can not resist the bullets and guns, not to mention the more foul modern army, magic and other things because there is no talent simply did not learn much, or learned is useless, this side of the world of the magic is low to almost no, and this unusual body once discovered, may be sliced ah, sliced ah, and Slicing and dicing.

        It's also a direct result of the fact that there's no way to get a job. You have to take a medical exam for any serious job these days.

        As for the essential gold finger for travelers ...... There is a gold finger, but it's a tear to say the least.

        As soon as you die once, you turn into some kind of invisible object that kills indiscriminately, and you don't come back to life until you're completely exhausted or you're killed again, for the same reason as the crossover that you haven't found yet.

        Although it was also considered to indirectly have an immortal body, but Chen Fei, who had died several times in other worlds, said that for the sake of the safety of others and social harmony, it would be better to cherish this life and not die again.

        Hello! Are you listening? The young girl reached out her hand and waved it in front of Chen Fei's eyes for a few moments, spitting out her tongue, You don't think I'm a liar, I've just always been obsessed with this kind of stuff, folklore and all, and to be honest, it's more likely that I'll be scolded by my old man.

        Thank you for your kind words, but I don't have thoughts like that for the time being. Chen Fei shook his head and continued to pack his things.

        Like this. The young girl tilted her head and thought about it, suddenly pulled Chen Fei's hand and took out a pen from her pocket to write and draw on his hand, It doesn't matter if you don't have an idea now, I'll leave you a phone number, if you're ready at any time, give me a call, by the way, I'm called Qi Fei Fei.

        Chen Fei was stunned to feel the softness of the palm touching, now the after zero are so bold, dare to directly give strange men to leave a phone number.

        He used to blush when he talked to pretty girls at school.

    Chapter 2: Hell Cracks

        I'm back.  Chen Fei pushed his tricycle to the courtyard of his house.

        Their family is a native of Haicheng, as early as here is still just an ordinary town, bought land to build a small three-story house with a yard, and then Haicheng because of the excellent location of the rapid development of this set of buildings in turn become the most valuable assets of the family.

        Fei, the meal is ready.

        Mother poked her head out of the house and could already smell the aroma of chicken stew with potatoes.

        Mom, there's really no need to get so much, you have to work.

        Looking at the table full of dishes, Chen Fei felt even more distressed for his mother who was much more haggard than he remembered.

        Even though the lovers, comrades, and glory were all on the other side of the world, when he saw his parents, Chen Fei felt that it might be good to be able to come back.

        It's not busy, it's not busy, you kids have gained so much appetite since you came back, it's natural to get more, and there's Hitomi to help.

        So that's why, Sister Hitomi is also in her first year of high school, right, so she should prioritize her studies. Chen Fei said helplessly.

        Mother said Hitomi, is still in the kitchen to help clean up the kitchen utensils of the girl, not tall, with a head of fine straight long hair, very beautiful, in six years ago after Chen Fei suddenly disappeared, a distant relative's family suddenly out of the blue, leaving only a butt of debt and a little girl is still in elementary school, the parents took out all the savings for her family to pay off the debt, and then she adopted her over.

        Brother, it's okay, now that the cooking class is offered in school, it was originally requested to practice at home. Chen Hitomi walked over with a bowl of chicken soup and said timidly.

        Chen Fei can see, since he came back this half a month later, this extra sister is a little constrained, usually always take the initiative to do some chores at home and so on, even if he said a few times, the other party just smiled and responded that it's okay, probably still a little worried that he, the family's own child will not like her or not good to get along with or something.

        Just don't spend too much time on it, Hitomi-san your grades are good, right, nowadays in this society, a good education still plays a big role.

        Chen Fei can only try to soften his voice to speak, and new family members need time to get used to, and get along with girls and so on, he does not understand ah, in the other world although there is a lover, but has been in the war, it is not easy for the war to end, and just confessed his love and proposed to him, and then he got him back again.

        Uh-huh. Chen Hitomi answered.

        The father of their family is an executive in an international company, traveling all the time, and is not at home during this period of time, the mother at the dinner table keeps giving Chen Fei dishes, Chen Fei will not feel annoyed, just silently enjoying the long-lost affection.

        Just, really still need to think of some way to mix a little name, the family because of the pupil sister to pay off the debt, in addition to this set of small house in addition to the actually also live quite strained.


        During the night time, Chen Fei laid down on his bed and began to seriously think about the future path after his return.

        Previously said to teach boxing, but the fact proved that it does not go, but that is only just back after not understanding the situation of the attempt to move, this side of the short six years in the development of fast, all kinds of new things let him not very accustomed to, perhaps you can go to try to do outdoor adventure live, to his physical fitness, even if it is the so-called extreme sports to do it is also easy to do, be careful if you should not be found any special place! He is not a good person, but he is a good person.

