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Phoenix: Brimstone Heat, #2
Phoenix: Brimstone Heat, #2
Phoenix: Brimstone Heat, #2
Ebook298 pages4 hours

Phoenix: Brimstone Heat, #2

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About this ebook

Curvy Savanna Chambers is living her dreams. She owns and runs a bakery selling many sweet treats, including her signature cakes. She is raising her daughter and has a friend who also is her employee.


The only thing missing in her life is the love of a wonderful male, but she doesn't think it's something she needs until she meets Phoenix Fitch.

Phoenix has spent years looking for his mate, but since his brother, Lucifer, found his mate, Phoenix is feeling the loneliness more than ever, until a false fire alarm brings his mate to him. Sparks fly between them until she runs away and hides in her bakery.


As Phoenix works to convince Savanna they are fated mates, he must protect her from the forces determine to keep them apart by any means possible, including death.


Will Savanna fall in love with Phoenix?


Will Phoenix protect Savanna and her daughter?

Release dateNov 22, 2022
Phoenix: Brimstone Heat, #2

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    Book preview

    Phoenix - Rayne Rachels


    The acidic odor of burnt wood, plastic, and other stuff filled the air. Thick, black smoke funneled from the burning structure up toward the white puffy clouds in the bright blue sky. The fire burned too hot and too fast, making sure there was no way to save the building. The structure was a complete loss.

    As Phoenix stared, his jaw tightened.

    Flames engulfed the building. The wood structure looked like a large glowing sun. Even from where he stood, he felt the heat radiated by the fire, and it infuriated him. But it was more than just the fire making him angry.

    Someone destroyed the family’s income and their sense of security. And that someone was going to pay for this.

    Someone was going to pay for the destruction and fear they were causing in his town.

    The firebug didn’t know it yet, but he was a dead man. Three fires in one week were not an accident. It wasn’t even a coincidence, and added to the other fires in the past weeks, Phoenix knew the problem was larger than dealing with a simple arsonist. He thought about the fires that destroyed the library and Lucifer’s house, which almost killed Angie, Lucifer’s mate and his new sister. Both fires had to be related to the current fire problems.

    His thoughts darkened. He doubted humans were responsible for the fires, and he had ruled out shifters. The fire sites lacked any scents other than the scents of the shifters and humans who lived and worked in the area. The flames burned away the evidence and scents.

    Whoever was setting the fires had Phoenix’s attention, whether they wanted it or not. Burning old, abandoned buildings was one thing, but destroying innocent people’s possessions, the tools they used to make a living, and taking away their feelings of safety was on a whole new level of wrong.

    Phoenix growled.

    He tucked his fists under his arms. He could put out the fire, but not in front of all the witnesses. Raw anger burned through his body. The longer he stared at the burning barn, knowing what it meant for the family and knowing what they lost, the more lethal his anger grew.


    The firebug was a dead man.

    Over the centuries, Phoenix and his brothers dealt with attacks on them and their family, but those attacks were face-to-face. Nothing hidden.

    The fires differed from all those attacks.

    Everything pointed to the same thing. The perpetrator was trying to harm Phoenix and his brothers by harming the community and attempting to kill Angie. Someone didn’t want him and his brothers to find their mates, which meant their mates were in danger.

    Phoenix had a gut feeling who was behind the fires and attacks, but he needed more than a gut feeling. As Phoenix studied the fire, he realized there was something familiar about it. Something he had seen before.

    His eyes widened, then narrowed.

    This fire and the other fires were not normal. They burned brighter and hotter, but had found not a trace of an accelerant.

    The arson investigator wrote UNKNOWN as the causes of the fires in his reports. If the trend was consistent, the arson investigator wouldn’t find an accelerant here, either.

    The breeze shifted.

    Phoenix frowned.

    He sniffed the air.

    His frown deepened.

    The odor of brimstone wasn’t strong, but it was there. Someone in hell was helping start the fires, or they were starting themselves.

    The information bounced around his head as Phoenix continued staring at the barn. His fire crew was one of the best in the county and it wasn’t just because he said so, but even they couldn’t save the barn from a fire created from brimstone. It was a total loss, just like the other buildings and the library last year. All his men could do was save the farmhouse. At least the family would still have a home, but it wasn’t just the barn they lost. Feed, livestock, seed for next year’s crops, and the family dog perished to the flames.

    Earlier, Phoenix overheard the wife sob as she talked with her husband. With the barn not insured, losing it and the contents would cause the family to struggle through the winter months or longer.

    The man comforted his wife the best he could, and told her over and over not to worry about anything. They survived, and that was all that mattered. They could replace everything else.

