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Cannon Fodder Cultivation
Cannon Fodder Cultivation
Cannon Fodder Cultivation
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Cannon Fodder Cultivation

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Su Ningmei felt unlucky. She didn't just spit out that the cannon fodder in the book "End Times Spicy Female Lord Cultivation Record" had the same name as her, and as a result, she woke up and became the unlucky cannon fodder female match.

PublisherAndrew Gold
Release dateMar 7, 2024
Cannon Fodder Cultivation

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    Cannon Fodder Cultivation - Steven Crum

    2 Chapter 2

        Eat breakfast, Su Ningmei head back to the room, remove the emerald necklace hanging on the neck, find a fruit knife, close your eyes a ruthless cut in the arm, blood dripping down the fingertips in the emerald necklace, in the twinkling of an eye will be absorbed by the emerald.

        Su Ningmei feel brain drowsy, eyes are gold stars, that arm blood is still dripping down, continue to be absorbed by the emerald. Can't help but about to curse, Su Ning Mei only felt the scene in front of her eyes steeply transformed, looked around, know that this space finally opened. First hurriedly flashed out of the space to find the ointment on the arm, and then wrapped the arm with gauze, which then entered the space again.

        Nima, the protagonist is really the protagonist, open a space two drops of blood is enough, she a cannon fodder almost shed a bowl of blood!

        The space was large and big, but the visible area was small, only about a thousand square feet, with a small wooden house in the center. The other is a white mist, Su Ningmei knows that those are the aura, aura cover is a variety of high-quality spirit grass, immortal grass, spiritual springs, mineral veins, magic weapons and other good things. Unfortunately, her physical eyes can't see those things, only when she reaches Foundation Establishment can she open up the aura to get those things.

        The Immortal Cultivation Levels in the book are divided into Qi Practicing, Foundation Building, Dan Formation, Yuanying, God Transformation, Void Refining, Harmonization, and Dacheng. This seems to be slightly different from the cultivation novels she has read in the past, Su Ningmei remembers that the cultivation novels she has read in the past have a tribulation after the great success, and a true immortal. In this book, there is no such thing, so the author must have arranged it this way.

        Su Ningmei held back her excitement and walked towards the cabin, inside the cabin there was something that would change the fate of her, the cannon fodder female match, as long as she could cultivate immortality, then maybe the plot would change and she wouldn't become a bitter cannon fodder.

        But ...... Su Ningmei s footsteps paused, this cultivation of immortality but depends on the physical quality, you need to have a spiritual root to cultivate immortality. If she didn't have a spiritual root she would just be an ordinary person with ordinary space.

        Spiritual roots have five spiritual roots, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, alone have a spiritual root even if it is a genius, two spiritual roots of the qualification is not bad, and so on, at the same time have five spiritual roots is a waste of material, compared to no spiritual roots of the person is only a little bit better, at least to be able to cultivate immortality.

        Of course, the most powerful still belongs to the mutant spirit root, mutant spirit root has three kinds, thunder spirit root, ice spirit root, wind spirit root, which belongs to the thunder spirit root is the most powerful.

        The plot of the book in the beginning was that Cheng Rong had measured the thunder spirit root at the head of the cabin.

        Su Ningmei gritted her teeth, continued to walk towards the cabin, her heart secretly prayed, with her cannon fodder life mutant spirit root she does not pray, single spirit root she did not dare to pray, the only prayer is at least to be able to cultivate immortality, at least to give her a five spirit root can also be ah, the big deal is that the speed of cultivation is just slower.

        When she came to the cabin, Su Ningmei saw a strange tube on the wooden table in the center, she knew that this was the thing to test the spiritual root, just need to put your hand on it, the corresponding spiritual root will have the corresponding color appear.

        Golden Spirit Root, golden in color.

        Wood Spirit Root, green color.

        Water spirit root, white.

        Fire root, red.

        Earth Spirit Root, yellow.

        As for the mutated spirit roots, if it was a thunder spirit root there would be electricity and thunder in this tube, an ice spirit root would appear to freeze, and a wind spirit root would have wind blades appear.

        After hesitating for half a second, Su Ningmei finally put her hand on the tube, and then looked at the five colors inside, and her face turned green. Well, at least it's a five spirit root, and it can still cultivate immortality, it's better than not having a single spirit root, right?

        Knowing that she was a five spirit root, Su Ningmei was disappointed, but she didn't have much more to say, who let her be the cannon fodder female match.

        However, Su Ningmei somewhat did not feel that the five spirit root was some kind of waste spirit root, she had read in other Immortal Cultivation novels that the five spirit root was a very powerful chaotic spirit root in the ancient times when the spiritual qi was plentiful, and that when one cultivated in a place where the spiritual qi was plentiful, one's achievements in the future would definitely be higher than a single spirit root. Only later on, the spiritual qi is getting less and less, so the five spirit root people cultivation is very slow, this is also cause it to become the reason of waste material spirit root. Looking at the abundant spiritual energy around her, Su Ningmei felt that perhaps this was not a waste spiritual root.

        Inside the wooden house were rows and rows of bookshelves, on which were placed all kinds of techniques, as well as spells and talismans and techniques for refining pills. Su Ningmei looked through them carefully and chose one of the most basic qi practicing techniques. Nowadays, she had to reach Foundation Establishment before she could cultivate other gong methods. Holding the Qi Practicing Technique, Su Ningmei lowered her head for a moment and seemed to notice that there seemed to be a piece of yellowish colored paper underneath the wooden cabinet.

        Resting the gongfu in her hand on the wooden table next to her, Su Ningmei squatted down and picked up the yellowish colored paper in the corner.