        Just like that, pondering over his future plans, Chen Fei fell into a daze of slumber.

        Fei, Fei, Fei ......

        In a blur, there seemed to be a woman wearing armor and holding a lance standing in front of him, unable to see her face clearly, constantly whispering his name, Chen Fei reached out his hand to try to grab the other party, but he fished an empty one.


        Jerking out of bed, he rolled over and got up before gasping for air and looking around at his surroundings before reacting to the fact that he was back.

        Once again, once again, I dreamed of my lover's figure, and sure enough, there was still no way to forget it, six years of working side by side, starting from the first meeting to the final proposal in the garden of blooming violet skies, every glance and smile of hers was deeply imprinted in my mind, so how could I possibly forget it.

        However, Violet was a legendary girl, no matter what kind of blows and hardships could not break her, probably from now on even without him by her side, she would still strive hard towards her ideals and goals as she always did.

        Fei, Fei ...... The ethereal and void voice once again rang in his ears.

        Ahhhhh! Why again!

        Chen Fei shook his head violently, as if trying to shake the lover who was in another world out of his mind.

        And so on!

        The movement jerked to a halt!

        It was the first time, the first time I had ever heard such a voice in a lucid state.

        Definitely not a hallucination!

        Chen Fei got up and put on his clothes, directly opened the window, gently jumped down from the eaves of the window on the second floor, silently fell into the ground, and then his body violently scurried out of the courtyard, under the moonlight like a swift cheetah, what he didn't notice was that, in the other window of the home, in her pajamas, the pupil sister was staring at his departing back with rounded eyes.

        Chen Fei ran wildly through the sea city at night.

        Even if there was a chance that he might be watched, or captured on security cameras, he couldn't care less.

        Because he was at this moment incomparably certain that the voice in his head, was not an illusion of any kind, but rather a magic that carried out a specific target sound transmission, which had once been widely used on the battlefields of the Otherworld, and was accompanied by a blurring of localization, Chen Fei, at this very moment, was running in the direction of where the message was being passed over.

        That's the Haymarket Wildlife Park.

        A paid wildlife park that had stopped operating at night, Chen Fei easily crossed the fence, avoiding the security patrolling at night, and was getting closer and closer to the location he had localized in his mind.

        This is ...... No, it can't be. Why on earth would something like this appear!

        In Chen Fei's line of sight, the wildlife park under the moonlight was filled with a faint black mist, if it was an ordinary person might not even notice it, but for Chen Fei, it was no less than an incandescent light in the darkness, it was demonic qi, the aura that pervaded out from the hell, it would contaminate all the living beings into hellish monsters, the hell was exactly the enemy of the great war in the otherworldly world, and the fact that there would be a demonic qi would mean that a crack leading to hell would A crack leading to hell was opened!


        Low beastly roars resounded all around and grew dense.

        This was a sign of the beasts being demonized, and it wouldn't take long for them to turn into huge and vicious monsters, crazily attacking all normal beings in sight and spreading the demonic aura further, and if the cracks leading to hell were bigger, or if the demons were invading for a long time, it would also usher in the monsters that really came from hell!

        The worst part is that only a wizard, can seal the cracks!

    Chapter III: Notifying the military

        This is really, really big!

        Although he had yet to find the location of the cracks, Chen Fei was also very clear that he who was not a magician would not be able to help even if he found the cracks, and once these demonized creatures were allowed to escape, in a world where there was no Mystic Side power, it would be even more horrifying than a biochemical virus, and by that time the entire Hai Cheng, and even the entire China, would have been transformed into a true hell!

        This is, the demonic apocalypse!

        Call the police! Chen Fei directly pulled out his cell phone, then suddenly stopped moving, No, it's useless to call the police, whether or not they will believe it is not to be mentioned first, this is simply not something that the police can solve ......


        The hissing of the beasts intensified, and a pair of scarlet eyes could already be seen in the moonlight.

        Chen Fei also glanced at the residual traces of the phone number written on his hand at this time.

        My father and brother are both soldiers. Chen Fei's mind recalled what the young girl, Qi Fei Fei, had said during the day.

        Damn, it's got to work! I don't even have battle armor!

        Chen Fei dialed the phone while darting towards the park police station, it had to be needed to stop the situation before it worsened to an irreversible level!

        Hello? A confused female voice appeared on the other end of the line.

        Qi Fei Fei! Chen Fei shouted.

