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Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine
Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine
Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine
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Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine

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Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine is a uniquely rich and compelling biographical narrative of a gorgeous young lady from the beautiful island of Jamaica in the West Indies.
This biographical narrative shared the unfeigned faith and courage of this talented young lady who rose triumphantly from the shadows of the poverty to become well recognized and respected among her peers.
This poignant narrative also charts the epic journey of this resolute young lady, depicting in graphic detail the difficult challenges of this elegant and vibrant young lady, giving considerable attention to her lowly birth and impoverished childhood.
Truly, this courageous and determined young lady, born to loving, God-fearing parents in early October in the year 1957 in the rural village of Lambs River, was marvelously blessed to overcome a myriad of difficult struggles to earn deep admiration and respect with tremendous help of these loving parents.
This beloved narrative shows the tremendous strength and faith of this young lady who courageously traveled to another country. With the richness of faith, this brave young lady shows tremendous courage in traveling abroad to a strange new land to develop an enriched life on her own.
It shows how this brave young lady endured the harsh abuses and cruelties targeted toward her as an immigrant in this foreign land. It also shows how she survived the harsh and intricate challenges of learning a new culture, and overcame the stringent requirements of immigration grouped against her.
With deep faith in God, despite the perplexities of her childhood, this darling of Lambs River, affectionately called Sunshine, carefully departed her homeland to seek personal success abroad, and to provide sustenance relief for her family left behind.
Miraculously, this darling Jewel of Lambs River achieved her goal to become a Registered Nurse. And with deep faith in Christ, she also completed a rigorous seven-year comprehensive academic program of Theology and Biblical studies, graduating with the doctorate degree in Theology.
And, through sincere prayers, this precious child of God was tremendously blessed to find the love of her life. And through genuine honesty and love, the two of them bonded together to fulfill the commitment God wanted them to have.
Remarkably, this bright sunshine of Lambs River is now recognized in her theological profession as Dr. Celeta Elizabeth Clarke-Wright, ThD. A distinguished honor she so rightly deserves. To God be the glory.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 23, 2024
Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine

Dr. Author O. Wright

Author Oliver Wright graduated from Carter Parramore High School in Quincy, Florida in 1962. He also graduated from both Normandale and Minneapolis community colleges with AA degrees. He also graduated from National American University with both ASB and BSB in Business Administration. He then graduated from Cardinal Stritch University with a MSB degree, and from LaSalle University with a PHD in Business Management respectively. Dr. Wright also graduated from Tripp Bible Institute, Andersonville Theological Seminary, and North Central Theological Seminary, receiving a doctorate degree from each seminary. He is also a military veteran. He is an aspiring writer, having written several books. He is also an ordained Elder affiliated with the Church of God in Christ. Dr. Wright and his beautiful wife Celeta make their home in Brooklyn, New York.

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    Celeta - Dr. Author O. Wright

    Copyright © 2024 by Dr. Author O. Wright.

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    Rev. date: 05/21/2024









    CHAPTER 01   Africans Increase Jamaica’s Population

    CHAPTER 02   Beautiful Island Enjoys Independence

    CHAPTER 03   Discontent Stifles Jamaica’s Growth

    CHAPTER 04   Distressed Nation Remarkably Transformed

    CHAPTER 05   Lambs River, A Charming Little Village

    CHAPTER 06   A Community of Loving Families

    CHAPTER 07   The Joy of a Loving Daughter

    CHAPTER 08   Metit Learns a Hard Lesson

    CHAPTER 09   The Rekindle of Love

    CHAPTER 10   The Birth of Sunshine

    CHAPTER 11   The Shattering of a Traditional Belief

    CHAPTER 12   Training of Children

    CHAPTER 13   The Village Protection

    CHAPTER 14   The Early Influences Of Sunshine

    CHAPTER 15   The Torment Of Continuing Shame

    CHAPTER 16   Marriage Made the Difference

    CHAPTER 17   Sunshine Goes to School

    CHAPTER 18   Celeta, the Indisputable Sunshine

    CHAPTER 19   The Adventures of Celeta

    CHAPTER 20   Celeta Moves to Cambridge

    CHAPTER 21   Taking Residence With Favorite Cousin

    CHAPTER 22   Nursing Education Preparation

    CHAPTER 23   A Respite to Canada

    CHAPTER 24   Emigration to the United States

    CHAPTER 25   Making Friends at the College

    CHAPTER 26   Migration to New York City

    CHAPTER 27   Settling in Brooklyn

    CHAPTER 28   Mother Comes to the Rescue

    CHAPTER 29   Moving Up the Nursing Chain

    CHAPTER 30   Fulfilling Her Nursing Aspiration

    CHAPTER 31   A Joyful Return to the Lord

    CHAPTER 32   Discovering the Love of Her Life

    CHAPTER 33   A Godly Marriage Delight

    CHAPTER 34   Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine



    Suggested Reading


    Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine is a uniquely rich, compelling biographical narrative of a gorgeous young lady from the beautiful island of Jamaica in the West Indies.

