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Spatio-temporal Diffraction
Spatio-temporal Diffraction
Spatio-temporal Diffraction
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Spatio-temporal Diffraction

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In the year 2120 AD, the Earth was hit by a super cosmic ray storm, which killed countless creatures, and the surviving creatures mutated and attacked human beings. The whole human civilisation faced a huge crisis under the attack of cosmic ray radiation and mutated creatures.

Ling Mo, a young archaeologist, survived the radiation, but was

PublisherSandy Howard
Release dateMar 15, 2024
Spatio-temporal Diffraction

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    Spatio-temporal Diffraction - Sandy Howard

    Chapter Two: The Long Night

        Ling Mo, who had fallen into a coma, had a dream, the one he used to have often, only this time the dream was slightly different again from the past. Top X 23 U S

        At first, the dream was still those ancient words that he could not read or remember. Later, there was a faint voice in the dream, as if someone was murmuring softly in his ear, intermittent and inaudible.

        Ling Mo, in the dream world, wanted to hear the murmurs in his ears, but when he really listened carefully, it was as if he had touched a taboo that he shouldn't have touched, making it difficult for him in the dream world, as if his brain was going to explode.

        The less he heard, the more he wanted to hear, and the more carefully he tried to listen, the more his head ached.

        So much so that the dream world had affected his body in reality, only to see his entire body sweating profusely and pain in his facial expression.

        Finally, the immense pain caused the dream to shatter.

        Ling Mo woke up from his dream in a flash and tried to get up, but felt weak all over, so he had to continue lying down, sweating profusely and panting heavily.

        Despite leaving the dream world, the aftermath of the headache was still there, resting with his hands on his head and eyes closed.

        It was only when his body slowed down that he recalled his sudden unconsciousness and what he had seen before it was like a dream.

        Suddenly felt a burst of coolness, open your eyes, only to realize that it is already dark, the plateau on the day and night temperature difference is large, the daytime clothing can not withstand the cold of the night.

        What came into view was the night sky, the stars, and, to a lesser extent, the half-meter high grass beside me.

        This reminded Ling Mo that everything before the coma was real.

        I don't know how long I've been unconscious, it's already dark.

        Struggling to get up, he surveyed his surroundings by starlight.

        As far as the eye could see, half-meter high grasses spread all over the land, and those unknown plants got taller and taller, and in the darkness of the night, even though it was impossible to see exactly how tall they were, the huge black shadows that swayed around appeared so hideous and terrifying.

        Ling Mo was once again shocked by everything in front of him, his heart was occupied by panic and fear for a long time before he came back to his senses. Only then did he pull out his cell phone from his bag, the time showed that it was already 2:00 a.m., and the sign of no signal in the upper left corner of the cell phone screen made him give up his intention of trying to check on the internet.

        After a little thought, it was probably clear that the environment he was in, at the moment, everywhere revealed the weirdness, the most important thing was to go to the nearby town first.

        As I recall, it was only thirty miles from the nearest county seat.

        Maybe it might be better to wait until dawn to set out, but Ling Mo didn't dare to wait, after all, this was a plateau, and there were wolves on the plateau! There was also the roar of the beasts he heard before he passed out, so he didn't dare to wait!

        Opening his backpack, he changed into a thick shirt and threw away all the other clothes and necessities inside the bag, leaving only some valuables. In the end, surprisingly, he fished out a multi-functional military knife from the bag, which seemed to give him some bottom line.

        With his hiking stick in his left hand and his saber in his right, he walked carefully in the direction of the county seat.

        After walking for a while, Ling Mo discovered a spot that was out of place.

        Looking up at the starry sky, the stars, tonight, seemed extraordinarily bright! It wasn't an illusion, after all, he had spent two years on the plateau, and he had seen the stars in the middle of the night more than once or twice.

        Is there some connection between the sun getting dimmer and the stars getting brighter?

        Tightening his hiking poles and saber in his hands, he gathered his courage to move forward.

        Passing by the several unknown tall plants, Ling Mo stopped to watch, the visual estimate of nearly a hundred meters high, the trunk of the tree at least a dozen people to be able to embrace.

        Who would have thought that the plateau, where it is nearly impossible to plant trees, would be able to grow 100-meter-high giant trees overnight.

        Suppressing the various emotions in his mind, he continued on his way.

        Tonight's wilderness was silent. Only then did Ling Mo realize that the wind had stopped during the day, and at this moment, apart from the sound of his own footsteps and breathing, there was not a single other murmur. This kind of silence is too depressing, so depressing that his heartbeat keeps accelerating.

        He didn't know how long he had been walking, when a burst of sound came from him, Ling Mo was instantly startled and hurriedly looked in the direction where the sound came from.

        It seems that the sound was made by some kind of animal burrowing through the weeds? There was something in the grass! Although he couldn't really see it, he could still feel that something in the grass was coming towards him.

        What could it be? A wolf? Or some other beast?

        The voices are closer!

        Ling Mo began to tense up, the weapons in both hands crossing his chest.

        The voices were closer!

        Ling Mo involuntarily held his breath and tightened the weapon in his hand.

        The voices are getting closer!

        Ling Mo was getting more and more nervous, not daring to make a single sound, and he could detect his heartbeat accelerating! He could even clearly hear his own heartbeat!

        Just as Ling Mo was staring with his full attention, ready to meet the unknown creature, the voice stopped not far from him!

        The surroundings once again returned to the initial state of silence, except for the sound of his own heartbeat, Ling Mo could no longer hear any other sound.

