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King of Glory Doomsday Book
King of Glory Doomsday Book
King of Glory Doomsday Book
Ebook264 pages4 hours

King of Glory Doomsday Book

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Doomfall, Weapon Master System. A scythe, scythe blade and scythe tail inlaid with blue crystals still emitting an eerie blue light, looks exceptionally sharp.

An exaggeratedly shaped, crystallized blue thin-bladed war knife. A long spear with a peculiar shape, the tip of the spear emitting a faint white aura. A furry fox tail that danced

PublisherKevin Gray
Release dateJan 25, 2024
King of Glory Doomsday Book

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    King of Glory Doomsday Book - Rossana Nesta

    Chapter 2: The End is Nigh

        Zhang Haoxuan then swallowed the words on the edge of his mouth, began to carefully consider up, a little thought, then opened his mouth and said, These six weapons correspond to the king of tanks, warriors, assassins, mages, shooters, auxiliary six professions, that represents the auxiliary shield mountain can be ruled out first, the next face is the end of the world, or rely on their own! Said the eyes on the fox tail again, I a big man how can I use this kind of weapon, as the saying goes, women's clothing only zero and countless times, in case of falling in love with wearing women's clothing how to do, no no no! Exclude!

        Bai Qi is quite good, good candor, Echo of Blood can recharge, can return blood, or a small range aoe, but unfortunately the distance is too close, the Scythe of Death pulls the enemy back again, and the Arrogant Taunt taunts the enemy even more, I hate the feeling of being passive, and I'm not a masochist. Moreover, as far as my physique is concerned, I can't help a few hits, so I will be eliminated first! Zhang Haoxuan said with a slight pity.

        Armor Emperor? Not bad, this should be the ideal model, the excellent range of the Cyclopean Blade, the short knockback and dash slash attack of the Extreme Blade Storm, the damage increase, acceleration, and blocking of the Undying Demon Body are even better, so you can consider it.

        Han Xin's high mobility Relentless Charge's two-break displacement and knockdown control, Backwater's displacement and sweeping attack, Guo Shi Unrivaled's dominance, knockdown, and damage reduction are also very good, so keep it for now! After all, even if you can't fight, you can still run, not bad!

        As for Mark Polo, the long range advantage, the magnificent revolver that triggers the mana ball, the frenzied barrage, the acceleration and damage increase of the Wandering Gun, the passive chain reaction that can destroy defenses to deal real damage. It's simply not too cool, and the gun is even more deadly for a man!

        Zhang Haoxuan had already made up his mind, and then suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked the system, Is there a way for me to increase my attack speed, and the accompanying spell effect? System.

        The system sniffed and immediately replied, Of course! There are still 2 minutes left, please decide as soon as possible, host!

        Zhang Haoxuan sniffed and took a deep breath, his tone was certain as he said, I choose Mark Polo!

        Drop! The host has chosen the Gun of Marco Polo, system build in progress, taking 5 minutes. The build has begun! Now, please ask any questions the host has as soon as possible, while the weapon is being built, the System Intelligence will also be temporarily hibernated due to the exhaustion of its backup energy, and during the hibernation period the system will only provide basic abilities!

        Zhang Haoxuan heard the words can not help but panic, hurriedly organize thoughts, will now think of the question hastily asked: How can I let the system from dormant wake up, how can I increase the attack speed, additional attack special effects? And I already have the hero's skills, so what is the skill page in the system? Why is the system weapon in King's Honor?

        Alien creature brain has the probability to produce soul crystals, a sufficient number of soul crystals can make the system restart, as for the speed of attack, mana balls, etc. is because the host can be forged in the system weapons page in addition to the hero weapons and equipment crystals, equipment crystals can be inlaid in the weapon, equipment crystals forging formula is in the chart, the host can check by themselves! Of course, the host also need to go to the store to buy engraved blade for the weapon to cut crystal holes, can be inlaid.

        The system paused and continued, The system skill page is a natural skill, only passive effects, you can understand it as the original game's inscriptions. As for the system weapon is the King's Honor's is because, among the blueprints scanned when the system was opened, its the most suitable, the system binds itself!

        Weapon forging is complete, the weapon is automatically stored in the backpack, the system intelligence will fall into hibernation, good luck to the host! As soon as the system's words fell, only three of the six sub-pages immediately turned gray and dark, leaving only the backpack, information and illustrations still available.

        Zhang Haoxuan sighed and walked out onto the balcony, quietly looking at the blood clouds churning in the distance, his lowered hand had at some point tightened its grip on his twin guns!

