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Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #7
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #7
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #7
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Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #7

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In the ancient tribal world, the young spirit witch Wu Yu accidentally discovered that the antidote to snake venom was black snake meat, rather than the mythical beast he had previously mistaken it for. This discovery excited him immensely, but it also raised many questions. Wu Yu collaborated with Xia Wu, an elder of the tribe. Despite his proposal to build new houses being rejected, he devoted himself to strengthening the tribe by enhancing its infrastructure and training its teams.

Wu Yu taught various skills such as pottery firing, papermaking, archery, and cement production, gradually modernizing the tribe. He also planned the production of telescopes and brewing through military drills and resource scavenging. Thirty days later, Xia Wu officially announced Wu Yu as a partner of the tribe during a parade, his words filled with trust and expectation.

However, Wu Yu harbored even greater ambitions—to unify the four major tribes and become the leader of the five tribes. As he tackled various challenges and complex problems, he continually enhanced the overall strength of his tribe, even creating new sugar production methods and brewing plans. The future was full of uncertainties and challenges, and whether Wu Yu could achieve his goals was highly anticipated.

PublisherZhou Yan
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #7

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    Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era - Yu Shu Shu

    Chapter 427: Training Display, Fruit Wine, and Brown Sugar

    Upon hearing this, Wu Yu muttered to himself, So the antidote to the venom is actually eating the snake. Oh, no, wait, it’s eating the black snake. I thought it was the Exotic Beasts that detoxified me. Excited, Wu Yu misspoke.

    He then asked, Xia Wu, why did I still faint? And why did I feel so weak when I woke up?

    That’s because after you consumed the black snake’s flesh, your body needed to detoxify and transform itself, so naturally you fainted. Afterward, your strength increased, but you felt weak. I think that’s probably why, Xia Wu explained.

    Then, Xia Wu continued, With the Merchant Shaman without his black snake, I won’t have any problems facing him. Alright, let’s do as you say for now, if they really do team up to attack our tribe.

    Wu Yu nodded and suddenly had an idea. He said, Xia Wu, I think your wooden house is a bit small. How about I design a larger three-story house for you?

    Xia Wu glanced at him and then at the fire pit. He replied, No need. I think this wooden house is fine. It’s been in our tribe for many years.

    Wu Yu had thought that Xia Wu was reluctant to build a new house because he had an attachment to the old one, so he didn’t say anything more.

    He saw Xia Wu as a sentimental person and gained a new respect for him.

    Huang, who had been standing to the side, had not said a word, but his face was filled with a smile.

    Wu Yu had already heard about the things he had just mentioned when he was at the Merchant Tribe’s fighting arena.

    The idea of uniting all four major tribes filled him with excitement.

    At that time, becoming the leader of all five tribes was a thought that could keep one awake at night.

    After chatting with Xia Wu for a while longer, Wu Yu left the wooden house.

    Once Wu Yu had left, Xia Wu muttered to himself, This kid is not even twenty years old, yet he’s already a Spirit Witch and knows so many things. Could all of this knowledge have been passed down to him from the Shamans of his tribe? But why is it that when I cast divination, all I can see is that he will bring glory to our tribe? Why is there no vision of him? Could he be possessed by the soul of an ancestor?

    Sigh, no matter. As long as I believe in him and support him, it doesn’t matter what kind of person he is. Kid, it’s not that I don’t want to live in a big house. It’s just that it would be troublesome to move this fire pit.

    After Xia Wu muttered to himself for a while, he held three turtle shells with patterns inscribed on them. He closed his eyes slightly and began to caress them with his hand.

    Two days later, another group of warriors who were responsible for monitoring the Jie Tribe returned. The news they brought back was similar to the first group’s. A group of people from the Merchant Tribe had entered the Jie Tribe.

    Three more days passed, and the group monitoring the Zhou Tribe also returned. They reported that the Merchant Tribe had indeed been there. Wu Yu’s predictions were truly accurate.

    From that day forward, Wu Yu and the Xia Guards trained together every day.

    Of course, he had Hao dispatch another team to closely monitor the four major tribes. Should there be any movement, they were to immediately return and report.

    Furthermore, he sent a group of people to the territory of the Xia Tribe to search for stones that could be used to make glass. He wanted to create telescopes for better reconnaissance.

    As for the construction of wooden houses and other infrastructure projects, all were handed over to the tribespeople to manage.