        Yikes! Sh, what? Qi Fei Fei on the other end of the phone was taken aback.

        I'm Chen Fei who you gave the call to during the day, calm down and listen to me first. Chen Fei took a deep breath, knowing that the more it came to this time, the less he could panic, First of all, this is definitely not a harassment call, a civilian police officer will notify the public security department right away, however, it is imperative to surround the Haicheng Wildlife Park in the shortest amount of time with military forces equipped with sealed-type armored weaponry, a spreading biochemical virus has appeared here! The animals have all developed mutations!

        He hadn't dared to say outright that an otherworldly crack had appeared, without evidence that would indeed be too unbelievable.

        ....... You, calling me at 1:00 a.m. just to talk about this?

        Damn it! Chen Fei cursed angrily, I know it's hard to believe, but waiting until the police come over to notify the army will be long overdue!


        Miserable screams suddenly pierced through the night sky, and the roars of the beasts became more and more intense, the beings contaminated by the demonic gas would go crazy and attack towards the uncontaminated beings, and there was no doubt that the police station that was placed inside the park would be the first target.

        Qi Fei Fei over there also heard the sound, although she thought it was highly likely that it was a movie recording or something, but involving the military was not something that could be solved by a joke, unless that handsome muscular little man in the daytime was a psychopath.

        Let's put it this way. After thinking about it, Qi Fei Fei said, half-angry, half-jokingly, It's true that my father is resting at home on vacation today, but even if I woke him up, there's no way I can do something just because of a reason like yours, so let's use our cell phones to make a video call.

        The fact that she didn't just hang up was already because she had a good feeling about that little guy during the day.

        Video call?

        Chen Fei's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of it, the technology has developed to this point in the past few years, even with this three to four hundred cell phone in his hand, the video call is very smooth.

        He directly hung up the phone and applied for a video call through the other party's cell phone number, and at the same time, he had already rushed to the entrance of the police station, seven or eight giant wolves with black mist wrapped around their bodies had already completely surrounded the place, and even under the light, there was already a completely fragmented body on the ground.

        Still dead.

        The familiar scent of blood made Chen Fei's heart sink; everything in hell was an enemy to normal beings.

        The arriving Chen Fei attracted the attention of the demonized giant wolves, all of them hissed and slowed down to surround him, even though they had been demonized, the instincts of the creatures were still imprinted in their minds, a few frightened police officers were looking out from the inside of the barred windows, no one dared to rush out, in this case, whoever came out would surely die.

        Yikes! This, what are these! Are wolves this big?

        Qi Fei Fei's voice suddenly came from his cell phone, and the video call was already connected, Chen Fei reversed the camera so that he himself and these giant wolves were within the video.

        Go wake up your father!

        Just after saying so, Chen Fei will be the cell phone to the side of the tree branches, twisted the wrist, took a deep breath, the muscles of the body instantly bulge, the upper body of the tight undershirt will be broken, like steel skin is like a layer of silver-white light, giant wolves seem to see the natural enemy like a few steps back, but immediately after, more ferocious pounced up.

        Battle Technique Wild Wind and Rain!

        This was a battle technique that turned the body into a weapon, fists, elbows, legs, knees, using all parts of the body that could erupt with great power to carry out a frantic attack that did not distinguish between the enemy and the self, and under the powerful physical force that was honed through a little bit of hard work, even the demonized giant wolf that had gone through the demonic qi to stimulate its potential would die upon touching it.

        When Chen Fei, whose body was covered in the blood of the giant wolf, retrieved his cell phone, a muffled male voice came from inside.

        Comrade, please explain in the most concise terms!

        In the video was a middle-aged man wearing an undershirt, whose identity could be known by the straight sitting posture alone, and he had watched all of Chen Fei's battle just now, something that was definitely not something that could be explained by movie special effects.

        A rift to an otherworldly hell has appeared in the Sea City Wildlife Park, and what comes out of the rift contaminates all living things and makes them extremely aggressive.

        Chen Fei turned the camera of his cell phone towards the corpse of the giant wolf on the ground, which was three or four times the size of an unusual wolf, as well as the body of the victim who was still vaguely recognizable out of his police uniform, and even moved closer to allow the camera to get a clearer look.

        It's similar to a biochemical virus, so it's important to completely seal off the place before any contaminated creatures get out! I know it's hard to believe, but at the very least the appearance of monsters is real, and it's best to move the entire population of the city ...... Believe me, the severity of this matter is equal to a war.

        Chen Fei could only expect the other party to believe and quickly notify the army, his strength wasn't considered strong in the otherworld, and in the face of hell, a person could do nothing no matter what they did!