        But the silence was even more frightening than before. After all, humans were far more afraid of the unknown than they were of the known. Ling Mo's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and just when he felt that his heart would not be able to take it anymore, something strange happened.

        Only a dark shadow was seen, leaping up from the grass!

        Ling Mo, subconsciously dodged sideways before violently stabbing out the saber in his right hand.

        Unexpectedly, the stab missed.

        Hurriedly looking back to inspect, it turned out that the black shadow was not coming towards himself, but jumped away to the side.

        Ling Mo was then relieved, and through the starlight, he saw that the jumping black shadow was a rat. Only, visually the rat that was more than a foot tall seemed a bit big, right?

        After resting for a few minutes and adjusting to regain his form, he continued on his way cautiously.

        It didn't take long for the eyes to change and it turned out to be normal tall and short grass in front of them.

        Don't even get me started on how strange it is to have the same species of grasses that are half a meter tall on this side and an inch tall on that side!

        The wilderness was silent, and the infinite blackness of the night seemed to swallow everything.

        Estimated that about three hours of walking it, Ling Mo did not dare to open the phone to see the time, much less open the phone lighting, ghosts know a little light in the darkness of the night will lead to what mischief?

        Thinking back to the dreams that had plagued him from time to time since he had obtained the Wordless Ancient Book, as well as the experience in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder if supernatural powers really existed? Could it be that myths and legends are also real? How else could it explain all this? He now desperately wanted to know about the outside world, was his coma an isolated case, or was it universal?

        While walking and rambling, steeply, his heart was inexplicably startled, feeling that the atmosphere around him was a bit off.

        Ling Mo stopped and looked around. It didn't matter if he didn't look, he was startled at first glance.

        Only to see, in the darkness of the night, an extra pair of eyes glowing green.

        Wolves! One is surrounded by wolves!

        In these two years, in the plateau also encountered a number of wolves, and even fought with lone wolves, relying on their own hands, and repeatedly turn danger into safety, this point is quite proud.

        However, the wolves that he had encountered in the past were a world away from the pack of wolves in front of him.

        The wolf in front of him was at least more than double the size of the wolves he had encountered before, and it was not even on the same level.

        It's so desperate!

        Taking a deep breath, he calmed down. The crisis at hand, fighting was obviously unwise, the weapon in one's hand could not withstand the attack of the wolves. One couldn't just sit and wait for death, then the only option was to run away.

        Ling Mo quickly pondered over the fact that the number of wolves in the ambush in front of him was at a minimum, there were only five wolves. Deciding to follow the original planned route, he quickly broke out towards the gap between the few wolves in front of him. Although there were five wolves in front of him, the only ones that could really intercept him were the three wolves in the center, as long as he found a way to break through the interception of these three wolves, he would be able to go and fight for that silver lining of staying alive.

        Taking one deep breath once more, a shimmy ran toward the front of the breakout.

        The wolves behind, in hot pursuit; and the few in front fired off to intercept.

        Eyes were about to meet the wolves in front of them, they were ready for that fatal lunge, and could even already see their open, bloody mouths.

        In the nick of time, Ling Mo accelerated and took a step to the right, dodging the bloody mouth of the wolf that lunged right in front of him.

        Not having time to stabilize his body, he hastily sprinted towards the front, dodging the bloody mouth of the wolf on his right, but his right arm was cut by the sharp claws of the wolf.

        Although it was only a claw, Ling Mo's figure was brought off, coupled with a sharp pain coming from the wound on his right arm, he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

        An afterglow caught the wolf on his left adjusting his stance and pouncing as well.

        After the claws of the wolf just now, Ling Mo probably understood the power of this group of wolves, if he was pounced on, he would definitely fall to the ground, and that would be disastrous.

        At the moment of crisis, using all his strength, he dodged towards the right front, and managed to avoid the pouncing wolf.

        So close! It all happened in a flash of lightning, probably a potential explosion between life and death, and it stood out without any danger!

        Even, in order to minimize contact with those three wolves just now, he didn't dare to attack with his saber.

        However, he was still facing a nine-death situation, knowing that wolves were particularly fast on the grasslands, and theoretically, a human being could certainly not outrun a wolf pack.

        If you don't run, you're going to die right away; if you run, at least there's hope, even if it's a faint glimmer of hope!

        Ling Mo was really running with all his strength. At this time there was no time to pay attention to the wound on his right arm, blood was flowing uncontrollably down the opening.

        The wolves were bloodthirsty, and smelling blood, they chased even more frantically.

        The wolves were getting closer and closer, at this point Ling Mo didn't even dare to look back, much less remove the backpack from his body, even the slightest pause or deceleration of his figure could be fatal.

        Spare a thought, the two were still getting closer.

        Finally, the fastest wolf in pursuit made a powerful leap and pounced on Ling Mo's left shoulder.

        No good!

        As expected, a huge force came from him, and Ling Mo's body was unsteady, flopping to the right front, and the hiking staff and saber in his hand flew out.

        After falling to the ground, Ling Mo immediately adjusted his stance and turned around, using his fists in defense.

        When the wolves saw their prey on the ground, they quickly surrounded them.

        Right now, Ling Mo was truly in a nine-death situation.

        The wolves had completely surrounded Ling Mo, emitting low growls and making a move to pounce.

        Right at this moment, there was an intense burst of gunfire from the distance, and both Ling Mo and the wolves were startled. The wolves became a bit uneasy, but, still had no intention of giving up their prey.

