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Doomsday Peril
Doomsday Peril
Doomsday Peril
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Doomsday Peril

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Yeonchung City, South City, a shelter connected to the train station. A carload of sick dogs was robbed by "dog lovers", and the nightmare began. Hardcore post-apocalyptic survival, no monsters, no upgrades, no superpowers, refusing to be a holy mother bitch.

PublisherAngela Leon
Release dateFeb 27, 2024
Doomsday Peril

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    Doomsday Peril - Valerie Polke

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    Doomsday Peril

    Copyright © 2024 by Valerie Polke

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-9212-1

    Cover designed by Valerie Polke

    Edited by Valerie Polke

    Doomsday Peril

    1. Dog lovers

        Dog handler, get the fuck out of the car!

        In the downtown area of Yan Cheng at night, the box truck driven by Chu He was intercepted by a group of people.

        The reason for this is that he has dozens of dogs in his box truck.

        At this point it was the sound of people yelling and cursing outside the car and the barking of dogs inside the trunk.

        Chu He pushed open the car door with some annoyance and jumped out of the car, explaining to the crowd, Big brother and big sister, I'm not a dog trader, the dogs inside the car are all sick dogs, they were sent to the Extended City Virus Research Institute outside the city to do a checkup.

        Recently, at least 50 incidents of stray dogs injuring people have occurred in Yancheng. In fact, not only stray dogs but also pet dogs kept at home may suddenly go crazy and attack their owners.

        That's why a document was issued from the top, strictly ordering all provinces, cities and counties to pay close attention and to combat the proliferation of stray dogs in the city.

        Chu He's box truck was originally a delivery to the supermarket, and today a friend introduced him to transport dogs, running a trip for two thousand dollars, who is stupid not to earn this money.

        I'm really not a dog handler, and I still have my pass from the institute here, you see ......

        Chu He still had to explain, but the pass that he had just taken out was snatched by a yellow-faced woman and then torn to shreds.

        Everyone, look at the ugly face of this dog dealer!

        The woman pointed her cell phone at Chu He, obviously broadcasting live, and she hissed and lashed out, He stole an entire carload of dogs and was about to transport them to a dog meat restaurant to sell them, these are all pet dogs with owners, how can he bear to be so cruel!


        While Chu He was trying to continue explaining, the crate was opened.

        The crowd rushed over to the dog, saying things like poor dog, and some people even cried out in sadness.

        Open your eyes everyone, these dogs are all bruised and battered and have to be stuffed in steel cages like this, it's cruel!

        The woman used her cell phone to film the dogs barking inside the box, and a few people around her were also posting pop-ups on the live broadcast, mostly words like Ru's shelter will not be able to afford to continue to operate if she saves any more of these dogs, so let's donate.

        Soon the dog lovers in the live broadcast, have responded to the call, some people want account transfers, and some people directly brush gifts.

        You beast!

        The woman with the id of Sister Ru in the live broadcast room pointed her cell phone at Chu He again and cursed through clenched teeth, The injuries on the dog's body must have been inflicted by you, you abused the dog, you shall not suffer a good death, and your whole family will suffer the same retribution as you!

        ****ing don't take my family with you!

        Chu He is not good-tempered either, after six years as a soldier, which one is not grumpy?

        This roar made the scene fall into silence briefly, Chu He saw this and hurriedly said, Listen to me, I'm not a dog trader, and these are not pet dogs, but sick dogs, the same sick dogs that went berserk and biting people in the recent news reports, and I'm about to send them to the institute for examination!

        Don't listen to him!

        Seeing that some people were hesitant, Sister Ru hurriedly shouted, There was no incident of a dog hurting someone, it's all rumors made by these dog traders so that it's easier for them to steal the dogs!

        Then, Ru immediately focused the camera on the dog inside the crate while giving a wink to a man.

        The man immediately pulled Chu He to one side, took out a pile of money and stuffed it over, and threatened in a low voice: Brothers, be on the up and up, don't make it unpleasant!


        Chu He touched the money and knew that there were about five thousand, and then suspiciously said, No, what is the meaning of this in the end you guys?

        What do you mean?

        The man smiled smugly and said, Sister Ru live saved this carload of dogs, at least we can earn two hundred thousand dollars in donations, these dogs turn back to the dog meat restaurant to sell, you calculate how much money we can earn?

        Crap, isn't this just a scam to take advantage of the sympathy of dog lovers to donate?

        But Chu He is not a saint, since there is money to be made, he is also lazy to care about this kind of bullshit, after all, it has already been exposed a number of fraudulent donations, and the people who fall for it again deserve to have no brains of their own.

        By the way, these can be sick dogs, you guys stay away and don't get bitten, and also don't sell them to scourge others. Chu He still kindly reminded, he had heard of a stray dog biting off half of a person's face.

        Quickly, a load of dogs was unloaded.

        Several women gathered around, collars in hand, as if to put them on the dog.

        Chu He frowned and hastily reminded, Don't get close, these are sick dogs that will bite!

        Nonsense, dogs are man's best friend, they don't bite!

        Immediately, there was a loud refutation, with an expression as if someone had denigrated their mom and dad.

