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Blood Demon: Demon Assassian, #1
Blood Demon: Demon Assassian, #1
Blood Demon: Demon Assassian, #1
Ebook212 pages3 hours

Blood Demon: Demon Assassian, #1

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Kill him or die.


Anima's existence is about one thing ––exterminating demons. She's an assassin for the Tenebris Witches and her next assignment is to kill the President of Hallowed Grounds MC. Except, when they meet, she can't fulfill her task. Torque isn't the ruthless Princep of Bloods they declared him to be, he's much more.

Time is running out and Anima knows what happens to assassins who don't satisfy their contracts. She never meant to spare him, but if what he says is true, then her entire life had been a lie.

Anima finds herself out of her depth in a world she only partially understands. The realms are interconnected with half-truths and deceit. She'll need to lean on the enemy to save the world.

Blood Demon is an urban fantasy multiple partner romance. It's a slow-burn love with additional partners added as the story progresses. Please be cautious if you're not comfortable with dark themes. But if you take a chance on Anima, you're going to love every stain on her soul.

PublisherA.C. Wilds
Release dateOct 27, 2020
Blood Demon: Demon Assassian, #1

A.C. Wilds

A.C. Wilds was born and raised in New York City. She lives in an outer borough with her husband and two girls. She loves horseback riding, mythical creatures, and everything books. When she isn't at her desk writing the next great escape, she can be found with the blankets over her head reading a steamy paranormal tale.

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    Blood Demon - A.C. Wilds


    Darkness. It’s the first thing I remember. An impenetrable wall shrouds my past. I’ve never known my true self—only the one others need me to be.

    Like the shadows, I weave through the night while following my mark. It’s a giant demon, at least seven feet tall. His horns are calloused and coiled, the tips pointing to the sky. Plumes of smoke exhale from his hot breath in the summer heat. Even after he’s gone, his putrid scent hangs in the air.

    He whirls around like he’s trying to shake the feeling someone’s following him, but he’ll never spot me. The thought of his face when I slide my knife across his throat, the black tar-like blood dripping down to saturate his shirt, makes me smile. 

    After a few more blocks, we find ourselves in a deserted part of town—boarded-up buildings and crumbling old brickwork without one person, supe, or demon in sight. The only sounds are owls hooting and rats scrounging in garbage cans that contain long-past refuse. This place is truly deserted.

    He darts into an empty alley, inadvertently trapping himself in the perfect place for an ambush. The summer heat envelops my skin, pulsing against it and making my anticipation rise. My priestess sent me to kill this demon. High priestess Rahna of the Tenebris Coven is my master and the witch who taught me everything about this life, even if I didn’t want to be shown at times. 

    A black-magic sanction on the Mortal Realm, we are tasked with eliminating demons from this plane. The coven trained me in the art of assassination. Servitude to the shade is the only life I’ve ever known. —

    I’m a black witch, one who can conjure the darkness and use it for a deadly purpose—to kill.

    Why don’t you come out so we can meet properly? the demon drawls, pivoting to search the dimly lit alley for signs of life.

    When I slink from behind a dumpster to stand before him, he laughs.

    They sent you? His smirk widens, and I want to punch it off his smug face. What—is Tenebris short on assassins? You’re not even tall enough to see over a steering wheel.

    His laughter continues to fuel my anger, but I don’t let my ire show. Breathing it in, I swallow the emotions threatening to choke me, waiting for the right moment to use it.

    Haven’t you ever heard the Shakespearian quote? ‘Though she be but little, she is fierce,’ I say, feigning disinterest while flickers of fury fill my belly. 

    You don’t look fierce to me. In fact, you resemble a little pussy cat, and I love to pet pussies. He leers, looking me up and down.

    The repulsive idea of him touching me causes a full-body shudder. When he licks his lips, the last of my reserves dissolve.

    My power explodes around me, knocking him into the brick wall at the far end of the alley. Swirls of smoke coat my skin in a glorious purple hue, adding to the colors of the night. If I could see my eyes, I’m confident they’d be alight with the silver fire of my magic.

    Azzoz, a demon of the Darklands, a contract has been taken out on you. I’ve come to collect, and you will die in this alley tonight. Anything you’d like me to put on your death papers?

    Fuck you, stupid bitch. I’m not going to be the one lying in a pool of my own blood.

    His bulky body lumbers toward me. He’s quicker than I anticipated, but I’m faster. Jumping, I lash out, kicking him square in the jaw. Blood sprays from his mouth, crimson drops falling to the floor at my feet. The move stuns him. For a second, he does nothing but glare. His eyes flash black, devoid of life. He’s all demon now, lethal and capable of snapping me in half. 