    Phoenix watched the man wrap his arms around his wife and son to comfort them.

    Even though the family was human, Phoenix planned to talk with Marcus Wolfe, the alpha of the local wolf pack, about helping them. Even if Marcus refused, Phoenix intended to make sure the family had what they needed to make it through the winter and spring, just like he had done for the other families affected by the fires.

    The person responsible for the destruction and attacks on the families was going to suffer. Phoenix made the vow.

    Only cowards attacked the weak and defenseless.

    The rumble of two different diesel engines alerted him to the approaching trucks. Phoenix didn’t bother turning around. One truck belonged to his brother, the sheriff. The owner of the other truck didn’t concern him.

    Phoenix ran a hand through his short red hair. Curious neighbors were always a problem, especially in this small community. They wanted to know what caused the fire, and how it would affect them. Some, though the minority, even thought he should have been able to prevent the fire from even happening, while others wanted anything they could gossip about over coffee at the diner.

    Chief Fitch? The male voice broke into his thoughts.

    He turned his head. The male looked like a high school student. Can I help you? His voice sounded tired even to him.

    I’m Miguel Trevino. He held out his hand, but when Phoenix didn’t shake it, Miguel shoved both hands into the front pockets of his jeans. Chief Carlson heard about the fire on the scanner. He sent out a call for any available volunteers to help you. He and some of the other men are on their way.

    Phoenix raised an eyebrow. Joe Carlson was the fire chief of the Buckholts Volunteer Fire Department.

    Miguel stood a little taller. He looked at Phoenix without flinching. What do you need me to do?

    Shouldn’t you be in high school instead of out here chasing fires? asked Phoenix.

    Miguel grinned. I get that a lot. I’ve been out of high school for a couple of years now. The call for volunteers came over the radio while I was on my way home from work. One of the fire trucks is about fifteen minutes behind me, but if Larry is driving, it will be here in five.

    Phoenix nodded. Help was always welcome. Get your gear on and relieve the guy on the hose.

    Yes, sir. Miguel nodded. He ran back to his truck.

    Phoenix shook his head. When did I get so old?

    You were old when you decided it would be fun to fly bombers in World War I, and then again in World War II. The only difference between that and what you’re doing now is you’re not laughing. This job is personal because you live in the community, and the people are yours to protect, and it doesn’t help you know so many of them and even call a few friends. Lucifer Fitch stood a couple of feet away from him.

    Phoenix gave his older brother a one finger salute. There’s nothing here to laugh about. The family will have a hard time surviving the winter and next spring because of this senseless loss.

    It’s more than just the structure? asked Lucifer.

    Phoenix nodded. The dad and son were trying to save some of the livestock. They barely made it out of the barn before the flames engulfed it. He looked at the fire. They lost not only the livestock that was in there but also equipment and a huge part of their winter food supplies.

    Any clues? A frown marred Lucifer’s face.

    Phoenix glanced around them before he looked at his brother. The only thing I know for sure is that someone used brimstone to start this fire.

    Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. That’s not a funny joke.

    Do you hear me laughing?

    You serious about the brimstone?

    Phoenix nodded. Look at the fire. It’s burning brighter and hotter than a normal fire. He waited for his brother to look at the fire. Take a deep breath. It’s almost gone, but there’s still a hint of brimstone lingering in the air.

    Lucifer inhaled. The muscles in his jaw tightened under the skin. This is more than just the attack on Angie last year.

    Who has the most to gain if we are out of the picture? asked Phoenix.

    You think it’s our cousins?

    Phoenix nodded. They’ve been too quiet for the past couple of centuries. I think this one and all the other fires are an elaborate game our cousins are playing. He looked at his brother. But I also think there’s a lot more on their agenda than this fire game.

    Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. What’s different now?

    They looked at each other.

    Our mates, they said at the same time.

    Hurt our mates, and they hurt us. Destroy our mates, and they destroy us. It’s a play for power. Phoenix hated being right, especially about this. You can protect Angie, but the rest of us haven’t found our mates yet. We can’t protect them. What will our cousins do to them if they find them first?

    I think I need to talk to dad. Maybe he or one of his generals has heard something. Lucifer frowned.

    Phoenix nodded. Good idea. His radio chirped.


    He unclipped it from his belt and held it up to his mouth. What is it Brody?

    The smoke alarms are going off at the new library. I sent Jenkins over to check it out and to hopefully confirm it’s just the fire alarms malfunctioning and not an actual fire, but I thought you would want to be there too.

