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The Cat's Going To Change
The Cat's Going To Change
The Cat's Going To Change
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The Cat's Going To Change

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After crossing over, Yu Yan looks at everything a little bit wrong.

Look at the table.

[Wooden table: flat, weathered wooden table.]

Look at the senior brother.

[Eldest Brother: Look at this guy's thick eyebrows, he must have bad intentions.]

PublisherEva Webb
Release dateApr 15, 2024
The Cat's Going To Change

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    The Cat's Going To Change - Ronald Kempf

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    The Cat's Going To Change

    Copyright © 2024 by Ronald Kempf

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-9251-0

    Cover designed by Ronald Kempf

    Edited by Ronald Kempf

    The Cat's Going To Change

    Chapter 1 The Tainted Statue of Buddha

        Cold moon, no light.

        The wind was sharp, blowing into the outdated Buddhist hall and causing the flames on the oil lamps to waver.

        A young monk with a clear face and a lowered brow sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue that looked hideous because of the dimness, not saying a word, seemingly resigned to his fate.

        And a slender figure standing in front of this young monk, satisfied with sucking out the last mouthful of yang qi from this monk, that overly delicate almond face, then showed a smile.

        The indistinct sound of a woman's laughter suddenly resounded eerily in this Buddhist hall and spread out, but all of a sudden it mingled into the sound of that whistling wind, and no one could hear it anymore.


        A deafening thunder came, and in the midst of that electric light, the Buddha Hall brightened up a few points at once.

        The pale electric light reflected on the delicate almond face, and she showed a few moments of timidity before she busied herself by turning in place.

        At once, her figure was hazy, as if she was vaporized, and when the wind blew, she disappeared from within this Buddhist hall.

        I do not know how long has passed, just at the moment when the sound of rain finally sounded outside the Buddha Hall, the young monk who had long been dead for a long time, seemed to struggle, fiercely double opened his eyes!

        Only, looking at the scene inside this Buddha Hall, the young monk who should have been accustomed to it was at this moment at a loss.


        While his eyes were dull and he was muttering under his breath, the images that kept surfacing in his mind made Yu Diem intermittently understand what was going on with him.

        He crossed over.

        And it also appears to be a borrowed body.

        Just thinking of the picture just now, that laughter seemed to be lingering in the bottom of his heart, which made Yu Yan immediately leaped out of the bottom of his heart a cold air, followed by his body shivering.

        That woman ...... seems to be a ghost.


        Yu Yan is a little bit unable to continue to calm down, there are actually ghosts here!!!!


        And it's the same ghost that runs into a Buddhist temple and harms people.

        Isn't this ghost a bit too much? If you don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha, his brain is shiny at the moment!

        But then, Yu Yan froze.

        What is it?

        In front of him was a broom leaning against the corner of the Buddha Hall.

        This needs no explanation.

        What Yu Yan was wondering at this moment was that after he unconsciously saw this broom, a strange square-headed bracket suddenly ran out within his field of vision.

        [Broom: woven from bamboo sticks by a handy old woman who wanted to sell it to subsidize her family's household and buy a dose of fake medicine from a well-known old quack in the Zhuangzi for her bedridden old man, but ended up listening to the words of her old girlfriend next door who sent the broom to be offered to the Buddha Hall.]

        Famous Old Quacks ......

        Counterfeit Drugs ......

        Old BFF ......

        Yu Yan, who had been slotted for a while, subconsciously looked to the left.

        There was a table set up there.

        After watching for about three seconds, a square-headed bracket ran out and across his field of vision.

        [Wooden table: a plain, weathered wooden table.]

        This introduction is rather short.

        But Yu Yan is also finally sure that this is not their own cross-boundary self-psychosis, out of mind crazy to produce a delusion.

        It looks pretty impressive! I'll look at something else.

        Muttering, out of curiosity, Yu Diem looked at an oil lamp on the plain wooden table.

        [Oil Lamp: The old oil lamp, which has been enshrined in the Buddha Hall for many years, is diligent and hard-working, but also has repeatedly watched the female ghost seducing the young monk and draining the young monk of 404 images without realizing it.]

        Yu Yan wanted to spit so badly, but he felt that he should be horrified before doing so.

        Then, Yu Yan thought seriously about a question, No one should find out if we throw away this oil lamp, right?

        So, he stood up, reached out, and threw the oil lamp right out.

        Bang bang!

        The oil lamp spun on the outside floor tiles and the flame went out with it.

        That's what happens when you know too much.

        Then he turned his head to look at the hideous Buddha statue behind him.

        This offering seemed to be which one of the Heavenly King Bodhisattvas, but since Yu Yan was not familiar with the Buddhist Bodhisattva Lohan, he could not recognize it.

        The familiar square-headed brackets ran out again.

        [Polluted Buddha statue: The stone statue of Emperor Rakshasa Sky King enshrined in the Rakshasa Temple, which has lasted for many years, has been polluted, with its Buddha nature fading away and its evil nature festering; meditating and practicing under the statue can attract ghosts into the temple.]

        Yu Yan froze for a moment.

        Then he rubbed his eyes and took another look at the statue.

        No change.

        The square-headed brackets are still the same content, and the Buddha statue has not had a facelift, and still has that look of a scared child who will not cry until his master becomes a Buddha.

        Yu Yan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say and froze speechless.

        But he also finally understood how this Shenxiu monk, who had been borrowed by himself, was gone!

