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Up All Night: Brighton Heat, #2
Up All Night: Brighton Heat, #2
Up All Night: Brighton Heat, #2
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Up All Night: Brighton Heat, #2

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Since her heart isn't up for grabs, he might just be her perfect man…


Can't resist a challenge? Neither can Beth when irresistible playboy Marco sets his sights on her. Beth doesn't need a man with sinful good looks and a reputation for love-em-and-leave-em-gasping affairs. She's a woman determined to keep her heart safe as it slowly mends, but his relentless pursuit might just change everything.


Marco is a man who loves women, but only on his own terms. He's learned the hard way not to get involved, not to let a woman close. Hence the reason for his one month rule.


As their brief affair heats up, they each find themselves questioning their own rules. But when a revelation from Marco's past threatens to tear them apart, will their growing feelings be enough to weather the storm?


PublisherFaye Avalon
Release dateMay 28, 2024
Up All Night: Brighton Heat, #2

Faye Avalon

Faye Avalon lives in the UK with her super-ace husband and one beloved, ridiculously spoiled Golden Retriever. She worked as cabin crew, detoured into property development, public relations, court reporting, and education before finally finding her passion: writing steamy romance. Between writing, practicing yoga, and keeping the keyboard free of dog hair, Faye can be found checking out Pinterest for hero inspiration. Visit her at

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    Book preview

    Up All Night - Faye Avalon

    Chapter One

    You moron! Are you insane?

    For a few surreal seconds, Marco Zutini stared at the vision before him, wondering where in hell she’d come from and how he’d managed to splatter her quite so spectacularly. Shit.

    My sentiments exactly. The woman stood frozen to the spot as if the paint plastered to her had transmuted into glue. Look what you’ve done, you idiot.

    Marco narrowed his eyes, hoisted his paintball gun, and then strode to where she gawped down at her ruined clothes, all the while muttering curses that wouldn’t be out of place during a guys’ poker night.

    As he neared, she glared up at him, fierce blue eyes staring out of a face smeared with bright red paint. There were also splashes on the black ball cap she adjusted as she continued to glower at him. Shit. He’d expected one of the guys to step out of the bushes, not some female who barely reached his shoulders.

    Attack, he remembered, was the wisest form of defence. What the hell do you think you’re doing wandering around here anyway?

    It’s a public wood. Paint trailed down her cheeks onto her upper lip. I’ve got every right.

    Actually, you haven’t. When she swiped at her lip, Marco was momentarily distracted. Damn fine lips. These woods are private. Didn’t you see the signs?

    No. I didn’t see the bloody signs. She held out her arms like a scarecrow and looked down at herself again, before returning her gaze to his. Well, don’t just stand there.

    Damn fine eyes too, Marco thought, planting his feet hip width apart. All that blue fire. What do you expect me to do? You’re the one trespassing.

    And you’re the one playing soldiers.

    Soldiers don’t use guns filled with paint, Marco felt compelled to point out.

    Whatever. She flicked her hand, sending tiny flecks of paint into the air. Boys. Toys. Who cares?

    Okay. She was starting to piss him off. The gate’s back that way. He hefted the gun across his chest and started to turn away. Have a nice day.


    He ignored her frustrated screech as he continued to walk back toward headquarters. While he knew he should do something to help her, a part of him rebelled at her brusque, irritating manner. Life hadn’t been all plain sailing lately, and now even this male bonding thing he’d arranged for his friend Ethan’s stag party had backfired and shot him in the ass. He didn’t need some cranky female adding to the mix.

    Hey! Just wait a minute.

    Marco continued to walk but heard the rustle as her footsteps crunched through the wooded path. He shook his head. Bloody woman was following him. "Don’t have a minute to spare, bella. I’ve got to go find the enemy and shoot them with my boy toy."

    You can’t go off and leave me here after what you’ve done. The least you could do is help me. Don’t you feel even a little bit guilty?

    He came to an abrupt stop but didn’t turn. Only thing I’m guilty of is hearing a sound in the bushes. And since these woods are earmarked for paintball activities, I aimed and fired. Truth was, he hadn’t aimed but had simply vented his frustration by shooting out at the rustle of foliage. If you need help, I’d suggest you go find the nearest ranger.

    He thought he heard her mutter bastard but couldn’t be sure. He had to smile and was about to turn when a huge dog shot out of the woods and aimed straight for him. He had a moment to think shit before the dog lunged at him and knocked him back a clear two steps. Fucking hell.

    Roscoe, down!

    The gun fell from Marco’s grasp as he tried to defend himself. It soon became clear that the dog’s only intention was to play see-how-high-I-can-jump and possibly lick him to death. Hey, down boy. Good dog.