        The paper is densely written all over the thing, Su Ningmei carefully surveyed once, the more you look at the eyes wider and wider, until finally burst out a burst of laughter.

        Su Ningmei really did not expect there will be such a thing, this paper written above is outside the cabin on the left side of the ten inches outside the place of a Lei Lingen array, that array can change to let people become mutant Lei Lingen, only will bear a very big pain, you if you can hold out will be able to achieve the mutant Lei Lingen, if you do not bear it down will be ashes and smoke.

        After the surprise, Su Ningmei instead calm down, if it is not able to succeed will be ashes ah, she does not want to die, in the end how to choose?

        After thinking for a long time, Su Ningmei still did not immediately start the formation, but the paper was clamped inside the qi practicing technique, after all, she is currently alive and well, and can still cultivate immortality, she does not want to take this risk. The main thing is that she is only a female supporting, not the female lead, if it is the female lead she certainly did not hesitate to immediately start the formation, and the book does not have this plot, she did not dare to act rashly.

        Now that there are still seven days before the end of the day, she intends to gather supplies to go first, although the space is able to grow things, however! Who would use such an aura-rich land to plant those ordinary fruits and vegetables ah. The big deal is that it's not too late to plant them later when the collected supplies are not enough to eat.

        Su Ningmei was not in a hurry to cultivate now, but instead went out of the space and took her bank card to buy supplies. After all, if this money is not used, it will become a pile of waste paper in a few days, so she can at least enjoy the feeling of a rich girl squandering her money.

        Just want to go out of the room, see the emerald necklace hanging on her neck, Su Ning Mei silently secretly read a hidden, the emerald necklace on her neck gradually disappeared, and only then did she go downstairs satisfied. Just went downstairs and saw Cheng Rong waiting for her downstairs, Xiaomei, where are you going?

        Su Ningmei shook the bag in her hand, I'm going out shopping.

        I'll accompany you. Cheng Rong also got up and followed along outside, and seeing Su Ningmei's neck empty, she asked curiously, Xiao Mei, did you get Auntie's string of emerald necklaces in the morning?

        Su Ningmei glanced at her, Such an expensive thing, naturally it's kept in the room. Right, sister, dad just said he was looking for you for something, I think you'd better go up and take a look, we'll hang out together some other day.

        Cheng Rong could only nod and went upstairs.

        Su Ningmei went out, first went to rent a remote plant, she wants to buy too many supplies, to put the space in the head of the natural need to avoid people's ears, rent a remote plant is the best way. The plant was quickly rented, followed by Su Ningmei went to Carrefour Supermarket, looking for the manager.

        Once the chubby manager heard that Su Ningmei wanted to buy so many things, he knew that this was a big customer and followed Su Ningmei behind with his butt.

        Eat as long as the supermarket has, how much is left in the warehouse, Su Ningmei asked for half. With the aspect, Su Ningmei set two beds, a hundred bed quilts, and a variety of sheets, towels and other daily necessities also want a lot of, in short, almost supermarkets have things, Su Ningmei are prepared.

        Manager these things will just be delivered to this address for me. Su Ning Mei gave the address of the plant to the manager, the manager was busy nodding, Please rest assured Ms. Su, all of it will definitely be delivered before five in the afternoon.

        After that, Su Ningmei went to the grain store, booked half of the rice and noodles and other grains, and also let the boss send all of them to the plant. Finally went to shop clothing, spring, summer, fall and winter clothes bought hundreds of sets, still let people sent to the plant.

        Busy after these days are already dark, Su Ningmei went to the plant, the things she wanted have all been delivered, the whole plant is full.

        The supermarket manager and the owner of the grain store were curious as to why Su Ningmei bought so many things, Su Ningmei smiled, I saw on the internet that the end of the world is coming, so no, I hurriedly prepared all the things, so maybe I can save my life later.

        Grain store owner heard, manipulated a heavy accent said: Aiya, Miss Su original you also believe this ah, my son who went to college a few days ago also called back to say let me not sell all the grain, said what the end is coming, hey, you see this brat ......

        Although the manager was holding back his laughter, Su Ningmei always felt that he was looking at her with an expression that looked like he was saying, what a big head of SB.

        After dismissing them, Su Ningmei closed the plant, and with a wave of her hand the entire room automatically went into the space.

        After staying in the plant for a while longer, Su Ningmei pulled open the roller shutter and prepared to go back. The sky is already dark, Su Ningmei did not drive, walked to the stop sign not far away and waited for a cab to pass by. The cab did not wait, but waited for a few men with obscene looks.

        Crap, it can't be this unlucky. For Su Ningmei, who often reads meat articles, this kind of situation is too familiar to her!

    3 Chapter 3

        Su Ningmei looked at those several unsuspecting, lewd-looking men, the heart is almost cursing, become a female supporting already unlucky enough, every time you encounter this kind of thing appeared is also absolutely ugly and unbearable men. In the text, there is no this plot, Su Ning Mei's virginity is a period of time after the end of the day to come, that time so there is no food, forced to follow Cheng Rong left the home, to the survivors of the base, Su Ning Mei is that time by a few very disgusting men wheeled ......

        After that, she, the poor, vicious female match always meets some unpleasant men, always keeps being wheeled, raped, and finally until the male main character appears. She fell in love at first sight with the male lead, but also because of this and the female lead of a real feud, and then by the male lead of the fight worthless ...... finally by the female lead thrown into the mutant beasts to be raped and split into pieces, in short, she is the most pitiful in the text of the number one female match. When I first read because with this female with the same name, generation into the feeling is particularly strong, every time to see the author of that text scolded the dog's blood.

        As for the heroine, that's bullish, bumped into all the men are rich and handsome, before the hero appeared to linger in a variety of rich and handsome, until finally the hero appeared, fell in love with the hero, sensational ......