    You’re going to regret that. Now, I’m not going to make your death as fast as you’d like. By the time I decide to let you take your last breath, you’ll be begging me to end it, he snarls. When a demon’s inner animalistic beast breaks out of his control, he loses all rational thought. I have to end this quickly. Otherwise, someone will get hurt.

    I charge straight at him, not waiting for him to make the first move. He towers over me, but my smaller legs are perfect for darting into his space. Taking advantage of that, I duck and shoot a fist out, giving his man parts a proper punch. Bending, he clutches his middle. High on adrenaline now, I place both hands on the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his hair and using the strands to force him down as I slam my knee up. He wrenches free, staggers back, and tries to regain his footing. It leaves me a precious few seconds to free my sword, Hubris, from its sheath. A zing of power sounds from it. I spin around, using the momentum to slice my blade through his thick neck. A pop sounds as Azzoz’s head slides off the end of my sword. It rolls before coming to a stop, eyes staring vacantly at the sky.

    After I wipe the demon blood off my cheek, I clean Hubris on my sleeve. I return him to his sheath, then call the pickup team. My job is to kill them, not clean up the gory aftermath. Shelly, the city’s premier cleaner, is the only one I trust. There are many other companies, but she’s the only one who comes through no matter the time of day or what’s needed. She’s efficient and discreet, which are traits I value. 

    Hey, Shel. I have a body on Sixty-Sixth and Third, behind the old button factory. It’s a pretty big one, too. You might want to bring Henry with you, I say when she picks up after three rings.

    Anima, so glad to hear from you. How are things? Remember this morning, you know… when we were supposed to have brunch at Manny’s? she says, her voice high and sarcastic. An image of her checking her nails and twirling her hair flashes through my brain. I hate brunch and all things girly, but Shelly is my friend. Besides, mimosas aren’t bad. 

    Squinting, I palm my face. I totally forgot. Shel, I’m sorry. I got called into the coven. There was a clan of Shax demons they needed me to take down, then I headed straight here to take care of a Darkland demon. Can I make it up to you? Beer at Bobby’s? I grit my teeth, waiting for her answer. I’m not bringing anything to this relationship, but Shelly can’t drop me. She’s my only tie to the modern world. My job, everything I do, is about death and destruction. I need someone to keep me grounded.

    Burgers, too. And not just anyone, I want the Big Bobby Burger with extra cheese, bacon, and onions. Your treat. Her smile is evident in her words when she says the last part. 

    Sounds good to me. I have to stop at the citadel to bring this ticket in, but I’ll be ready to go around ten. Okay with you?

    Yup, it shouldn’t take long for me to clean this up, she says.

    Buzzing sounds from overhead. Looking up, I spot Shelly’s drone canvassing the scene. She got it after one of my kills ended up having friends who wanted retaliation. Thank goodness I hadn’t been too far away.

    I wave to her through the camera as I hit the ‘end call’ button. Walking over to the body, I snap a photo of the severed head and email it to operations. I may be on the noble quest of saving the earth from demon rule, but a girl has to eat. 

    It doesn’t take me long to get back to the citadel. I pull my black SUV to the iron gates, then press the call button. The gate opens without anyone asking for ID, and I drive up to the main building. Trees alive with summer line the driveway. Flowers in various colors grow in neat rows underneath. Some have magical properties, but the high priestess mostly likes everything around her to look fancy.

    The huge fountain in the middle of the courtyard comes into view as I drive around to the garages. The citadel, or the Tenebris Coven Headquarters, is located outside the city just past the wreckage of the onslaught. It’s tidy and clean, with no broken debris or crumbling buildings. 

    When the demons entered the Mortal Plane thirty years ago, human civilization had been destroyed. Feedings and general brutality wiped out most of the population. The demons were like children in a candy store, and the humans were their Snickers bars. 

    All over the world, supernatural forces joined together to take down the demons, but they couldn’t be stopped. Instead, a peace treaty had been drawn up, allowing the demons access to the Mortal Realm, but only with safeguards in place. It bought us a reprieve. However, it also gave the demons a chance to fight for leadership, something they can’t do in the Demon Realm. 

    Four main princeps lead the demon horde in this realm. One right here in New City. Before the fall, this was New York City, the greatest city in the world. People would come from all over to sample the food, entertainment, and vibrant life. Now it’s a crater of forgotten toys piled on top of one another, waiting for another master to play with them.

    Tenebris witches have been native to these lands for centuries. When the demons came, the witches were ready. Our sacred grounds were protected, and we became something of a beacon for those in need. Tenebris may mean dark in Latin, but in times of war, purity isn’t what keeps people alive.

