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Could Have Been Me
Could Have Been Me
Could Have Been Me
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Could Have Been Me

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Could Have Been Me… is a story of two sisters separated at birth… but destined to find one another… when the dark secret of their past is revealed.


A fateful encounter leads Tess to suspect the truth about her birth. She's determined to find answers, even at the cost of her own happiness. Finding her sister and being a part of her famous sister's life is the blessing before the curse. But as Tess comes to understand the truth, will she be able to forgive the man she thinks of as a father?


Tess Harding and Melody Adams, almost identical, never knew the other existed. One man playing God impacted their lives and left each of them wondering why. As they question their past, will they be able to find a way to forgive or forget? Will they be able to give in to the happiness and love they deserve or will they always wonder if it Could Have Been Me?

Publisherkim marcum
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Could Have Been Me

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    Could Have Been Me - Annie Daugherty


    Tess Harding let the newspaper drop from her trembling hands, a sick, repulsive feeling engulfing her. Damn him! How could he?

    Only she knew the real truth about the circumstances that had led up to their deaths. Some secrets are better left unveiled...forever buried beneath the dark, cold earth. Tess vowed that no one would ever know the secret that had brought about such a tragic end.

    The child had to be protected. . .she had her to think of now. Tess knew that this secret, the lives that she and Melody had lived, the lives that were decided for them from birth, could destroy young Rachel’s life. That unholy action, the horrific lie, the destructive secret, it would all die with her.

    Tess stole quietly into Rachel’s room and watched the sleeping child. Her favorite stuffed animal, a fluffy cat she named JoJo that was given to her by Melody, lay snuggled within her protective arms.

    Rachel’s curly, blonde hair outlined an angelic, round wide-eyed face. Her eyelashes were extremely long and curled over a set of brilliant blue eyes. If ever an angel lived on earth Rachel was surely one, Tess told herself as she soaked in the innocence of her niece.

    Her heart and love went out to the sleeping angel more now than ever. Tess bent down and placed a kiss upon her sleeping face.

    I’m the only family you have now, dear one. As long as I live, I’ll be your mother, your sister, your protector-but most of all, your friend.

    Tess stepped quietly out of the child’s room and went down the hallway into her own bedroom.

    Her Park Avenue apartment was decorated not within the latest trendy fashion, but it was alive with the creative personality of its owner, Tess Harding.

    Tess had always liked doing things on her own and decorating her place had been no exception.

    She had a flair for outstanding, personal touch could be seen in each room...talent she had picked up somewhere along the way in her challenge to be the best at anything she undertook.

    Her six-room apartment was as colorful and unique as was Tess herself. Each room was decorated in a different style, making one feel that within these rooms a world of selective differences and exquisite variety all came together and complimented each other.

    Tess was an avid lover of fine art, museum pieces, paintings, and extravagant objects of remarkable beauty, yet her favorite of all her treasures was a country hand-pieced and hand-sewn quilt.

    The fine hand-crafted quilt of multi-colors meant more to her than all the expensive treasures she owned.

    It hung in all its splendid glory on the wall of her bedroom, more priceless and precious to her than any one possession she’d ever owned or ever would.

    It was an heirloom handed down from her mother, her real mother whom she’d never known.

    The tears slid freely from her weary eyes as she stood in her favorite room and looked out at the lights of New York.

    Down below her on this hot summer night, the streets were still busy with people hustling and an army of little ants.

    Her body was tired from the trip and her heart grieved with unbearable pain. A drink...she needed a drink.

    Minutes later, in her long, slender, perfectly manicured fingers, she held the cool glass in hopes that the alcohol would lessen her pain. She took a drink and felt the smooth, strong liquid burn as it made its way down her throat, hitting her stomach and another wave of nausea riveted throughout her body.

    Her nerves were shattered. The shock of Melody’s death had taken its toll on her emotions, and her body was reacting to the disgust and repulsion that she was trying to suppress. If only LaDuel were here.

    Cry, you stubborn thing! Let it all out. Scream, cry, do anything but don’t just sit something! You can’t hide it inside...never feeling or thinking about it again. Face it now Tess, before it festers inside of you and eats away at the very heart of your soul. That’s what LaDuel would say to her, if only he were here.