        The collars are put on the dogs to prove that the dogs are pet dogs, and the idiots will sympathize even more before they donate more money. The man said with a smirk.

        Chu He shook his head, thinking that this group of crooks could be really dedicated, not sparing any details.

        But in the next moment, Chu He's eyes widened.

        For he saw that the woman who had put the collar on the dog had only just put her hand into the iron cage when it was bitten by the black back of the Texaco.

        Ah ......

        With a mournful scream, that De Cheng black back threw its head with force, then hardened the woman's palm and ripped off a piece of flesh down, then it chewed on it with a big mouthful.

        This scene immediately frightened the people around them.

        The sick dogs in the iron cage, which seemed to be stimulated by the blood, became even more maniacal, especially the De Cheng black back, which slammed forward so hard that it actually broke through the iron cage, and then pounced on the woman whose hand had been bitten.

        Holy shit!

        Chu He was also startled by this scene, but he immediately saw that the De Cheng black dog, surprisingly, bit down on the woman's chest with one bite before tearing it with force.

        Ah, help ......

        The woman screamed hoarsely as a clump of flesh was ripped hard off her chest.

        A few nearby men immediately went up to help, but after swallowing the piece of meat in one gulp, the Dejo Blackback tackled another man to the ground.

        The smell of blood irritated all the sick dogs and they barked furiously while banging against the iron cage.

        Soon a second sick dog ran out, followed by a third, pouncing on the crowd.

        Chu He winced, thinking that I'm afraid this is going to kill someone.

        At this point, downtown patrolmen rushed over, partly evacuating the crowd and partly pulling out their guns with the intention of disposing of the sick dogs.

        You are not allowed to shoot!

        Ru suddenly stopped a patrolman and yelled, Dogs bite because they are abused by humans, they are victims, if you want to shoot them, shoot us first!

        Hissing, she pulled over two more women to join her in stopping the patrolman.

        At the same time, he pointed his cell phone at his face again and said, Friends on the air, in the unfortunate event of my death, please take care of the dogs inside my shelter.

        Get out of the way, you're obstructing official business!

        This patrolman's eyes were red with anxiety, but he couldn't really shoot the people, Someone has already been bitten to death, if you don't want more people to be bitten to death, get out of my way right now!

        Nonsense, dogs don't bite people for no reason, and the one who was bitten to death wasn't a good person, he must have done something bad and got what he deserved!

        Ru continued to yell and scream, and went so far as to go for the gun in the patrolman's hand, she just wanted to make a big deal out of it, and as long as it was because of the dog, the bigger the fuss the better off she'd be.


        With a hiss, a golden fur, known for its docility, pounced on the patrolman who was tangling with Sister Ru, and took a bite on the patrolman's throat, and couldn't stop tearing it.

        The patrolman struggled desperately as the Golden Hair tore at him, and managed to get his gun to the Golden Hair's head, but before he could pull the trigger, someone grabbed his hand.

        Look friends, our friend protected me, if it wasn't for this golden hair, I would have been killed by him with a gun! Sister Ru believed into the screen, And now, I'm going to save my friend too, I won't let it be harmed by a cruel human!

        A moment's delay had deprived the patrolman of all strength, and life was passing away in the convulsions of his body.

        And that one, as Sister's friend in her mouth, was enjoying a nice meal.

        Of course, Sister Ru wouldn't film the brutal scene.

        Ah ......

        Another scream rang out, it was the young girl next to Sister Ru who was pounced upon by a husky and her throat was then bitten.

        Mom, save me ......, the girl rushed at Ru and held out her hand.

        Sister Ru's eyes widened and she hissed, Daughter ......

        Bang Bang Bang ......

        Gunfire ensued, and it was the rangers who were shooting down the sick dogs that had gone berserk.

        However, because of the delay of Ru Sister's group, several sick dogs had already rushed towards the crowd and kept chasing and biting the surrounding pedestrians.

        Chu He wanted to go and help, but he thought he couldn't finish off the frenzied dog without a weapon, and thinking of his family, he was self-protective and immediately got in his car and left.

        People are never selfish, and when lives are at stake, only a small group of people are willing to sacrifice themselves, so they are heroic.

        But Chu He, after some of the things he's been through since his transition, no longer wants to be a hero.

    2. Rescue

        Yan Cheng, South City Center, Daewoo Bow and Arrow Club.

        The owner of this is called Zhou Yu, is Chu He's buddy, transporting the dog to the research institute is Zhou Yu's introduction.

        Chu He came to the club to look for Zhou Yu after calling his sister to make sure she was at school and telling her not to wander off.

        Holy shit, according to you, all those fake dog lovers should be killed.

        Zhou Yu is tall, thin and white, wearing glasses looks quite civilized, but in fact it is a violent temper.

        Who says it isn't.

        Chu He scratched his head hard and said with some more chagrin, It's my fault to say the least, if I hadn't let them unload the dog, this wouldn't have happened.

        You can stop them? If you do it and injure a few, you won't pay for it? Zhou Yu patted Chu He's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

        If this was before, I would have punched them.

        Chu He smiled bitterly, when he just changed his profession, he was a righteous master, so he violently beat up the leader who wanted to subvert his subordinates.