        As the plot flashback ended, Su Ning Mei's face grew darker and darker, and according to the law of the female match, she knew that there would be even more of these situations in the future. Although she liked reading meat articles, it didn't mean she liked being OOXXed.

        Why is the beautiful woman here alone, do you want a few brothers to accompany you. One of the men with a big disgusting black mole at the corner of his eye said with a smile. A few other nasty men also surrounded up, lewdly looking Su Ning Mei up and down. One of them had already stretched out his claws with a smirk, looking at that claw was about to touch Su Ning Mei's breasts.

        Su Ningmei clenched her teeth, and between her dark thoughts, she touched her bag and fished out a kitchen knife from the space, and swung it on top of the man's arm, and the man screamed miserably and covered his arm. The remaining few men obviously did not anticipate that this soft looking woman would go out with a kitchen knife.

        Su Ningmei waved her kitchen knife and crossed her eyes, If you don't hurry up and get out, be careful I'll chop you up! Get lost!

        A few men hesitantly looked at the vicious and incomparably fast waving kitchen knife Su Ningmei, and the miserable screams of their companions came from their ears, finally they were still afraid of that kitchen knife and helped their companions to walk away.

        Su Ningmei pooh-poohed a mouthful of spittle on the ground, which retrieved the kitchen knife, the cab also just happened to come over, she hurriedly got into the cab back to the Su residence.

        The mansion they live in today was also bought by Su Ningmei's mother and is written in Su Ningmei's name.

        Back in the living room, the family was having dinner, Chen Deqing looked at Su Ning Mei who returned late and clamped her brows, Why did you come back so late? Where did you go to fool around?

        Su Ning Mei was not at all kind to this cheap old dad, throwing her bag towards the living room, sitting on her butt in front of the dining table, throwing him a blank stare, Went out shopping. Then she smiled at Feng mother with a frown, Feng mother, help me add a bowl of rice, add more, I'm starving to death.

        Feng's mother smiled and went to the kitchen.

        What kind of attitude is this child of yours! Chen Deqing was furious and slapped the table, Have you ever treated your elders like this? Yesterday, Rong asked you to borrow money, why didn't you? Your sister is just borrowing money to buy supplies to keep at home, hurry up and take out your bank card and give it to her.

        Cheng Wenjun on one side persuaded Chen Deqing in a fine voice, Well, Xiaomei didn't mean it, must be in a bad mood in the past few days, besides, what kind of supplies to buy, those doomsday or whatever are all lies, Ah Rong you go out more with Xiaomei and make a few friends, don't think about those have and have nots all day long.

        Mom, I know. To Cheng Wenjun, Cheng Rong was very obedient, before she met the male lead, the person Cheng Rong cared about the most was her mother. So when Cheng Wenjun wanted to poison Su's mother in order to be with Chen Delong, Cheng Rong had agonized over it for a long time and finally helped.

        For this Cheng Rong, the people she cares about others can not be bullied in the slightest, if someone dares to bully the people she cares about, the death will be absolutely miserable, with reference to Su Ning Mei's death.

        Xiaomei, I'll accompany you to go shopping tomorrow. Cheng Rong smiled at Su Ningmei.

        Su Ning Mei picks at the rice in her bowl, her head doesn't lift, slurring her words, Tomorrow I have an appointment with Lu Yan, Lu Lan to go shopping together, I don't have time to accompany my sister. Sister, you also know that they don't like you, you can't take you with you to suffer their blank stares.

        Lu Yan and Lu Lan are Su Ningmei's friends, both are rich women with pretty good character, once told Su Ningmei that the two mothers and daughters of the process family are not good things, but Su Ningmei didn't listen to it. These two in the text is a passer-by level, the end of the world just came, because the two families did not store supplies, and finally in the process of going out to look for food was eaten by the zombies. In the text, there was only a one sentence description of them, so it could be seen how passerby they were.

        Tomorrow Su Ningmei does plan to go to them, mainly because Su Ningmei also want to buy a solar generator, she did not intend to buy the domestic, the domestic quality is not good, in this regard she is not very good access, Lu father and Lu father know a lot of people, may be able to help this favor. And she intends to let Lu Yan and Lu Lan buy some supplies to store at home, as a close friend, plus want to see where the plot is going, she doesn't want to let her two best friends die in such a way.

        A few people sniffed and really didn't say anything more.

        After dinner, Su Ningmei accompanied Feng's mom in the kitchen to wash the dishes, looking at the kind-faced Feng's mom, Su Ningmei smiled and took her shoulder, Feng's mom, I've been reading a lot of posts on the internet about the impending doomsday in the past couple of days, why don't you buy some supplies and store them up, as a precautionary measure, right?

        Feng's mom is also roadkill level in the book and was starved to death.

        Feng mother put the washed bowls in the sterilizer and laughed: After living a lifetime, I don't believe in those things, they are all lies. Miss, you can't do that to the master in the future, madam left you a large amount of dowry, all of which is kept with the master, if you don't listen to the master, I'm afraid that the dowry will be given to that mother and daughter to get it. Miss, I'm not saying they're bad people, but you have to be careful, don't you? You, like madam, are just too kind.

        The master and madam were referring to Chen Deqing and Su mother, Feng mother has been working here as a nanny since Su mother married Chen Deqing, so it can be said that she has watched Su Ningmei grow up.

        Su Ning Mei laughed, Alright, I remembered. She also did not want to say more, Feng mother's personality is stubborn, saying that she won't buy the supplies definitely won't buy them, she planned to buy them and then directly have them sent to the Feng family.