        I understand! The middle-aged man in the video stood up directly, Don't disconnect the call, I wish to know some more detailed information, why do you know what you're talking about? And what about your fighting ability?

        Although he still couldn't believe what Chen Fei had said, he couldn't take the lives of his people to gamble on whether it was true or not!

        ...... Chen Fei took a deep breath, Because I am a traveler, I traveled into the otherworld six years ago and fought against hell for six whole years! That's why I am incomparably aware of the nature of the enemy and the severity of the appearance of a hellish crack!

        When he had just returned, Chen Fei had never thought that he would ever have a day where he would actively expose his identity as a traveler, but now that the situation was completely different, and with Hell's claws and teeth reaching out to the Earth, it was no longer possible for him to continue to be open-minded while sitting back and watching the country miss the best time to defend itself.

        What's more, being able to lead to hell meant being able to return to the Otherworld, where the civilization of swords and magic over there was not necessarily less developed than the technological civilization over here!

        Please stay on the line, I'm notifying the appropriate people, now I'll drive right over!

        The video in his cell phone was shaking, obviously the other party had already run up, Chen Fei also held his cell phone in his hand, before the others arrived, he could only rely on himself for the time being.

    Chapter 4: The Arrival of the Fighter

        Many people were awakened by emergency phone calls that night.

        As for Chen Fei, who was in the center location of the incident, after sending the few surviving officers in the park out safely, he took the map of the Hai Cheng Wild Park that he had brought from the police station, and was running towards the place where an animal might have broken through the fence, taking care of all the demonized beasts that had attacked him along the way.

        Creatures that are contaminated will lose their self-consciousness and show some degree of change in their physical form, however, they will still die if they are struck in a fatal area, and they will not continue to spread the contamination after they die, and if there are any humans who have been contaminated, catch them alive as much as possible if the conditions allow it, and there is still hope for them to recover. Chen Fei ran while narrating important information to Colonel Qi on the other side.

        In that case, wouldn't ordinary pistols and rifles be useful as well? Qi Xunjun inquired, I've already notified the Armed Police Force to come first, they're closer and can also help evacuate the crowd.

        That's right, in fact, as long as the spreading trend is curbed like controlling an infectious virus, there's nothing wrong, only, it's not just the virus that will crawl out of the hell cracks. Chen Fei laughed bitterly, Have you seen the giant dragon, it's the one that often appears in the movies, up to nearly a hundred meters to hundreds of meters long, extremely fast flight speed, a mouthful of bad spell dragonflame down anything will be reduced to ashes, and the worst thing is, the self-repairing speed is extremely fast, and the only way to win is to pierce through the scales and fat to hit the heart in the shortest time possible.

        Demonized gargoyles were the most disgusting things on the battlefield of the other world, even more disgusting than the demons themselves, because they were so big and self-repairing, and just after a hole was broken on this side, the wound that had just been punched out on the other side was repaired.

        By the late stage of the war, it had become a consensus that the demonic dragons would be left to the dragon knights and forbidden magicians, not to mention the ordinary ground troops, even the griffin troops that could fly wouldn't be willing to do that useless work.

        I understand, the fighters are about to arrive over the target location.


        Chen Fei's forward speed stopped all of a sudden.

        In this blink of an eye, the sky has come from the hidden rolling thunder, and getting closer and closer, gradually turned into a huge engine sound, even Chen Fei this military idiot, also know that at this time in the sky hovering over their own what is the thing, that is almost the iconic existence of modern warfare, even if it is clear that there will not suddenly be a missile fell from the sky and hit his head, Chen Fei can not help but be a little nervous.

        The feeling was the same as a giant dragon roaring overhead on an otherworldly battlefield.

        Although I don't know what the otherworldly passage you're talking about is, we can only deploy in accordance with the emergency measures for an intensive city experiencing a biochemical attack, there is a military base deployed near Hai Cheng itself, and the air force was the first to depart. Seemingly guessing Chen Fei's question, Qi Xunjun made an explanation and then went on to ask, Can the biochemical suits resist the contamination of that virus? We have to find the exact location of the source of contamination.

        I don't know. Chen Fei shook his head, All I know is that the metal will be somewhat resistant, it's better to move the entire population of the city as soon as possible, the current situation is only just beginning, and even if the source of the contamination is found you have no way to solve it!

        Hell's Cracks could only be sealed by a magician, but even if they said something like that now the other party wouldn't be able to give up on checking it out.

        Right now, more than thinking about how to seal the hell cracks, Chen Fei was still more worried about the fact that the spreading speed of the demonic qi seemed to have suddenly doubled just now, there were only two scenarios, either, the original hell cracks tore and expanded, or, new hell cracks appeared.