        That's the direction of the county, could it be that there was an animal attack in the county as well?

        Immediately afterward, there were a few more loud bangs, and then the flares were seen rising into the air.

        The flare illuminated the night sky for miles around, and even Ling Mo's place became significantly brighter. By the light of the flare, Ling Mo surveyed the wolves, and they were indeed a hideous and terrifying sight.

        The wolves were clearly more upset after the flare went up.

        Luckily, with this burst of gunfire and flares, Ling Mo was able to stalemate the wolves.


        Suddenly, a creepy wolf howl came from the distant hills. After the wolves heard it, they immediately sent out a response in the direction the wolf howl came from as well.


        On the other side of the hill, a wolf howl once again came, Ling Mo looked over in that direction and was instantly shocked.

        Despite the distance, it was possible to make out the size of its body by the afterglow of the flare.

        Visually it was the size of a small car!

        That's probably a mutated wolf king!

        While he was in shock, he realized that the wolves beside him began to retreat towards the Wolf King's position.

        In just a few moments, the wolves retreated cleanly, as if they had never appeared.

        When he could no longer see the wolves, Ling Mo breathed a sigh of relief and was glad to have recovered his life. Only then did he realize that it was clearly a cold night in the plateau, but his whole body's clothes were already wet with sweat.

        Thanks to his long-term practice of fighting arts, his body's reflexes and explosive power were particularly strong, or else he would most likely be accounted for here today.

        Calming his emotions, he found a towel in his bag and bandaged the wound, not caring about sterilizing or anything, he picked up the saber on the ground and ran in the direction of the county.

        In the direction of the county town, there are still sharp gunshots coming from time to time, even mixed with violent explosions, it seems that the number of beasts attacking the county town is quite large, and I wonder what kind of situation it is now.

        Along the way, Ling Mo thought about it especially a lot. In just one night, the Earth had undergone such a shocking change, how many creatures had mutated? He was even worried if the sun would still rise? The mood was also getting heavier and heavier.

        Looking back, in the boundless night behind him, he didn't know what ferocious beasts were hidden, seemingly wanting to devour everything, making people unconsciously develop a feeling of fear, and this emotion stretched out for a longer period of time. The long night was long, giving him a feeling that the night was like years!

    Chapter 3: Super Cosmic Ray Bursts

        Finally, when a flash of light appeared in the eastern sky, Ling Mo was relieved, although he didn't know how bad the situation was, at least the sun was still rising as usual. Top X 23 U S

        Dragging his tired body onward, another two hours, the county was in sight. But it was too late to get excited, and then I was once again in shock.

        Although it was known through last night's gunfire that there must have been quite a few beasts attacking the county, it was only when I actually saw the specifics that I realized how bad the situation really was.

        On the road, there was a scattering of scrapped cars. There were deformed ones, overturned ones, and even crushed ones.

        Some of the vehicles were empty, while among others, bloodied people were askew on the seats, clearly lifeless.

        Not only that, but the road was strewn with corpses, both human and unknown huge animals, and a bloody odor came over the road.

        Forcing down the churning in his stomach, he walked forward in a daze.

        At a glance, there were piles of animal carcasses, huge rats half a meter long, canines the size of yaks, and so on, as well as other unidentified beasts' corpses.

        Among them, several yak carcasses the size of trucks with eyes as big as soccer balls alone were so terrifying.

        There were many huge holes in the yak carcasses, and the wounds were still dripping blood out, and the roadway flowed with blood, eventually converging in several explosion craters on the road, in which all kinds of limbs and pieces of flesh were still scattered.


        Ling Mo finally couldn't stand it, his stomach turned over and he threw up. It took a while to recover.

        The road in front of them was filled with military barricades, there were also military armored vehicles parked, guns and ammunition were piled up on the ground, and there were quite a few soldiers building fortifications next to them.

        Off to the side, human corpses were laid out, military and civilian, all clearly showing signs of being attacked by the beasts, their clothes covered in blood.

        Ling Mo just wanted to retch, but he realized that his stomach was already empty!

        A soldier spotted Ling Mo and went up to ask, Ling Mo answered truthfully, the soldier then turned around and ran to a young officer with gauze wrapped around his forehead to report.

        Then, Ling Mo saw the officer with a wound on his head but a resolute face walking towards him. He asked, You're an archaeologist? Spent two years in the Kunlun Mountains?

        Ling Mo froze for a moment, nodded, and added, I can't be considered an archaeologist, I can only barely be considered an archaeologist.

        The officer got a satisfactory answer and spoke, I am the commander of the XX Reconnaissance Company, Captain Liu Weiguo, come with me, there is a mission that requires the assistance of you archaeologists.

        Ling Mo asked suspiciously, What mission?

        The officer shook his head, It's an urgent mission that was only just ordered, I'm not sure about the specifics of the mission at the moment, it's a professor of archaeology in charge and our military is only assisting.

        Ling Mo nodded in agreement even though he didn't get an answer.

        In the past two years on the plateau, there were several times when he encountered danger, but fortunately, he met the soldiers on patrol, and only then was able to turn the danger into safety. From the bottom of his heart, Ling Mo recognized and respected soldiers. Moreover, this Captain Liu Weiguo, with a head injury and a uniform full of bloodstains, was still sticking to his post, so he must be a respectable soldier.

        Seeing that Ling Mo had an injury on his right arm, Li Wei Guo asked, What happened to your injury?

        Ling Mo replied, Last night, he encountered a wolf attack and was scratched by the wolf's claws.