        Back to the room, Su Ningmei unlocked the door, immediately into the space. The things that happened just now let her realize her own cannon fodder life, at any time can meet the danger, now the most important thing is to hurry to practice, the qi practice method open practice up, in accordance with the head of the explanation, legs sitting cross-legged, hands together placed in front of the abdomen, eyes hanging curtains, tongue on the top of the palate, the natural nasal breath, this is the gathering of true qi, to learn to gather true qi in order to sink the dantian. Su Ningmei step by step, so cross-legged for an hour, but she did not even feel a P of true qi. Followed by another two hours of sitting, still no reaction whatsoever, when she got up her legs were numb.

        I can't cry. Cannon fodder is really cannon fodder. I have no choice but to go and rest first.

        The next day, Su Ningmei first took all her jewelry and sold it, almost sold seven million. Yesterday's purchase of those things almost cost her five million dollars, now the remaining total of twelve million dollars, she is afraid of foreign solar generators are too expensive. She went to Lu Yan and Lu Lan and told them that she wanted a solar generator, preferably of a foreign brand. Both of them called their dads, and Lu's dad said that he knew someone who could get the goods in three days, and that it would take almost eight million dollars.

        Su Ningmei immediately let Lu's father order the goods, and then hit eight million to Lu's father, letting Lu's father receive the goods and send them to the factory she rented.

        After hanging up the phone, Su Ningmei was sort of relieved. The two best friends looked at her curiously, Xiaomei, what did you buy that for?

        Su Ningmei blinked and laughed, The end is coming, we may need it later. By the way, have you guys stored supplies yet, no hurry up and go buy and store them away, just in case na.

        Lu Yan laughed out loud and slapped on Su Ningmei's shoulder, Xiao Mei, you're stupid, you still believe in this, I think you don't want to spend this wasted money, it's better to keep it for going out to eat, drink and have fun.

        No, you believe in such things. Lulan followed in agreement.

        Su Ningmei knew that the two best friends would definitely not believe it, and naturally would not buy it. Helpless, accompanied them to shop around, and then the two went home. Su Ningmei continued to buy supplies, like induction cookers, gas stoves and the like, and finally went to mention a Hummer H3, and finally bought a lot of gasoline, basically can think of supplies, she bought all of them. Now there are more than two million dollars left on her body.

        Thinking about it, the two million can not spend, food and drink has been the space of that empty space almost full, the rest of the money she bought food and drink directly sent to the Lu family, the Lu family and the Feng family.

        The two best friends and Feng's mom even called to laugh at her.

        Three days later, Father Lu sent the solar generator to the plant. The remaining two days Su Ningmei stayed in the space every day to practice her qi. There was no way, who asked her to be a cannon fodder physique, she could only make up for her clumsiness with diligence. Two days went by in the blink of an eye, these two days Cheng Rong was still uneasy, she didn't know where to get some money, bought a lot of food and drink back, and filled the mansion to the brim.

        At night, Su Ningmei meditated in space for a few hours, and after coming out and freshening up, she was a little hungry, so she went downstairs to the kitchen to get some food. Just as she walked to the kitchen door, Su Ningmei heard Cheng Rong's panicked voice from inside, Dad, what are you doing!

    4 Chapter 4 Modifications

        Author's Note: This chapter is a little short on words because I have another book to catch up on a 5000 word list. Oooh, catching up on lists and stuff is painful.

    5 Chapter 5

        Su Ningmei live on the second floor, the situation below to see clearly, the construction of the beautifully chic rockery lying several corpses, several corpses are open, blood and flesh, some of the body's internal organs have been hollowed out by the living dead a clean slate. One of them was living dead people gnawed off an arm, but still alive, is a face of tears howling crawling forward, face is thick despair. There are also a few living dead are eating the intestines pulled out of the hand, internal organs, the corners of the mouth hanging with blood meat, looking disgusting.

        Not far away, there is a mother is the family white fat cute child under the body, a few living dead in her body nibbling, she has long been out of breath, but still the child under the arm of the dead protection. The child cried out in fear, screaming mom, mom, mom, but his mother could no longer hear his screams.

        Su Ning Mei watched with a hard heart, this feeling is too real, completely different from what she felt when she read the book, watching that child being dragged out from under the dead mom by a few living dead people, Su Ning could no longer watch any longer, turned around and went back to the sofa and sat down. She took a deep breath, she now has no way to help those mothers and children, she can't even protect herself, what's the use of having compassion, even if she goes down now, she will only die.

        Cheng Rong and Chen Deqing, who were equally looking pale, also finally couldn't stand it anymore and returned to the living room's sofa and sat down. Cheng Wenjun was still whimpering and crying, Cheng Rong sat next to her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, comforting her.

        Rong, what's the situation outside now? Is ...... it the same as on TV? Cheng Wenjun gripped Cheng Rong's arm tightly, as if she could immediately pass out as long as she heard Cheng Rong answer yes.

        Glancing at this dainty stepmother, Su Ningmei skimmed her lips, she didn't see her so delicate in bed, she was clearly a wave!

        Cheng Rong nodded silently, Cheng Wenjun covered her face again and whimpered. A flash of impatience flashed across Chen Deqing's face and he frowned, ''Wenjun don't cry, although this happened, aren't we still alive and well? Ah Rong even bought so much food and drink back, it's enough for us to live for a while, I believe that the country won't leave us alone, this disaster will surely pass soon."

        The crowd was silent, thinking only that he was talking to himself.

        For a while, only Cheng Wenjun's sobs could be heard, along with the ghostly cries from outside.

        Mom, okay, don't cry, I'll go to the kitchen to make some food. Cheng Rong said and got up and headed towards the kitchen.

        I'll go help. Chen Deqing followed suit and got up.