        It turns out that it's not this monk who's immodest, it's this statue of Buddha that's immodest!

        But, speaking of which, isn't it a bit too much pressure to use Shenxiu as a Dharma name? It was only then that Yu Yan thought of this, using this Dharma name, he was afraid that he would want to go to heaven!

        Can I go to the abbot and discuss a change of dharma name? Yu Yan began to think about the possibility, then in less than three seconds he gave up.

        Because of this ...... no way.

        He went to the abbot, who would probably just give him a look of stupidity and then give him a consistent amount of money to go to a well-known old quack doctor on the estate.

        Of course, that money wasn't given for free, it had to be deducted from the yearly offerings his family gave to the temple.

        Because this world's monks, whether Taoist priests, or monks, are sitting on offerings, not productive, so the imperial court in a few hundred years ago, made a clear rule, but all monks and Taoist priests, must be literate three thousand, can interpret the Taoist collection of Buddhist scriptures, and then you can get the monk ultimatum from the Yamen, formally become a legitimate monk!

        Only monks who possessed the document of monkhood were allowed to eat fasting and chanting without having to work on the land and were exempted from taxes and levies.

        Those who don't have a monk's document are wild monks and loose practitioners!

        Not allowed to enter the temple, not allowed to enter the city, not allowed to ask for offerings, once found, the first time escorted to the government field labor for three months and then expelled, repeat offenders directly arrested and imprisoned, and then paraded in the streets!

        This harsh legal provision directly leads ...... to the fact that this devotee has become the first choice of the cold family to avoid taxes.

        At least that's how Yu Diem's predecessor, Shen Xiu, got out of the house.

        His family was made rich by his father's early fortune, and although Shin-su was the eldest in the family, since Shin-su's father made a fortune and then married a few more beautiful daughters-in-law, which all gave Shin-su's father a big, fat son, which made Shin-su's father start to not like Shin-su very much since then.

        Because of Shinsu's mother, a peasant woman from the countryside, Shinsu's father has always felt that this is a disgrace to him.

        It was so that Shinsoo's mother, ten years ago, was angered to death by his father.

        Since then the relationship between father and son has been rigid to the core.

        Later, after hearing that his father was going to send him to Rakugoji Temple to become a monk, Shenxiu, who was only eight years old at the time, did not hesitate and agreed to do so at the drop of a hat.

        After a period of studying Buddhism, he also managed to get the ultimatum to become a monk. And his family's fields and stores were naturally put under his father's name as a way to avoid taxes.

        In this way, Shenxiu ate fasting and recited Buddha's name in the Rakkyoji Temple, while his family paid yearly offerings year after year. This money does not belong to Shenxiu, but is just a hush money that his family gives to Rakkyoji.

        Sort of a deal.

        It's just that everyone is in the dark.

    Chapter 2 The Cat I've Had for Nine Years

        Yu Yan walked out of the Buddha Hall.

        Before he crossed over, his predecessor would run to the Buddhist temple in the middle of the night, after being softly called by the ghost, and then ran there by himself.

        So it's kind of a bullshit way to learn the Dharma for so many years.

        Yu Yan ventriloquized.

        He gazed around casually, there was a small forest outside the corridor, it was said to have been planted in a very short period of time, only seven or eight years, but the trees had grown extraordinarily strong.

        Unconsciously, the gaze lingered for like two or three seconds.

        Then a square headed bracket ran out.

        [Demon Tree Nourished by Flesh and Blood: Underneath the roots of the tree are buried the bodies of the real monks in the Rotten Apricot Temple twelve years ago. Back then, the strong men who broke in brutally killed all the monks in the temple and buried them under this tree, which nourishes the land but also makes the place full of grievances. The souls of the grudging dead monks from twelve years ago hover in these demonic trees, and every night of the full moon, they will take the opportunity to peer at the living in this temple!

        Yu Yan: ......

        Is this his way of unveiling the quest?

        But why is there suddenly a bit of tenderness in the soles of the feet ......


        With a broken heart, Yu Yan pulled his legs and ran.

        All the way to hurry panic, as if behind a pair of eyes staring at their own like, especially that a stretch of endless like a small forest, but also let Yu Diem no reason to be terrified.

        It was still raining, but it had turned into a cowry.

        Yu Yan didn't dare to look from side to side all the way, fearing that something would suddenly leap out of the darkness and take a bite out of him, killing him.

        Finally saw the monk's house, and the memory of the picture overlap, Yu Yan heart a happy, then hastened to speed up the pace, to find his own live in the one.

        Pushing the door open, Yu Yan stepped inside and then hurriedly closed it behind him.

        With his back against the door, he mentally sighed in relief.

        This place is the predecessor lived for almost ten years, most of the memory images in the mind, but also mostly related to this room, although they are just in the mute chanting Buddhist rituals, but also let Yu Diem subconsciously peace of mind.

        Seeing that he couldn't see anything inside the house, he went to light the oil lamp in the dark.

        With the sparks of the fire folders flung, suddenly the fire flickered, bean-sized halo in this room haloed open, the light is very dim, but also let Yu Diem see clearly the scene inside the house.

        The furnishings in the room were very simple, a hardwood bed, an eight immortal table, and a chair. Separately, they were all leaning against the wall, and on the tabletop, there were several books, perhaps Buddhist scriptures or the like.

        However, the memories of the Divine Show that Yu Yan had acquired were only seven or eight out of ten and were not complete, so he could not remember what books had been put there.