        Either way, it means that the situation is vaguely trending in the worst possible direction!

        The violent sound of brakes came over the cell phone, while at the same time, the intense sound of sirens rang out outside the wild park.

        I've arrived, Comrade Chen Fei, I'm coming in through the east gate alone now, rendezvous first.


        Chen Fei was startled, the wild park at this time of the year had a large number of demonized beasts hanging around, and there might even be small monsters that crawled out of hell.

        That's right, I'll only carry one pistol in a position where you can see it.

        Qi Xunjun said in a low voice, after coming here, he had already determined that the animals in the wildlife park had undergone some kind of mutation, at least everything in the video just now was true.

        Soon, Chen Fei thought that the other party's purpose of doing so was to reduce his vigilance, or rather, it was also to prevent him from suddenly escaping, after a half a second of silence, Chen Fei shook his head and said, No need for that, I'll come out directly, there's no time now for us to hone our trust level, moreover, while possessing the identity of a traveler, I'm a citizen of Huaxia as well.

        It was true that he didn't dare to expose it in the beginning, but since Hell Crack had appeared on Earth, there was no need to be as cautious as he had been in the beginning, and to be honest, anyone who dared to lay a deadly hand on him would inevitably regret it.

        Chen Fei himself didn't know what he would do after his life was gone!

        I understand, thank you very much comrade for cooperating with our work. Qi Xunjun didn't continue to insist.

        When Chen Fei came to the entrance of Haicheng Wild Park, here has been used portable metal refusal to pull a circle of cordon lines, a large number of police cars and full-suit armed SWAT erected explosion-proof shields are facing the direction of the park, some places can even vaguely hear the intensive sound of gunshots, although so, is not sure that there is no demonized animals have run out.

        After seeing Chen Fei and confirming his identity, they moved away from the refusal horse to give way, and although the guns were not directly aimed at him, there was an obvious caution.

        It is imperative to disperse all the residents as soon as possible. This was the first thing Chen Fei said after meeting Qi Xunjun, The situation inside is deteriorating, the contamination is getting bigger and bigger, you guys need to continue to back up, the slightest mishap is a big trouble.

        This colonel was nearly one meter eight in height, although he was middle-aged, he had a straight posture and stout figure, he looked quite mature and handsome, at this moment, he gave a standard military salute to Chen Fei, The next step will be left to us, Comrade Chen Fei, if what you say is true, then we hope that you will accept our protection, the most important thing in modern warfare is still information.

        I know, but I also want you to protect my family.

        Chen Fei nodded his head and took the towel handed to him from the side to wipe the blood stained on his body, even though he understood that the other party might be pretending to believe in wanting to stabilize him first he didn't really care because even if he didn't believe it right now, it wouldn't be long before everything he said would be confirmed.

        He could already hear the long beeps from the sky above the city, starting from the closest distance to the Hai Cheng Wild Park, a large number of civilian police and staff from relevant departments were trying to move the people, definitely a very difficult job as far as a city with a population of over five million was concerned, including the later resettlement and resupply of materials, which was a huge challenge for the whole country.

        After all, whether one believed Chen Fei's words or not, the unknown biochemical virus attack could not be ignored half-heartedly.

    Chapter 5: Give me a fight!

        For the people of this world, this day was definitely the day of the turning point in history, and Chen Fei could already predict that this world would completely go down an unknown path.

        We have already made the arrangements, the special operation team is on its way, this incident has been given high priority by the higher-ups, please also rest assured that we will fight tooth and nail to protect the lives and property of every citizen. Although it sounded like a scene, Chen Fei did hear some sort of determination in Qi Xunjun's tone.

        Even though in peacetime it will be shouted that it is ready for war, when war actually breaks out, it is the time to test how well the military is being built.

        Chen Fei was slightly silent for a moment and then said:

        I'm not sure why the Hell Rift appeared on Earth, after somehow coming back, it was only today that I vaguely established a connection with the otherworldly side, but now the connection has been broken as well, it's very difficult to seal or shut down the Hell Rift by conventional means without a magician, all we can do now is to be passive and defensive don't ever think that it's going to be easy.

        Chen Fei is now most worried about, is the other side does not believe in what the other world, just as a biochemical terror attack to treat, the two pre nature may be similar, but the meaning can be completely different.

        We will not take any opponent lightly tactically. Qi Xunjun was making notes on what Chen Fei said on his notebook when he suddenly raised his head and asked, You said before that infected humans still have a chance to recover?