        Cheng Rong's face turned white, her lowered eyes flashed with a touch of indignation, thinking about that disgusting scene last night, Cheng Rong panicked and pulled Su Ningmei on the sofa, Xiaomei, you accompany me to the kitchen to get something to eat. Saying that, she looked up at Chen Deqing, her tone cold, Dad, there's no need for you to help, it's fine to have Xiaomei help me.

        Su Ningmei didn't want to go at all, who knew that Cheng Rong had quite a lot of strength and pulled her into the kitchen.

        Entering the kitchen, Su Ningmei leaned against the door somewhat listlessly and watched Cheng Rong busy herself. Just now that scene of excitement she has not yet slowed down. While she was dazed, the cell phone in her pocket rang, Su Ning Mei took it out and saw that it was Lu Yan. Now the end of the world has just come, communication equipment has not been paralyzed, probably a week later, TV equipment, water, network and all of these will be paralyzed.

        Su Ningmei an connect button, the inside immediately rang Lu Yan with a crying voice, Hey, Xiaomei, I'm Lu Yan, oooh, Xiaomei is so scary ah, how can this be, outside a lot of zombies ...... followed Su Ningmei heard Lu father's voice from the inside, I'm not crying, I don't want to say thank you to Xiaomei, she said. Xiaoyan, you do not cry, with Xiaomei thank you did not? Lu Yan then stammered: Xiaomei thank you ah, a few days ago I also laughed at you too cautious, if not I'm afraid that my family can not hold out for a few days, you help to buy the food enough for us to hold out for a long period of time ......

        Su Ningmei said, Well, Xiaoyan don't cry, in the future ...... will be good ...... She knows that not only will it not be good in the future, but it will be even worse, the country will definitely not care about them, except that the The bases have been established everywhere, whether they can go to the base is all up to them, the country will not come to the door to pick them up at all. Oh, wrong, will pick up, only to pick up all the contribution to the country or those who are powerful.

        Xiao Mei ah, thank you. Lu Yan was thanking again.

        Lu Yan was clearly frightened, chattering away to Su Ning Mei, talking for a while before hanging up the phone at Lu's father's prompting. Followed by Lu Lan and also Feng's mom both called over, all thanking Su Ning Mei for the things she sent.

        After hanging up Feng's mom's phone, Su Ning Mei sighed.

        At this time, Cheng Rong's meal was also ready, cooking a pot of millet porridge, grinding soy milk, frying four eggs, and grilling four sausages, Xiaomei, help serve the food out.

        Su Ningmei carried the food over to the living room and saw Cheng Wenjun touching Chen Deqing's ear and said in confusion, Deqing, what happened to your ear? Why is the skin broken?

        Chen Deqing s face was a little stiff, Yesterday ...... night got up to go to the restroom ...... and accidentally touched it.

        Cheng Rong, who came out after Su Ningmei, heard these words, her face was ugly, and her hand holding the plate tightened.

        The four of them ate breakfast in silence, Cheng Wenjun sat on the sofa melancholically, the window had long been closed by Chen Deqing, isolating the screams and cries from outside, the house was quiet and a bit eerie.

        I'm going back to my room. Su Ningmei prepared to go back to her room to practice her Qi in the space. The end times had come and gone, yet she didn't even have the ability to defend herself, not to mention that she was a cannon fodder who stood in the way of everything.

        No one paid any attention to her, they were all quiet in their own worlds.

        Back to the room, Su Ningmei immediately unlocked the room, looking at the laptop placed on the bedside, Su Ningmei hesitated, intending to first look at what the online news said. Opened the computer, opened the web page, all about the end of the post, but no useful news at all.

        How is the world? The end times are upon us, what are we going to do?

        I live in No. 415, XX neighborhood, XX street, XXX city, XXX province, my family has become the living dead, who will save me ......

        Don't panic everyone, the state will definitely come to the rescue ......

        I have hundreds of millions of dollars, I need to hire a bodyguard, I live at ......


        Looking at these useless posts, Su Ningmei turned off the computer, flashed into the space inside, the space was piled high, Su Ningmei entered the cabin, sat down according to the posture on the qi practicing method, held her breath and quieted her mind, and began to sense the aura.

        Probably because she was stimulated in the morning, this time Su Ningmei felt different from the past after meditating for an hour, she seemed to feel a gas entering her body, and her head, which was originally a bit dazed, cleared up a lot in an instant. This feeling was somewhat marvelous, and she wasn't sure exactly how to express it, so she hurriedly followed the posture on the gong method to introduce the spiritual qi into the two meridians in her body, letting the spiritual qi wash the two meridians.

        Su Ningmei drew qi into her body over and over again, not feeling tired or bored in the slightest. It was only until the sound of thumping sounded outside the door that Su Ningmei slowly opened her eyes, realizing that the space was twice as big as it was originally. She knew that this space was also an upgraded flow, the space would also become larger the first time she induced qi into her body, after which the final foundation building space would be completely revealed.

        The space was twice as big as the original, and there was a crystal clear lake above the empty space that appeared, with fish and shrimp swimming around inside. Su Ningmei knew that this was just an ordinary lake, and that the Spirit Springs could not be seen until Foundation Establishment.

        Another tap sounded outside the door, Xiaomei, come out for dinner.

        Su Ning Mei hurriedly went out of the space and answered, Sister, I'm coming out. Opening the door to her room, she saw Cheng Rong standing playfully outside the door, her face carrying an undisguised joy and excitement, Su Ningmei was a little puzzled, Sister, what happened, you're so happy?

        Cheng Rong smiled, It's fine, hurry down to eat, I've already made lunch.

        Following Cheng Rong down the stairs, Su Ning looked at the front of the body exudes confidence, joy Cheng Rong, she always felt that there is something wrong, Cheng Rong in the end what happened?

