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30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit
30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit
30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit
Ebook31 pages18 minutes

30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit

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About this ebook

Ever feel overwhelmed by business ideas but paralyzed by the launch process? The "30-Day Guide to Create, Launch, and Profit" is your blueprint to turn dreams into reality. This action-oriented guidebook condenses the launch journey into a month-long, step-by-step plan specifically designed for busy entrepreneurs. This book is for you if:

  • You're an entrepreneur with a head full of ideas but struggle to take the first step.
  • You crave a structured approach to launching your business without getting bogged down in complexities.
  • You're eager to avoid common launch pitfalls and set yourself up for long-term success.

Stop waiting. Start creating. Grab your copy of the "30-Day Guide to Create, Launch, and Profit" and turn your business dreams into reality.

PublisherNicole Cater
Release dateMay 28, 2024
30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit

Nicole Cater

Blessed to be the vessel used by God and share her story worldwide; Nicole Cater is wife of 19 years to Isiah Cater, and mom to 4 children Iyani (who resides in Heaven), Isaac, Ivori, and Ivann. Known as a kingdom influencer, and servant at heart, she founded Project of The GraceFilled from her passion for wanting women of all ages, backgrounds, and economic statuses to understand their worth and value based on the beauty of their creation through the eyes of their creator. Having endured many battles of insecurity, depression, the loss of a child, youthful marriage, and much more; Nicole discovered that it was only in knowing her identity in Christ that she was able to overcome and inspire others to live a life filled with grace and hope.  Understanding that we are all a working PROJECT while also heirs to the throne, Nicole's passion and love for people come through, undeniably, each time she is allowed to share her story only to bring praise and Glory to God.  Nicole has a 4-year degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources and has a plethora of certifications, accreditations, and most importantly life experiences accompanying her name. As the owner of GraceFilled Business Solutions, a trusted Biblical Counselor, and a board member of several non-profits, she firmly believes that God cares more about who we become than what we have done. 

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    Book preview

    30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit - Nicole Cater

    30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit

    Nicole Cater

    Published by Nicole Cater, 2024.

    Also by Nicole Cater

    Stop the Blowups! Communicate the GraceFilled Way

    100 Things a Virtual Assistant Can Do For You

    30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit

    Be the Solution

    The Business Startup Explanatory Checklist

    Watch for more at Nicole Cater’s site.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Also By Nicole Cater

    30 Day Guide to Create, Launch and Profit

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    Also By Nicole Cater

    About the Author

    Day 1: Sparking Your Business Idea

    Welcome to Day 1 of your exciting 30-day journey to building your dream business! Today, we'll dive into the heart of it all: defining your business.

    Think of this as your business's birth certificate. It's where you identify its purpose, the reason it exists.  Are you passionate about creating unique products? Driven to share your expertise and empower others? Maybe you have a knack for solving problems with innovative solutions. Whatever ignites your fire, that's the fuel for your business.

    Here are some questions to spark your creativity:

    What are you naturally good at? Do you have a hidden talent or skill that you could turn into a service?

    What problems do you see in the world that you could solve? Is there a gap in the market where your unique solution can make a difference?

    What are you passionate about? When you lose track

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