        But it can be. Chen Fei hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, Although that was by means of magic, it is indeed something with a higher probability, if not, no one would have fought long ago in the Otherworld, in the end, although Hell is powerful, it is not invincible, and we ultimately won the war!

        All the races of the entire world had gathered for this purpose, and survival was the only goal of all the races in the face of a great world war.

        Chen Fei noticed that Qi Xunjun had earphones hanging from his ears, and with his hearing he could barely hear the voices of different people emanating from within, there were reports of the encirclement of the wild park, infrared surveillance reports from the helicopters in the sky, and also voices wanting to ask for more information, it was clear that in such a short amount of time, an incident-specific chain of command had already been put in place.

        It's good to be able to pay some attention, and with a modern military force, if you pay attention, you won't be caught off guard.


        Just as Qi Xunjun wanted to ask something else, a low roar that could not be described in words suddenly exploded from within the park, overpowering the originally dense roar of the wild beasts.

        This voice ...... Chen Fei's face suddenly turned ugly, Colonel Qi, get ready, we may have hit the jackpot!

        Air Force Support Unit Three reports the presence of a large-bodied biological response on infrared surveillance! Repeat, a bioreaction of enormous size has appeared! Initial estimates are nearly twenty meters long! The voice of the Air Force came over the headset.

        Comrade Chen Fei, please also explain! Qi Xunjun's face instantly became grave.

        Ground Walking Dragon, is considered a branch of Megalosaurus, although it is not Megalosaurus, but it is no better, after a long period of corrosive transformation of the demonic gas wings degraded into the shape of a bone blade and lost the ability to fly, but the ground moving speed is extremely fast, and, the same can be sprayed with the evil spell Dragon Flame, the weak point is the position of the abdomen, but the way to walk is the abdomen is tightly pressed to the ground, there is no angle of attack at all ...... Worst of all, this thing is swarming! Chen Fei spoke out the basic information as fast as he could.

        If it was in the other world, directly let the magician to prepare a wide range of earth stab magic, a kill a large number of people, the late battlefield demons will not even send this kind of weak fodder, but here there is no that kind of magic, not to mention the magician.

        It seemed to be to verify Chen Fei's statement, the second, the third low roar sounded continuously, the air force's reporting voice had the slightest hint of nervousness, the chain of command was even a brief cacophony of voices requesting for strengthened support one after another, and there was even an application for the direct use of missiles to conduct a covering attack on the park, it was clear that this situation of directly allowing the enemy to suddenly sneak in deeper and deeper into the self-same intensively inhabited metropolis had left many of the programs were tied up.

        The encirclement should be further expanded, the groundwalking dragons are very fast on their feet! Chen Fei's speech was as fast as a bullet, The contamination radius of the Demonic Qi picks up about five or six meters, ordinary humans close to this distance will be instantly contaminated, there's likely to be a gathering of Earthbound Dragons over the rift, there's usually between twenty and eighty, it's best to bombard them right away if you want to do so! It'll be troublesome if they rush out! Damn it! The army hasn't arrived yet? If it was in the other world, a regular army would've teleported here through the teleportation array! In a war with hell, the speed of marching is directly related to people's lives!

        That group of demon lords dropped monsters into any corner of the territory by ripping open the world rift, and in the early stages of the war, it was often a hellish scene already when the army rushed there.

        Chen Fei still remembers those images to this day, and it really brings out a sadness that feels like the end of the world.

        Qi Xunjun's face turned iron blue, not because of Chen Fei's words, but because until this moment, the fact of the interdimensional invasion was finally completely in front of his eyes, he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, it only transformed into a single sentence in the command system.

        Hit me!

        Accompanied by the fall of the words, the night sky suddenly appeared starry light, and then there was a huge explosion like a landslide, the interior of the wild park was bursting with fire, and from such a close distance, Chen Fei could only feel that the ground was shaking, and the sky was a sea of fire, and the bombardment was still going on, and the blazing fire was intertwined with the roar of the earthbound dragons, and there was a split second when Chen Fei appeared as if he were returning to the battlefield of the otherworldly world again.

        Although the number of sky fighters could not be seen, this density of attacks was clearly not prepared to let any of the hellish monsters break out of this park.

        A bit of a waste of firepower. Chen Fei's voice was a bit dry, Unless a true dragon appears, or a Demon Lord personally enters the battlefield, an attack of this magnitude is already enough to repel the vast majority of hellish creatures crawling out of a crack.

        Although what he heard seems to be finally good news, but Qi Xun Jun's face is still not very good, as a military man he is very clear in this kind of no air-to-air threat of the local battlefield, the air force intensive fire coverage represents the destructive power, even so, in front of the sea of flames in front of you can still hear the hissing sound of a monster, and can even vaguely see a huge figure in the flames of a tumbling, and that's not even the strongest Monsters, if such cracks appear in densely populated areas ......