        Overall, this is a very simple room for monks.

        As Yu Yan looked over, the square-headed brackets floated on and on, but there was nothing unusual about any of them, and even the introductions in the square-headed brackets were simple, as was the plain table in the Buddha Hall.

        At that moment, a meow suddenly sounded behind him.

        Yu Yan was first shocked, but he immediately reacted to the fact that it was the cat owned by his predecessor!

        In his mind, inside the memories of the divine show, almost half of them, were about this cat.

        It was a young cat that Shen Xiu had picked up in the bushes outside the temple when he was doing his morning lessons not long after he had received his monk's document. The cat was so sickly that it couldn't even open its eyes, and its fur was even slimier and a bit stinky.

        It is thought that the cat's mother abandoned it when she saw it was dying.

        It's a hopeless situation for the cat's mother.

        At that time, when Shenxiu saw it, he couldn't bear to see it, so he wrapped the kitten in his monk's robe despite its dirtiness and carefully brought it back to the monk's house to raise it.

        I didn't realize that he was actually allowed to feed him!

        Since then, the cat had accompanied Shinsoo for nine full years.

        But right now, listening to this cat's cry that felt familiar to him as if it was his body's instinct, Yu Yan inexplicably went into a bit of a trance.

        This ...... things are different!

        The cat is still there, but the clean-cut monk who originally raised the cat has long since been dispersed.

        Thinking very emotionally, Yu Yan turned around.

        As expected, he saw a civet cat.

        The memories in his mind overlapped instantly with it.

        The cat was not very big, and it was obvious that it hadn't eaten much well within this temple either. However, the fur color was even and clean, and there was nothing sickly about it, and what was more striking was that the four cat paws were as white as snow.

        It's four hooves in the snow.

        A rarer character, the four-footed snow can be a heartbreaker for many cat lovers.

        Yu Yan had studied cats a little, and when he saw this, he could not help but feel a slight sense of joy in his heart.

        The previous life has already become a cloud of smoke, since the cross over, then inherit this monk identity, properly continue to live. Moreover, not to pick up a four-hoofed snow treader for nothing?

        Yu Yan couldn't help but want to reach out and pet the cat.

        This civet cat does not exclude Yu Yan, after all, Yu Yan is using the skin of the Divine Beauty, inside the core changed, but the skin is still the same look.

        But just as his hand reached out, Yu Yan froze.

        Because the familiar square-headed brackets are running out again.

        [Moonless: a civet cat of extraordinary character, with deep blessings, after nine years, a monk in place of his life, he has survived the three plagues, and can be sacred, and will be transformed into a form in the near future!

        Diem: ????

        He knew that Moonshine was the cat s name, but didn t this mean that - the cat ...... that Monk Shenxiu had kept for nine years was going to change?

        Also, what the hell is this monks passing through the three plagues in lieu of life!

        How did Yu Yan feel at this moment that it was not his lack of Buddhist training that would kill him in this predecessor?

        Because of his inherited memories, his predecessor's study of the Buddhist scriptures and teachings was very thorough, and he had a sense of immediacy that his thoughts were penetrating and the eight winds were not moving.

        Yu Yan didn't know what to say for a moment.

        Unorthodox Buddha Hall, unorthodox rotten apricot temple, this moment also come a unorthodox cat, the predecessor of the God show monk this is the eight lifetimes of bad luck, only to come here as a monk ah!

        So, doesn't that say one thing - being a monk is a dead end?


        Yu Yan was again a bit unable to calm down, but at that moment, he suddenly felt an itch in the palm of his hand.

        Looking over, it turned out that he didn't move his hand much as he stretched it out, and this cat ran over by itself and rubbed its head against his palm. Being rubbed by this cat, Yu Yan's mind instantly became active.

        This looks like an ancient world, but inside and out, how do you look at it, there is a weird chatty painting style. So, this cat that just needs to be transformed into an adult, is it possible for him to hug his thighs a little bit?

        In terms of a cat's age, this cat that had lived for nine years, converted to an adult's lifespan, that was already at an age where he could receive a pension. So, it wasn't too much of a stretch for him, as a teenager, to hug the thighs of an old grandpa or grandma, was it?

        Yu Yan instantly raised his eyebrows and gave the cat up, which then skillfully put its paw on his shoulder.

        Seeing this, Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

        The cat was about to take form, but failed to realize that he was no longer the original Shenxiu monk.

        With this in mind, Yu Yan wanted to ascertain the male and female of the cat, lest when the cat transformed, he could not tell the gender for a moment and then gave the wrong name.

        For this, Yu Yan can't help but complain a little about this predecessor of his, Monk Shenxiu, who had raised cats for nine years, and actually couldn't even distinguish between males and females?

        Come, let me see if you are a male or a female, speaking of which you have been with the poor monk for many years, and the poor monk still does not know if you are a male or a female. Yu Yan said so righteously, and turned the cat over.

        The cat looked at Yu Yan for a split second, then an extremely humanized look of shame appeared in its eyes, followed by a claw pressing on Yu Yan's face.

        Ouch! Ouch ouch ouch! You quickly loosen your claws! Poor monk this is a face, not pig skin.

        .............................. ...............

        [Spoiler Alert: The protagonist is just what he thinks he is crossing over, but is actually two wisps of residual spirit (it is explained later what residual spirit is) incarnated.]