    During this time, he also taught the people of the Xia Tribe everything he knew about pottery firing, papermaking, bow and arrow crafting, and cement production, without holding anything back.

    Now, walking through the Xia Tribe, one would no longer encounter the situation of being covered in dust on a sunny day, and mud on a rainy day. Instead, the paths were all paved with bluestone slabs.

    Their city no longer faced the issue of water flooding into the wooden houses when it rained.

    Currently, in addition to the lethal techniques Wu Yu was teaching Xia Wei, there was also the Subduing Beast Technique.

    However, he focused on trap-making, camouflage, reconnaissance, sign language, formations, intelligence, and other such skills.

    In short, he imparted everything he had learned, under the current conditions, without any reservation.

    When it comes to warfare, aside from resources and strength, intelligence is actually the most important aspect.

    When the strength between enemies is similar, having comprehensive knowledge of the enemy and oneself assures victory in all battles.

    Of course, if the gap in strength is too large, even knowing that the enemy will attack tomorrow would only lead to evasion and preservation of strength.

    On the thirtieth day, he specially invited Xia Wu to the square to give him a comprehensive report performance.

    This was probably the first military parade in this world.

    On this day, all the members of the Xia Tribe gathered here.

    In these thirty days, not only the Totem Warriors but even the ordinary tribespeople were impressed by Wu Yu. His status was now second only to Xia Wu, even higher than that of the chieftain, Hao.

    To this, Hao did not feel slighted but was instead very pleased.

    After all, Wu Yu’s arrival at the Xia Tribe was also due to him.

    Had Wu Yu not come, he would not have had the heart to challenge the former chieftain, Chi, and would not have become the chieftain himself.

    After Wu Yu had demonstrated all the training content to Xia Wu, Xia Wu hadn’t realized that Totem Warrior training involved learning so many things.

    Take the drill formation display, for example, which includes squad, platoon, and company formations. The position of every person, how to move, all had strict regulations.

    Especially the discipline and order displayed by Wu Yu left him deeply impressed.

    To be honest, if he put himself in Wu Yu’s shoes, he admitted he couldn’t train the Totem Warriors like this, let alone even think of how to do it.

    At the end of the demonstration, Xia Wu stepped onto the platform.

    This square, no, it should now be called a drill field, had also been transformed.

    The entire drill field was set up exactly like the training fields from Wu Yu’s previous life, fully functional.

    The platform Xia Wu stepped onto was essentially like a podium.

    Standing there, Xia Wu looked down at the neatly arranged Totem Warriors, each face filled with high morale, which invigorated him, and he felt a surge of blood boiling within.

    He then addressed everyone, saying, From now on, Wu Yu is in partnership with us. What he says and does represents me. Anyone who disobeys or fails to execute orders will be executed immediately.

    Xia Wu’s speech was brief yet powerful and direct, piercing into the hearts of all warriors like a thrown spear.

    Obey, obey, obey...

    As soon as his voice faded, all the Totem Warriors below shouted in unison. Their voices were so loud that the surrounding tribespeople’s ears buzzed, and those who were frail even had nosebleeds from the vibration.

    After Xia Wu finished speaking, Wu Yu also addressed everyone, saying, Brothers, as long as you do not fail me, I will never leave you behind. Our Xia Tribe will surely unite the four major tribes. Then, we can eat large pieces of meat and drink from big bowls. Do you have confidence?

    Yes, yes, yes...

    Wu Yu, what is alcohol?

    During the warriors’ loud chants, Xia Wu asked Wu Yu.

    Caught in his excitement, Wu Yu misspoke.

    Then, seizing a moment of inspiration, he replied, Alcohol is the liquid from the tree king, which can also be called alcohol.

    Hearing this, Xia Wu nodded.

    Of course, as long as they unite the major tribes, tree king liquid, no, alcohol, will naturally be in abundant supply.

    However, Xia Wu’s casual question gave Wu Yu an idea: brewing alcohol himself.

    Tree king liquid, to put it bluntly, is the liquid from the tree king after the mountain gibbons put fruits and medicinal herbs in it and let it ferment.

    As long as there are fruits, brewing fruit wine should not be difficult.

    And if he had grains, he could not only brew distilled spirits but also extract alcohol.

    Wu Yu was the kind of person who acts immediately on his ideas.

    After the demonstration, he told Hao about his idea and had him send tribespeople to where the fruits were in their territory and bring back every kind of fruit they could find.