        When I went downstairs, the table was already set with rice, four bowls of rice, shrimp balls in eggplant sauce, steamed sea bass, garlic oatmeal, and stir-fried broccoli.

        After eating, Su Ningmei stood by the window and looked out, and found that there were no living people outside at all, and all the living dead were wandering ...... Yes, the end has just come, and the average person's home is stocked with a few days' worth of food, coupled with this sudden disaster, everyone simply doesn't dare to go out, and when they've had a few days to slow down their strength, and know the importance of food After a few days of relaxation, knowing the importance of food, everyone will not be at home to sit and wait for death, they will go out to look for food.

        While frowning at the living dead wandering outside, Su Ning Mei heard Cheng Rong's voice behind her, Mom, come upstairs with me for a moment, I have something to tell you.

        Su Ningmei's heart stirred as she looked back at Cheng Rong, her face full of undisguised joy.

        Cheng Wenjun was still in a bad mood at the moment, listlessly shrinking on the sofa, and when she heard Cheng Rong's words, she said in a muffled voice, Ah Rong, what can't be said here?

        Cheng Rong insisted on going upstairs, Cheng Wenjun could only greet Chen Deqing and followed him upstairs. Seeing the two figures disappear around the corner of the stairs, and seeing Chen Deqing get up and go to the restroom, Su Ningmei then tiptoed up the stairs, quietly stopped outside Cheng Rong's room, and put her ear on the door.

        Cheng Rong s suppressed joy resounded inside, Mom, I want to tell you something, don t be alarmed ...... yet.

    6 Chapter 6

        Immediately following, Su Ningmei heard the room mileage Wenjun low exclamation, Ah, a ...... A Rong, what is going on? How ...... how come there is ...... this is lightning on your finger, right? Is it possible that I saw it wrong?

        Cheng Rong's voice was permeated with infinite excitement and joy, Mom, you're not wrong, I was also shocked when I discovered it this morning, it seems to be a thunder and lightning psychic ability. In the past, I read novels where the protagonist has this kind of situation, when the end times come, human beings will awaken their supernormal abilities, some of them are lightning supernormal abilities, some of them are wind supernormal abilities, some of them are fire supernormal abilities, and some of them are spatial supernormal abilities....... Mom, isn't it so amazing? Mom, I also tell you, I still have the spatial psychic ability, I am a dual system psychic ability, but the space area is not large, only a few square meters in size ...... should be upgraded. Mom, with these two supernormal abilities in the end of the world we will have the ability to protect ourselves, and maybe we can even achieve a career ......

        Su Ningmei couldn't listen any longer, she only felt chills all over her body. Even if she seized the space that the heroine was originally supposed to have and prevented her from cultivating the truth, so what, wasn't she still awakened to lightning powers and spatial powers? There wasn't much change at all from the direction of the novel's plot.

        Muddled back to her room, Su Ningmei sat cross-legged beside the lake in space, only feeling a burst of pain in her brain. She wore to the past few days, the general direction of the plot did not change at all, like the coming of the end of the world, Cheng Rong's lightning and spatial powers, does this mean that she, the number one female cannon fodder is also destined to be jianyin death by the herd of beasts with the direction of the plot in the future?

        Tightly clenched her fists, Su Ningmei got up and walked towards the cabin, she now intends to start the mutant thunder spirit root formation, she wants to let herself have a mutant spirit root, if it is the five spirit roots into a mutant thunder spirit root for her future cultivation is also very good, that may not be able to change the destiny, if the change can't be made, it would be better to let this formation hit the ashes is also better than the beasts that died to the strong.

        Into the cabin from the qi practicing method to pull out that yellowed paper, above clearly written how to open the array. Su Ningmei looked at the paper for half an hour, finally still out of the cabin, came to the formation, pricked his finger, blood fell on the yellow land, immediately a dazzling golden light, the ground appeared to draw a variety of incantations of the formation to. Hesitation, Su Ningmei still in accordance with the paper written above, stepped into the formation.

        Once inside, Su Ningmei felt like she was suffocating, followed by a burst of thunder in the sky. Su Ningmei looked up, the whole person is stupid, she even saw a small thumb thick lightning towards her straight down, subconsciously want to run out, the result of a leg has not lifted up, the lightning has already run in front of her, directly bombarded to the top of her head.

        Immediately, Su Ning Mei's clothes all over her body were blasted into powder, and her entire body was also black, and her cherished hair became a bird's nest. Su Ningmei only felt that all of her body stiffened, soft and numb, but her brain was abnormally clear, and the booming thunder sounded in her ears again.

        She wanted to cry without tears, who will save her ah, in this way to be chopped down, she only part of the ashes ah. That broken paper above did not write into the formation will be thunderbolt ah, have her so miserable!

        Just as he was thinking, a thunder struck down again, splitting Su Ningmei's body with only her eyes able to turn twice.

        Followed by the third and fourth thunder one after another, Su Ningmei can not feel his body is not still exist, the only thing that can move only brain, she can only hold on, she does not know how many ways this thunder will also be split, she only thought that she can not die, if the array under the ashes, there will never be her Su Ningmei this person, and even reincarnation is not possible. Although she loves to read a little spicy text, but even the first / kiss have not had, so she must not die, at least to find a boyfriend, so that she willingly taste the meat is what taste.

        Holding this thought, Su Ningmei persisted, a thunder rumbled down and hit her body, over and over again, Su Ningmei thought of nothing but persisting, gritting her teeth.