        [Taking a Monk for a Life: It is Moonless who wants the protagonist to give up his monkhood so that he can be one with her life.]

    Chapter 3: This Cat is a Billion Degrees of Immodesty

        Yu Yan covered his cheeks that were scratched painfully, and then saw that civet cat jumped onto the eight immortal table with a light stance, and then squatted and glanced at him, and he didn't know if it was his illusion, but at this moment, the civet cat's cat tail that wagged as if it were a dog's tail gave him a strong sense of vestigial vision that it was gloating.

        This one has really come of age.

        Yu Yan couldn't help but silently bellyache in his mind.

        If he hadn't known that the cat was about to transform into an adult, a leg to hold in the force, he would have wanted to give the cat the middle finger at this moment.

        Known each other for nine years, and it turns out you can't even get him to roll over.

        So, Yu Yan had to rely on himself.

        He thought carefully.

        Then he thought it was more likely that the cat was a male.

        Because in the memory of the predecessor, the past nine years, the cat most of the time and the predecessor of the time, even if sometimes missing, it is often only half a day time, the predecessor to do homework, or to meet with which guests back, immediately saw the cat, so really if the mother cat, should have been a kitten cubs.

        After all, cats are creatures that go into heat three to four times a year.

        As for why this cat is not as large as male cats, I think it is because the food in this rotten apricot temple is not very good.

        At this time, the rain outside the sudden rush, crackling, such as rain beating bananas, and with it, there is a melodious dong, this is the sound of the bell, it turns out that this unconsciously, it is already the fifth day of the night.

        It's also known as cinnabar, three to five in the morning.

        It's almost dawn, too.

        Yu Yan could not help but subconsciously pop up a thought in his mind - it was going to be dawn, so even if there were still ghosts inside this rotten apricot temple, they should not be working overtime to come out of work in the wee hours of the morning, right?

        Then Yu Yan, whose spirit was steeply relieved, felt a very deep sense of drowsiness.

        This body by the female ghost sucked away a lot of Yang Qi, Yu Yan before tense nerves do not feel, but at this time the heart unconsciously relaxed, the feeling of fatigue and sleepiness suddenly surged to the head, so that he yawned again and again.

        Yu Yan glanced at the cat, not caring whether the cat could understand him or not, he said vaguely, The poor monk will go to sleep first, and you will also rest early.

        Then he sat down on the bed and fell right back to sleep.

        The cat on the desktop froze when she saw Yu Yan, who had fallen asleep all of a sudden, because this was the first time in all her years that she had seen the monk looking so sleepy.

        Just like a dead pig.

        In the past, this monk, sleeping can be very elegant, let her look secretly envious.

        A poem that she had heard recited before - Gongzi Shimizu - would be very apt if used to describe this monk.

        And looking at the monk, who was sleeping dead and dead at the moment, Moonless's two ears suddenly twitched, and she suddenly had a bold idea that she had never had before - she wanted to go to bed and sleep!

        In the past, this stingy monk has not allowed himself to go to bed, now since this monk sleeps so deeply, then I think that even if she goes up, this monk will not know it?

        At that thought, the two cat eyes instantly brightened up as if they could glow.

        She was very heartened.

        The more she thought about it, the more impressed she became, so she was ready to pay the price.

        Then, with a leap, she went down from the table and landed gently on the ground without a sound. Just as she tried to jump onto the bed, though, she hesitated again.

        Because she didn't like seeing the monk frown.

        How can such a good-looking monk's brow be furrowed?

        And what about the monk who frowned all of a sudden when she remembered trying to run to bed at night once!

        That's a real stingy monk.

        She looked at the monk on the bed, she was worried, what if the monk fell asleep and suddenly woke up again in the middle of the night? In that case, wouldn't he find her again?

        Huh, why do I suddenly feel like I'm missing something?

        It seems to be ...... right, it's not the middle of the night anymore! Then, even if she was found out, it wouldn't be a problem! This petty monk, didn't forbid her to run to the bed during the day as well.

        Moonshine looked at the clean side face on the bed, and there was a humanized sly look in his erect pupils.

        She leapt up.

        Then the body landed softly without a sound.

        She gently walked to Yu Yan's side and was about to curl up into a ball right next to him, but suddenly stopped again, and she turned her head to the side to look at the neatly folded quilt.

        The cat's head cocked.

        This stupid monk hasn't even been tucked in yet!

        What if I catch a cold?

        She immediately tried to go to cover Yu Yan, but she could easily push this quilt, but was not able to put the quilt on Yu Yan.

        Moonless was instantly distressed.

        What's she gonna do?

        But soon enough, she realized that she didn't really need to be bothered with such trivial matters anymore.

        Because tonight, she has completed the final step.

        It was just that she was still used to being a cat and hadn't thought to try to transform into an adult.

        The light green colored fluorescence suddenly mixed into the dim halo of the oil lamp, making the light inside this room a few points brighter all of a sudden. And as this light passed through the window paper on the window pane, it made the several unjust souls that were hovering outside the monk's house, instantly hide in fear in that small grove of trees.

        Clinging to those demonic trees was what gave these few grievous souls who were dressed as monks some sense of security.

        But no longer dared to peer into that one monk's room.

        Just one of them is mourning for the monk who has the rhyme of Buddha but not the heart of Buddha, first of all, because of this, he was missed by the female ghost, thus losing his yang energy, although he was lucky enough to get his life back, but then he was targeted by that even more horrible one.

        It's really a ghost of Namo Amitabha .......

