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Hot-blooded Star Soul
Hot-blooded Star Soul
Hot-blooded Star Soul
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Hot-blooded Star Soul

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Star River periphery, ferocious and brutal monsters rebel against the scheming machine unpredictable hearts in the journey of the Star River era a group of hot-blooded young people rose up to fight and write a legend!

PublisherAngela Leon
Release dateFeb 12, 2024
Hot-blooded Star Soul

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    Hot-blooded Star Soul - Toni Julian

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    Hot-blooded Star Soul

    Copyright © 2024 by Toni Julian

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-9207-7

    Cover designed by Toni Julian

    Edited by Toni Julian

    Hot-blooded Star Soul

    Chapter One: Three Rookies

        Beep !!!! Beep!!!

        The sharp and ear-piercing sound of the iron whistle pierced through the air of the Star River Academy's freshmen second team building, once again stimulating the nerves of every cadet.

        Emergency assembly, come on! Hurry up! You rookies!

        With that, a thick and powerful voice echoed between the hallways, and a large bald man in a starry sky battle suit was shouting at the building with his hands behind his back.

        Shit, again!

        Room    201 Liu Xiaomeng cursed, the whole body as if encountered an electric shock from the single bed popped up, this is already the third wave of this night whistle, I thought I was already immune to the whistle, did not think that this damn body but reflexive response.

        Shit, this big bald guy seems to be determined not to let us sleep! A little fat man in the other bed said with sleepy eyes and a slight hint of indignation.

        Due to the fact that the items have been placed in order beforehand, making it not too difficult to dress in the dark, a minute later, Liu Xiaomeng was the first to rush out of the dormitory in his battle dress and with his equipment, although this was the third emergency assembly, he was not able to do it in a calm manner at the moment, but there was only one thing in his mind, and that was to be the first to arrive at the assembly place, as he knew that there would never be any good fruit to eat after being late.

        One minute and ten seconds, fifteen seconds, thirty seconds! Hurry!

        On the training ground below the building, the big bald man looked furiously at the stopwatch, the reading in sound as if announcing that a battle was about to be fought, constantly irritating the trainees who were running wildly down from the fifth floor.

        Liu Xiaomeng is the first to come to the meeting place, see Liu Xiaomeng again, the big bald eyes show a trace of praise, before the eyes of this unassuming young man, height 1 meter 78, weight 70, physical standards, agile, three consecutive times the first place to come here, showing that its reflexes above the ordinary people, more rare and valuable, his eyes penetrate the perseverance of a warrior to speak of, this is the most important quality of any era. For a soldier, this is the most valuable quality in any era.

        This kid, maybe, maybe he's a talent to be made! After secretly saying that sentence in his heart, the big bald man's sharp eyes stared at the last person who ran over, it was the little fat man Li Shuang who was in the same room with Liu Xiaomeng.

        Three minutes and eighteen seconds!

        It's you again! You fucking little fat bastard! You're a whole twenty seconds slower than the penultimate place! What does twenty seconds mean? It means you've been flayed by skinning dogs to the point where there's not a piece of meat left! Damn it! The big bald man's almost explosive language blasted directly at Li Shuang, for someone with such a fat body shape, he thought that he shouldn't have come to this collective at all.

        Li Shuang had an innocent look on his face, I, I know, instructor, but, but I really did my best!

        Trying your best? Look at that body of yours, I think you should roll down the stairs next time! The big bald man's voice was filled with anger and helplessness.

        Yes, Instructor, next time I'll roll down the stairs! Li Shuang replied with a not-so-standard stand and salute, the look of his reply was unbearable.

        Puff! Jiang Han, another trainee in the following set of teams, finally failed to hold back his laughter.

        In the next instant, Jiang Han was locked up like radar by the big bald man's gaze.

        You! Hey, you, the kid who laughed just now, come out here! The big bald man unceremoniously invited Jiang Han out.

        You two, one of you is the latest to come down, one of you is still smiling during the set, you seem to be in too good of spirits, very good, good, it's you who are in good spirits and don't want to go to sleep that are wanted, now, five laps around the Academy's training ground track, perform them immediately, right now!

        The big bald head's order could not be questioned, Jiang Han and Li Shuang had to admit it, and quickly ran towards the runway, five laps, one lap and one kilometer, just five kilometers, for them who had just joined less than half a month ago, especially Li Shuang, it was indeed a not so small test.

        And it was at this time that Liu Xiaomeng stood out from the queue with a report!

        What's the matter with you? Speak! Big bald guy really did not expect Liu Xiaomeng to make this move, but from the moment he reported it he already understood ten **.

        Reporting to the instructor, as the class leader, our class' Li Shuang dragged the whole team down, I also have an unshirkable responsibility, I demand to be punished together!

        You guys see this! This is about having responsibility as a squad leader, what we are, you guys remember, we are a collective, and no member of the collective can fall behind! Do you understand!

        Yes, understood! The 56 team members replied in unison.

        The sound echoed in the night sky of the academy, on the academy's training track, three figures were running forward with great vigor, it was already halfway through the third lap, Liu Xiaomeng quickly caught up with Li Shuang and Jiang Han by virtue of his strong physique.

