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A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won: The Devil's Attempt to Destroy The Seed of a Woman
A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won: The Devil's Attempt to Destroy The Seed of a Woman
A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won: The Devil's Attempt to Destroy The Seed of a Woman
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A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won: The Devil's Attempt to Destroy The Seed of a Woman

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A Cosmic Battle: But The War is Won, is about the battle between God and the Devil. This battle began raging, starting in Genesis 3:15 with the prophecy about the

Release dateMay 23, 2024
A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won: The Devil's Attempt to Destroy The Seed of a Woman

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    A Cosmic Battle But The War is Won - Lane Weldon



    The Devil’s Attempt to Destroy the Seed of The Woman

    By Lane E. Weldon


    First, Lane Weldon is a first-rate man of Character, seeking to know God more with every fiber of his being. He is not looking for a few bucks. Instead, he greatly desires for people to increase in their knowledge of and intimacy with Christ. Second, and concerning his book A Cosmic Battle, Mr. Weldon has communicated a difficult topic, threading the entirety of the Bible into language any layperson will understand. Mr. Weldon’s explanations and assertions will cause you to think and search the Bible for additional confirmation. Even if you disagree in part or in full with Mr. Weldon’s conclusions, your view of the Bible’s message will be expanded. I wholeheartedly recommend A Cosmic Battle: But the War Is Won.

    Dr. Robert Doleshal D-Min.

    Senior Pastor

    Calvary Church New Prague, Mn.


    I would like to dedicate this book to my family. To my parents Larry and Janice Weldon who raised me up in a Christian home. And to my three children, first to Joshua, who is home with the Lord, you are missed. Alana, my only daughter, has made Julie and I so proud. She and her husband, Jeff, have blessed us with three wonderful grandsons: Connor, Caden, and Caleb. And to my son Jason, who has made me proud and thankful for his service in the Navy and his intellect, it’s fun chatting with him. He also has given us our grandson Ezra who is a delight, finally, to my wife Julie, who is truly my soul mate and best friend in life. Her endless love and devotion to me and our three children have been absolutely amazing. It is because of her love I am where I am today. Love you all.


    First, I would like to thank my dear friend and brother in Christ, Dr. Robert Doleshal, who was very instrumental in the writing of this book. Thank you, my brother. I would also like to thank Dr. Joeseph Falkner, Pastor of Ponderosa Bible Church in Payson, Az. for helping me with the content and flow of the book. Also, I would like to thank my son Jason Weldon for is direction concerning the Greco-Persian War. I would especially want to thank my wife, Julie, for sharing life with me for the last 46 (43 married) years and for her constant love and encouragement throughout the writing process.

    Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Andy Woods from Sugar Land Bible Church in Sugar Land, Texas, whom I have never met, for his teaching on this topic.


    There is one chapter in this book that receives a lot of attention due to its content. It has to do with the sons of God found in chapter 3 of this book. There are three main views dealing with this highly debated passage. Through my personal study, I have landed on the wicked angel view. I am mentioning this to make the point that it does not matter which interpretation you believe to be true. The outcome will still be the same. That outcome is this: the devil attempts to destroy the seed of the woman. This is the point of the book, not which interpretation you believe. All three interpretations fall under orthodoxy and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. Genesis 6:1-4 is not the point here; it is God’s sovereignty. So, I would ask that you keep this in mind as you read about all six of the battles fought between good and evil in this book, knowing that the war is won and Jesus Christ reigns.


    As Christians, many times in our walk with Christ, we are satisfied with merely memorizing a few bible verses and recalling a few biblical narratives, such as the story of Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, David and Goliath, and Jonah and the great fish. Many of us heard these stories (or narratives) from childhood without giving them a second thought. But these stories are more than just mythological fairy tales; they are actual historical events that occurred in real time to real people like you and me. These historical realities contribute to the bigger picture and the major themes flowing through the entire biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation. These themes include redemption and the cosmic battle between good and evil. These themes will be explored in this book.

    This book is not an exhaustive polemic (argument) on these themes. It is intended to stimulate your heart and mind toward a better understanding of who God is and what His word has to say about good and evil. This battle takes place in the heavenly realms. For this reason, I will not quote theologians nor use words of theological jargon without an explanation of the word in the context. I will use extensively the word of God and let the word speak for itself. We will discover new insights and rejoice in our God, who is in control of His creation. I pray the Holy Spirit will speak to you, igniting a fire in your hearts and minds to know Him better through prayerful study of His word. I am intentionally making this book short so you can read it in one or two sittings since our available time is often constrained with busy lives. We may be in a cosmic battle but rejoice. The war is won!

    As we dive into the theme, the cosmic war, it is important to establish a few ground rules concerning the bible itself. First, I approach the scriptures (by scriptures, I mean the bible and the bible alone) as the inerrant, infallible word of God. Inerrant means without error. Infallibility means incapable of error. Put together, this means that God, the creator, and sustainer of all that is, has revealed Himself to us through His word and preserved His word through the ages so that we might know Him, personally, as Creator and God. Second, the word of God is inspired and God-breathed, making the word of God authoritative.2 Timothy 3:16-17 helps us understand this meaning. The apostle Paul writes,

    ¹⁶All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; ¹⁷so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.¹

    The Apostle Peter writes something similar in 2 Peter 1:20,

    ²⁰ But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, ²¹ for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

    This means that the word of God, the Bible, is inspired by God, making it authoritative in life and practice. That scripture is without error, meaning it can be trusted. It is the truth.

    This brings us to the purpose of the bible. Why did God have men record the words found in scripture for us? For what purpose has the Creator revealed Himself to us His creation? First and foremost, the purpose of what He has done is to glorify Himself! Second, He desires man to be saved. He does it for the redemption of sinful humanity. From what would man be saved? While most would say man needs to be saved from sin, and there is certainly truth in this answer, we are ultimately saved from the wrath of God (Heb. 10:31). From the creation of man to the ascension of Jesus Christ the Son of God, God’s actions aim for the revelation of Himself and the redemption of all who believe, which means their trust is in Jesus Christ. God the Father is glorified by this. God has also revealed Himself to us through nature. In Psalm 19:1, David declares,

    The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (NIV84).

    While it is true God has revealed Himself to us through scripture for our redemption, it is also true that the spiritual battle that is raging in the heavenly places has been recorded for us as well. The apostle Paul tells us about this battle in Ephesians 6:12, where he writes,

    1 All scripture references are from the NASB95 translation unless otherwise indicated.

    ¹² For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    There is a cosmic battle taking place in the heavens at this moment, a battle between good and evil, a battle that is not seen but felt. One example of the battle taking place that is not seen is found in Daniel chapter 10, where we find an archangel doing battle with the Prince of the kingdom of Persia (Daniel 10:13). This battle raged for 21 days until the Archangel Michael came to help defeat the Devil. Another example would be when a Christian commits a known sin and does not ask for forgiveness. This leads to the

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