        Inside that one monk's room.

        Soon the bright light had disappeared, and again only the dim, bean-sized halo of the oil lamp remained, holding up a faint light in a dark room.

        The civet cat with four hooves in the snow is also gone.

        However, beside Yu Yan, there was a young girl of cardamom age squatting at this moment.

        Eyebrows and eyes are bright with the moon.

        Clear water out of hibiscus.

        Both innocent and charming, she looked at the sleeping Yu Yan and couldn't help but smile ebulliently.

        Two shallow dimples appeared on that little face.

        Then she went and pulled over the quilt and carefully covered Yu Yan.

        She lay down as well.

        The quilt was a little too small to cover two people, so the young girl shrank into Yu Yan's arms.

        The two were close together.

        The young girl fell asleep like a cat.

        Yu Yan at this time by this movement a little startled awake, he is sleepy, but the first time to come to the world, and through the weird things, in the subconscious, or very guarded.

        He opened his eyes a little, but his consciousness was sleepy at the moment, so he took the young girl he saw in his sleepy haze as if he were dreaming.

        This dream ...... can be so white.

        Oh, it's real beautiful!

        Smelling the wonderful aroma drilling into his nose, Yu Yan, who was in a daze of consciousness, fell asleep again in an inexplicable and infinite peace of mind.

    Chapter 4: Killing Without Taboos

        Yu Yan reminisced about his dream last night.

        To be more specific, it is - the long snake swings all the daughter's red, and the peaks rise to see the heroes.

        He's the hero.

        Namo Amitabha Buddha, sin sin sin. Yu Yan, who was completely sober, felt deeply guilty about this; after all, this body he was using was a serious Buddhist monk.

        Last night's dream, and that kind of scripture Zen conflict, but also let Yu Yan think, he can consider when to return to secularism.

        After all, this rotten apricot temple wasn't quite right.

        As early as twelve years ago, the real monks in the temple were all killed, and even that buried corpse of a monk nourished the demon tree. And right now, it's even more so that there are contaminated Buddha statues that attract ghosts in the middle of the Buddha Hall.

        As the saying goes, the Son once said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

        Therefore, Yu Junzi thinks he'd better hurry up and take the best plan.

        It's where to go after leaving Rotten Apricot Temple that needs to be planned.

        Because the predecessor since he became a monk, even the rotten apricot temple this place of the county have not been, at most, only to go to the nearby two or three manor and the market town of this place.

        This world's here court, the world is divided into a total of thirteen provinces, a government is divided into counties, county towns under the jurisdiction of the county towns, market towns and Zhuangzi.

        A manor house is also known as a village.

        Regardless of the size, they are in dozens of families, and unless there is a nobleman, there are few that can exceed a hundred families.

        In short, it means that this monk who likes to stay in the house, as long as he leaves the area of Far Woodshed Mountain market town near this Ruohang Temple, then he will not know where he is at all.

        Even though this place was his hometown, Monk Shenxiu still managed to get lost even when he went out of the market town of Farwood Hill.

        If it is not the rotten apricot temple incense is not bad, in other provinces have some reputation, so come to incense incense not only far woodcutting mountain market town people, all kinds of events in other places rumors followed a piece of arrival, the god show monk is afraid that even the world is how a situation, the heart does not know.

        However, what has been passed down along the way has naturally undergone several revisions, and it would be good if three of them could be true.

        Yu Yan couldn't help but have a bit of a headache once he thought about it.

        If he wanted to run away, besides solving his own survival problem, he had to find a way to recognize the road. Otherwise, if he got lost and ran into the middle of nowhere, he wouldn't even know how to die.

        How can a Buddhist temple be like this, let alone a mountainous place?

        I don't see those widely circulated weird rumors, the place where they happen, most of them are in the mountains and wild places.

        Yu Yan sighed in his heart.

        Out of the corner of his eye, Yu Yan did not see the cat, but did see from the window pane, there are figures outside the windowpane, followed by the sound of footsteps, followed by knocking on the door from the outside of the door.

        Duh, duh, duh.

        Senior Brother Shenxiu, have you woken up?

        Hearing the voice, it felt somewhat familiar, Yu Yan thought for a moment, and a corresponding image presented itself in his mind, the face of a monk.

        Chengzhu, tall and thin, and Shenxiu monk's origin is similar, also because in the family is not pleasing, so was pushed out by his family to become a monk, through which to avoid the imperial tax.

        For this reason, this Chengzhu monk often slate a face, look gloomy, even in front of acquaintances and friends, also rarely show a smile.

        Yu Diem by this time had already substituted into the role, he imagined himself to be the monk Shenxiu of the Rotten Apricot Temple, and then got up and walked to the door, opened the door, and saw that outside the door, in addition to the monk Chengzhu in the memory picture, there were also two other monks, one with the dharma name of Chengfa, the same as Chengzhu, tall and thin, and there were quite a lot of pictures in the memory of the monk Shenxiu as well.

        Prior to this, Chengfa monk and Shenxiu relationship is also good, from time to time there are exchanges, but Chengfa is not very fond of Buddhist scriptures, so a monk and Shenxiu acquaintances and friends get together, will take the initiative to talk about his newly heard some strange stories, and also keen to find Taoist priests to the fortune-telling.