    A hand shot out and attached a clip to the animal’s collar before he was tugged away. Bad boy. The paint-splattered beauty’s breathy tone echoed through the suddenly quiet woods. First you run off and scare me half to death, then you want to make friends with possibly the most obnoxious man I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.

    Marco turned to face her and stared down into those fierce blue eyes. The dog, now suitably restrained at her side, panted like a train as he stared up at Marco. Maybe he’s a better judge of character than you are.

    No, he’s just more naïve. Dogs are like that. She glared up at him as if all the bad stuff in the world was his fault. It’s one of the reasons I prefer them to people.

    Your prerogative. Now why don’t you run along and stop bothering me.

    He was about to turn away again, royally pissed with her now, when the dog shot off after something that rustled in the trees and she stumbled forward into the bushes, the leash escaping her grip. Shit. Roscoe! Come back!

    But the dog was already charging joyously off toward the sound he’d heard, barking with the thrill of the chase and of being free to pursue whatever had taken his fancy.

    Hey. Marco bent and wrapped his hand around her arm to pull her up. Are you okay?

    The ball cap had dislodged, sending a swathe of long brown hair onto her face where it promptly got caught in the paint. Do I look okay? She batted his hand away, stuffed her red-streaked hair back under the cap and pulled down her jacket. Marco had a moment to wonder how she managed to get all that hair under such a small cap, but then she planted her hands on her hips. Damn. Where did he go?

    Took off after something.

    She huffed. I’d never have worked that out if you hadn’t been around.

    What was her problem anyway? He was only trying to help and here she was acting like he was public enemy number one. Okay, maybe he was the cause of her current predicament, or at least partly, but still. Instead of standing there complaining, why don’t we just concentrate on getting your dog back?

    She glared at him some more, then let out a long sigh. He doesn’t know these woods, this area even, he’ll probably get scared and be disorientated when he calms down.

    He’s not from around here?

    As they tramped off toward the trees in the direction Roscoe had fled, she spared him a glance. Came in a couple of weeks ago. He was found dumped on a roadside about thirty miles away, tied to a tree and suffering from exposure.

    You rescued him?

    She made a sound that was probably in the affirmative, but her head was turned away from him now as she searched the woods. Since her hair was tucked into the cap, he got a fine view of her long, slender neck with all that milky white flesh. He held back a pace and let his gaze travel down to her ass. No problems there either. Round, firm cheeks encased in all that tight denim. His cock jerked beneath the old army fatigues he wore, but any further deliberations were halted as her shout pierced the wooded silence.

    Roscoe! Here boy. Roscoe.

    She picked up speed and since she didn’t seem to want to continue their chat any time soon, Marco cleared his throat as he strode alongside her again. You live nearby?

    Near the Centre. God, I hope he’s okay. He’s hardly out of puppy-hood and doesn’t have any street smarts yet.

    We’ll find him. Shit. He didn’t usually have to work this hard to get information out of a woman. It was like pulling teeth. What Centre?

    She glanced up at him as she continued to stride out. The Rescue Centre. On west beach. I work there.

    When he didn’t immediately respond, she rolled her eyes, as if the existence of Brighton’s biggest animal rescue centre was beyond his idiot perception.

    Okay. Now he was beyond pissed. Maybe he wasn’t the world’s most sensitive mortal, but he was damn well not the jerk she was making him out to be. Forget that tight ass. The woman was fast becoming a royal pain in his.

    Roscoe! His shouted command came out louder and more forceful than he’d anticipated, and he was hardly surprised when she came to a stop and looked at him. What?

    You don’t have to bellow like that. You’ll scare him.

    You want your damn dog back, don’t you?

    She folded her arms across her chest. Marco wanted to tell her that the action spread paint onto the sleeves of her jacket, but he thought to hell with it.

    What I want is for you to go away. Won’t your playmates be missing you?

    Because she said it with a sneer, Marco stepped toward her. "That smart mouth of yours might get you into trouble, bella."

    He lowered his gaze to that mouth, which was full, ripe, and dotted with red paint. He had the crazy urge to just lean it, taste it, taste her.

    Shit. Pissed had just morphed into a full blown hard on.

    Long black eyelashes curled over icy blue eyes firing with challenge. Get away from me.

    She wasn’t afraid of him. Far from it. So he stayed where he was, firing his own challenge right back at her. When he moved a tad closer, she took a step back. But she folded her arms across her chest and hiked her chin into the air.

    Hell. What was it about her that was so damn sexy?

    He grinned. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?