    Welcome back, Anima, Rahna says from the doorway to the citadel. Her raven-colored hair tumbles to her waist. A sleek white gown hugs her torso, flaring at the hip. Her sword, Ira, dangles by her side. Its casing is intricately engraved with runes and glyphs that keep the Blade of Wrath secure. If it got into the wrong hands, no creature in any realm would be safe. 

    Your Excellence, how may I serve you? Head bowed in deference, I even keep my eyes pointed down as I wait to be called upon. Rahna is everything a royal should be—ruthless and cunning. She’s the perfect witch to lead us. I’m proud to be her assassin, to be working toward ridding this realm of demons. 

    You may speak plainly. As I was walking past, I saw you pull up. I take it the mission was completed. There is no question in her voice. If I hadn’t completed it, she knew I wouldn’t return.

    Yes, ma’am, everything has been taken care of. I sent the photos to operations, and the cleaning crew was en route before I left the scene. Azzoz will not be harming any other humans.

    She nods in acceptance, then continues into the citadel. I follow behind on quiet feet, knowing she’ll talk when she’s ready. Our relationship is complicated, but I’ve come to honor the silence between us. I don’t remember what she saved me from, but I’ve always felt grateful for her presence, even when it was tough to bear.

    We enter her office, and she gestures for me to close the door behind her. I oblige and head farther into the room, waiting for her to tell me to sit. Opening the desk, she pulls out a stack of papers and hands them to me. 

    It’s a report on one of the most notorious demons in the Mortal Realm. Princep Torque Sanguis, the head of the Blood Demons. He rose from the Demon Realm and conquered his way onto this plane, killing and sacrificing anyone and anything in his way. He’s New City’s most feared demon, and my priestess has handed me his death warrant.

    You can’t be serious, I whisper, placing the papers on the corner of the desk and taking a seat opposite her. Her expression gives away no emotion, but her eyes say it all. She’s dead serious.

    Why? How do you expect to take down a princep without any retaliation against the coven? The demons who work for him will come after us hard. Are you prepared for a war?

    I’m speaking out of turn, but what she’s asking is madness. Torque has never been aggressive. In fact, he keeps his demons in check as much as he’s able. To be able to exist on this plane, Blood Demons survive on the blood of humans. Without it, they’d be sent back to the Demon Realm. Torque gets his blood from willing donors—at least, that’s what he claims. Humans who want to be demons are called vampires. Neither dead nor alive, their existence is based solely on the Blood Demons who control them. 

    He’s becoming a problem. Too many humans are signing up to become his vampires. His following is getting out of hand, and the covens agreed he needs to be stopped. She steeples her hands in front of herself, staring directly in my eyes. You’re the best assassin from any covens in New City, and I need you to get this done.

    I grab the papers from the desk, reading them through once more. This mission will be my hardest. I’ve taken down some nasty demons, but someone of this power could end me.

    Yes, My Priestess.



    I sit on a throne of blood and death—the princep of the Blood Demons and the president of Hallowed Grounds MC. I am the protector of my people, the reason why we are safe. To secure my position, though, I had to become someone I hate.

    My Bloods gather around me as I hold church. Anger permeates the room, and I fear something has happened that I won’t like.

    Princep, there has been another murder. The Tenebris witch, Anima, has killed the Dark Demon, Azzoz, Caymn says from his perch against the wall. Caymn is a soldier, a sentinel who provides security for the MC. He’s a big, mean-looking demon with enough muscle to pound a human into a pile of meat. 

    What was the charge? I ask, anger burning in my gut. Snarling, I expose my teeth, long and sharp. This has been the fourth murder in the last two days. The Tenebris coven needs to be stopped. 

    The hit said, ‘Taking the soul of a human,’ but Azzoz didn’t have that kind of power. He wasn’t a contract demon. He worked as a liaison between the Blood and Dark. He was here to broker the deal with the next shipment. The Blood and Dark Demons have been at odds since the Demon Realm. King Nox of the Dark Demons has always wanted my head. We have been in a carefully structured relationship since my entrance into the Mortal Realm. 

    Pres, this is getting out of control. Not that some Dark don’t deserve it, but there are too many murder contracts. Something has to be done. They’re punishing us all for the sins of the few. My vice president, Mammon, a demon of avarice and my best friend, has always acted before thinking about what the consequences might be. 

    But he speaks the truth. The Tenebris witches have been issuing contracts on any demon they deem not following the rules. They claim their actions are to protect what’s left of this planet. Demons were the invaders, and now we are the hunted. None are happy we came, but only a few know the actual reason.

    And what of the shipment? I question. It’s sometimes hard to disassociate my role as princep from that of the

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