        And the other monk, is a stout and sturdy monk, nine feet tall, the skin does not have the common fairness of the people of the monk, on the contrary, such as the whole day facing the yellow soil back to the sky of the old farmers in general, the skin is dark, the palms of the hands are rough and incomparable, a face also looks like vicissitudes of the past, and there are a few points of the fury between the eyebrows.

        This face, how to look at it is not like a monk, on the contrary, it is more credible to say that it is a bandit.

        Poor monk has met senior brother Cheng Fa, senior brother Cheng Zhu, and this senior brother. Yu Yan mimicked Monk Shenxiu's past behavioral patterns as he took the lead in opening his mouth to greet him.

        Senior Brother Shenxiu, this is Senior Brother Shenxing, he came here specifically to find you. Chengzhu had a stern face and introduced Yu Yan in a serious manner.

        Yu Yan was at once puzzled.

        Monk Shen Xiu's Buddhist studies were indeed good, just by the various scriptural understandings in his mind, one could see this, but compared to those monks who were extremely famous, Monk Shen Xiu really didn't have much of a reputation, and it was just that some of the families in the manor near the Rotten Apricot Temple knew about him, and that was all.

        So how is it that there are still monks here specifically looking for him?

        Seeing Yu Yan's confused face, the bandit-like Monk Shen Xing grinned and said, Haha, I originally intended to use the name Shen Xiu, but I thought that there was already someone else, so I wanted to come and see what kind of person had this name. After coming here, I realized that my senior brother is more suitable for this title than I am, so I will use Shen Xing as my title.

        Hearing this explanation, Yu Yan's face did not change color, is still full of smiles, but in the heart of the head straight muttering, this tone of voice, how more like a bandit?

        And that's when the familiar square-headed brackets ran out of his vision.

        [Monk: originally is one of the Kui ten murder of the black mountain god, the nature of no fear, men can kill, women can also kill, the old man can kill, children can kill, all beings have no can not be killed. Months ago, he accidentally killed the son of the governor of the Central State Government, and felt that this strong man of the jianghu lake was going to make it to the end, and when he had nowhere to go, he happened to meet the Yellow Flower View DuoMe Taoist Monk on a hunting tour, and DuoMe Taoist Monk, after listening to the Black Mountain God's self description of his origins, then, on a whim, instructed him to worship in RuXing Temple to become a monk.

        Yu Yan: ......

        That's a real fucking put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha!

        He took another look at this Divine Walking Monk, and then he hastened to say, If senior brother likes it, then there's no harm in poor monk and senior brother exchanging this Dharma name.

        This is a real human devil who kills the Tao, and there is no one who cannot be killed!

        It's better to wimp out for a while.

        A real man has to be brave enough to admit his weakness.

        As it happened, Yu Yan did not quite dare to use the dharma name Shen Xiu.

        Monk Shen Xing immediately glanced at Yu Yan with wide eyes, then asked with an odd expression, You're willing to give it up?

        With the memory of monk Shenxiu, Yu Yan naturally knows the importance of the name for a monk, not to mention that at this time the name is like a human being, if you really let the name, then it is the past reputation, a should be given away.

        After all, to outsiders, they only recognize names, not people.

        What is there for a devotee not to let go of? If you can't even let go of your fame, how can you talk about the four emptiness? Look at the sky on the clouds, this mountain flowers blossom and fall, this time the clouds have been the clouds, this year's flowers have been last year's flowers? The flowers are similar every year, but the people are different every year. When you enter my Buddhist sect, you should be clear - I am the me of today, not the me of yesterday.

        Yu Yan had a smile on his face as he said lightly.

        Honestly, he didn't know what he was talking about, but let's find something that sounds forced to pretend first.

        However, what he didn't expect was that only after he had finished saying this, he heard a plopping sound, and then he saw that the stoutly built Monk Divine Walker, directly knelt down towards him.

        Master is above, please accept the sprinkles!


    Chapter 5: The First Three-Year Mini-Goal to Hit

        Yu Yan looked at this once one of Kui's ten evils, the Black Mountain God, and now the Godly Monk, what was this sudden kneeling down on the ground to give him a big bow of prostration for?

        Not only is Yu Yan very confused, is to lead the monk Shen Xing over Cheng Zhu and Cheng Fa two people, also froze in place, do not understand this so that the abbot repeatedly urged them to be well entertained, not to be slowed down, as far as possible to meet all of its requirements, and suddenly have to worship a peer as a teacher?

        The seniority of the monks in Rokhang Temple is not in accordance with the Dharma name.

        There are such as Yu Diem, of the divine character generation, but there are not many such monks, counting Yu Diem and this godly monk at the moment, which is only just the number of full pairs of hands.

        The majority of the disciples, however, were of the Clarity generation.

        As to why this is so?

        Yu Yan's predecessor in this body, Monk Shen Xiu, was considered to be early in his entry into the Rotten Apricot Temple, and so the abbot at the time bestowed upon him the Buddhist name Shen Xiu.

        As a result, afterward an old incense burner came to the mountain, and was surprised at what he heard, saying that the abbot was taking on a substitute teacher?

        Since then, the monks who re-entered the monastery started with the word Cheng.

        When these memories in his mind, Yu Yan was only a little strange at first, and then as a special custom of this place did not care, until he discovered the secret of a forest of demonic trees, and only then suddenly realized!

        Good guy, it turned out to be the beginning of the rotten apricot temple new abbot, in the rush to the throne, do not know how to give the name of the law, the result is simply according to the old abbot of the name of the law, which has made such a joke.

