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Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water
Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water
Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water
Ebook44 pages14 minutes

Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water

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 "Josie's Fairies and the Bridge Over Three Mile Water" is a captivating tale set in the enchanting village of Three Mile Water, Wicklow, Ireland. Join Josie, a spirited girl, as she embarks on a daring adventure with her loyal dog Bobo and the tooth fairies Rionna and Talula. Together, they journey to the mystical realm of the fairies beneath the ancient Bridge over Three Mile Water, facing challenges, uncovering secrets, and ultimately reclaiming stolen treasures to save their village. This heartwarming story is filled with magic, bravery, and the enduring power of friendship, offering readers a delightful blend of whimsy and adventure.

Publisheralan cavanagh
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water

alan cavanagh

Alan Cavanagh ist ein versierter Geschichtenerzähler und stolzer Einwohner von Wicklow, Irland. Mit seiner Leidenschaft für Folklore und seiner Liebe für die natürliche Schönheit der irischen Landschaft lässt sich Alan von seiner Umgebung inspirieren, um bezaubernde Geschichten zu erfinden, die Leser jeden Alters fesseln. "Josie's Feen und die Brücke über das Drei-Meilen-Wasser" ist die neueste Ergänzung seiner Sammlung magischer Geschichten, die Elemente von Abenteuer, Freundschaft und irischer Mythologie zu einem unvergesslichen Leseerlebnis verweben. Alans Erzählungen entführen die Leser in eine Welt, in der die Fantasie keine Grenzen kennt, und laden sie dazu ein, sich auf spannende Abenteuer einzulassen und die Wunder zu entdecken, die hinter dem Schleier der Realität verborgen liegen.

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    Book preview

    Josie’s Fairies And the Bridge Over Three Mile Water - alan cavanagh

    Josie’s Fairies

    And The Bridge

    Over Three Mile Water

    Once upon a time, in the picturesque village of Three Mile Water, nestled in the heart of Wicklow, Ireland, there lived a spirited girl named Josie. The village had a history stretching back a thousand years, and at its heart stood the ancient Bridge over Three Mile Water. This bridge was not just a crossing over the river; it was the epicenter of enchanting tales and mysterious folklore.

    Josie, a curious and adventurous girl, found solace along the banks of the river. Every day, with her faithful and clever Dane, Bobo, by her side, she would explore the meandering shores, skipping stones and imagining magical worlds.

    The village elders, with their weathered faces and sparkling eyes, would gather near the bridge in the twilight hours during the holidays to share tales of the supernatural. Spooky stories of fairies residing beneath the ancient structure echoed through the ages as a warning to would-be travelers. According to the tales, not all fairies were benevolent; some were bold and mischievous, playing tricks and stealing precious

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