        I don't know how long it took, but Su Ning Mei was shocked to realize that the thunder in her ears was gone, success? Su Ning Mei heart a joy, the whole person can no longer withstand, fell to the ground with a bang. Lying on the ground I do not know how long, she only found the body of the initiative, move the fingers, the body is sore and painful, and then lay down for an hour before she reluctantly stood up, looked at the naked body, Su Ning Mei bitter smile, she can not run naked habit, or first go out to put on a body of clothes good.

        Came to the room, looked at the mirror naked self, Su Ning Mei suddenly froze a little, her whole body skin white, a head of black hair is also soft and smooth, not at all like being struck by lightning look. Since she was not struck by lightning, why did the clothes on her body turn into dust? So was she struck by lightning just now, and was the thunderbolt she saw with her naked eyes real or fake? Or is this all just her hallucination? Su Ningmei was a little confused.

        After thinking for a long time, Su Ningmei suddenly had an epiphany, she smiled, what's the harm if it's true or not, it's okay if she succeeds. Cultivation in the most taboo is the heart of the devil, she just that and the heart of the devil what is the difference?

        Putting on her clothes, she once again entered inside the space and came to the place where the cabin tested her spiritual roots, Su Ningmei took a deep breath and put her hand on it, looking at what was displayed on the tube, Su Ningmei's face stiffened.

        Didn't they say they could turn the five Spirit Roots into mutated Thunder Spirit Roots? It's good that she's become a Thunder Root, but why do the other five Spirit Roots still exist? What's going on here? So what was going on with her current spirit root? Nima, she was getting confused! A single spirit root was the fastest to cultivate and the easiest to attain, so wouldn't it be more difficult to cultivate in her case?

        Su Ningmei wanted to cry without tears, sullenly out of the space, just out of the space, outside the sound of Cheng Rong called her to eat dinner, unknowingly she has been in the space inside an afternoon. When she left her room, Cheng Rong was standing in front of her room with a big smile on her face.

        Xiaomei, quickly go down to eat, I got the spicy crayfish that you like to eat, if you don't eat it again I'm afraid you won't be able to eat shrimp in the future. Cheng Rong said, a hand pulled Su Ningmei toward the stairs. Su Ning Mei oh a sound, backhand to close the door of the house, the result of a pull, the door handle unexpectedly barred off by her.

        Ripped ...... off? Su Ningmei froze and looked at the door handle that was ripped off in her hand, what is going on?

        Cheng Rong heard the sound and turned around afterward, seeing the door handle in Su Ningmei's hand, she also froze, and then said in surprise, Xiaomei, is this your power awakening?

        Su Ning Mei embarrassed, she also felt as if she had inexhaustible strength, after tugging on the door, the entire door was ripped off for her ...... So is she now having a power awakening? Or is it the welfare treatment of being struck by lightning just now? Su Ningmei thought it was mostly because of being struck by lightning. However, why not change the treatment ah! Thinking about her future to take a bulky machete to cut zombies along the way she felt inexplicably joyful.

        In the text, like all mutants and alters are collectively referred to as Awakened.

        Cheng Rong obviously took Su Ningmei as an Awakened, and Su Ningmei didn't explain, now she finally had a life-saving skill.

        After going downstairs, the four of them ate dinner, Cheng Wenjun was about to clean up the dishes, but Cheng Rong stopped and smiled as she rushed to everyone, Dad, mom, I have something to announce to you all, today, Xiaomei and I have both become Awakened.

        Chen Deqing's heart trembled, there seemed to be some bad premonitions in his heart, when he looked up, he saw Cheng Rong staring at him and said word for word, I awakened my thunder supernormal ability in the morning, and Little Eyebrows just now awakened her power. As she said that, her fingers gently moved, and there was a flash of lightning on her fingertips, her fingers pointed to the large pastel colored vase in the corner of the wall, the lightning rushed towards the vase, and the vase instantly became fragments.

        Chen Deqing's face became even paler.

        Cheng Rong gave Chen Deqing a deep look, turned her head and smiled at Su Ningmei, Xiaomei, you perform one too.

        Su Ningmei did not have much interest, but still performed, gently pinched the wooden dining table, the table of a table should be broken. She knows why Cheng Rong want to hide the spatial ability, after all, lightning ability has been jealous enough, if in a spatial ability may be how other people will be jealous of framing her, for this spatial ability can not be exposed do not expose out, Cheng Rong is still very careful.

        Aside from Cheng Wenjun and Cheng Rong, the remaining two couldn't lift their spirits, Su Ningmei because of the spiritual root thing, and Chen Deqing because he was scared.

        Cheng Wenjun gently tugged on Chen Deqing's sleeve and smiled at him, Deqing, aren't you happy that Ah Rong and Xiao Mei have become Awakened? Even if it really gets worse in the future we don't have to be afraid, we have Ah Rong and Xiao Mei to protect us ......

        Of course I'm happy ......, Chen Deqing pulled the corners of his mouth, his smile was forced.

        Cheng Rong looked in her eyes and snorted coldly.

        For a moment, the four people were speechless again. Being silent, Chen Deqing's cell phone suddenly rang, pulling it out and looking at it, Chen Deqing was a little hesitant, but finally pressed the answer button, Hey, Dad ......

        A refined voice rang out on the other end of the phone, Deqing ah, it's dad, the world is in total chaos right now, do you know that? It's not safe for me and your mom, and your brother's family, and your sister's family to live here anymore, and there's not much food left in the house, so find someone to pick us up and bring us over to your neighborhood to live^

        Chen Deqing's face was a bit unsightly, Dad, you know what it's like outside, how can I go pick you guys up? There are those ghostly things everywhere out there now, what if they gnaw on you?

    7 Chapter 7 Fixing Typos

        The refined voice continued to roar, I'm your old man! You have to come over to pick me up even when it's chaotic outside! I let you marry such a rich daughter-in-law, and when you have money, you don't care about your family, do you!