    Tess sat down in her favorite chair and sobbed bitterly for the mother she’d never known, for the father and sister whose tragic end had torn her world apart, for the innocent child who had no one left now but her, for the loss of her first love, and the pain that the last few years had rendered upon her heart and soul. When would all the heartache and pain stop? Or would it ever end?

    She thought not, but she would overcome it, she always had. She only needed a short time in which to grieve and then she would do as she’d always done, stand up proud and tall and give the world a go again in her own special way.

    Tess made a decision, a vow that she would never break. She couldn’t change the past, but she would and must protect Rachel’s future.

    It had been almost five years ago when the face of Melody Adams had come to her attention. So shocking in likeness to herself, as if she were looking into a mirror.

    Tess had returned home from Paris some three months after her twenty-fourth birthday, when a close friend handed her a well-known fashion magazine and commented on the model’s looks being identical to hers.

    If she’d only known back then what that discovery was going to reveal. Would she have done things differently? Her friend commented that Each of us has a twin somewhere, and here is yours.

    That’s how it all began. She and another girl shared the same face, the same look...that one in a million face that radiated the essence of beauty and captured the eye of all those around her. Tess had thought once of becoming a model herself but decided on fashion design instead.

    The girl on the June issue was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was a translucent pale blond with subtle shading, unlike Tess’s dark, chestnut colored hair. It crowned gloriously about an oval shaped face that held the most beautiful set of brilliant blue eyes and accented her high cheekbones and well-formed lips. Except for their hair and eye coloring, they were identical.

    Tess had read the profile on Melody Adams, born February 18th, 1960, in West Chester, PA.

    Amazing, they shared the same birthday, but even more intriguing to her was the fact that they both were born in West Chester.

    The article went on covering some of the personal aspects of her life. Tess had become enthralled with each word she read, for it seemed that this lovely creature was going places in the modeling business and fast. She was the Ford Agency’s top model.

    That had been five years ago, and now she was gone. Tess knew that her true father and her only sister were lying beneath the cold earth never more to return, their troubled pasts and dark secrets buried with them.

    Be at rest, she thought, and maybe in time I will come to understand why it all happened, and maybe, I will learn to forgive.


    Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

    It was February 18, 1960. The snow lay heavily on the frozen ground, and it had just begun to snow again.

    Dusk was near as Dr. Adam Harding prepared to attend to his wife, Sarah, and the delivery of their expected baby. This was their third attempt, and the baby was coming prematurely.

    Twice before there had been complications with Sarah’s pregnancies and the first child, a girl, had died within three days. The second child, a boy, was stillborn. Adam prayed that all would go well this time, he knew that his wife would not be able to risk childbirth again.

    Adam was West Chester’s only doctor, and his office occupied the lower level of his two-story white framed home. The top level was their living quarters.

    Sarah had re-decorated the nursery for the new baby. It was all pink and lace, she believed that this time God was going to bless them with a healthy baby girl. Her hopes would not be deterred.

    Adam prayed this time she was right; he could not bear to see more of the suffering and pain that losing her other babies had caused.

    Sarah’s pains were growing closer and more severe. It wouldn’t be long now. He wet a washcloth in the pan on the dresser by her bed and wiped her forehead.

    Sarah, darling, hold on. It won’t be long now.

    She reached out and grasped his free hand. Adam, I’m afraid.

    Sarah, please don’t be frightened. You must stay calm. It’ll be alright. Trust me.

    Darkness settled in as Adam worked with Sarah keeping her as calm as he could. He spoke lovingly, his voice filled with tenderness and concern.

    He was a strong, powerful man with steady hands, and a gift for putting frightened patients at ease.

    Sarah was overcome with fear, and it was making the delivery harder for her.

    Sarah, darling, remember when we first met, remember the lake we went canoeing on? What a wonderful time we had.

    The baby was coming. He paused long enough to get into position. Push now Sarah, gently. We fell in love at first site, remember? By the time we’d finished our canoe ride, we were officially sweethearts, remember?

    Poor Sarah, she nodded, and pushed again, harder this time. The baby’s head was clear. Adam could see a shoulder emerging. Once more Sarah, push darling, hard.

    With her last remaining strength, she pushed, and the baby was free from her womb.

    Adam held the baby in his large, strong hands and cleared the mucous from his daughter’s mouth. The baby let out a hearty wail and Adam felt a sigh of relief escape from his lips.