        Little Fatty, I told you that you're a disaster, look, your class president has also come to be punished after you! Jiang Han looked at Liu Xiaomeng who followed behind him and said to Li Shuang very helplessly.

        Brother Mang, you, why are you here, is it really because I was punished? Li Shuang gasped for air, his legs were like lead weights tied to them, his steps were getting slower and slower.

        No no, I ah, I want to run and practice with you guys, look how beautiful the starry sky is, what a pity to go to sleep! Liu Xiaomeng said in an unusually relaxed manner.

        Hey, Liu Xiaomeng, will you die if you don't pretend to be X? This day's training is exhausting enough, who the hell still has the mood to look at this damn starry sky! Jiang Chen followed closely behind Liu Xiaomeng, had to admire, this kid's physical fitness is really good, until now actually atmosphere are not under the breath.

        Whatever you think, I'm following you guys this trip anyway! Liu Xiaomeng's expression became firm once again.

        I can't, Brother Mang, I, I can't run anymore, you guys go, leave me alone! Li Shuang's will was close to collapsing, not once in half a month of five kilometer training had he run the entire distance, let alone this night, after a daytime training.

        Fatty, you can't give up on yourself, and I won't give up on you just the same, okay? Liu Mang adjusted his speed and was shoulder to shoulder with Li Shuang.

        Now, listen to my rhythm, three steps, one inhale, three steps, one exhale, first of all, get the rhythm of your breathing right, don't think about your feet, as long as your will is still there, your legs will be able to follow the will to step up!

        Hearing Liu Xiaomeng's firm and powerful words, Li Shuang was somehow invigorated inside, adjusted his breathing according to Liu Xiaomeng's words and tried his best not to think about the things under his feet, and his will, what he needed at this time was his tenacious will!

        Jiang Han, who was on the side, was also infected by Liu Xiaomeng and consciously adjusted his speed, and the three of them were side by side!

        Liu Xiaomeng is right, Little Fatty, you're not physically incapable, you're too weak in willpower, the three of us will run together, we won't give up until we reach our goal!

        En, okay, I'll try my best, my best... Li Shuang dragged his body and did his best to take a step.

        Just like that, under the constant encouragement and boost of energy, the three of them were getting closer and closer to the finish line, only a hundred paces away. At the place of the finish line, the tall figure of the big bald man was projected on top of the road, seemingly waiting for the three to arrive.

        Fatty, it's just a hundred meters away, drum it up and believe in yourself! Liu Xiaomeng's encouraging voice once again reached Li Shuang's ears.

        En, en, Brother Mang, I see it, that, that big bald guy! Li Shuang saw that tall figure from afar, remembering his taunts every time he fell behind, he couldn't help but clench his teeth, this time, he would prove himself!


        All three took a deep breath at the same time and crossed the finish line with a flourish.

        Liu Xiaomeng came to the side of the big bald head, his figure stabilized, a standard salute movement, Reporting to the instructor, the running circle is finished!

        Eh, you three have some fun, check your gear below!

        Shit, this dead bald guy, he still doesn't forget about this at this moment! Jiang Chen cursed in his heart.

        The three men lined up 1 meter apart and each unloaded the gear from their backs.

        The big bald man went to each in turn, double-checking that the equipment carried was complete.

        Tactical backpacks, water bottles, locators, man-portable smart tents, personal necessities and so on, these are the necessary items to participate in the action, Liu Mang one thing, all of them, and more than one thing.

        When it came to Li Shuang, the big bald man's expression was a bit unsettled, What is this? Kid was holding something that looked like a holographic visualizer.

        This, this is for personal entertainment, the instructor hasn't tried it? Instead of being nervous, Li Shuang asked the big bald man.

        Entertainment? Isn't this thing that thing that simulates sensual stimulation with real images? The big bald guy's eyes lit up.

        Eh, a nerve stimulating simulator to be exact, super real, you know, Li Shuang's expression at this point seemed as if he had been immersed in some kind of imagination.

        En, so, not bad, not bad, confiscate! The big bald man's sinister eyes flickered away, replaced by a serious face.

        Huh? Instructor, this, this is my life, how many nights I have to rely on it to get through! Li Shuang's heart screamed for a while.

        When it was Jiang Han's turn there was an extra pocket computer from his backpack, it looked exquisite, in a world where artificial intelligence was prevalent, such handmade computers were not often seen.

        Boy, what the hell is this again? Don't tell me this thing is for souvenirs! The big bald guy couldn't help but touch the big shiny glowing head.

        Report, this is my personal computer, if necessary, I can use it to invade some networks and obtain important resources and authorizations, I think it's very useful for our Star River Warriors! Jiang Han, an unabashed computer fanatic, could talk about computers for three days and three nights.

        Well, I can't see it, you're good at this, but now you must carry your belongings in accordance with the rules! Understand? The big bald man shouted loudly.

        Yes, Instructor! Jiang Han was fickle, and certainly wouldn't be as foolishly discerning as Li Shuang.