        Liu Weiguo's eyes stared, he had been on a long term mission in the plateau, he knew the difficulty of wolves, if he was caught in the siege of wolves, whether he could come back alive or not was a problem, let alone like Ling Mo who was only scratched by a wolf's paw.

        Soldiers are tough men, Ling Mo's experience, as well as the aura on Ling Mo's body, shows that he is not only capable of suffering, but also capable, Liu Weiguo recognizes that Ling Mo is a man of honor, and his look softens a bit more.

        The wolf's claws are poisonous, and the wound is prone to infection, so you'll come with me to take care of it.

        Liu Weiguo took Ling Mo to treat his wounds with the help of the medical soldiers, and then drove to the county town.

        Along the way, Ling Mo asked a lot, through the military's publicized intelligence. Only then did he realize that it turned out that yesterday at noon, the Earth had encountered some kind of unknown super cosmic ray storm, and all the humans and animals around the world had fallen into a coma in an instant, and the only thing that was fortunate was that this kind of cosmic ray storm did not have radiation.

        But imagine what it's like for a person to suddenly pass out while climbing stairs.

        What happens when a vehicle is in motion and the driver suddenly passes out?

        What does it look like when an airplane is underway and the pilot suddenly passes out?


        Catastrophic consequences.

        The duration of the coma varies; some people wake up in a few minutes; others wake up after a few hours; while there are others who have not awakened by now and may never get the chance to do so.

        Awakening to what he thought was a catastrophe, he didn't realize that this was the beginning of the disaster.

        First, there is the geologic disaster, which has occurred in many seismic zones, whether or not they were affected by inexplicable cosmic rays.

        Secondly, everywhere there is a part of the plant that grows wildly, affecting the surrounding environment and causing disasters that result in considerable casualties.

        Then, the originally docile small animals began to mutate, not only becoming larger in size, but also attacking humans in turn. Although it was only a very small percentage of them, the casualties caused to humans were horrifying. The only fortunate thing was that the mutated animals disappeared after dawn.

        Finally, there is man-made chaos. People's hearts are already fragile, and when they are suddenly hit by apocalyptic changes, some of them do things that are beyond the scope of the law.

        It can be argued that man-made chaos is precisely the most damaging to all of humanity of the several types of variation.

        Hearing this, Ling Mo's mood became heavier and heavier. Just in time to see outside the car window, rescuers searching through the destroyed houses, sending the living to the hospital, laying out the bodies on the roadside to prepare for centralized disposal, countless people hugging and crying around the bodies of their friends and family.

        One or two people, driven mad by the change, went berserk and attacked those around them, and it was fortunate that the military and police were there to maintain order and prevent an uncontrollable situation.

        We are already unfortunate, and it is rumored that in many places abroad, there is already a complete lack of order. Our top leaders have activated the highest level of emergency in the country during wartime, massively conscripting retired soldiers and aspiring youths into the military in order to guard our order and better protect our homeland. Liu Weiguo spoke heavily.

        In the face of this series of drastic changes, if we say that there is no unified decision-making by the state and no guardianship by the army, the situation of the ordinary people makes one shudder at the thought of it.

        Ling Mo pulled out her cell phone and found that it was still in a state of no signal, and silently took it back into her bag again.

        Although he was an orphan and had no relatives, he still had teachers and friends, only now the civilian communication system was paralyzed and there was no way to contact them, and I wondered how they were doing now.

        The county is not big, and after ten minutes, we arrived at the place where the army was stationed. The car drove directly into the military camp. The entire barracks was crowded with people, but most of them were civilians, and the oversized field that was originally supposed to be a soldier's training area was set up with rows of tents, and was converted into an emergency shelter.

        The car stopped in front of a heavily guarded command building, and the two men got out and walked toward the building, just as they came upon a group of soldiers carrying boxes and boxes of things, also hurrying toward the upper floors.

        Going up to the second floor, Ling Mo found that the soldiers moving the boxes stopped in front of a big door on the second floor, and an old man in ordinary clothes was directing them to move and place the boxes.

        Professor Xu!

        The old man was about to enter, when he heard a cry of surprise, and turned to inspect again.

        Liu Weiguo had planned to introduce Ling Mo to the old man and was also interrupted by Ling Mo's surprised voice. Surprised, he looked at Ling Mo, You guys know each other?

        At this time, the old man also recognized Ling Mo and said happily, You are, it's Little Ling, it's really you! Great, with you here, we have hope!

        Liu Weiguo didn't expect Professor Xu to have such a high opinion of Ling Mo, knowing that this mission is the highest ranked wartime mission, all resources are prioritized towards this mission. Saying, Since you guys know each other, there's no need for me to introduce you, you guys talk, feel free to find me if there's anything.

        Ling Mo also did not expect to be able to meet Prof. Xu here, this Prof. Xu Dezheng is a professor in the archaeology department of Qingzhou University. During his university days, Ling Mo represented the archaeology department of Shuzhou University to the archaeology department of Qingzhou University to do an exchange study, and he was studying under Prof. Xu.

        After such a drastic change, being able to meet a friend from another country, a trace of joy could not help but appear on his face as he asked, Professor Xu, why are you here?

        Xu Dezheng smiled and explained, Although I teach at Qingzhou University, but I was originally from Ma Qing County ah, now the summer, back home to see.

        Then he pulled Ling Mo into the room.

        Ling Mo entered the room before seeing that it was a large conference hall converted into a temporary office. There were several maps plastered on the wall, ranging from global to national to state and county maps. The floor was also filled with various books and materials.