    Chapter VI: Special Operations Group

        As the first skirmish officially began, several helicopters were arriving from all directions on the Hai Cheng airfield.

        A slightly balding head of a slightly chubby middle-aged man clutching a laptop hurriedly jumped down from the helicopter and drilled into a money carrier on the side, which by now already contained three officials also wearing black suits, both younger and slightly older, who stopped their discussion before the slightly chubby middle-aged man came in.

        Sorry I'm late.

        The slightly chubby middle-aged man sat on the small bench that was temporarily placed, because of the rush, his forehead was even flushed with oil, he took out the handkerchief that he carried from his pocket and kept wiping it off, My name is Chen Zhengyang, I'm the person in charge of this special action team, I believe that all of you have just seen the fires in the city from the helicopters, and the gravity of the situation this time has exceeded any of our previous established experience, without further ado, let's first confirm the key information.

        Chen Zhengyang opened his laptop, and at the same time the money truck began to drive towards the location of the incident, escorted by police cars.

        This young man is named Chen Fei, male, twenty-three years old, is the key person in this incident, according to the record its confirmed missing on March 15, 2014, and since then for six years without knowing where he was, half a month ago suddenly appeared on the beach in Hai Cheng, until today has been living with his family.

        At 1:24 a.m. this evening, this individual contacted Colonel Qi Xunjun of our military region, claiming to be a returning traveler and alerting him to an incident tentatively named 'Crack One' in the Hai Cheng Wildlife Park, and as of now, the vast majority of what the key person has told us has been verified, and the incident is confirmed to be an interdimensional creature invasion.

        A full-body photo of Chen Fei appeared on the laptop, as well as a file from childhood to adulthood, in which the missing records were highlighted and circled.

        None of the rest of the group was overly surprised, all of this information had just been made known to them, and one of the young men with black-rimmed eyes who looked like your average techie raised his hand to ask a question, What is the tone of this contact with the key players?

        The meaning from above is to focus on releasing goodwill to pull the strings. Chen Zhengyang operated familiarly on his laptop and found a video file, The reason I'm late is because I've just received an important piece of information, just about three hours ago, there is a high likelihood that an incident of the same nature occurred in a small town called Ini in North America, and there is also a tribe in Africa that serves as a tourist attraction that has suddenly lost contact with the outside world, which is tantamount to saying that This interdimensional invasion is global in nature.

        The video had just been released, there were hysterical screams, people were all running around screaming in terror, a huge crack nearly a hundred meters long appeared in the street, and a large number of monsters the size of a small car that looked like spiders crawled out of the crack.

        The violently shaky camera and incoherent voices were enough to illustrate the fear of the filmmakers, there was carnage and death all over the place, people were constantly falling down from the invasion of the black mist on those monsters, and there were constantly people being caught up with the monsters and torn to pieces, and the cars were being easily impaled by the monsters' legs that looked like spears.

        It could be clearly seen on the screen that some of the human bodies enveloped by the black mist began to undergo various mutations, growing scaly armor or swelling in size, and then similarly transforming into monsters to attack the rest of the humans, and even though some of them attacked with weapons in hand, it was to no avail, and instead, there were accidental injuries.

        This isn't a sci-fi post-apocalyptic movie, it's real, and it happened just a few hours ago in a tragic way.

        Now that place has been blocked and controlled by the M** party, the latest information of the moment is unavailable, but according to experts' estimation, the number of dead and wounded has reached at least nearly ten thousand people, and along with the war continuing, this figure is further expanding ...... If we don't have a warning from key people here, the consequences will be unimaginable. Chen Zhengyang's tone was also somewhat thankful.

        The cracks over here didn't happen on the streets, but Sea City was a city of over five million people, and it was still in the middle of the night when the vast majority of people were asleep.

        The scene was silent for a moment, although there has long been this concept, but when seeing the video of the miserable appearance, these people have a more intuitive and profound feeling that this is undoubtedly a war.

        Indeed, the key person is the one who saved the lives of at least hundreds of thousands of people.

        The only middle-aged woman among the four sighed, the incident this time had been too big to hide, even if the news was blocked to the public, there would still be many people who would know how Hai Cheng had been spared, and the fact that the above would choose to unleash their goodwill on the individuals might not be without that consideration.

