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About this ebook

Walt Orson Waldecker is the author a very successful mystery series with his character Doc Donovan,  His twelve novels have a best sellers and translated in different languages.  Doc Donovan and all his characters have made the author made him very rich.  So it shocks his lawyer and publisher when he kills off all his characters because he wanted to write something different.  His publishers thinks it is a bargaining ploy.  When it is leaked what he is done.  Orson has to endure the wrath of his fans. Then Orson thinks he is lost his mind when his characters start to appear in his life.  All complaining about what he has done with them in his novels.  

PublisherW. H. Beswick
Release dateMay 29, 2024

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    Rewrite - W. H. Beswick





    A moon hovers over the oil refinery, making it look like the black skeleton of a misshaped creature. Steam and darkness add to this eerie image. The creaks and hissing bring the monster to life. The refinery seems to be empty. A low roar that seems to grow comes out of the night.

    Two men wearing black suits, white shirts, and red ties stand on one of the scaffoldings attached to the side of a massive twisted structure of metal pipes. Both men are holding Uzis. They scan the night for any signs of danger.

    Think he'll come? One man asks.

    Sure, as there is a God, Doc Donovan will come, the other man says, looking slightly nervous.

    Should have brought an AK47. The first man looks down at his weapon and then back at his pal. I think we are dead men.

    Hell, we're all going to die. It's just a question of where, when, and how. The first man says. It's not dying I am afraid of. It's what comes after that scares me. My mom told me I would end up in hell. Looks like she is right.

    Both men laugh but then nervously look around.

    A cherry red 1957 Chevy Belair pulls up in front of the structures. The classic car has a flawless paint job and shiny chrome. It is truly a work of art. The door opens. A foot wearing a polished wingtip hits the ground.

    It was cold that night. Not cold enough to freeze your dick off but cold enough...the creeps inside would be least until they got to hell.

    The two men lean over the railing, looking down at the car parked below them. They grip their weapons. Someone with heavy footsteps makes them turn around.

    A tall man wearing a black trench coat appears above them. The darkness hides his face.

    It's him! One man yells, bringing up his weapon.

    Like magic, the two men suddenly fly over the railing, screaming until they hit the ground with a sickening thud. 

    Ethan Forbes steps out of the shadows. He has blonde hair and a handsome face not marred by the scar on his cheek. His gray suit, red shirt, and black tie fit the man perfectly. Ethan flashes a broad smile as he steps up to the railing. Forbes looks thirty, but he's probably older.

    I don't recall inviting you to this party, Doc says, climbing out of his car. He is a tall, muscular man wearing a blue pinstriped suit with a white shirt and yellow tie. His suit may be off the rack, but he wears it well. Doc has a square-shaped face and a strong jaw. His green eyes are neither cold nor bright. A day-old beard on his jaw gives his handsome face a cruel look. There is the hint of a smile when he looks up at Forbes."

    Do I need an invite after all we've been through? Forbes asks, looking hurt.

    I apologize...front door is mine.

    It always is.

    Amber Ford is tied to a pipe. She is still wearing the white gown from earlier. Her long red hair has spilled out. The crimson curls reach down to her slender waist. Her green eyes flash with anger that would kill any man caught in her gaze.

    Silva Von Wagner is in the black shoulder mini-dress she wore at the club. The beautiful blonde is tied to the pipe as Amber. Like Amber, she is more angry than afraid.

    The two women are held in a small control room with meters, gauges, and a complex control panel. The room's windows are so dirty you can't see through them. The two women watch a large fat man in a white vested suit fiddle with a time clock attached to some dynamite. Angus Durber chuckles as he sets the timer. Stop struggling, ladies; there is no escape. I was in the Boy Scouts. I know how to tie up a lady.

    I am not scared, Angus. Doc will be here soon and take care of you." Amber growls, looking defiant.

    The best part is we get to watch, Silvia says.