    Wu Yu didn’t know much about fruit wine.

    Although he didn’t know much, he was sure he could brew it. At most, he would just have to practice more.

    Of course, while he was brewing, his training of the warriors not only continued but also intensified, with the focus shifting to fighting between people.

    Therefore, on the drill field, they practiced battle formation training from morning till night.

    Naturally, he also emphasized individual combat effectiveness, but he still placed more importance on concentrating superior forces for a direct assault.

    Three days later, the tribespeople brought back a large quantity of fruits, mainly kiwis, bayberries, and grapes.

    Wu Yu naturally chose grapes first.

    In his previous life, wine was quite popular; there were vineyards all over the world.

    Wu Yu’s brewing method was also very simple. After washing and destemming the grapes, he laid them in layers in an earthenware jar, sealed it up, and let it ferment naturally.

    He also filled several large jars with other fruits using the same method.

    When he was done, he had people bury the jars in the ground.

    A few more days later, the warriors who had gone out to find material to make glass returned. They had indeed found quartz that could be used to make glass.

    Not only that, but these Totem Warriors also brought back a few black things, saying that these things were very sweet when bitten.

    When Wu Yu heard this, he asked them to bring him one to look at.

    He took one look and could not help but show excitement on his face. They had found sugarcane.

    This thing could not only be eaten as a snack but could also be used to make sugar.

    With this discovery,

    Wu Yu had a new idea. It was the same as when he was in the Flame Dragon Tribe. He would draw an illustrated book and have the warriors take it to search for resources within the territory. Now that the tribe had paper, all they had to do was make some ink.

    However, the top priority was to make sugar.

    After learning about the size of the sugarcane forest, he sent the Saber Tiger Camp to cut down all the sugarcane in the forest.

    Not only that, but he also had them bring back some of the rhizomes to see if the sugarcane was suitable to be planted near Xia City.

    After the sugarcane was cut and brought back, he had Hao send some to Xia Wu to try.

    He also distributed some to the tribespeople to eat, and kept most of it to make sugar.

    Making sugar now, the technical difficulty lies in how to extract the juice.

    Without a machine, how can the juice be extracted?

    In the evening, as he was drawing the resource illustrated book in his room, he pondered this problem.

    After thinking for a while without coming up with an answer, he wrote the character squeeze large on the paper with a brush.

    Unexpectedly, this character gave him an idea.

    The method he thought of was to fix two huge round logs vertically close together, put the sugarcane in the middle, and rotate the two round logs to extract the juice.

    He was able to think of this method because he saw that the character squeeze had the radical wood on the left, which made him think that Chinese characters were not created randomly and led him to associate it with this method.

    Of course, the only way to know if this method would work was to try it.

    Early the next morning, he called Hao and had people find two round logs, smoothed them out, and fixed them in place.

    Unexpectedly, when he tried it, he was able to extract the juice, causing him to pump his fist excitedly.

    He then popularized this method.

    Extracting the juice was easy, but turning it into granulated sugar was not so easy.

    However, Wu Yu first made brown sugar.

    The process of making brown sugar was very simple. Just slowly boil the sugarcane juice over a fire, and the resulting crystals were brown sugar.

    In the afternoon, the world’s first brown sugar was produced.

    As for how to make granulated sugar, Wu Yu couldn’t think of a method right away. He only knew that granulated sugar was made from sugarcane, but he didn’t know how to make it.

    However, he felt that being able to make brown sugar was already good enough. He could figure out how to make granulated sugar later. Maybe he would discover something that would lead to its creation.

    Hao and the others loved the brown sugar and kept making brown sugar water to drink.

    Seeing this, Wu Yu couldn’t help but laugh and said to them, This brown sugar is best for women to drink.

    Why? Hao and the others asked.

    As for why, Wu Yu didn’t really understand either. He had only seen in TV shows in his previous life that women would drink brown sugar water when they were on their period.

    Of course, it was easy for him to fool Hao and the others.

    So he replied, Women who drink this brown sugar water will be more fertile.

    As a result, this statement spread among the women.

    Then, all the women in the tribe, even the young girls, found ways to get brown sugar to make brown sugar water to drink.

    Coincidentally, some of the women happened to be on their period, and most of them were in a lot of pain. After drinking the brown sugar water, their pain was greatly relieved, and some even stopped hurting.

    This was incredible, and they believed Wu Yu’s words even more.