        There were others in the temporary office, also organizing information.

        Xu Dezheng introduced, These are all local knowledgeable historians and archaeologists, we all came here last night on a temporary commission from the military, you have studied more about the pre-Qin culture, it's great to have you here.

        Ling Mo couldn't resist the doubt in his heart and asked, Professor Xu, what exactly do we need to do?

        Save the Earth! Xu Dezheng said slowly.

    Chapter 4: The Search for Immortality

        Save the planet? Ling Mo was stunned!

        Right! Save the Earth! Xu Dezheng repeated to, his tone indescribably heavy, as if he had a ten thousand pound burden on his shoulders.

        Seemingly seeing Ling Mo's doubts, he added, Come over here, I'll show you something.

        The two came to a computer, on the way here, Ling Mo knew that the civilian communication system was paralyzed, but the military was barely able to use it by adopting the quantum communication system that was in testing.

        Xu Dezheng opened a website, logged into his account, and an interface popped up with the words Wartime Supreme Mission Network vaguely. This reflected the power of the state apparatus, and a website was established overnight.

        Xu Dezheng slid his mouse and opened the video board, then clicked on a video.

        The video is not very clear, I do not know whether it is in the river or the lake, the shooter is also in rapid movement, the video is filled with cries and screams, the shooting of the picture is clearly a giant snake with two heads, its lower half in the water, the upper half of the upper body rises up, a dozen or so stories so high.

        Ling Mo had thought that the point of the video was just to say that the giant snake had two heads, which did count as weird, but considering the mutations in the animal world as a whole, it made sense.

        Immediately after that, a gasp came from the video, only to see that snake, one of its heads unexpectedly spat out a huge ice ball, which blasted on the ground, and the people nearby were instantly frozen into ice sculptures. That wasn't all, its other head, spat out a fireball of the same size in the other direction, the fireball exploded on the ground, and everything around it burned.

        There were military planes attacking towards the Two-Headed Serpent, and the shells hit its body, blowing out a wound, but it was not fatal compared to its huge body.

        This is where the video ends as well.

        Demon! Ling Mo shouted out in shock.

        Then, Xu Dezheng clicked on a few more videos, all of which were various kinds of monsters, all of which possessed strange abilities. There were turtles that could turn people into stone statues, giant dogs that spat human words, and white horses that flew in the sky ......

        These are demons! Ling Mo muttered.

        Yes, even the demons have come out, so will the mythical immortals exist? Xu De Zheng looked at Ling Mo.

        Immortals? You mean ......? Ling Mo seemed to have thought of something and was shocked.

        That's right! Our mission this time is codenamed 'Seeking Immortals', which is to find Immortals by all means, and this is also our last resort to save the Earth. Xu Dezheng nodded and said.

        Ling Mo pondered for a while and shook his head, First of all, let's not talk about whether there are gods and immortals in the world or not, even if there are, our country has a long history and a wide area, and there are many myths and legends that have been passed down, so how do we go about distinguishing between the myths and legends? Finding a needle in a haystack like this won't do much good.

        Xu Dezheng nodded, You're right, if we just rely on the legends in the history books, I'm afraid that our planet will perish before we can find the immortals.

        Then he added, Fortunately, the heavens are not against the human race! It sent us a descendant of an immortal in a desperate situation!

        Ling Mo was surprised, Immortal descendant?

        That's right! Xu Dezheng said with certainty.

        Are you sure it's not a charlatan? Ling Mo asked, still in disbelief.

        There's no doubt about that, the Supreme Leader and the group of bigwigs in the military have already confirmed that she does indeed have immortal abilities. Xu Dezheng denied to.

        Seeing that he was so sure, Ling Mo couldn't say more. Then he asked, Could it be that the descendants of Immortals know where there are Immortals?

        Xu Dezheng smiled and nodded, That's right! According to the descendants of the Immortals, her ancestors came from a bowl-like mountain named Kunlun Qiu.

        Kunlun Qiu! Although Ling Mo had been shocked time and time again by what he had seen and heard over the past two days, he had never been so shocked to hear the words Kunlun Qiu.

        Can't help but think, is this a coincidence? Or was it a guide from the underworld? If it was some other place, Ling Mo might not necessarily believe it, but this so-called descendant of the Immortals actually spoke of the Kunlun mound, so I'm afraid it's true.

        Smiling bitterly, he said, Professor Xu, you don't know, the reason I came here was to search for the Kunlun Mound, and I've been searching for two years.

        Afterwards, Ling Mo explained to Xu Dezheng the reason why he was searching for the Kunlun Mound, omitting the part about the wordless ancient book and only saying that it was for archaeology.

        Xu De was also amazed after hearing this, and then he said, Haha! Sure enough! There was an arrangement in the underworld! This is the Immortals giving you guidance! The heavens will not fail my human race!

        In the days that followed, Ling Mo followed a few scholars in reviewing the information and searching for the Kunlun mound.

        Civilian communication systems are paralyzed, the military drones are not working, and whenever experts and scholars speculate about a location, the military sends soldiers to scout it out on the ground, but no progress is made, and instead, the soldiers who are sent out suffer heavy casualties, and few of them come back alive.

        Using the military's communication system, I was able to get a rough idea of the state of the world after the great change. There are animal mutations everywhere, and the number of monsters is not small. There are many small countries that have already perished under the double blows of natural disasters and **, the global population has plummeted by at least one-fifth, and the survivors are all gathering towards the big cities.