    The sheriff and I are on our way, said Phoenix. He glanced at his brother, but he wasn’t there. Lucifer was already in his truck and driving toward the road. Phoenix glanced back at the fire and spotted his second-in-command walking toward him. Joey, you’re in charge!

    The man jogged the rest of the distance. What’s up?

    The smoke alarms at the library are going off. I don’t know if it’s a malfunction or if there’s a fire.

    Go. I’ve got this. I’ll let you know as soon as the fire is out.

    Phoenix jumped into his truck. As soon as the engine roared to life, he slammed the gear into DRIVE and stepped hard on the gas pedal. He hoped it was just a malfunction in the system and not an actual fire. He grabbed his radio. Brody. He didn’t wait for the man to answer. Tell me what’s going on at the library. Get Jenkins on the radio. I want a report, and I want it yesterday.


    Savanna Chambers backed the small SUV into the parking space, shifted the gear into PARK, and turned off the engine. She chewed her bottom lip and stared out the window. Thin wrinkles formed on her forehead as she calculated the distance between her and the library. It would have been helpful if she could have parked about four or five spaces closer to the library’s entrance, but no such luck.

    Great! A million and one footsteps by the time I’m finished, she mumbled to herself. Everyone seemed to be at the library today and it wasn’t even time for the Grand Opening celebration. She watched more cars turn into the parking lot. The empty spaces around her were quickly filling.

    Savanna sighed. She should have arrived about thirty minutes earlier, to get a parking place closer to where she needed to carry stuff inside. It was a good thing she enjoyed walking.

    The problem was the number of trips she would have to make between the library and her SUV. Dozens of white boxes containing cookies and cupcakes filled the back of the rear seat of the vehicle, and then there was the huge, full-sized sheet cake in the back.

    The smaller boxes weren’t the problem. She could manage them by herself, but the large cake was a different story. She had to find several people to help carry it into the library, but with all the people coming and going from the library, she figured finding a couple of strong men wouldn’t be an issue.

    Savanna glanced at the center dash clock. Two hours before the official grand opening of the new library, which meant she had about ninety minutes to set up. A wave of panic rippled through her body. Two hours meant a lot of work. Not only did she have to unload all the baked goodies, but she had to set up the display in the library.

    She should have told Marcus Wolfe she needed help to unload everything. This was a huge delivery and setup. In fact, it was her biggest delivery since opening the bakery a few months ago. If everything went smoothly, this event would give her bakery a huge jolt in the advertisement area, the very place she hadn’t spent a lot of time or money, which was a little on the tight side.

    She wiggled her nose. The sweet scent of sugar, vanilla, and chocolate filled the small vehicle.

    Angie Fitch, the librarian, doubled the original order, and then Marcos Wolfe doubled it and added cookies and cupcakes.

    There were a lot of cupcakes and cookies, but with all the shifters who could show up for the grand opening, there wouldn’t be any desserts left except for a few crumbs. Since she opened the bakery, she learned the wolf shifters in Briary Creek loved their sweets.

    She wasn’t complaining, because their sweet tooth was fantastic for business. Even though she knew about shifters, the world didn’t know they were real. Savanna had the impression most of her patrons were shifters, though she didn’t know what kind. About a month after she opened, a child accidentally shifted in the middle of the bakery. Everyone freaked out about the incident, except her and Kinsley. Her daughter walked over to the pup, hugged him, and asked if he wanted to play. Later that morning, Marcus Wolfe, the alpha, paid her a visit. Savanna reassured him their secret was safe with her and Kinsley, and that’s when she told him about her own heritage.

    Savanna shook her head to clear it. There was work to do. She grabbed her keys, phone, black planner, and got out of the vehicle. A cool breeze whipped around the SUV, causing her to shiver as she slipped the keys and her phone into the pockets of her jeans.

    The autumn air was changing. Winter was on its way.

    Savanna opened the passenger door and tossed her planner into the medium-sized cardboard box. She grabbed the flaps and pulled the box closer to the edge of the seat. With a grunt, she picked it up. Savanna used her hip to close the door.

    Sure, she had a good grip. Savanna used her wide hips to close the door. She paused long enough to readjust her grip on the box, which was heavier than she was used to carrying. Dawn, her assistant, had packed this box and put it into the vehicle. Darn shifter strength. It would be nice to have just a little of that strength.

    She walked to the library and climbed the steps. Savanna wondered how she was going to open the library door without dropping the box, or setting it on the ground, which wasn’t an option. There was no way she could pick it up.

    Here, let me get that for you, said a male voice from behind her.