    For a time, brown sugar became a rare commodity and was directly managed by the chief.

    This made Wu Yu laugh and cry, but he couldn’t take back what he had said.

    Chapter 428: Ambush

    After the brown sugar incident, Wu Yu, along with Hao and others, managed to produce glass.

    He mainly used this glass for three purposes.

    The first purpose was naturally to polish lenses and make telescopes.

    The second was to manufacture colored glasses.

    The third was to use it in wooden house construction, for windows.

    When Hao and others held the telescopes and brought distant sceneries right before their eyes, their expressions were no different from Xuan and the others when they first saw it.

    Not only that, when Xia Wu saw it, even with his composure, he showed a look of shock and said, This thing is indeed good for observing the enemy.

    Wu Yu replied, With this, our scouts can hide even further away. This way, the chances of the enemy discovering them will be much lower.

    Xia Wu nodded and asked, Is this telescope also passed down to you by your Wu inheritance?

    Of course, Wu Yu answered. If it weren’t for the Wu inheritance, I wouldn’t have been able to make such a thing even if I racked my brains.

    Was it passed down to you through an Inheritance Stone? Xia Wu continued to inquire.

    Yes, Wu Yu responded.

    Can you make an Inheritance Stone? Xia Wu asked again.

    Wu Yu looked at Xia Wu.

    With his intellect, he naturally knew that Xia Wu had a certain intention in asking this question.

    However, he answered very straightforwardly, Of course I can.

    The reason he was so straightforward was because his Energy Palace was still locked up to now. To make an Inheritance Stone without Witch Power was unthinkable.

    When Xia Wu heard that Wu Yu could make an Inheritance Stone, a flash of interest appeared in his eyes, and he asked, Could you pass on these inheritances to me through an Inheritance Stone?

    No problem, Wu Yu answered crisply. However, my Energy Palace is currently locked by a Merchant Witch using some kind of witchcraft, and I can’t use any Witch Power at all.

    Xia Wu looked at him, smiled, and replied, As long as your Energy Palace isn’t destroyed, there should be a way to unlock the Energy Palace that the Merchant Witch has locked.

    Wu Yu, hearing this, also became interested and asked, Is that true?

    Of course it’s true. As a great Wu, how could I lie to you? Xia Wu replied.

    Then can you unlock my locked Energy Palace now? Wu Yu asked hurriedly.

    Let me take a look first. I can’t guarantee I can unlock it now, Xia Wu replied.

    After he finished speaking, he stood up, raised the bone staff in his hand, and a cyan mist emerged from it, heading towards Wu Yu’s head.

    Wu Yu saw that the Witch Power used by Xia Wu was actually a cyan mist and couldn’t help but wonder to himself, Could it be that the Witch Power of these great Wu’s all have different colors?

    He had just finished murmuring when Xia Wu said, To unlock your locked Energy Palace, I can only kill the Merchant Witch and obtain a drop of his blood.

    It seems that the Merchant Witch must die.

    Wu Yu thought for a while and asked, Xia Wu, if we don’t have the Merchant Witch’s blood, will my locked Energy Palace never be unlocked?

    Theoretically, yes, Xia Wu replied. But if one reaches the level of a Witch King, even without the Merchant Witch’s blood, it can probably be unlocked.

    When will you be able to reach the level of a Witch King? Wu Yu asked.

    I won’t hide it from you. If our tribe can unify the four major tribes, I should have no problem becoming a Witch King, Xia Wu replied.

    Why are you asking this? Xia Wu asked doubtfully.

    Hehe, I’m afraid that even if we destroy the Merchant Tribe, we might not be able to obtain his blood. I’m just asking so I can have a plan in mind, Wu Yu replied with a wry smile.

    The reason he had answered so readily that he could make an Inheritance Stone earlier was also to have Xia Wu see if his locked Energy Palace could be unlocked.

    Besides, even if he passed on the techniques he currently mastered to Xia Wu, it didn’t really matter. He also wanted to gradually implement these things in the Xia Tribe.

    Of course, he would be selective about what he passed on.

    If Xia Wu obtained these inheritances, it would make things relatively easier for him.

    After showing Xia Wu the telescope, he immediately equipped the Xia Wei with it.

    In order to effectively break the alliance of the four major tribes, after Wu Yu had basically taught them his training content, he brought three Green Stripe Warriors to the territories of the Tang, Zhou, and Jie tribes to conduct field reconnaissance.