    Sarah was looking, her searching eyes filled with tears. She reached for the baby and Adam placed their newborn daughter in her arms.

    Within an hour he had cleaned up and sat down next to Sarah’s bed and marveled at the blessing that God had presented them with...a beautiful baby girl. Their prayers had finally been answered.

    Sarah’s eyes were wells of joy and happiness. She held on to the darling bundle snuggled beside her, as if nothing else on earth mattered. At this blessed moment, nothing else did matter.

    Darling, you should rest now. I want you to go to sleep. Sarah looked pale and weak.

    Okay Adam, but may I keep her with me?

    Yes, darling. I need to go downstairs. I’ll only be awhile. You rest now, promise?

    Sarah nodded, and before Adam went downstairs, she fell into a restful, but exhausted sleep.

    Adam was descending the stairway when he heard a loud knock at his office door. Who on earth would be out on a night like this, he wondered.

    He opened the door, and Jake and Martha Adams hurried inside. Martha was moaning frantically, and Jake seemed in a stunned daze.

    Doc, it’s her time. I rushed her over here. I didn’t know what else to do.

    Adam closed the door and took Martha by the arm.

    I’ll make her as comfortable as I can. Jake, you stay out here, I’ll let you know when it’s over.

    Thanks, Doc. It’s our first. We’re new at this.

    It’ll be alright, Jake. Try not to worry. I’ll take care of her.

    Adam put Martha in the room farthest from his office. He knew Jake would only be upset more by hearing her groans of pain.

    She was trying so hard to be brave. The first time is always a little frightening, Martha. Let’s see what we have here.

    He examined her closely. She was very near delivery. Half an hour at the most. Adam made her comfortable and went into his office to get some supplies he needed. He reassured Jake on his way back.

    Then, he slipped up the back stairs that led to the upper level and peeked in on Sarah and the baby. Everything seemed fine. He tiptoed quietly to the bedside and looked at the baby’s face.

    A wave of shock overcame him. The baby’s face had turned blue and there was no sign of life.

    He gently eased the infant from his wife’s arms and held his baby near his heart. Tears spilled from his eyes and fell down on the baby’s face.

    She was dead. Their lovely daughter had survived only a short, precious time. He shouldn’t have left them, maybe he could have done something to save her.

    Sarah would be asleep until morning. He placed the baby back in his wife’s arms and went downstairs to attend to Martha.

    Sarah would not survive the news of yet another baby’s death. What would he do? What would he say? This had been their last hope. There would be no other chances for them. Would Sarah recover? He doubted it.

    He went back to Martha with a heavy heart full of sadness. He felt as if the world rested upon his shoulders. He wanted to run away, to go somewhere in his bereavement and release all the sorrow that burdened his heart.

    He had to stay; his obligation was to his patient. His personal grief had to be put aside for now.

    Martha, when I tell you, push hard, okay?

    Several minutes passed.

    Now, Martha, push. That’s good. Once more. You’re doing great.

    The young girl was near to passing out. Adam hoped she’d stay conscious just a little longer.

    He placed the newborn baby girl into a nearby cradle and went back to Martha just as another head was emerging. She was having twins, but before he could inform her of the good news, Martha passed out from the pain.

    It was in those few precious, heaven-sent moments that Adam decided to take fate in his own hands. Before Martha revived, he took the last-born twin girl and rushed up the backstairs, removed his dead baby from Sarah’s arms, and placed the newborn twin in her place.

    He took his daughter’s corpse and laid it in one of the other rooms. He would bury her later, when all danger from being discovered had passed.

    Martha was reviving when he returned. She hadn’t noticed his absence. All was going well so far.

    He took care of her and asked if she felt well enough to hold her baby girl.

    Martha reached for her baby and Adam placed the infant in her mother’s arms.

    She’s a lovely girl. I wish you and your husband true happiness.

    Thank you, Doctor Harding. May I see my husband now?

    Sure, I’ll get him.

    Adam brought Jake back into the room, and then left the couple alone while he slipped upstairs to check on Sarah.

    Sarah and the baby were both sleeping. Adam eased the baby out of Sarah’s arms and examined her thoroughly. The baby girls were identical as far as he could tell. There was a birthmark on the baby’s right shoulder. He would have to check the other baby for the same mark.

    He cleaned the baby and placed her in

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