        But that afternoon, the woman who was nearly submerged, bit Chu He back, causing Chu He to suffer a lawsuit, it was Mom and Dad sold the old house to get him out, but also lost his public office.

        The old couple became depressed and passed away within a few months.

        Just like that, Chu He's fervor was smoothed out by the bloody reality.

        Don't think about this bad thing, let's drink. Zhou Yu got up and went to look for beer, he couldn't comfort people, but he could accompany his brother to get drunk.

        Right, call your friend at the institute and ask what the situation is at hand. This was the reason why Chu He came to find Zhou Yu.

        Called, won't answer my calls, won't reply to tweets.

        Zhou Yu carrying a few bottles of beer and spicy duck came over, full of concern, said: Do not think about it, the sky is collapsing is not still the troops to protect us ordinary people.

        Bang Bang Bang ......

        That's when the sound of a slamming door came through.

        Chu He, who was originally a bit stunned, immediately became alert and exchanged glances with Zhou Yu, both seeing panic in each other's eyes.

        It seemed that Zhou Yu wasn't as relaxed as he acted either.

        Help, somebody, help ......

        At that moment, a man's hoarse voice rang out, seemingly permeated with endless panic.

        Go check it out.

        Chu He copied the long knife hanging on the background wall behind the sofa, and his intuition told him that the person who was asking for help outside should have encountered a rabid dog.

        Under the premise of having the ability to defend himself, Chu He would save others, this point of fervor was still alive.


        After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Yu looked at the background wall, picked up a golden melon hammer, and followed Chu He.

        As a cold-weapon enthusiast, Zhou Yu's club really has some good stuff.

        This Golden Melon Hammer, which Zhou Yu had found someone to customize after watching Twelve Hours of Chang'an at the beginning, the hammer and the handle were solid, and it was heavy in his hand.

        Bang Bang ......

        The sound of the smashing door continued, and since Chu He had already heard the hissing sound, he hastily pressed the remote control and raised the roll-up door, saying as he did so, Brothers outside, climb in quickly!

        Chu He kept an eye out and stopped when the roll-up door rose close to half a meter.

        This was done to prevent the mad dogs from rushing in in large numbers, after all, Chu He listened to that hissing sound, the number of dogs was no less than ten.

        A man crawled in screaming in misery, and an Akita dog crawled inward on the sidelines while hissing uncontrollably, its eyes a creepy red.

        I'll fuck you up!

        Seeing this, Zhou Yu was even faster than Chu He in making his move, and the Golden Melon Hammer directly smashed onto the Akita Dog's head.

        Click ......

        The sound of a skull cracking rang out, and with a wail, that Akita dog went limp.

        But even though the Akita dog's head had caved in, its mouth was still making biting motions, which made Chu He think of those walking corpses in zombie movies that only had half of their bodies left but still hunted for food.

        Holy shit, you've practiced getting hammered! Zhou Yu's face went white at the sight, but fear didn't make him forget to add another hammer.

        After this hammer blow, black blood spurted out while a fishy, disgusting odor came from it.

        But Chuhe couldn't get to the nausea because a Doberman crawled in again.

        It was grinning, and there were even bits of meat hanging from its teeth, so it had obviously just eaten, and the food was mostly human ......


        With a roar, Chu He drew his sword and slashed at the Doberman's neck.

        It was a long-hilted Tang Yokozuna, but the blade was much wider and had some curvature to it so that it wouldn't break easily.

        Overall, it's more of a widened and thickened tang yokel.

        This knife was customized by Zhou Yu after spending a large sum of money to find someone to customize it, the materials used were too hard, and the sharpness was far better than that of an active military stab.

        So the blade went down, instantly splitting off the Doberman's dog's head.

        At this time, the man had already climbed in, Chu He immediately closed the roll-up door, and Zhou Yu on the side hurriedly pushed the two dog corpses out with a golden melon hammer.


        The roll-up door closes.

        Chu He directly leaned against the wall, constantly gasping for air, after the high level of tension, all that was left was fear.

        Six years of border armed police career, Chu He had personally killed twenty-one drug dealers, so it can be said that they are already accustomed to the blood.

        But when one is faced with the unknown, even if it happens to a dog, it can be frightening, and Chu He is no exception.

        Zhou Yu was even more paralyzed, shivering and feeling out a cigarette, but stuffed it for a long time without stuffing it into his mouth, and finally threw it aside in annoyance.


        Chu He laughed and cursed to sort of bolster himself, got up and walked over to the man and asked, Brother, is everything alright?

        Scared the hell out of me.

        The man was bald, had tattoos on his arms, and looked like a fierce lord, but at the moment he was scared out of his wits.

        No bites, right?

        Chu He saw him covering his thighs, which seemed to be oozing blood, so he said to Zhou Yu again, Go find a medicine box, first give this brother a treatment, and then go back to make a rabies pre-vaccination or something.

        The three of them came to the club's rest room, Zhou Yu brought the medicine box and threw it to the bald head, letting him deal with it on his own, while asking, What's the situation outside?

        This was also something Chu He was more concerned about, so he looked at the bald head.

        All fucking dogs, everywhere, biting people on sight, so many people have been bitten to death, I'm fucking ......