        Blood clouds churned in the sky, and suddenly, a thunderclap exploded and began to drift a little blood-colored rain. The sound of the thunder also woke up the entire city, the quiet city suddenly became noisy, households lit up, Zhang Haoxuan looked at the opposite side of the house of surprise, fear, curiosity could not help but sigh. Secretly whispered: I do not know what is the next end of the world? Biochemical crisis? Alien invasion? It was too late to ask just now, I really hate this feeling of knowing nothing!

        The fine rain came and went quickly! When the rain slowly stopped, Zhang Haoxuan suddenly felt a faint yellow light emanating from the twin guns in his hands. Right at this moment, a sudden change occurred, a couple in the opposite building, one moment they were talking and laughing, the next moment, the girl opened her mouth and bit the man's neck. The man's eyes wide open, full of unbelief, mouth whimpering, as if wanting to say something. Meanwhile, a similar situation happened almost simultaneously all over the city. At the late-night snack stand, the two people who were talking and blowing off steam one moment, the next moment there was only one person left riding on top of the other and tearing his flesh and blood.

        Zhang Haoxuan tightened his jacket, sighed deeply, turned around and picked up the backpack on the sofa and went out. Resident Evil? The zombies in the movie don't seem to be hard to deal with and slow! Come on! Mordecai!

    Chapter Three: Zombies! The First Battle

        Zhang Haoxuan went down to the bottom of the building in no time, catwalked towards the door, and through the glass unit door, a glance revealed that there was actually a zombie not far from the door!

        Damn! You say you stayed up most of the night, wandering the hell out there, and now you've turned into a zombie! Harming others and yourself! Zhang Haoxuan thought that he turned into a zombie after being drenched in blood and rain, but he forgot that he had just witnessed the entire process of alienation of the young couple in the opposite building! Zhang Haoxuan thought of touching towards the door of the unit, gently opened the door a crack, raised the gun in his hand and fired a shot, there was no splendid skills, no moving light effects, nothing happened! The scene seems to stand still, Zhang Haoxuan raised his arm and shot, the zombie stared blankly at the food not knowing why. Suddenly, only in the midst of the zombie's roar did Zhang Haoxuan finally come back to his senses and shut the door in shock. With his back against the door, he shouted, Damn! How does this thing work! I actually forgot to ask! Saying that, Zhang Haoxuan hurriedly opened the system while muttering, And didn't give an instruction manual! Really! Instructions?

        Zhang Haoxuan thought and hurriedly clicked to the icon page, only to see that the hero armed page in the icon was not empty like before. A Mark Polo's icon shone brightly in it, Zhang Haoxuan was too busy to click on it, only to see that it was densely packed with numerous information, and he quickly found the information he wanted at a glance!

        No way! Do you have to be so middle-aged! Zhang Haoxuan couldn't help but laugh bitterly as he looked at the information in the iconography. After saying this, he raised the twin guns in his hands and shouted out of his mouth, The world is so big, I want to come and take a look!

        Just as he finished speaking, Zhang Haoxuan only felt a warm energy flow out of the twin guns in his hands, flowing down his arms, neck, and towards his brain.

        In an instant, as the energy flowed into the brain, a wave of information poured in along with it. An instant later Zhang Haoxuan Zhang Haoxuan opened his eyes and muttered with clarity, So that's how it is! Weapon Specialization gains skill points with a cap of 15 levels. Isn't that just like in the game? ok! Choose to learn! Gorgeous Revolver!

        Zhang Haoxuan said as he looked out the door again, only to see the zombies frantically slapping the door, and the tempered glass door was also hit with a snowflake-like fine lines!

        Zhang Haoxuan raised his gun and fired at the gate, one shot, two shots. Finally, the door could not withstand the attack from both inside and outside. Bam sound, shattered, glass ballast flying in the sky, in this instant, only to see Zhang Haoxuan changed from the previous loose, serious look at the zombies rushing over, raised his right hand, gorgeous revolver launched! A series of 5 rounds of bullets were fired at the zombies that came from the Mercedes Benz, and the moment the skill was launched, Zhang Haoxuan also moved his feet lightly, pulling away from the zombies, moving from the aisle to the elevator room while attacking the zombies with a general attack. A dozen rounds of bullets hit the zombie's body, beating its already rotten, shedding flesh is even more mutilated, but strangely enough, this does not affect the zombie's movement in the slightest. Soon, Zhang Haoxuan realized that something was wrong: The promised slow speed of the zombie! This is called slow? Zhang Haoxuan's figure turned and flashed into the elevator room. The zombie followed closely behind, the distance between the two sides has been closed to within 1m, close enough to have entered the zombie's attack distance! At this moment, the gorgeous revolver cd finally turned good, Zhang Haoxuan brain a flash of light, a series of bullets rushed to the zombie head shot, the huge impact of the bullets hit the zombie head back a Yang, the body shape is also for the lunge, when the second round of bullets shot in the head of the zombie, the zombie's head like a watermelon burst open, red and white all sorts of disgusting solid-liquid mixture exploded all over the entire elevator room. Zhang Haoxuan looked at the disgusting scene in front of him, smelling the flavor of the liquid all over his body, wow threw up!