        Now is not the time to be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Chen Zhengyang folded his handkerchief and put it into his pocket, Given the current situation, it seems that there is a great possibility that the crack event will happen again, the country is already in the process of entering the highest level of combat readiness, the war has already been fought, our enemy, no, the enemy of the global mankind is the completely unknown interdimensional existence, the most important source of information at the moment is our key players, this is our advantage and an opportunity, okay, all gather your strength and get to work.

        At all times, war means a change in the world's landscape, and opportunity always coexists with risk.

        The task of this special action team was to make direct contact with Chen Fei, the traveler, analyze otherworldly intelligence, and unify the rest of the departments to deal with all matters concerning Chen Fei.

        Before arriving at the designated location, the analysis and summarization of the information currently provided by Chen Fei had already been processed, and Chen Zhengyang recorded all of them on a pen-written notepad before looking at his watch and coughing lightly, the rest of the people stopped their discussions to look at him.

        I've summarized four key messages.

        First, there exist two interdimensional worlds in different dimensions, tentatively named Otherworld and Hell. Second, there was a war between the Otherworld and Hell, in which the key character participated and won the final victory on the side of the Otherworld. Third, supernatural power called magic exists in the Otherworld, and the Key Man has demonstrated personal strength that far exceeds human limits. Fourthly, the key figure had reconnected with the otherworld for a period of time this evening. Are there any additions to the above four points?

        All of the words Chen Fei had said and all of his performances so far had converged on them, and although most of them were information about hell cracks and hell monsters, they had still analyzed quite a few key points from them.

        Everyone shook their heads, and while there was still room for deeper speculation about some things, that was all the basic important information that was available.

    Chapter 7: The conversation

        Since that's the case, then our focus after the contact later will be on the third and fourth points.  Chen Zhengyang scratched a circle on the notepad in his hand.

        Hell is the enemy, so what about Otherworld? The Otherworld was able to defeat Hell, did that mean they were stronger? What kind of identity did Chen Fei have in Otherworld? And what kind of character did he get in touch with tonight? In the end, if an ordinary seventeen year old teenager had no luck or dependence and traveled directly into a world of sword and magic where war had broken out, the probability of death would be the highest any way you looked at it.

        Reality is not a novel, and not every traveler can be Dragon Ao Tian.

        When this money truck stopped at the entrance of Haicheng Wild Park, Chen Fei was sitting inside the military armored vehicle feasting on the leftover plates and bags in front of him that had been placed all over the table, it was pitiful to say the least, he hadn't eaten a full meal since he came back, and he was worried that he would scare his parents if he let go of his food.

        It had also just taken a long time of comforting on the phone to reassure her own mother that she and Hitomi had now fled the city.

        Comrade Chen Fei. Qi Xunjun led a group of four people inside the spacious armored vehicle, These are the members of the special operations team responsible for contacting you, they would like to consult some information.

        Have a seat, no problem, feel free to ask, and, just call me Chen Fei directly.

        Chen Fei said vaguely under his breath, swallowing the food in his mouth, he had long guessed that someone would come to ask and was prepared for it, in fact, the reason why he still stayed here was also because of the presence of a small amount of magical power that had escaped from the hellish cracks, he wanted to see if he could contact Velia once again using communication magic.

        It might be a little embarrassing to say this, but if he could contact his lover, he basically wouldn't have to worry much about his safety.

        It's better to take a sip of water first. Chen Zhengyang twisted open a bottle of mineral water and handed it over to Chen Fei, First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the country, just three hours ago, a similar thing happened in North America, with heavy deaths and injuries, you have saved the people of the whole city this time, and countless numbers of our compatriots.

        Is it ...... Chen Fei, however, was a bit frustrated, Surely this isn't the only place ...... Even humans with intelligence are hopeless after being contaminated for more than a week.

        This frustration wasn't feigned, even though it was happening in other countries, all humans were comrades in arms before hell, and the final victory in the otherworldly war wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't united all the races that could be united.

        Chen Zhengyang's eyes lit up imperceptibly, but didn't say anything directly, instead, he introduced himself and the others before sitting down next to Chen Fei and starting the formal consultation, at this time Qi Xunjun had already gone out to check the entire vicinity of the armored car with his instruments to make sure there weren't any problems.

        The situation is rather serious, so we'll keep everything simple, Mr. Chen Fei, is the word hell, the term for the other side of the rift on the other side of the world? Chen Zhengyang took out his notebook and looked as if he was sitting like a nagging family member, and the rest of the people did not sit upright, but sat loosely in their chairs.

        It's my own translation. Chen Fei was still taking small bites of food into his mouth, replenishing his energy would put him slightly more at ease, The common language of the Otherworld is completely different from ours, so there's no problem translating it to say Hell or the Demon Realm or whatever, it's also just a specific term.

        "That's not easy

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