        Seemingly recalling images of fear, the bald head started to hold his head and cry from the first incoherent words to the end.

        Da Yu, turn around and come with me to pick up Chu Qi, I don't feel at ease.

        Chu He was thinking about his sister and didn't notice that the bald head's wound was a black and purple color and emitted a fishy odor.

        I'll get the car, let's go now.

        Zhou Yu was looking at Chu Qi as a sister, so he immediately headed for the basement.

        Bang Bang Bang ......

        At that moment, there was a succession of crashing sounds from the roll-up door, and a growing hiss.

        Let's see what happens first.

        Chu He and Zhou Yu quickly came to the open-air balcony on the second floor and took a look down, both nearly exclaiming in shock.

        Although the bald head said that outside were all dogs, but seeing downstairs wandering forty to fifty mad vicious dogs, and has been banging on the door when, this visual impact is really not ordinary people can withstand.

        And as the hissing grew louder, another pack of dogs came running wildly in the distance, as if they had heard the call of their companions.

        Meow ......

        A mournful cat cry suddenly came from Chu He's left, pulling him back from his shock and fear.

        When Chu He glanced sideways, he saw a flower civet cat jump over from the next balcony and pounce straight at Zhou Yu, its claws illuminated by the moonlight like sharp weapons.

        Get out of the way!

        Under Chu He's plot, he kicked on Zhou Yu's leg bend, causing Zhou Yu to directly kneel on the ground, and at the same time a knife chopped over, cutting that flower civet cat's waist in the air.


        Blood splattered in all directions, the strong stench filled Chu He's nostrils, he had seen the corrosion of the dead for ten days, and the smell was not even as sensational as this.

        However, Chu He didn't have time to think about it much because a husky, surprisingly, had leaped onto the next balcony and was hissing at him with its teeth bared.

        The ground to the balcony is a height of three meters, plus the height of the balcony fence, a height of more than four meters, this Erha surprisingly leaped up!

        Erha's bouncing, when did it get so good?

        Chu He pulled up Zhou Yu in shock while saying, Da Yu, the situation is much more serious than we thought, these dogs that have gone crazy seem to be much more powerful than normal! And the cats have gone crazy too, it's too damn evil.

        I can see that too.

        Zhou Yu gripped the Golden Melon Hammer in his hand, to say that he wasn't surprised that a wildcat could get on the balcony, but a dog was a bit of an exaggeration, or at least it was the first time he had seen this.


        At that moment, the Erha on the next balcony hissed, and leapt forward.

        Chu He copied the barbecue grill on the balcony and threw it over, but because of the lack of force, it didn't smash Erha down, but it did make Erha lose his balance and fall on the balcony.

        Seeing this, Zhou Yu smashed down with a hammer without any weakness, going straight to Erha's dog's head.

        Chu He also immediately made up for it, then he looked vigilantly at the balcony on the other side, where there was an additional Border Collie and Black Back, looking at them intently.

        Make it quick, then go to the basement immediately!

        Chu He and Zhou Yu were back to back, facing the four hissing vicious dogs on either side.

        And while they were fighting for their lives against the vicious dog, the bald man downstairs had suddenly lost his life long ago in a cry of pain.

        But after a few minutes, the bald man's body suddenly moved, and his eyes turned gray, and stood up stiffly, taking one step toward the stairs leading to the second floor.

        Dude, are you okay?

        After Chu He and Zhou Yu finished off the four vicious dogs, they closed the balcony door, and when they went downstairs, they saw Bald Head who was going up the stairs.

        Don't come up, we'll leave right away, we can't stay here. Zhou Yu quickly stepped downstairs, holding the bald man's arm and left.


        Suddenly, the bald head hissed and cracked open its mouth that reeked of a fishy odor, biting towards Zhou Yu who was close by!

    3. Trapped

        The sudden change of events did not allow Zhou Yu to react in the slightest, and he even maintained his pace of descending the stairs.

        Chu He didn't know why the bald head bit Zhou Yu, but the unknown fear also rose in his heart, so he subconsciously kicked over, but he knew that at this distance, he was afraid that it was too late.

        But coincidentally, while Zhou Yu was keeping a downward pace at the moment, and in a relatively sharp manner, that bald head was hard and had no intention of going down.

        Under the effect of the two forces, Zhou Yu unexpectedly fell down, although it was a fall, but he escaped the attack of the bald head.

        At the same time, Chu He's kick also kicked over, directly on the bald man's shoulder.

        But Chu He's powerful kick in the heat of the moment only made the bald man stumble a little.


        The bald head seemed to be enraged as if he was enraged, yelling at Chu He and directly pouncing on him.


        Just as Chu He hesitated, whether to move the knife or not, Zhou Yu, who had climbed up, was the one who smashed over with a hammer, and it directly smashed on the shining bald head.

        Pfft ......

        Black blood and brain matter spurted out, and a foul odor filled the air.

        Holy shit, Daewoo what are you doing?

        Chu He's eyes widened, this is fucking murder!

        I ......

        Zhou Yu looked at the collapsed bald head, and then looked at the golden melon hammer in his hand, nervous and trembling, I saw him rushing at you, a nervous, I, I didn't mean to ......