        While vomiting, Zhang Haoxuan's mind was spinning madly, How stupid! It's not like we're really playing a game, hitting the head earlier might have solved it long ago!

        Zhang Haoxuan finally slowed down after vomiting for a while, forcibly suppressing the nausea in his heart and rummaging through the dirt that covered the ground. Not long after, Zhang Haoxuan held a red crystal in his hand and muttered with a frown, This should be the soul crystal, right? Whatever, let's put it away first.

        Zhang Haoxuan was too busy to organize and pocketed the soul crystals as soon as he could. He hurriedly walked towards the door, I have to hurry up, fortunately, there are pharmacies and kiosks in the neighborhood, so I have to collect more supplies. Along the way fortunately did not encounter zombies, soon Zhang Haoxuan came to the door of the kiosk, bang bang two shots to the kiosk door lock broken, cat waist drilled into the kiosk inside.

        Zhang Haoxuan just started his own robbery business, he heard a voice in the house, Who is it? Zhang Haoxuan raised his eyes to look, only to see a small girl with a baseball bat trembling from the inner room out, white skin, a pair of eyes as big as will speak generally, upright nose, handsome mouth, plus a head of lovely "come to the volume, just with the pale face, let a person to add a point of pity.

    Chapter 4: Guan Yangyang

        Zhang Haoxuan froze at his words and scratched his head awkwardly. Little girl, I'm here to buy something! Hehehe. You probably don't know, this world has changed, money is already waste paper, all for you! Zhang Haoxuan said as he took out his wallet and placed all of the thousand dollars in bits and pieces on the counter. The girl's eyes darkened at this and she whispered, No, I know, you take it! However, you have to allow me to follow you! At the end of her words, the little girl's eyes focused on the double guns in Zhang Haoxuan's hands.

        Zhang Haoxuan looked at the girl looking at her twin guns, and after a slight thought, he figured it out, and couldn't help but mentally exclaimed, What a smart person! With just a moment's thought in his mind, Zhang Haoxuan interjected, It's fine! You follow me first. After all, Zhang Haoxuan was a young man who had just stepped into society in a peaceful society, and his heart still held the concept of a peaceful society. In the spirit of being able to help, he did not even think about it and agreed.

        Thanks, let me help you. The girl jumped happily at the news and hurriedly opened her mouth. Soon, the two of them had stuffed a backpack full of food, and turned their heads to go to the pharmacy to rob again. Along the way, they encountered two zombies wearing security uniforms, and although Zhang Haoxuan, who had experience, did not find it easy, he solved them at speed! In the girl to collect medicines in the neglect again harvested two soul crystals.

        The two of them had no words along the way, and after going to the pharmacy to gather supplies for a while, they rushed back to Zhang Haoxuan's residence. Only when they returned did Zhang Haoxuan let out a long breath and sat paralyzed on the sofa. You're Mark Polo? The girl, after seeing that she was safe, couldn't hold back the questions in her mind any longer and opened her mouth to ask.

        Uh... Just take it as I am! Hey, paper can't hold fire after all, I can't imagine that the secret I've been hiding for more than twenty years can't be hidden after all! Zhang Haoxuan sighed with a despondent expression. The girl listened with a black face.

        By the way, my name is Guan Yang Yang, what's yours?

        Zhang Haoxuan!

        What's next? Wait here for help?

        Zhang Haoxuan looked at the little girl in front of him who was still naively hoping for rescue, and couldn't help but shake his head, secretly thinking in his heart, This end of the world is destroying a planet whose technology is far superior to ours, and the army is afraid that it will be difficult to protect itself as well! What should we do next? It's time to plan properly!

        Go to sleep first, we'll talk about it tomorrow when we wake up! Zhang Haoxuan raised his head and said at Guan Yangyang, then got up and walked towards the bedroom. Guan Yangyang looked at the bedroom door slowly closing, and couldn't help but roll her eyes, A big girl like a flower is standing in front of you, and you're actually still sleeping! Don't know what's good for you. After saying that, he leaned against the sofa and fell asleep, and in no time, his breathing fell into a calm.

        Early the next morning, Zhang Haoxuan woke up and opened his eyes to see the sunlight pouring in through the window, he couldn't help but stay dumbfounded and muttered, When will this world let the sunlight shine again? With that, he shook his head, took out the soul crystals he had collected earlier, opened the system, and studied it.