    One shouldn’t fight an unprepared battle.

    One of these three Green Stripe Warriors was Hui Ya, who had come out to question them when they first arrived at the Xia Tribe.

    The other two were called Fen Yong and Ping Zhi.

    Little King Kong and Golden Monkey followed him too.

    Before setting off, he also disguised the three men.

    He gave them all monkey suits.

    Seen from afar, they looked like five monkeys.

    The first tribe they reached was the Tang Tribe, because the Tang Tribe borders the Merchant Tribe, and the distance was relatively shorter.

    They set up their telescopes on a hilltop where they could see the Tang Tribe from a distance.

    The Tang Tribe’s territory was also filled with houses built from stone, and its scale was similar to that of the Xia Tribe.

    They stayed on the hilltop for a day, then headed towards the Zhou Tribe.

    The Zhou Tribe was adjacent to the Tang Tribe.

    The route from the Tang Tribe to the Zhou Tribe was the most likely route the Zhou Tribe would take to get to the Tang Tribe.

    The purpose was to figure out their possible route, so they could set up an ambush in the future.

    It’s worth mentioning that along the way, they actually didn’t encounter any fierce beasts blocking their path. They couldn’t tell if it was because the fierce beasts were afraid of their aura, or if there simply weren’t any on this path.

    If there weren’t any, it meant that this path really was the most likely one for these two tribes to take.

    The Zhou Tribe had wooden houses and stone houses, as well as a perimeter wall, and the size of the city was similar to that of the Xia Tribe.

    After reconnoitering the Zhou Tribe, they proceeded to the Jie Tribe.

    The Jie Tribe was adjacent to the Zhou Tribe and the Xia Tribe.

    The architecture of the Jie Tribe was very similar to that of the Zhou Tribe.

    However, they observed it for three days in a row and didn’t discover any unusual activities. They just saw some Totem Warriors practicing something on the square from time to time.

    They then returned to the Xia Tribe and handed over reconnaissance duties to the Totem Warriors they had dispatched.

    Five days later, they made it back to the Xia Tribe.

    Their trip had taken nearly twenty days.

    However, they did make some discoveries.

    Firstly, all three tribes had Totem Warriors training in their squares, which could very well be related to their joint training.

    Secondly, Wu Yu drew a route map of the path they had taken, and marked the most likely route for them to send troops.

    He also deduced from these routes that the most likely gathering place for the four tribes was the Strange Mountain Arena.

    He reported these reconnaissance findings to Xia Wu one by one.

    After hearing his report, Xia Wu agreed with his analysis and told him to go ahead and do what needed to be done without any hesitation.

    With Xia Wu’s approval, Wu Yu began to make arrangements.

    He led the Saber Tiger Camp to an ambush site on the possible route from the Jie Tribe to the Strange Mountain.

    He had Hao lead the Lone Wolf Camp to an ambush site on the route from the Merchant Tribe to the Strange Mountain, which was the canyon where he had killed the two giant pythons.

    After the ambushes were successful, the two teams would head to the Strange Mountain Arena.

    Three days after Wu Yu and the others arrived at the ambush site, they received intelligence from the Totem Warriors observing the Jie Tribe that a team of people from the Jie Tribe was heading towards the Strange Mountain.

    The route was exactly this one.

    Upon hearing this intelligence, all the Totem Warriors were overjoyed.

    They hadn’t expected Wu Yu’s prediction to be so accurate.

    The ambush site Wu Yu had chosen was also a canyon with stone walls on both sides.

    Less than half a day after receiving the report, the Jie Tribe’s team entered their ambush circle.

    The team sent out by the Jie Tribe consisted of at least Blue-Patterned Warriors, and there were dozens of Green-Patterned Warriors.

    There were about five hundred people in the team.

    This was also similar to Wu Yu’s estimate. They had basically dispatched half of their Totem Warriors.

    If they really formed an allied army, the four tribes would have two thousand Totem Warriors in total, which was almost half more Totem Warriors than the Xia Tribe.

    In that case, it was entirely possible for them to destroy the Xia Tribe.

    Even if they failed to destroy it, the Xia Tribe would probably suffer heavy losses.

    At that time, if the four tribes sent out a certain number of Totem Warriors again, they could completely destroy the Xia Tribe.

    However, if their Saber Tiger Camp and Lone Wolf Camp could take out the Jie Tribe and Merchant Tribe’s people first, their alliance would naturally fall apart.