        Let's not talk about it, this guy isn't normal either, he just tried to bite you!

        After Chu He calmed his emotions, he crossed over to the bald head and pulled Zhou Yu downstairs.

        Because the second floor was where Zhou Yu lived and lived, it was usually locked with an iron door.

        Knowing that the doors and windows of the balcony couldn't keep out those vicious dogs, Chu He immediately locked the iron fence door.

        Do you think that bald head is infected with rabies? Zhou Yu's lips were trembling, there is no ordinary person who kills without fear, and under the constraints of morality and the law, will also blame themselves for guilt.

        Chu He looked at the motionless bald head, let out a long breath and comforted, Forget about this for now, the balcony doors and windows won't last long, it's better to leave first.

        Wow ......

        At that moment, a sound of breaking glass rang out, followed by a hissing sound that came closer and closer.

        Chu He and Zhou Yu looked back in horror, and they saw two large dogs appearing at the stairway and had spotted them.


        The two large dogs hissed as they walked down the stairs, passing the bald head but only sniffing and not meaning to bite on it.

        Obviously, they were targeting the two freshly alive people, Chu He and Zhou Yu, rather than the dead bald head.


        The next moment, the two big dogs began to bang on the barred door, making the not-so-strong door make a creaking sound.

        Holy shit!

        Chu He clenched his teeth and drew his sword to stab a pine lion's throat, but the knife, which was fatal enough to kill, didn't make the pine lion fall, instead, it made the pine lion even more frenzied.

        This thing, it seems, will only die if its head is cut off ......

        I'll cover this side, so hurry up and get some guys!

        Chu He drew his sword and stabbed out again, shouting back at Zhou Yu, Ask for a crossbow, bring more crossbows!

        At this moment, Zhou Yu thought that he had killed someone, so he was still in a panic, and after being yelled at by Chu He, he finally came back to his senses, turned around, and ran towards that side of the bow range.

        About five minutes passed, the dogs inside the staircase were getting more and more, they stepped on the bodies of their companions and kept crashing into Chu He, and there were even small dogs such as Teddy who drilled out of the iron fence door.

        Fortunately, Chu He was calm and collected enough, and his strikes were steady and accurate, and he didn't get bitten.

        Chu He, go!

        At this time, Zhou Yu sat on two backpacks and said with a panicked expression, The roll-up doors are all deformed, hurry up!

        Chu He put away his sword and hurriedly ran in the direction of the basement.

        There were two cars stored in the basement, a red Nissan gtr and a black Toyota pickup.

        One for each.

        Zhou Yu threw the keys to his pickup truck, followed by a backpack.

        Chu He put his backpack into the passenger side and started the car, I'll drive, you follow me.

        The roll-up door to the basement slowly rose as the engine engine made a loud noise.


        With a kick of the gas, Chu He rushed out of the basement, and several dogs that heard the sound and ran over were mercilessly crushed, making the sound of broken bones and angry growls.

        After arriving at the street, Chu He immediately sucked in a breath of cool air, and under the light of the street lamp, he saw countless frenzied dogs, as well as people who were being parted from their food.

        Bang Bang Bang ......

        And the gunshots rang out against the night sky, both far and near, and didn't seem to stop for a moment!

        However, when Chu He drove some distance away, he was able to find many tragic deaths of patrolmen and other armed men, because the city's dogs were just too many and had all gone berserk!

        However, what alarmed Chu He the most was that among the dogs, there were even people!

        Chu He saw that many people had bloody holes in their throats, obviously bitten by dogs, but even with such fatal wounds, these people could still walk and even run, they were just tougher!

        A word that only existed in movies and literature instantly assaulted Chu He's mind: zombie!

        At least until it's determined what exactly these people are, they can only be called walkers.

        Daewoo, see what's going on out there? Chu He said as he grabbed the intercom.

        I say Chu He, I'm afraid this isn't a zombie, is it?

        The situation is very serious, Chu Qi then I will go by myself, you go home to see your parents, I remember your mom has a lot of cats and dogs ......

        Brother, let's take care of ourselves!

        In Zhou Yu's voice, the panic disappeared and was replaced by gravity and worry.

        Since then, the two cars have parted ways.

        One went toward the Mountain River Villa Area in the southern suburb of Yancheng City, and one went toward Yancheng No. 1 Middle School, which was situated in the northern part of the city.

        And when Chu He dialed the phone to his sister again, he found that there was no one on that side to listen to the phone at all, and even the landline in the dormitory rang with the sound of a busy signal.

        But don't let anything happen!

        Chu He whacked the steering wheel hard, kicked the gas, and knocked a pouncing big dog off the road.


        There was a muffled thud from the windshield, followed by another muffled thud from the back of the pickup truck.


        The hissing of a dog immediately came from behind, and when Chu He glanced in the rearview mirror, he saw a large dog banging against the rear window.

        It was a big black dog, Chu He carefully recognized it, it was actually a Tosa Dog that was known as the king of oriental fighting dogs!

        As one of the fiercest canines in the world, Tosa's strength was already impeccable, and now after going berserk, his power seemed to be even stronger, and in the blink of an eye, he actually cracked the window of the car by hitting it.