    Angus turns around, grabs a cane with a falcon head, and waddles to the two women. There will be no rescue. By now, Doc Donovan is history, as is his friend, Mr. Forbes....this time, I win. Once I blow up this refinery. My revenge will be complete. The men who betrayed me will be dead. I am sorry that you will die in the explosion, but you did stick your pretty noses into my business.

    You see the body? The helpless redhead asks.

    What?  Angus says, looking a little confused.

    You've said that before, fat man, and every time, you've been wrong. And you're wrong this time, Sylvia snaps. I don't think Doc will let you walk away this time."

    Ivon ‘Lil Bit’ Ekbert, a small, pudgy man wearing a plaid suit with a purple bowtie, rushes over. His left hand is a hook. A purple patch covers one eye. His face has several scars. The small man limps as he walks. He speaks with an undefinable accent with a lisp. She's right! She's right. We should have checked. Doc Donovan is not a man to be underestimated. He gave me this hook, this eye patch, these scars, this limp, and...

    Left looks down at his crotch and sniffs. And shot off my....

    Yes, yes... I know he made you the man you are today. Angus says. I assure you. Doc Donovan is dead."

    Several men all dressed alike. Black suits, white shirts, and red ties—stand around the dark platform. They are all carrying some kind of weapon. The platform is three stories of pipes and stairwells.

    wase should leave. One man stands in a stairwell holding a shotgun close to his chest. Donavan is not a man. You mess with it. He's a shooter."

    Tell me something I don't know, another man says, looking nervous. You hear what he did to the Third Ave boys?

    Shut up, says an older man with snow-white hair and a face that has seen too much evil in his life. We've got enough to take care of Doc Donovan... then we get his women."

    Sorry, boys. The ladies have a date with me. Doc, boys. He puts on his jacket and smiles. Ready to see if hell is real?

    Like magic, Doc has two 45s and is already blasting away. Four thugs go down. He keeps shooting until they are all dead. Doc tosses down the empty pistols and pulls two more 45s from his trench coat pockets.

    Angus looks around at the gunfire. Lil Bit frantically rushes around the room. Amber and Silva stop tugging at their ropes and brightly smile,

    I recognize that sound, Sylvia says. That's the sound of two 45s.

    Angus, you have stopped gloating, Amber says. "Feeling a little nervous.

    He's here! He's here! Left sobs running up to Angus. "Oh God, I only have one good eye, one good leg, and one hand left!

    How! How did he escape! Impossible. Angus says, looking confused.

    He's Doc Donovan, Amber says. "You should have learned that by now.

    Amber is using a piece of glass to cut her ropes. Silva is using her gold bracelet on her ropes.

    Doc stands in the middle of the room, shooting the bad guys. They just keep coming. He keeps shooting, tossing down one gun and pulling out another from inside his trench coat. Forbes is standing behind with two Uzis, spraying the room with bullets. Gun shells drop to the floor like a waterfall of brass. The bad guys are dropping like flies. Doc's pistols finally click empty. He slowly turns around. The room is filled with dead bodies. 

    Looks like we cleaned house, Forbes says, walking up and tossing down his weapons. He opens his jacket and looks at the blood, turning his shirt red. Forbes smiles and looks at Doc. Damn, someone got lucky.

    Ethan! Doc gasps.

    Don't... It's been fun. Thanks for the ride... Forbes drops to the ground. 

    Doc kneels beside and looks at the wound. Hold on, I can...

    You were a doctor...not a miracle worker, Forbes says before his gasp. Then dies.

    Doc looks at the body, and his face fills with hate. He stands up and pulls a silver Desert Eagle from the middle of his back. The ivory handle makes it a thing of beauty and deadly at the same time. He pulls back the slide. It makes a loud click when he lets it go. Doc looks up and starts to climb a set of stairs. 

    Angus and Lil Bit listen to the approaching footsteps. Amber and Silva break free from their ropes and run toward a side door. Angus sees them and pulls out a small gold pistol. He aims. 

    Lil Bit tries to stop him waving his arms. NO!

    Angus fires. Silva is hit in

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