        Okay, this won't happen again, you three hurry back to bed, you have an important event tomorrow, dismissed!

        As soon as the words left their mouths, the three of them rushed towards the building as if they were flying.

    Chapter 2: Star River Hunter

        Early the next morning, during drill time, four squares of cadets lined up neatly on the Star River Academy's training ground.

        Today, according to the tradition of the Star River Academy, a three-star hunter from the Star River Battle Team will be invited to demonstrate his combat skills to the students, and the one who will fight with him will be a real Zegras Skinning Dog.

        Zegras is the name of this planet where human beings temporarily reside. Hundreds of years ago, human beings moved here, however, this planet where the climate and environment are not the best choices lurks terrifying and deadly creatures, which are berserk and bloodthirsty, and are the biggest enemies of human beings here. In order to resist these monsters, human beings built energy barriers around the territories, and sent out the Star River Guards to guard the territories for generations. The Star River Academy is the cradle of the Star River Guard, and countless members of the Guard have graduated from here and gone to the battlefield.

        Star River Hunters, the best of the Star River Warriors, ranked from one to five stars, according to the merits of hunting monsters, it was said that three-star star hunters had hunted at least a hundred or more ferocious beasts, and could independently face Zegras's Iron Skin Beasts.

        At this moment, a loud roar came from the sky above the training ground, among the layers of clouds, the huge figure of a black predatory ship emerged, the dark blue tail flame was like a fire candle that cut through the black pressure clouds, it looked particularly dazzling, not much time later, the predatory ship slowly landed on the apron of the training center.

        The cabin door opened, a man wearing a Star River battle suit took the lead to walk out, valiant and extraordinary, the three shining gold stars on his left chest were particularly eye-catching, this person is a three-star hunter in the Star River Battle Team - Chen Yu.

        Listen up everyone, today is a very important day, we will be welcoming the hero of the Star River Battle Team, the defender of human tranquility to demonstrate his combat skills for you, now, let's give a warm round of applause to welcome the three-star hunter - Instructor Chen Yu!

        Thunderous applause erupted instantly as the cadets crossed their fingers.

        With a standard salute, Chen Yu's calm voice came through, Good day to all the trainees, instructors, it's an honor to be the one to demonstrate my combat skills to you all today, without further ado, let's now see who we'll be facing in the future!

        With a gesture, a hatch on the side of the marauding ship opened, and a carrier vehicle came out of it, carrying a huge transparent box, and from a distance, a monster of about two meters was lying sleepily inside.

        The car drove close, Chen Yu signaled to the big bald head, the trainees can watch it from close range, at once, the neat square formation instantly surrounded this box like a tidal wave, Liu Xiaomeng pulled Li Shuang squeezed to the front of the first row of the position, useless to say more, he wanted to know more about this terrible monster, this mortal enemy of mankind.

        This is a Zegras skinning dog, body length is about 2 meters, it is in its prime, its head is spindle shaped, it is densely covered with protrusions, it is said to be its sensing organ, its whole body is covered with a layer of horny scale armor, it can effectively resist general attacks, its sharp claws are as shiny as chrome, it is its main weapon of attack, and it can easily tear through a 2mm steel plate. At the moment, this skinning dog was not conscious and was in a semi-hazy state due to the large amount of nerve suppressing drugs injected into it.

        Holy shit, don't tell me this is what I'll be facing in the future! Li Shuang looked at this monster in front of him, his hands were sweating, and his head was actually thinking about how he would be disemboweled by its sharp claws.

        Liu Xiaomeng was also shaken inside, before it was all heard about, now realistically seeing this lowest ranked monster, although it is now made safe, but still can't help but have palpitations of what kind of combat skills one would have to have to defeat it if they were to face such a, or perhaps more than one, monster alone.

        Just as everyone was murmuring, Chen Yu's loud voice rang out once again, Now, this is the end of the tour, and below I will enter the beast cage and wake up this monster!

        Ou, my goodness! I don't know who in the group of trainees let out this sound, and everyone almost dazedly focused their eyes on that beast cage, watching Chen Yu step by step approaching that skinning dog.

        Another female team member followed Chen Yu, the large medical symbol on her battle suit showed that this was a medical team member, after Chen Yu signaled to her, she walked up to the monster, took out a syringe and injected a tube of light blue liquid into its body.

        Xiaoling, get out!

        Chen Yu seemed to have a premonition of something and shouted at the woman.

        As soon as the words fell, the dark green eyes of the peeling dog's head snapped open, the sharp claws of its limbs retracted, and its entire body violently stood up with a wild roar, turning around to face Chen Yu, its dark green eyes gradually turning into a terrifying red color.

        Li Shuang was almost a little afraid to look directly at him, as if it was himself in that cage, and he would be torn to pieces if he wasn't careful!

        Liu Xiaomeng's attention was always on Chen Yu, this opportunity was the best time for him to learn, he wanted to observe and speculate, as a combatant, all kinds of reactions when faced with life and death battles, for his growth, this lesson was crucial!

        He noticed that

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