        While Yu Yan was thinking about this, Chengzhu and Chengfa had already helped Monk Shen Xing up and then explained this generation issue clearly.

        However, after hearing what Chengzhu and Chengfa said, Monk Shen Xing gave these two monks a disdainful look and said, How is it that peers can't allow Sprinkles to worship their master? Master Shen Xiu's Buddhist teachings are profound, how can you two bald asses imagine?

        Yu Yan was dumbfounded as he looked at the godly monk who had the appearance of transforming into a licking dog.

        Chengzhu and Chengfa face indignation, after all, is a monk was scolded bald donkey heart will not be comfortable, but with the abbot's care in, they do not dare to be angry is.

        Thus, Chengzhu clasped his hands together and said, Senior Brother Shenxing wants to worship Senior Brother Shenxiu as his master, this is as long as the abbot agrees, then naturally it is possible.

        This one looks like a big deal, so it's better to throw the question to the abbot!

        Abbot? What's the need for him to agree to this? Monk Shen Xing wrinkled his brow with a look of impatience, but suddenly thinking of something, he nodded again, No problem, I'll go and talk to the abbot!

        After that, he hurried away.

        Waiting for him to walk away, Chengzhu boarded a face, immediately said to Yu Yan and Chengfa monks in a bad mood: I do not know where it is from the shrewish, the presiding officer is also really, let him into the temple, not afraid of the good believers suspected us of Rotten Apricot Temple to hide the dirt.

        Regarding this issue, senior brother, you can be more confident, our rotten apricot temple is to hide dirt! Yu Yan silently belabored.

        Cheng Fa was similarly indignant, but he didn't have the habit of badmouthing people behind their backs, so he said, I think that this one, unlike us, shouldn't be from any small family, and the abbot should also have had some kind of difficulty and had to take him in! But then again, the words of Senior Brother Shenxiu just now were indeed profoundly Zen.

        Chengzhu didn't pick up on that and just nodded.

        And at that moment, Yu Yan's gaze was once again odd.

        Because as he watched Chengzhu and Chengfa for a while at this point, the two square-headed brackets ran out one after the other.

        [Cheng bamboo monk: rotten apricot temple monks, this is less relatives and friends, withdrawn temperament, but by rotten apricot temple magic Buddha contamination, the other self-mutualization has become a magic heart, will gradually do not like to make friends, cut off the feelings of desire, not three years, will fall into the absolute feelings of desire, the absolute life of the absolute death, the absolute my absolute thoughts of the six absolute human demon realm.

        Monk Cheng Fa: A monk from the Ragged Apricot Temple, he was born in a poor family and became a monk to avoid taxes. However, since he was young, he admired Taoism and aspired to become a hero and a freak, so he hid one of the nine Taoist scriptures, the Taishangjing (the middle book), under his pillow. Therefore, the Taoist scriptures were not obtained by the proper way, and there was a wisp of Yin Shen hiding in the book, so he was never allowed to enter the door.

        Good lord, these two turned out to be no slouches!

        A Buddha's heart planting demons, sooner or later, he will become a Six Jedi Human Demon.

        The other ...... is thinking of defection all day long? And it seems that this Taishang scripture is still obtained by killing people? The original owner of that Taishang scripture has been wandering around haunting this book of Taoist scriptures even now?

        Thinking about this, Yu Yan can not help but think of just open and close the mouth of the sprinkler monk, even the son of the government magistrate dared to kill, we must know that it is the son of a feudal official, can be called a government of the Prince.

        This goes beyond the description of audacity to lawlessness!

        Then, he thought of the Demon Buddha that had just been revealed by the square-headed brackets and was hiding in the Rotten Apricot Temple.

        For a while, Yu Yan was overwhelmed with emotion.

        This temple is really not the usual hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

        Is he the only decent monk in this huge temple?

        I ......

        Yu Yan was about to let out a Crap to suppress his shock, but when the words came to his mouth, he remembered his own identity, so he held back the next word, and instead folded his arms and said, Buddha is merciful.

        Although they didn't know why Yu Yan suddenly came with a cry of I Buddha's compassion, Chengzhu and Chengfa didn't think much about it, they just followed along with their hands clasped together, and then mouthed the Buddha's name: Namo Amitabha Buddha.

        Upon seeing this scene, Yu Yan, after being slightly stunned, then reacted to the influence that Monk Shen Xiu had among the monks in the temple.

        In addition to the abbot and a few chiefs, Shenxiu monk because of his Buddhist cultivation, plus never quarrel with people, also never care about other people's business, so in the temple is very good, roughly can be used to high moral standing to summarize a bit, otherwise can not be alone to have a monastic house.

        Building a temple on a mountain is inconvenient, so there are not many monasteries. In addition, in order to limit the number of monks, the imperial court has made very strict regulations on the specifications of temples and Taoist monasteries.

        And right now, counting those monks who came to the Rotten Apricot Monastery to hang their orders, the entire monks in the monastery need to be crowded with four people living in one room to barely fit.

        But the Rotten Apricot Temple also has a special rule.

        Or rather, other temples have them.

        That is, the best monks among them can live in one monastery per person.

        That is, within the Rotten Apricot Temple, at present, for the sake of Shenxiu outside, only a monk named Cheng Yan has this treatment.

        And because of monk Shenxiu's indisputable, monk Cheng Yan became the eldest brother of Ragged Apricot Temple without any hindrance, and is said to have taken over the management of the temple's finances at the moment.