    Thank you. Relief filled her as she stepped aside to let the male walk past her and open the door. Without warning, he suddenly took the box out of her arms, and she found herself looking at the box and a part of a very broad chest. She looked up and stared into a set of dark brown eyes. She blinked several times before she remembered how to speak. You didn’t have to take the box. Savanna bit the inside of her lip. She expected him to have opened the door for her, not to take the box.

    A pretty lady like you shouldn’t carry heavy boxes. He grinned at her. If you’ll open the door, I’ll carry the box in and put it anywhere you want it.

    Savanna nodded, because at that moment, she didn’t trust her voice. She opened the door and made sure she wasn’t in his way.

    By the way, I’m Onyx. Onyx Fitch, he said as he walked into the library and waited for her to follow.

    Savanna let the door close behind her. I’m Savanna Chambers. She held out her hand, but realizing her mistake, she let it drop back down to her side.

    It’s nice to meet you. He grinned. Where would you like me to put this? He nodded toward the box.

    Good question. I’m not sure. Her cheeks grew hot. I’m delivering and setting up the cake, cookies, and cupcakes. I do not know where Angie or Mr. Wolfe wants me to set up the dessert tables.

    So there’s going to be more of these yummy smelling boxes? Onyx asked with a grin.

    Those are the first trip of what will be many trips between my SUV and the building.

    Helping you is not a problem. In fact, it’s a pleasure. I enjoy helping beautiful women, and you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. He winked at her.

    Savanna blushed as she rolled her eyes. You say that now, but wait until after you make a hundred trips from the SUV with the other boxes that have to be brought inside. You’ll look for an excuse to run away.

    I doubt that. Why would I want to run away from a beautiful woman?

    She snorted before she could stop herself. She wasn’t beautiful. Her face was red and perspiration was already making her clothes sticky. Definitely not a beauty.

    Don’t doubt yourself. You are beautiful, said Onyx.

    I don’t have any doubts about myself. Let’s just say I have experience with runners, chasers, and everything in between who say a lot of things they don’t mean, but let’s just leave it at that. Savanna's cheeks warmed. Onyx Fitch was handsome, but she didn’t feel any sparks for him other than a friendship. He seemed like the brother she always wanted but never had, but always wanted.

    Fair enough, but when the right male drops into your life, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Onyx grinned.

    She snorted, wondering how the conversation got from carrying boxes and introductions to finding a man. I like my oxygen a little too much, so I will not hold my breath, said Savanna. Besides, he would have to be addicted to caffeine, cinnamon rolls, pizza, hamburgers, and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

    Onyx raised an eyebrow. Sounds almost like Phoenix, he muttered under his breath. Do you like pork fried rice and egg rolls?

    Add egg drop soup and that would be a definite yes. Savanna sighed. I wish this town had a Chinese restaurant.

    What about sci-fi movies?

    Love them until the sappy romantic Christmas movies play on television during the holidays. I have to binge-watch them, but by the end of Christmas, I’ve got my fix. It appeared to be casual a conversation, but to Savanna, it seemed as if she was being interviewed.

    Onyx laughed. We all have to have at least one flaw. He nodded toward the short hallway leading into the main area of the new library. Let’s find Angie. She will show you where to set up your treats. I, for one, can’t wait to taste a cupcake or two and some cookies. You brought some snickerdoodles? He smiled. There was a hopeful look on his face.

    She raised her eyebrows at his last comment. I wouldn’t have thought of you as someone who cared for sweets.

    From the local gossips who stopped by the bakery every morning, she learned a lot about the local businesses and some of their owners. Onyx owned the gym at the other end of town, and based on his muscular build, he spent hours working out at his facility. Maybe she was being judgmental, but she doubted he ate very many sweets, if any at all. Yelp. A bakery was the last place he would be seen.

    He grinned. Don’t let what you see fool you. I eat a lot more sweets than most people think I do.

    So you’re a closet sweet eater. She rolled her eyes. I’m sorry, but that’s hard to believe.

    Just because I haven’t been in your bakery, doesn’t mean I haven’t sampled the sweets.

    Fair enough. Savanna nodded. Let’s find Angie. The sooner I get everything set up, the sooner you can try the cupcakes and get back to your plans.

    Onyx frowned. You’re not trying to get rid of me, are you? That hurts my heart. He made puppy eyes at her.

    A little dramatic, don’t you think? She laughed as she shook her head. I just thought you had better things to do besides being my free labor.

    I was just going to hang out and help Angie with anything she needed, so helping you is not a problem. We will find where she wants you to set up and I’ll help you carry in stuff. He winked as he nodded toward the short hallway leading into the main area of the

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