        Chu He gritted his teeth and cursed, violently hitting the steering wheel, followed by a sharp brake.

        Squeaky ......

        The ear-splitting brakes sounded at the same time, and the Tosa Dog in the back box was thrown to the right, then to the rear, but not out of the back box, under the effect of inertia!

        Seeing this, Chu He's combat instincts developed from his six years of career as a border armed police officer made him decide to get out of the car and solve this hidden danger.

        Holding the Tang Horizontal Sword in his hand, Chu He pushed the door and got off the car, rushed to the back box with a healthy step, rushed at the Tosa Inu that hadn't yet stabilized itself, and chopped down with his hand up and knife down.


        The razor-sharp blade, showing maximum destructive power under the forceful slash, instantly decapitated the Tosa Inu's head!

        Without stopping in the slightest, Chu He immediately went back to the car, because there were several mad dogs that were running away.

        Brother, pick up the phone, it's your cute and charming sister!

        Chu He had just gotten on the car when his cell phone rang, it was his sister's special ringtone recorded for him in a small milky voice, Chu Qi, why didn't you answer the phone just now?

        Ran into the mute brother.

        Chu Qi's voice was very small, with anxiety and worry in her tone, Brother, are you alright, the internet reported that the dogs outside have gone crazy, and so have the people, all of them are biting at the sight of people!

        I'm fine, say what's going on on your side. Chu He was more worried that something would happen to this only relative of his.

        The school ran in a lot of crazy dogs, they were all killed by the security guards from the defense office, but they also bit a lot of people. Chu Qi heard that her brother was fine, and there was less of a trace of worry in her voice.

        Chu He also breathed a sigh of relief, Yan Cheng No. 1 High School was a high school with the highest advancement rate, in order to protect the safety of students, so the security office hired security guards of high quality, and in order to prevent incidents of bullying on campus, the number of security guards was always maintained at more than 50 people.

        Brother will be there to pick you up now, don't run around and protect yourself.

        Chu He was instructing, but his voice came to an abrupt end as he saw that the street entrance, had been blocked by more than a dozen cars, and one of the prison cars was surrounded by dozens of frenzied dogs, as well as more than two dozen zombies outside.

        They were frantically crashing into the prison wagon, and the sound of crashing, and the hissing of men and dogs, formed a despairing symphony at this moment.

        And at this time, dozens of meters away behind Chu He, a dump truck was drawing an s-shape on the road, looking like it could roll over on its side at any time.

        Chu He fixed his eyes, under the stimulation of the strong headlights of the dump truck, he could only vaguely see that a big dog was biting the driver to death, and the driver was struggling to fight back on one side and driving on the other side, and the car naturally drew an s shape!

        Boom ......

        Chu He watched as the dump truck rolled over on its side, the body rubbing against the ground with an unpleasant and ear-splitting sound, and sparks splashing in all directions at the same time.

        Bang Bang ......

        Then, originally simply dump truck behind several cars, too late to brake, one after another crashed together.

        The way backward was, surprisingly, blocked as well.

        Chu He slammed the steering wheel, he knew that he was stuck here.

        Trapped in this narrow road by over two hundred rabid dogs, and dozens of hardened men of action.


        The loud noise attracted the dogs in front of them, who were surrounding the prison van, as well as the five walkers.

        They seemed to have seen Chu He, even though their eyes were gray looking like they had no vision, they still somehow found Chu He in the pickup truck and frantically pounced over!

    4. Prisoner's car

        Thirty minutes ago, 21:19.

        A prison van was ordered to escort three felons from the city office to the First Detention Center in Yancheng.

        The driver of the prison van smoked a cigarette and smacked his lips as he looked at the misery on the street, I say, Old Wang, what the hell is going on out there right now, the dogs are crazy, and the people are fucking crazy.

        Along the way, he had seen many people being chased and torn apart by rabid dogs, as well as crazy people tearing into others.

        Sitting in the back, Lao Wang held a cigarette and flicked the ash out the window and said, We have a gun, what are you afraid of?

        Although he was saying this, the cold sweat on his forehead was putting the panic on display.

        Damn you all, if it wasn't for escorting you, I would be at home hugging my daughter-in-law in bed at this time! Old Wang desperately needed to find an outlet for his emotions, so he pointed his finger at the three felons.

        The other two felons were looking out through the small window, and only the round-faced man was leaning against the bars.

        Old Wang, have a cigarette.

        The round-faced man smiled and stretched out his handcuffed hands, seemingly unafraid of Old Wang or the horrifying sight outside.

        Twitchy, you twitchy motherfucker!

        Old Wang picked up the butt of the Type 97 shotgun and then smashed it into the fat-faced man's hand, cursing at the same time, Liu Xiao I'm telling you, don't think that just because you're a gangster that you can pretend to be a pussy in front of my old man!

        So grumpy, your daughter-in-law gave you the green light?

        Liu Xiao laughed and cursed, so he took his hand back, before the afternoon he was still a powerful big brother of the road, in the afternoon he was pitched by his own woman and brother in jail, he was using the tragedy on himself to joke about other people's jokes, a little ironic.

        Lao Wang was furious and anxious, but he didn't have the courage to really move Liu Xiao a bit, because although Liu Xiao was in prison, he still had brothers outside.

