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An ALTered Yes
An ALTered Yes
An ALTered Yes
Ebook62 pages57 minutes

An ALTered Yes

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About this ebook

In An Altered Yes, Kiawana faces the ultimate test of faith when her own desires clash with God's plan for her life. Accustomed to praying for promises she believes are predestined, she struggles when her carefully laid plans spiral out of control.

Refusing to accept the divine path set before her, Kiawana opts for shortcuts, i

Release dateJun 15, 2024
An ALTered Yes

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    An ALTered Yes - Kiawana Leaf


    Altered Yes

    Kiawana Leaf

    Copyright © 2024


    Published in the United States

    by Pen Legacy Publishing

    An imprint of Pen Legacy, LLC, Pennsylvania

    Library of Congress Cataloging – in-Publication Data has been applied for.

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9894778-4-5

    e-Book ISBN: 979-8-9894778-3-8



    To my children, Azariah and Azir…

    Thank you for choosing me, for helping me grow into the woman I am ordained to be, for helping me turn my perceived losses into victorious wins, for pushing me to come into agreement with my assignments, and for giving Mommy the space to be better for you. Mommy loves you both immensely!

    Table of Contents

    The Essence of Key

    I Got The Key

    Detour (Faith vs. Trust)

    Detour II (Construction, You)

    Unforgiven Entanglements

    From Scratch – Transition from My Hands to Yours

    The Middle is The End

    The Essence of Key

    "Kiawana, nickname Key,

    Reaching for all God has for me,

    Leaving behind all that is not

    God has assured me all I need I already got

    When I think about the essence of a Key,

    It opens up locked doors, you see

    What I haven't seen in the spirit before

    I now have the Key, not locked anymore

    Free from opinions and how people see what they see

    Too busy unlocking the doors He has set before me

    God, I am grateful for the gift of Key

    I will use it as a light so other young women can be free."

    ~ Pastor Cleveland Bates

    I Got The Key

    Do you know where the hardest and most uncomfortable place in life is to be stuck? The middle!

    You thank God you’re not where you used to be, but you’re not quite where you desire to be. You’re stuck between both; seemingly, you can’t break free. It’s a tug-of-war. You take one step toward reaching your goals, only to be moved right back to the middle. Sometimes, you find yourself back at the beginning because you like the feeling of comfort in the familiarity.

    So how do you let go of what’s holding you back?

    Take a moment to jot down in a notebook or journal what you think is holding you back from fulfillment. Could it be fear, accountability, rejection, trauma, low self-esteem, finances? What’s causing dis-ease where you currently are in life?

    Coming into agreement with our assignments means committing our thoughts, decisions, desires, plans, lives, and will to God. If I can be honest with you, it’s HARD as heck! I’m sure you will agree.

    Can you recall numerous times you’ve prayed to God, telling Him your wants, desires, and plans for your life? You dreamed of marrying by age thirty and owning a house with a white picket fence and a vast backyard. You wanted to raise your children with your husband or wife—one big happy family. You wanted this or that, this way or that way. Think about it. What prayers have you solicited to God? What plans for your life have you shared with Him without realizing they are not even your own?

    Seriously, think about it. I’ll wait. Better yet, writing out what you asked for from God may be more helpful. So, go ahead and flip open that notebook or journal again, and write it out.

    God, I need this promotion.

    God, I must start this business.

    God, I want to date him/her. Please make them the one.

    God, I have this vision. This is what I want, so You must give it to me.

    How many times have you petitioned God for your desires and wanted Him to agree with your plans for your life? You looked at Him as if He is a genie waiting to grant your wishes if you rubbed your Bible enough times.

    Can you see why I said it could be HARD to come into agreement with your assignment?

    Some things you ask for may not be meant for you, and some routes you want to take may not be the paths ordained. Accepting this is the difficult part of coming into agreement, but don’t be discouraged. Some things you want may be a part of His will. However, obtaining what you desire won’t always be a walk in the park. You’ll have to jump through some hoops and avoid some loops in the process.

    Are you willing to endure long-suffering, surrender to God, and submit a fresh YES?

    This means you must take a step back and let go of what you think you

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