    This poignant biographical narrative is especially dedicated to our dear parents: the late Pastor John Oliver and Annie Ree Wright of Quincy Florida, and the late William Alexander and Metit Clarke of Lamb’s River Jamaica.

    Certainly, these loving parents, born in different areas of the world, took great strength and energy to ensure that their children were fully aware that the ultimate fulfillment of life includes much more than what their parents were enjoying and experiencing.

    Definitely, Pastor John Oliver, Annie Ree, William Alexander, and Metit stressed to their children to seek the ultimate fulfillment of life. They indeed instructed them to strive to go beyond the current circumstances in which they were born.

    In truth, these beloved parents diligently encouraged their children to especially thrive for growth in the knowledge of that world in which they were born. These beloved parents also instructed to their children to grow in the full knowledge of that world in which they will experience. Above all, these dear parents instilled in their children to grow in the perfect will of God.

    Additionally, this biographical narrative is also dedicated to our dear children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and godchildren. Particularly, this beloved narrative is dedicated to our dear sons; Elondo Jerome (Lanny) Wright, Jarvis Jerelle (Jerry) Wright, Joshua Benito (Bino) Wright, and Roger Daley.

    Without doubt, we sincerely hope that our children will achieve greater progress in life than we. Definitely, we do hope they would extend themselves much further in exploring this immense and expansive world God has made.

    Equally, this beloved narrative is also markedly dedicated to all of the unfortunate migrants and immigrants who left their homeland in search of a more improved life. It is hoped that they all would find satisfaction in the often unfriendly, and sometimes hostile, foreign land which some of they would eventually call your home.

    Importantly, this biographical narrative encourages all to thrive for higher heights and deeper depths in the development of their God-given abilities. Especially, to know our Lord Jesus as Savior in the beauty of His Power and Glory!


    Certainly, this biographical narrative wants to acknowledge the significant influences of our dear parents, Pastor John Oliver, Annie Ree, William Alexander, and Ida May. For it was their deepest desire that their children go beyond the circumstances in which thery were born.

    Truly, these beloved parents, with little formal education and resources, faithfully encouraged each of their children to expand, explore, and grow in the knowledge and appreciation of this huge and magnificent world in which their God had made.

    Also, the writer of this biographical narrative would like to acknowledge that it was a distinct privilege to travel to Lambs River, Jamaica and get a closer view of this marvelous and captivating little village. It was an exciting tour experiencing this compassionate and peaceful birthplace of this beautiful young lady.

    Without doubt, the writer take great pride in acknowledging the mesmerizing experiences had in touring many of the splendid areas around this gorgeous little village located in the heart of the tropics. It was very thrilling to go beyond current traveling experiences to explore the beauty and romance of this exquisite and captivating little village.

    Definitely, the writer also would like to acknowledge those who contributed a great amount of their precious time assisting us in the exploration of this charming little village. The writer was greatly comforted in traveling around and viewing the beautiful scenery of this gorgeous, tropical village of Lambs River gathering valuable visual information for this biographical narrative.

    Even though the core of the information provided for this biographical narrative was from this gorgeous young lady’s cognizant recollections, this writer wants to acknowledge that it was due to this travel to Lambs River that the acquisition of the proper visual exposure necessary to set the tone for writing this biographical narrative was achieved.

    Above all, I acknowledge with pleasure that this gorgeous young lady superbly planned this exciting tour of her gentle and quiet birthplace. Her loving and careful planning presented to the writer an amazing opportunity to see this fascinating and picturesque rural village called Lambs River, a charming birthplace she called home.


    Celeta: The Charm of Lambs River’s Incandescent Sunshine is a uniquely rich, suspenseful, tender, and compelling biographical narrative of a gorgeous young lady from the beautiful island of Jamaica in the West Indies.

    Certainly, this biographical narrative shared the unfeigned faith and courage of this talented and determined young lady who rose triumphantly from the shadows of the poverty to become well recognized and respected among her peers.

    Indeed, this beloved biographical narrative shows the tremendous strength and faith of this brave young lady as she departed her homeland and traveled to another country. It shows how she endured the sometime harsh abuses and cruelties targeted toward her as an immigrant in this foreign land.

    Definitely, this poignant biographical narrative charts the epic journey of this resolute and independent young lady, depicting in graphic detail the difficult obstacles and challenges of this elegant and vibrant young lady, giving considerable attention to her lowly birth and impoverished childhood.

    Absolutely, this biographical narrative reveals the uncompromising determination and loyalty this brave and daring young lady exhibited in order to start a new life for herself. It also reveals how this brave and spirited young lady endured the trials and triumphs as they were entwined with the overtones of naivete of one who was travelling alone for the very first time.

    Astonishingly, this gorgeous and vivacious young lady was born and reared in one of Westmoreland most fascinating and picturesque rural villages called Lambs River. This charming rural village was a thriving community for many of the Jamaican people who loved the open air of country life.