        Angry Chen Deqing immediately hung up the phone.

        Su Ningmei sat on the sofa and watched with cold eyes, this Chen family can be extremely good.

        Chen's family is poor, it is difficult to provide a college student Chen Deqing, Chen Deqing see Su mother, make every effort to chase, then Su mother married Chen Deqing, not only with a large dowry, but also to Chen Deqing's family members have bought a house, not far away from this neighborhood. Usually Chen Deqing rarely go to see them, I did not expect the end to come, but the old man asked to go over to pick them up.

        Su Ningmei knew that according to the plot of the book, Chen Deqing would not go to pick them up, but a few days later the food over there was gone, and that family found a car on their own and drove to find them, and the main thing is that so extreme a family, surprisingly, no one is missing, and all of them came to the Su residence alive.

        Cheng Wenjun was a bit nervous and moved closer to Chen Deqing's side, Deqing, mom and dad are coming over to stay?

        The Chen family's two elders have always looked at Cheng Wenjun and Cheng Rong in a bad light, mainly because they feel that they are here to cheat their son's money, but they have never thought that this money is simply the former daughter-in-law's, where is their son's!

        Chen Deqing nodded and comforted Cheng Wenjun again, Don't worry, it's become such a situation outside, of course I won't go out to pick them up, let's just stay here properly and wait for the state to send a rescue team.

        Cheng Wenjun's delicate face then raised a smile, obviously she was afraid of the two Chen family members.

        Su Ningmei didn't want to waste any more time here and prepared to go back to her room to cultivate.

        Because the door of the room was broken, Su Ningmei changed the room, fortunately there were more rooms in the house. Followed by a few days in a row in the space to cultivate, because she could feel the aura, Su Ningmei did not even feel sleepy, at least twenty hours a day were spent practicing qi, she believed that diligence could make up for clumsiness.

        At this time, four days have passed since the end of the day, Su Ningmei ran for seventy-seven forty-nine small circumference days before she went out from the space. In these four days, her own power could be controlled a bit more, and it wouldn't be like the previous days when she accidentally touched something and broke it.

        These days Cheng Rong is also busy practicing lightning powers, Cheng Wenjun cooking is particularly difficult to eat, the family does not even have a cook, are casually eat something to solve the problem, two days ago the community has completely cut off the water, good thing Cheng Rong bought a lot of mineral water.

        Tearing a packet of instant noodles, Su Ningmei opened two bottles of mineral water and boiled it, soaking noodles to eat.

        Is eating, the door rang out the knocking sound, Su Ningmei holding the noodles to the door of the cat's eye to look at, see is two men, a man with gold-rimmed glasses, the man looks very good, wearing a casual suit, lined with a tall and straight body, some blood on the suit, the hair is also very messy, the expression of a little anxious, knocking at the door while looking back, as if there is something chasing the same. Behind the eye man there is a stout-looking man with a full beard, small eyes, and oily hair.

        Su Ningmei saw these two men, her eyes flashed, and she was about to ignore them when Cheng Rong's voice sounded behind her, Xiao Mei, who's outside?

        Su Ning Mei stuffed a mouthful of instant noodles into her mouth, I don't know, I don't know, sis, you mustn't open the door, the world outside has changed, who knows if it's the good guys or the bad guys out there, and we're still keeping so many supplies in our house, what if people come in and get greedy?

        Cheng Rong responded, but still looked toward the cat's eye, looked but did not say anything, and silently went back to the room.

        Seeing Cheng Rong leave, Su Ning Mei was relieved, the two men outside, one was Cheng Rong's future admirer number one, the other short ugly rub was Su Ning Mei's nightmare!

        The knocking outside lasted for a while and then disappeared, only then did Su Ningmei throw away the empty noodle bucket and went upstairs to continue her cultivation, now she can still only run the small circumference, the seven meridians and eight veins are not yet completely clear, she can't run the large circumference. Only after the seven meridians and eight veins are normally open can she store spiritual qi in her dantian, and learn other gongfu recipes, so that she will be able to fight against the zombies outside and the unknown dangers in the future.

        After spending another afternoon in the space and coming out, Su Ningmei heard two unfamiliar voices in the living room.

        My name is Yu Haojing, his name is Chen Daqiang, we are from a nearby company, we did not expect the end of the world to come suddenly, and hid in the company for a few days, no food and water which is why we thought of coming out to look for food, but we did not expect to be chased by these zombies here ...... just now, really thank you Ms. Cheng, or else we would have turned into zombies I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. This voice sounds through a sense of svengali. Followed by the sound of a duck-like voice, No, Ms. Cheng, really thank you, Ms. Cheng, we are a little hungry, do not know if you can give some food to eat?

        Hearing these two voices, Su Ning Mei's face immediately changed, she hurriedly went downstairs to take a look, and sure enough, it was those two people just now, now sitting peacefully in the living room of her house. The food and water in the living room is missing a large portion, obviously Cheng Rong received the room and the utility room to go.

        Seeing Su Ningmei ugly face, Cheng Rong was a little overjoyed, rushed to her to explain: Just now saw them at the door to be lost to chase, always hardened ...... my heart I just opened the door, Xiaomei, you don't be angry okay.

        What could Su Ningmei say? People had already come in, they couldn't just tell them to get out.

        These two people, Su Ningmei as the current owner, she didn't want to recall at all! This gentlemanly man is called Yu Haojing, the other short ugly rub is called Chen Daqiang, even the names are so differentiated! Working in a company near the neighborhood, Yu Haojing is the manager of the company, Chen Daqiang is the company's security chief.

        In the text, Cheng Rong also opened the door to let the two in, these two people, Yu Haojing is a fire alien, Chen

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