    She narrowed her eyes and this time she was the one to move closer to him. He held his ground, even as she moved right up into his space. Another inch and she’d get to feel how fucking turned on he was.

    She moved. And grinned.

    Cat hasn’t got anything. But perhaps you’d like to step back, that is if you’d rather not feel my knee in the region of your current predicament.

    Marco stood his ground. Even faced with the threat of injury to his manhood, the woman turned him on. He dropped the paint gun to the ground, and drew her hips up hard against him, enjoying the gasp that escaped her and the way her eyes went wide. Are you really sure you want to do damage? Think of what you’ll be denying the sisterhood.

    Her hands landed on his biceps. Her fingers were small, delicate even, but they dug in hard. You’ve got a solid grasp there, he said. A man likes to know a woman can grip hold of him when the occasion calls for it.

    Her eyes widened a little indicating she’d taken his innuendo, but then they narrowed. When the occasion calls for it, I can grip as well, better, than the next woman.

    As if to demonstrate, her fingers dug harder into his arms. At the same time, she brought her knee up to his groin, freezing mere centimetres away from the spot where she could so easily make his eyes water. Or worse.

    I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

    Well, you’re not me. And don’t think for a moment I’d deny myself the pleasure of doing damage to a man’s dick given the opportunity.

    Their gazes locked, and as Marco searched her eyes, he glimpsed beyond the threat. History there, he thought. Something she was keen to hide from those not fascinated enough to really look. It seemed he was fascinated, because he found himself not just wanting to know what had happened to put that look there, but he wanted to be the man to take it away.

    The terrifying reality of that hit him dead centre of his chest and he released her with such urgency that he had to throw out his hand to stop her tumbling back into the bushes.

    Roscoe chose that moment to tear out of the woods, barking madly as he took a flying leap at them. The action sent them toppling back into the shrubs and Marco just managed to flip their positions mid fall so that when they landed, she was on top of him. Her breath came out in a loud whoosh at about the same time he felt his head connect with something hard and solid.

    He winced as the world went momentarily black.

    Oh, my God. Her hands flew over his face, his head. Are you okay?

    Since he was currently seeing stars, it was hard to say.

    Don’t move, she instructed in the same tone she’d used to summon the wayward Roscoe. Let me see.

    He couldn’t have described her as gentle as she poked and prodded him, and maybe there was something sick about him that he enjoyed her rough handling. Maybe it was those expressive eyes again and the concern that shadowed their depths. When she sat back on her heels and let out a long breath, he hoisted himself onto his elbows and felt his head swim a little. Will I live?

    Looks like. But it might be a good idea to let a doctor take a look at you. Have them examine your head.

    She leaned forward, her breasts on a direct course to his mouth, and ran her fingers over the back of his head again. He winced a little, afraid to admit that he did it more for effect, seeing as he wanted her to keep touching him, to stay this close so he could imagine what tempting flesh lay beneath her jacket. From the bulk of her clothes he couldn’t get a clear outline of her breasts, but if her ass was anything to go by, he’d be in for a treat.

    Shit. What the hell was he thinking? The woman had been nothing but trouble. Maybe he really did need his head examined.

    You’re going to have a nice bump there, I’m afraid. Do you want me to help you up?

    Hell, no. He didn’t care if he was dying, he wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction. I’m okay.

    He started to rise but had to blink a few times as he gained his balance, aware that her hand lay almost imperceptibly against his elbow. The dog edged in front and plonked himself down on his butt.

    Bad dog, she scolded as she grabbed his lead. Look what you did.

    Since the dog went down on his belly and stared doe-eyed up at her as if he knew he was in deep shit, Marco felt a certain male bonding with the animal. He’d been on the receiving end of her pussy-whipping, too. Didn’t know your own strength, did you boy? Only wanted to play.

    He’s had enough play for one afternoon. Are you sure you’re okay?

    Fine. Marco resisted the urge to rub his hand over the bump on his head as it started to throb. I’ve had worse.

    Her lips twitched as, with the hand that wasn’t holding tight to the dog’s lead, she picked up his paint gun. Macho man. I suppose that comes from handling such a big gun.

    She held the weapon out so he could take it. He grinned back at her. I handle my gun pretty well.

    I’m sure you do. She flashed pretty white teeth. Except when you’re aiming at unsuspecting women who happen to be in your path.

    Damn, she was beautiful when she was snarling at him, but when she smiled, she pretty much blew his socks off. Even with all that paint on her face. Most of the women I aim for are happy to be in my path.

    The low rumble of sound she made deep in her throat went straight to his still rigid cock. Macho and modest. That’s some combination.

    Since they weren’t growling at each other and she was still smiling at him, he held out

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