        Therefore, most of the monks thought that Chengyan would be the next abbot of Rokhang Temple.

        And Cheng Yan, too, thought so.

        So in a metaphysical script, this guy is the first three-year mini-goal I'm going to hit?

    Chapter 6 Weirdness and Absurdity

        Yu Yan belabored him, then he saw Monk Chengzhu look as if he had only just remembered something, and then hurriedly said to him, By the way, Senior Brother Shenxiu, when we came here we also met Senior Brother Cheng Yan, and after he learned that we had come to look for you, he asked us to bring you a message.

        What words? Yu Yan sniffed, he couldn't help but be curious.

        Because even though this predecessor of his - Monk Shenxiu was humble and patient by nature, and didn't fight when things went wrong, and took the initiative to back down from Chengyan, Chengyan never had any intention of befriending Shenxiu, and didn't even take the initiative to talk to Shenxiu.

        Chengyan and the predecessor in the rotten apricot temple, past the meeting, often it is Shenxiu first greetings, while Chengyan casually nodded.

        The clear division of superiority and inferiority.

        The end is full of poses!

        Chengzhu sighed before saying, What Eldest Brother wants us to say to you, Senior Brother, is - be a monk for a day, ring a bell for a day, so that you don't forget your identity.

        Yu Yan was stunned, but soon he realized what was going on.

        He crossed over last night, slept until this time, early to the morning class to miss, Cheng Yan this guy this is for this matter to admonish him.

        Last night, I occasionally felt the wind and cold, my body is a bit unwell, poor monk will later go to apologize to the eldest senior brother. Yu Yan immediately said, what was the nature of the predecessor monk Shen Xiu, then for a short period of time, he also had to put on such a character.

        It's not that people don't change, but they don't suddenly change without some huge setback. As the saying goes, rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature cannot be changed.

        After all, at the moment, Yu Yan was not ready to run the route.

        Where to go and what to do to make ends meet after his return to secularism, Yu Yan is now completely blind, with little clue.

        So, even for the sake of his daily two meals a day, he had to stay within such a rather strange temple for a while, honestly.

        Pretend for a while that Shinsu Monk!

        Shenxiu senior brother is not feeling well, no wonder, I said Shenxiu senior brother how can he miss homework for no reason. Chengfa said, finished this monk still want to say something, but suddenly saw a black guy from the distance sprinting, this temple terrain is uneven, from time to time high and low ups and downs, but this person is like walking on a level ground, showing some not bad hands bottom.

        Cheng Fa had not seen the man's face clearly, but he also stopped talking all of a sudden.

        Sprinkles is back, master, to tell you the good news, hahahaha, the abbot has promised to let Sprinkles worship you as his master. The person does not arrive, the voice arrives first.

        It was certainly that Godly Walking Monk.

        Yu Yan heart can not help but be slightly surprised, rotten apricot temple is not very big, but from this monastery he lived near, run to the abbot where the worship of Buddha residence, even if it is running, a round trip, but also have to be a small half incense incense burner work.

        It was almost fifteen minutes.

        Because of the worship of Buddha residence in, this is rotten apricot mountain, the most remote place, and can pass, and just a foot wide path. One side is the cliff, the other side is the mountain stream, a moment of inadvertence, there is the danger of falling to death.

        Not the average pious monk had the guts to dare to go there. For example, Yu Yan did not dare to go there even if he had the memory in his mind of the monk Shen Xiu traveling to the Worshipful Abode of Buddha in the past.

        Speaking of which, this is one of the major quirks of the Rotten Apricot Temple.

        It is rumored that the abbot of Ragged Apricot Temple for generations has lived in the Worshipful Abode of the Buddha and worshiped the Buddha day and night, seldom going out, and only on the annual festivals, would he show his face. Until this generation abbot is an exception. Residing in the abbot's house, the reception of honored guests is also usually by the abbot to, rather than as in the past, another supervisor of the temple elders, by him to do the work on his behalf.

        But even with this presidency, every day during the day, at least three hours are spent worshipping the Buddha Residence.

        That's six hours.

        This, when Yu Yan thought about it at this moment, was particularly wrong.

        It's understandable that the past abbots of the Ragged Apricot Monastery were perhaps serious monks, and therefore followed the rules and lived in the Worshipful Abode. So what's going on with this current one?

        This is the one who killed the original monks of the temple, thus taking over the temple!

        But this one also honestly resided in the worship of the Buddha for three hours? Or no matter how windy or rainy it was, he insisted on going there unremittingly.

        Even a while ago a big official came to worship Buddha, this abbot only received accompanied for an hour, then excused himself and went to worship Buddha residence.

        Could it be that the Buddha-worshipping residence, is there any benefit to it?

        Yu Yan couldn't help but think this way.

        Because then all that weirdness makes perfect sense.

        But he didn't have time to think about it, because he still had to deal with this good disciple in front of him.

        To say that this matter is also absurd, even Yu Yan did not expect that the abbot will actually agree to it. But from this can also be seen, this Shen Xing monk's face is not small, even this kind of thing abbot have to sell face.

        Here, the dumbfounded Chengzhu and Chengfa both came to their senses, so they folded their hands and congratulated, Congratulations to Senior Brother (Senior Brother) on his joyous acquisition of a good disciple!

        It doesn't matter if it's a Good Disciple or not, that's the way the scene is going to go in the end.

        Yu Diem thanked him, and then said

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