        Fortunately, after the Earth's great change, the mutated creatures, as long as they have not reached the level of monsters, almost always come to attack humans at night, and during the daytime, they seem to be afraid of something, and almost always hide in the mountains.

        The mutation was getting worse and worse, and Mazinger County was attacked by giant beasts every night. It was the military generals, with their own flesh and blood, who blocked the beasts outside the city.

        In the daytime, when the beasts were resting in the mountains, the army searched around and went to encircle them; if not, they would not have been able to hold them off when the night came.

        The radio in the barracks rolled out the conscription orders, and the hot-blooded youths enlisted in droves, and Ling Mo was also infected by the atmosphere, wanting to join the army and take part in the defense of the city.

        It is just a coincidence that when the registration was made, it happened to be bumped into by Liu Weiguo, who scolded him and drove him back to the temporary office.

        For this reason, Ling Mo is not convinced, but also pulled Liu Weiguo match, but unfortunately can not be beaten, was beaten, but it is also considered not to fight, became a friend.

        Subsequently, the military headquarters issued an order that, nationwide, all participants in the search for immortality mission will be awarded the rank of second lieutenant in wartime, and only need to be responsible for the search for immortality, and do not need to participate in other work.

        On the fifth day of the Earth's great change, Ling Mo, who was suffering from the lack of progress, put down his hands and assisted the people who had taken refuge in the barracks to set up their tents, and at the same time relax his brain.

        A group of soldiers, carrying a wounded man, ran towards the aid station of the barracks. The injured man, on the stretcher, was yelling like a madman.

        At first, Ling Mo thought he was injured and roaring in pain, just as Ling Mo passed him, he heard, Change of day~ We all have to die~ The Yellow River is full of blood~ We're going to die~

        Ling Mo, who was not sure why, found Liu Weiguo, and only then did he figure it out. It turns out that this person lives dozens of kilometers away from the Yellow River, today found that the Yellow River water has turned blood red, thought that all the blood water, so scared crazy. The soldiers who went out to scout and search and rescue rescued him and also probed that the water of the Yellow River had really turned blood red and shot a video back.

        The Yellow River has an incomparable position in the civilization of China and is called the Mother River.

        The effect of the strange change in the water of the Yellow River was so far-reaching that the officers of Ma Qing County, at once, reported it to the top.

        But the reply was that the color of the water flow in the lower reaches of the Yellow River did not change, the video was sent to the military headquarters, and the bigwigs at the headquarters were shocked, and a large number of soldiers were dispatched to scout the area, and concluded that the Yellow River water is divided into three colors, the origin is black, the section of Mazhong is red, and the middle and lower reaches are in the original color.

        On the sixth day of the Earth's great change, the playground of the refuge had already been taken up by tents for most of the day, and after setting up the tents, Ling Mo sat down to rest, when he suddenly heard a few people next to him discussing:

        Have you heard? The Yellow River water has turned into blood! It's so scary!

        I've heard about it, I've heard about it. Everyone's changing their name to Red River now.

        Not a river of blood?

        You don't know, do you, that the water at the source of the Yellow River hasn't turned red.


        Of course it's true, it hasn't turned red, it's turned black, it's running black inside, it's worse than turning red!

        Isn't that going to change the name to Black River?

        Alas! Sins!


        Ling Mo listened to everyone's discussion and couldn't help but sigh for the mother river, Yellow water, yellow river, red water, red river, black water, black river.

        And then they bowed their heads and sighed sadly.

        Unexpectedly, the next moment Ling Mo jumped up in excitement!

        Unable to stop murmuring to, Red River, Red Water, Black River, Black Water, so it is! So it is! Haha! I've finally found the Kunlun mound!

    Chapter 5: The Kunlun Mound

        Ling Mo, who was excited, hurried back to the temporary office.

        Straight to the front of the national map, the Yellow River is divided into three sections, the source is labeled as the Black Water, the first bend of the nine curves of the Yellow River, the Ma Qing section is the Chishui, and the middle and lower reaches are the Yellow River.

        After dividing it up, he muttered under his breath, It's true! It's true!

        When the rest of the office saw how excited Ling Mo was, they all put down what they were doing and came over to watch.

        Xu Dezheng asked suspiciously, Xiaoling, have you discovered something?

        Ling Mo pressed down his excitement and replied, Professor Xu, I think I'm afraid I've really found the location of the Kunlun mound!

        Really? Great! Where is it? Xu Dezheng asked in delight.

        Ling Mo didn't answer and found a copy of the Shan Hai Jing on his desk, flipping it open and reading it:

        "The Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) of the Great Desolate West records: 'South of the Western Sea, on the shore of the quicksand, after the Red Water and before the Black Water, there is a great mountain called Kunlun's Mound.'

        The Shanhaijing Hainaixi Jing records: 'The Red Water comes out of the southeastern corner to the northeast of the line, and flows southwest into the South China Sea to the east of the loathsome fire.'

        'The river came out of the northeast corner to travel north of it, southwest and into the Bohai Sea, and then out of the sea, that is, west and north, into the Jishi Mountain guided by Yu.'

        'The Yangshui and the Heishui come out of the northwest corner of the country, eastward, eastward, and northeastward, southward into the sea, and southward of the Yumin'."


        At first, the few scholars didn't believe it too much, but the further Ling Mo read, the more shocked their expressions became!

        After dividing the Yellow River into three parts, it was indeed exactly as recorded in the Shanhaijing.

        Discussed with delight:

        So it is!