        Only just after taking out the Soul Crystal, he saw that the Soul Crystal suddenly turned into a bit of flowing light and merged into the system. A buffer bar suddenly appeared above the system screen, and Zhang Haoxuan looked at it and frowned: 3/5? Still need 2 more to awaken the system? ok!

        Saying that, Zhang Haoxuan closed the system and headed towards the living room, just opened the door, and at a glance, he saw Guan Yangyang lying on the sofa on all fours. With a crunching sound, Guan Yangyang stared blankly at the man in front of her who was still savoring the moment: What are you doing!

        Zhang Haoxuan looked at the girl in front of him, whose lips were slightly trembling with anger and who could not speak well, and could not help but laugh out loud, ''Haha, I didn't see that you slept too much and wanted to wake you up! Right? Alright, no more jokes, I'll tell you properly about my next plans, so think about whether or not you want to continue following me! After a pause, Zhang Haoxuan changed his previous expression and said seriously, I'm going to Jiaotong University next, originally it takes half an hour to get there, about two kilometers, now these two kilometers will be even harder to walk! Think about it, do you want to go or not!"

        Can you tell me what you're going for? Guan Yangyang looked at the closed-mouthed boy in front of her and interjected, Okay, forget it if you don't tell me, but can't you drive?

        No, the sound of the car will only cause a wave of corpses, and then it might be even more dangerous.

        Guan Yangyang hesitated for a while before raising her head and smiling bitterly, I'm afraid it's even more dangerous on my own! I can only follow you as well.

        Zhang Haoxuan nodded at his words and interjected, Good, then get ready and set off immediately.

        In a short while, the two of them scurried out from the residence, and just as they went out, Zhang Haoxuan looked at the opposite side of the door that was completely deformed and open and drank lowly, Be careful, stand behind me.

        Just after he finished speaking, he only heard a roar coming from the corner of the building! A large and a small zombie took a hobbling step and rushed towards Zhang Haoxuan and the two of them, Zhang Haoxuan calmly looked at the two zombies and secretly calculated the distance. Open the door! While saying this, his right hand raised the gun flatly, and the magnificent revolver was unleashed. A string of bullets shot out, running towards the zombie's brain. The zombie didn't know how to think, and continued to charge at the bullets! The huge impact of the first bullet made the zombie's pace not be able to stop, the body tilted back. Just about to fall down, the zombie behind the first zombie hit, narrow space, making the second small zombie completely hide behind the big zombie. The big zombie's head had exploded after eating 5 bullets from the gorgeous revolver. However, he didn't want his body to be pushed forward by the small zombie for two more steps. However, it was these two steps that allowed the small zombie to get close to Zhang Haoxuan.

    Chapter V. System recovery

        Zhang Haoxuan looked at the small zombie on top of the zombie's shield and couldn't help but be stunned, and when he came back to his senses, the zombie's face that was peeling off its skin and missing flesh was already less than half a meter away from him. His pupils shrunk, and he couldn't help but think in his heart, Where is the promised protagonist? Is it going to end before it starts? Just in the nick of time, a huge force came from behind him, Bang a huge door closing sound resounded through the building, it turned out to be in the nick of time Guan Yangyang pulled him back to the room and closed the door. Zhang Haoxuan looked at Guan Yangyang who was leaning against the door in front of him, panting heavily. Thank you! The voice was low, but contained gratitude!

        Big Brother! Trouble you, just focus next time, and you don't have to thank me, if you die, I won't live long either! Guan Yangyang said helplessly.

        While the two were talking, the conversation was broken by the violent slamming of the door with a BOOM. Come here! Said Zhang Haoxuan as he held the little girl's hand and hid behind the sofa.

        Bang Bang Bang a series of three shots, hit the door, Zhang Haoxuan accuracy is good, just one shot in the door lock, the door opened, but the small zombie because of their own inertia of the door appears to be a little staggered, Magnificent Revolver launched, bullets shot out, the head of the small zombie ate a round of Magnificent Revolver, also cracked the skull and fell to the ground in response. After a round of magnificent revolver, also head cracked, fell to the ground in response to the sound.

        Zhang Haoxuan got up and collected the two soul crystals and then stood in the hallway, with his back to the room and his back to Guan Yang Yang opened the system and threw the two soul crystals into it, only to hear his ears ringing once again, Dropping, host, the Weapon Master System is happy to serve you once again!

        System, I have some questions I need to ask you? Zhang Haoxuan mumbled in his mind based on his past experience of reading novels, not asking out loud as he did before.

        Please ask, host!

        Zhang Haoxuan was delighted at his words, confirming the speculation in his heart, and then asked, Is the system something that only I can see?

        Right! Host!

        Zhang Haoxuan nodded at his words and interjected, Then when will I be able to build a second weapon?

        "Host, you can build a

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