        He was afraid of being retaliated against, so he chose to concede and reluctantly handed Liu Xiao a cigarette.

        And just when Liu Xiao was smoking beautifully, a person suddenly rushed over in front of the prison car.

        The driver saw the situation and steered wildly to avoid it, followed by sharp braking.


        The prisoner's car crashed into the curb and the driver was knocked off his feet.


        Before the driver could turn back, a rabid dog pounced on the window of the car Lao Wang was in.

        And Old King was flicking cigarette ashes at that moment, when his hand was surprisingly bitten.

        Holy shit!

        Old Wang cursed and hastily withdrew his hand, while rolling the window up, while saying, How the fuck do you drive?

        Bang, bang, bang!

        With a hissing sound, one car after another crashed into the intersection, blocking it off as they dodged the storming prisoner car.


        A hissing sound rang out as an uncountable number of rabid dogs surrounded the car at the intersection.

        When the driver saw this, he hurriedly said to Lao Wang, The car can't be driven, let's run!

        How to run, so many crazy dogs, get off the car and you will be bitten to death! Old Wang was also scared, but looking at those crazy dogs, he didn't have the courage to get out of the car.


        A rabid dog crashed into the windshield, causing the frightened driver to yelp.

        Then the driver seemed to pull out the key out of habit, and then ran out furiously, but only a few steps out, he was pounced on by a few crazy dogs on the ground, and was bitten to death alive.

        It was a good thing he had taken the habit of pulling out the key and closing the car door.

        Lao Wang was even more frightened and did not dare to move a muscle, and hastily took out his walkie-talkie to ask for help, and after getting the order to wait for support, he held his shotgun and shivered.

        Wimpy shit, nothing.

        Liu Xiao laughed and cursed, still smoking beautifully, betrayed by his favorite woman and most trusted brother, he felt that there was nothing left to lose, so he was fearless.

        What's more, he was originally a master who was not afraid of the sky.

        But after twenty minutes or so, Liu Xiao then saw that Old Wang suddenly began to moan in pain, his body was convulsing, and he was emitting a fishy odor.

        Then, in a single instant, Old King's body suddenly straightened up and then didn't move at all.


        Liu Xiao was surprised, he didn't know if Lao Wang was scared to death or bitten by a dog.

        Just as Liu Xiao mulled it over, Old Wang suddenly moved again, glaring with a pair of black and white eyes, staring at the three prisoners held behind him.


        A hiss from the old king's throat, he pounced on the iron fence door, stretching his hand constantly grabbing, but also in the air constantly tearing, will be the iron fence bite click sound.

        Holy shit, is this dumbass crazy?

        Liu Xiao immediately hid at the very back, but was not afraid, but observed Old Wang with interest.

        Time passed by, and Old King kept sitting in the same motion, even though he couldn't break through the iron fence at all, but he still didn't stop.

        Brothers, I'm afraid this thing isn't a zombie, is it?

        Liu Xiao stroked his chin, he felt that Old Wang was the zombie in the movie, there was no escape.

        No one answered his question because they were in fear.


        There was a loud crash from outside, as well as not-so-clear screams, and a haunting hiss.

        The mad dogs and zombies around the prison truck seemed to be getting less and less, Liu Xiao curiously leaned over the window to look and found a pickup truck parked not far away, and a dozen or so cars collided with a dump truck a few dozen meters behind the pickup truck.

        The rabid dogs and zombies that were originally besieging the prison wagon seemed to be attracted by the sound and were running wildly over to that side.

        And the person in that pickup truck was none other than Chu He.

        Chu He, inside the Toyota pickup, let out a long breath and kept telling himself to calm down.

        Chu He looked backward, in addition to the dump truck, there were another dozen or so cars crashed together, completely blocking the road.

        And behind those cars, the owners who braked just in time are now turning around to try to get out of the cul-de-sac.

        But one is always prone to mistakes in fear and panic.

        Thirty or so vehicles made a U-turn on the narrow road at the same time, and every one of them refused to give way, fearing that they would perish in the mouth of the mad dog if they were a second late, and the end result was chaos.

        Hordes of rabid dogs and zombies began to attack the vehicles.

        One convertible sports car in particular was swamped by dogs before it could be topped off with a pair of men and women in the car.

        The windows of private cars were vulnerable to the dogs and walkers, and in just ten seconds or so, a window was smashed through.

        Chuhe witnessed a female car owner, being yanked out of her car window by a husky and getting a bite on her throat.

        At this moment, the identity of a former soldier made Chu He rise to the idea of saving people.

        But when he thought of his sister waiting for him, Chu He dismissed the idea.

        The trade-off between strangers and loved ones couldn't be simpler.

        Then some people abandoned their cars and fled, but even with a strong desire to live, they couldn't outrun the mad dogs and were pounced upon!

        The screams from this side, and the smell of blood, attracted the rabid dogs and zombies around the other prison wagon, and they abandoned it, heading for what they saw as a feast.

        Even as they passed the pickup truck, Mad Dog and Walker didn't stop for half a step.

        It seems these things are more sensitive to the smell and sound of blood.

        Chu He made a judgment in his mind, then took his backpack and knife, and quietly got out of the car.