        I'm afraid it's true this time!

        If this isn't it, I'm going to wonder if Kunlun Mound even exists.


        Next, Xu Dezheng reported this amazing discovery to the military headquarters, requesting a field reconnaissance.

        The military headquarters replied, The soldiers who scouted the wrong location many times lost too many lives and must be responsible for the lives of the soldiers. Therefore, a national expert voice discussion conference needs to be held, and only if the conference passes will people be sent to scout.

        That afternoon, Ling Mo and Xu Dezheng, a few of them, were invited to the military's communication room to open a national voice discussion.

        Under the auspices of Zhou Yucai, president of the Archaeological Association, experts and scholars from all over the country had a heated discussion, and finally came to the conclusion that ninety percent of them recognized Ling Mo's point of view.

        The military headquarters agreed to investigate and urgently deployed manpower to Mazen.

        On the seventh day of the Earth's great change, a team of soldiers in charge of scouting, under Ling Mo's arrangement, hurriedly marched towards Ma Qing Mountain within Ma Qing County.

        Liu Weiguo accompanied Ling Mo and a few others, in the communication room, waiting apprehensively for the results of the investigation.

        Soldiers have been returning since the afternoon, with attrition occurring in almost every group, and most of those who have returned alive have been injured.

        And yet, there was no semblance of Kunlunqiu.

        For a while, Ling Mo couldn't help but ask himself inwardly whether he was right or wrong. Because of his own guesses, the soldiers would have to give their lives to scout.

        More and more scouting parties returned, and by evening, thirty-four of the total thirty-six five-man parties sent out had returned, none, unfortunately, bringing back the news he wanted.

        The hearts of the entire comm room sank.

        Although it hadn't come to the last moment and there were still two teams left, no one could say whether the two teams had been completely wiped out or else they should have come back long ago by all rights.

        Just when everyone was worried, a group of soldiers ran in urgently, also carrying a soldier with a broken left arm. Just seeing that soldier, his face was pale, obviously caused by excessive blood loss from his left arm.

        Ling Mo's face was already without much blood color due to self-blame, and was even paler at this moment, so he hurriedly said with concern, What are you guys doing here? Hurry up and send him to medical treatment!

        However, he saw that soldier with a broken arm shake his head and actually struggled to stand up from the stretcher. Strangely enough, when he stood up, his face also became much rosier. He raised his right hand, only to see that he was holding a small camera specially made by the military tightly in his hand. When he saw that the camera was intact, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if the camera was more important than his life.

        He raised his right hand up with difficulty and gave a military salute, then roared in a loud tone, Reporting to Ensign Ling, Corporal Li Jun, his teammates Liu Hailong, Wang Hui, Song Jianguo, and Chen Ming, they did not dishonor their mission and found Kunlun Mound as instructed, completing the mission. Four of my teammates were unable to return to camp due to their sacrifice, and have instructed me to return with them on their behalf, report complete, please instruct!

        When Li Jun finished his report with a roar, blood frothed out of his mouth and his breathing became even weaker! It turned out that his face turning red was simply just a flashback!

        As Ling Mo listened to Li Jun's voice, the corners of his eyes unconsciously became moist. Taking the camera from Li Jun's hand, he performed a not-so-standard military salute and roared with a choked sob, Roger, Corporal Li Jun, please take care of your body and receive treatment immediately!

        Li Jun's body was unsteady on its feet and Ling Mo hurriedly held him up.

        Li Jun shook his head, and with his last weak voice, he said in a broken voice, This time I may have to disobey my orders

        Ling Mo yelled, Corporal Li Jun, I order you to stop talking and receive treatment!

        Li Jun firmly looked at Ling Mo: I'm really, really happy to be able to carry out this honorable mission for you because you're a hero to all mankind.

        After saying that, Li Jun slowly closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

        And at this moment, the entire people inside the communication room had all long been in tears.

        Ling Mo held Li Jun's drooping hand and said firmly and sincerely, You are the real heroes!

        At this moment, Ling Mo had a seed within him, a seed of conviction.

        Once upon a time, he had searched for the Kunlun Mound only to solve the mystery of the Wordless Ancient Book. And now, it was no longer the same!

        The soldiers placed Li Jun's torso, carefully, on a stretcher and gently exited the communications room.

        Liu Weiguo was the first to slow down, as a real soldier, he had seen too many comrades sacrificed in the past few days, and walked over to pat Ling Mo's shoulder.

        Ling Mo wiped the corners of his eyes and calmed down, coming to the computer, connecting the camera to the computer and opening a video.

        The video was very long, and the first part of it detailed down the marching route of Li Jun and his group, as well as the giant beasts detected along the way.

        In the second part, a bowl-shaped peak was seen from afar, a peak that originally did not exist in the earth, and the entire peak was surrounded by immortal mist, emitting an inexplicable aura. There were hidden cranes surrounding it, and true dragons tumbling about, this must be the Kunlun Mound.

        Li Jun and the others had wanted to scout at close range, but unexpectedly found a pack of mutated wolves guarding the foot of the mountain, and had to withdraw in order to send the message back.

        The third part is on the way back, unfortunately discovered by several giant beasts, Liu Hailong, Wang Hui, Song Jianguo, Chen Ming in order to cover the retreat of Li Jun, has sacrificed, Li Jun also broke his arm and seriously injured, difficult to bring the camera back to the camp to resume orders.