    Truly, this courageous and determined young lady of the tropics was born to loving, God-fearing parents in early October in the year 1957. And was marvelously blessed to overcome a myriad of difficult struggles to earn deep admiration and respect with tremendous help of these loving parents.

    Often alone, but with the richness of faith, this brave young lady shows tremendous courage in traveling abroad to a strange new land to develop an enriched life on her own. And with deep faith in God, she survived the harsh and intricate challenges of learning a new culture and overcame the stringent requirements of immigration grouped against her.

    Truly, despite the uncertainties and perplexities of her childhood, this darling of Lambs River, who was affectionately called Sunshine, achieve great respect for her accomplishments both in her homeland and in her country of immigration.

    Definitely, on her twenty-third birthday, this brave and purposeful young lady carefully departed her homeland to seek personal success abroad, and to provide sustenance relief for her family left behind. And within days, this precious Jewel of the tropics entered an unknown world in a foreign land with very little finance and with little support.

    However, within a few years, through faith in God and diligent study, this darling of Lambs River had acquired an extraordinary remarkable education. And from this accomplishment, this precious jewel of the tropics was magnificently blessed to provide ample provisions to her family back home.

    Astonishingly, after momentarily faltering in her Christian walk, this courageous and precious soul of Lambs River regained her faith, and through the gracious help from God and her mother, she tremendously succeeded in her search for a more improved life.

    Certainly, through the humbleness of heart, this brave young lady of the West Indies regained her convictions in Christ, and it caused doors to be opened which helped her achieve the profession she had always desired.

    Miraculously, through sincere prayer, this precious child of God was also tremendously led by his grace to find the love of her life. And through his blessings, the two of them were joined together in holy matrimony.

    And, as time went on, through genuine honesty and love, they two bonded together to fulfill the commitment that God had intended for them to have. They now have been bountiful blessed with many joyful years together delighting in the love and romance of marital life giving praises and honor to His name.

    Amazingly, as you read this captivating biographical narrative, you will be thoroughly amazed at your discovery. Despite the difficulties of this precious jewel of Lambs River, this touching biographical narrative can be an excellent read for all of those who want to achieve a more fulfilled life.

    Besides being born among the modest in the rural village of Lambs River, in the closer read of this touching narrative, you will quickly discerned that this beautiful, dedicated young lady had developed a brilliant and faithful commitment to her Lord. And you will vividly see her authentic dedication, determination, and achievement. For her faith in God had a profound effect on her desire to reach the goal she had set for herself.

    Indeed, her profound faith in God enabled her to overcome all the challenges and obstacles of this foreign land to be the best that she could be. And if being more productive proves difficult in your homeland, it could very well prove possible in a foreign land.

    Without doubt, in the diligent efforts of this beautiful young lady’s consistent desire in moving forward, she maintained her faithful commitment to Christ and successfully completed three nursing stages to reach the nursing goal she had desired.

    Indeed, this darling of the tropics completed the nurse aide training, and the License Practical Nursing (LPN) training. Then, she completed the comprehensive nursing program to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Afterward, she successfully passed the New York state exam to become a Licensed Registered Nurse (RN).

    Additionally, having deep faith in Christ, this committed young lady entered a rigorous academic program of Theology and Biblical studies. And, through God’s help, she successfully completed a seven-year comprehensive program of intense study graduating with the doctorate degree in Theology.

    Remarkably, in addition to all of her other professional and educational achievements, this darling Jewel of Lambs River is now recognized in her theological profession as Dr. Celeta Elizabeth Clarke-Wright, ThD. A distinguished and prestigious honor she so rightly deserves.


    Jamaica, a scenic and captivating mountainous island, is one of the most fascinating and picturesque island nation in the Caribbean Sea. This beautiful island nation is the third largest island in the West Indies. And it is the fourth most populous country in the Caribbean, after Cuba, Haiti, and Dominican Republic.

    This attractive and tranquil island has indeed become the vacation Mecca for many Caribbean tourists. Although this intriguing island is about 146 miles long, and varies from 22 to 51 miles wide, covering over 4,244 square miles, this peaceful land is slowing transforming itself into a tourist’s paradise.

    Certainly, this magnificent tropical island has a long history that is very rich and impressive. And over more than 2500 years it has transformed itself to be very colorful as well. For in its initial discovery by the Arawaks, this mountainous island was nothing more than an uninhabited land of trees.

    However, some 2,500 years ago, this charming tropical island was discovered by a group of wandering people indigenous to the Caribbean and South America called the Arawaks. Some historians refer to these wandering Arawaks people as the American Indians of the Greater Antilles and South America.

    Nonetheless, when these wandering Arawaks Indians discovered this mountainous island, they found it to be a land of many trees surrounded by water. They also found this island to be totally uninhabited. Then, these American Indians of the Greater Antilles and South America took residence on this mountainous island and made this lovely island their homeland.

    Rapidly, many of these wandering Arawaks Indians broke away from their larger tribal group

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