        He was going to look at the prison van because he realized that there were no vehicles in front of or behind it, so by moving it around some, the blocked road would be considered an opening.

        And the fact that rabid dogs and zombies are surrounding this car proves that there should be a living person in this car.

        But why didn't anyone move the car?

        Just as he was thinking, Chu He had already walked to the front of the prison car, he gripped the knife in his hand and took a deep breath, intending to pull open the door.


        But at that moment, a roar suddenly came from the black Audi on the left side of the prison car.

        Then a ghastly white face was pressed dead against the car window and bared its teeth at Chu He.

        This ......

        What Chu He saw, was a little girl with a double ponytail, but at this time, her pupils were already gray and white, and her pale face and cracked mouth were as hideous as possible.

        And Chu He also saw a bite mark on her neck, looking at the embossment it was bitten by a dog.


        Then another hiss came from the car, and a blood-stained white Pomeranian pounced on the window, barking furiously at Chu He.

        Looks like it was this little Pomeranian that bit the little girl, and then the little girl turned into a zombie.

        Chu He took a deep breath and didn't bother with the little girl and Boomerang, instead pulling open the door of the prison van.


        With a roar, the uniformed zombie rushed out of the car door and lunged at the near Chu He.

    5. Who can stand this?

        With such close proximity and the speed of the zombies, if it was an ordinary person, they would have been pounced on.

        But Chu He is not an ordinary person, six years of career as an armed border police officer, day and night training, so that he is enough to cope with all kinds of perils.

        Seeing the zombie pouncing over, Chu He dodged over with a sideways turn, but the hand holding the knife was slow to slash.

        Chu He stared dead at the uniformed zombie, he told himself that the person in front of him was no longer a police investigation, but a zombie, even if he killed it, he would not break the law!

        What the fuck are you doing, man? Fuck him up!

        A cockney voice suddenly came out of the car, and a round face was pressed against the tiny window.

        Chu He didn't hesitate anymore, he ignored the zombie's patrol uniform in front of him and instead treated him as a horse gang drug dealer and stabbed out.


        The sharp tip of the knife immediately pierced inside the zombie's eye socket, but the zombie was still roaring, obviously not dead.

        Chu He's hands that held the hilt of the knife, immediately twisted with force, and with the stirring of the blade, the zombie's body went limp powerlessly.


        Chu He let out a long breath and once again carefully approached the prison wagon.

        Inside the prison wagon, the front half was deserted, and in the back half, where the prisoners were being held, three men were looking out through the bars, among them the round-faced man who had just leaned out of the window and yelled.

        Brothers fierce!

        Liu Xiao's face didn't have much fear, instead, he was still a bit excited, I say brother, hurry up and find a way to help us open the door.

        These are all prisoners. Are we saving them?

        If they weren't saved, then they would surely be trapped here.

        But if you save it, will you be held accountable?

        Forget it. Human life comes first.

        Chu He didn't have the ability to save those people behind him, but those within his ability, he still had to save.

        But after searching on that walker, Chu He didn't find the key.

        The one with the key is on the fleeing patrolman.

        Liu Xiao pointed to the car and reminded, Brothers will use guns no, take the gun and blast the door locks open!

        It was only then that Chu He saw that there was a Type 97 shotgun lying flat in the car.

        The gun, of course I'll use it.

        Chu He picked up his shotgun and aimed it at the door lock, All back up!


        When all three prisoners had retreated to the rear of the car, Chuhe pulled the trigger.

        Then the three prisoners scrambled out, but none of them thanked Chu He because they were all already dominated by fear and were still in shock.

        Brothers can be.

        Liu Xiao squatted in front of the zombie that had been killed by Chu He, felt out the key to the handcuffs, and unlocked the handcuffs.

        Is the car still drivable?

        Seeing that there were already mad dogs and zombies running back, Chu He said with some anxiety, Hurry up and move the car, or none of us will be able to get out.

        Can't open it, the driver pulled out the key when he ran. Liu Xiao snorted, he couldn't even figure out why that driver pulled the key away.

        By the way, that driver didn't get very far before he was bitten, and now he's turned into a walker to go that way.

        Liu Xiao pointed to the end of the dump truck, half-jokingly said, Brothers you are so fierce, let's go over to snatch the keys over?

        What's wrong with this guy?

        What time is it? You still want to joke around?

        Chu He frowned, his eyes then fell on a Porsche Cayenne on the outermost side, The best thing to do at the moment is to get into this car and leave.

        Dude's cool.

        Liu Xiao was very familiar with himself and patted Chu He's shoulder, My name is Liu Xiao, what do you call your brother?


        When Chu He answered, he fished out another dozen shotgun shells from the zombies, then said to the crowd, If you don't want to die, follow me and go, take that Cayenne and go.

        The other two prisoners had long lost their opinions, Chu He who saved them was like the backbone at this time, naturally obeying orders.

        The fearless Liu Xiao, on the other hand, seemed indifferent, and after touching away Lao Wang's cigarettes and fire, he left with Chu He.

        The door to the Porsche Cayenne was open, no one was inside, and the keys were still there.

        Chu He was delighted in his heart and hurriedly walked

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