        Seeing all the things in the video, Ling Mo had a complex expression and admired the Li Jun five even more, from them, he saw a righteousness that was far above everything else. That was for the continuation of the race! For the inheritance of civilization! It also strengthened the belief in his heart.

        The video was sent to the military headquarters, and a moment later, the headquarters replied, The Immortal Descendants confirmed that the peak in the video is the Kunlun Mound, and the Immortal Descendants are about to travel from Kyoto to Mazinger County.

    Chapter 6: A Fateful Reunion

        On the fifteenth day of the Earth's great change, a team mixed with tanks and armored vehicles entered the barracks. m. Ling Mo and the others, who had gotten the news, had been waiting for a long time.

        From Kyoto to Mazinger, it spanned thousands of kilometers, with countless mountains along the way, and there was no telling how many mutated behemoths were encountered. The armies from various places used heavy firepower to assist in escorting and clearing the road in advance, even so, it was said that this team suffered heavy casualties. After rushing during the day and stationing in cities along the way at night, it took seven days to finally arrive at Marqing.

        Ling Mo was curious as to what kind of three heads and six arms the descendant of the Immortals, who had been recognized by the Supreme Leader and the group of bigwigs at the military headquarters, had.

        The rear door of the armored car slowly opened, and an old man, pushing the door open, stepped out.

        Despite the long journey, the old man's spirit was full, his face was rosy, and a majestic aura could be felt from his body.

        Ling Mo sized up the old man, could he be the descendant of the legendary Immortals? But what was so strange about it?

        The old man got out of the car, looked around at all the people, and when he saw Ling Mo, his eyes lit up. Excitedly, he came over and said, You are Xiao Ling, right? It's really better to hear about you than to see you! No wonder you were able to accomplish such an important mission! It's really young and promising!

        You are too kind, in fact, I was just lucky. Ling Mo was embarrassed by the compliment, Immortals are actually so nice to talk to ah?

        Eh! Don't be modest, you've done a great job, but you've given us archaeologists a long face! Haha! It's really the waves of the Yangtze River pushing forward! The old man said with a smile.

        Ah! You're an archaeologist too? Ling Mo froze for a moment.

        Right! Oh, look at my memory, I forgot to make a self-introduction after talking for most of the day, I am Zhou Yucai, the president of the Archaeological Association. The old man introduced himself.

        Ling Mo realized where he felt wrong before, it turned out that he had seen Zhou Yucai's special report in the university before, and today it looked a bit familiar.

        So it is you! I've read your report, it helped me a lot, I'm so sorry for not recognizing you just now! Ling Mo said awkwardly.

        Zhou Yu waved his hand before he was also unimpressed.

        You are the descendant of an Immortal, no wonder you are able to do so much archaeological research. Then do you know Immortal Spells? Can you let us see it? Ling Mo realized with a sudden realization. Zhou Yucai was a titan of the archaeological world, if he was descended from Immortals, then everything would make sense. However, he was more curious at the moment about what special abilities Zhou Yucai possessed as a descendant of Immortals!

        To Xu Dezheng's status and seniority in the archaeological community, obviously recognize Zhou Yucai, just see the two chatting happily, not good to interrupt, and now also curious to ask: Old Zhou ah! When did you become an immortal? Hurry up and let us see some immortal skills!

        However, Zhou Yucai smiled and shook his head and said, Haha! You say you guys, archaeology is okay, but you can't recognize people at all! How could this old man like me be a descendant of an immortal!

        Xu Dezheng and Ling Mo a few people, looked at each other a stunned, engaged in half a day was originally a mess!

        It's also my fault, I was so focused on chatting amongst myself that I forgot to make introductions. Come, I'll introduce you guys, this Miss Yue is the one who is descended from the Immortals. Zhou Yucai turned towards the armored car after saying that.

        At that moment, a woman stepped out of the armored car door and walked towards the crowd.

        The woman was wearing a white ancient costume with a beautiful hair bun, her face had no trace of makeup, but it gave her a perfect look. Her face was devoid of any expression, as if she was an iceberg beauty. There was also a stunning aura about her, and if she had to describe it, the word immortal spirit would probably be the most appropriate.

        Liu Weiguo was stunned at the first sight of the woman. Although he hadn't seen an Immortal, if someone had asked him at this moment what kind of temperament an Immortal should have, he would have answered without hesitation, The temperament that exudes from the woman in front of me is the temperament of an Immortal!

        Liu Weiguo came back to his senses, feeling a little feverish on his face, he is a man with a wife and children, but was attracted to a woman's mind. It was hard to find a reason for himself: his wife is not to blame, after all, that is a fairy, a lifetime may see this time.

        Turning his head, he wanted to see Ling Mo's expression, it must be even worse than his own, so he could also take the opportunity to flirt with him. Unexpectedly, he saw that Ling Mo wasn't mesmerized, instead, his face showed a touch of delight, which then turned into a strange bitter smile.

        Then he asked, Do you know her?

        Ling Mo nodded, We are classmates!

        Classmate? Liu Weiguo was surprised to.

        Ling Mo himself had never thought that he knew this Immortal Descendant. Not only did he know her, he was once even close, because she was his first girlfriend, a classmate from the archaeology department of Shuzhou University, Yue.

        Thinking of the initial sweetness of the two, and I don't know how it changed later, until she decided to break up, and even in the name of an exchange student, left the archaeology department of Shuzhou University to go to the archaeology department of Kyoto University, and there was no more contact.

        I didn't realize that the reunion after so many years would be under such circumstances.

        Yue also did not expect to see Ling Mo here, she only knew that it

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