    The reason Wu Yu chose to take out the Jie Tribe and Merchant Tribe first was because the Xia Tribe bordered these two tribes.

    As long as they took them out, there would be no more quick reinforcements.

    Wu Yu waited until the Jie Tribe had entered their ambush circle before he gave the order to attack.

    Their Saber Tiger Camp had one company at the front of the canyon, one company at the back of the canyon, and two platoons from another company ambushing on the left and right, while another platoon served as a mobile unit, guarding the Jie Tribe’s path to prevent them from escaping.

    Wu Yu was the first to charge into the Jie Tribe’s ranks.

    He was, of course, disguised as an Exotic Beast.

    This disguise alone was enough to scare away many Totem Warriors.

    And so it was.

    The Jie Tribe’s Totem Warriors were stunned when they saw an Exotic Beast suddenly appear in front of them, armed with a weapon.

    And just as they were stunned, the entire canyon suddenly resounded with the sound of battle cries.

    Wu Yu had specifically instructed them that no matter how powerful they were, their voices had to be loud.

    This was called psychological warfare.

    It must be said that the effect was ideal.

    The Jie Tribe’s Totem Warriors were shocked when they saw Totem Warriors swarming in from all directions.

    Caught off guard, they were caught off guard by the Xia Tribe’s specially trained troops and nearly a dozen of them were killed instantly.

    And Wu Yu, brandishing his Bone Pattern Sword, charged into the Jie Tribe’s ranks like he was entering an uninhabited realm. With the flash of his blade, people screamed in pain from time to time.

    Little King Kong, who had become a Fiend Beast, brandished his Meteor Iron Sword and headed straight for the Blue-Patterned Warriors. Wherever he passed, Blue-Patterned Warriors lost their heads one after another.

    The Jie Tribe’s Green-Patterned Warriors reacted quickly and fought back after seeing these ambushers appear out of nowhere.

    However, by then, it was too late.

    The Xia Tribe’s Totem Warriors advanced in formation, in an orderly manner.

    When they encountered Blue-Patterned Warriors, they would basically finish them off in one round. Even when they encountered Green-Patterned Warriors, they couldn’t match their sharpness. They were truly unstoppable and invincible.

    Wu Yu, who was at the forefront, was naturally fighting alone.

    In an instant, several Green-Patterned Warriors surrounded him.

    This was exactly what he needed. He wanted to use his own strength to try and contain their Green-Patterned Warriors.

    At present, he could still handle ten ordinary Green-Patterned Warriors.

    The Green-Patterned Warriors who surrounded him were all shocked to find that they could not break through his defense. They thought they had encountered a terrifying Blue-Patterned Warrior, because they did not sense any Totem Warrior aura from Wu Yu. They immediately lost their fighting spirit.

    A Green-Patterned Warrior from the Jie Tribe saw this and immediately shouted at the team, Retreat, retreat back.

    After shouting, he shouted at Wu Yu, Who are you?

    The reason he asked this was because apart from Wu Yu and Little King Kong, the other Totem Warriors in the Saber Tiger Camp were wearing uniforms, which made them look very uniform, and their movements were also very uniform.

    Wu Yu laughed at the man and replied, We are the ones who are going to take your lives.

    As soon as he finished speaking, he thrust his sword at a Green-Patterned Warrior.

    After hearing their leader’s shouts, many of the Jie Tribe’s Totem Warriors broke out towards the path they had come from.

    In this kind of battle, as long as you have the intention to retreat, it really feels like a landslide, and you are completely beaten.

    This was exactly the case. As soon as they retreated, screams could be heard endlessly.

    Before long, the Jie Tribe’s formation was shattered by the Saber Tiger Camp, completely losing their previous formation and collapsing.

    Furthermore, these separated Totem Warriors were immediately surrounded and harvested by the Xia Tribe’s Totem Warriors in formation.

    Despite this, about forty to fifty people still managed to break out and head back.

    Just when they thought they had really escaped, another team suddenly appeared in front of them.

    This completely demoralized them, and many Totem Warriors only put up a token resistance before they were killed.

    Actually, it wasn’t that they had lost their fighting spirit, but because the pursuers from behind had already caught up.

    With obstacles in front and pursuers behind, and in a state of panic, their morale naturally plummeted and they were at the mercy of their pursuers.

    Chapter 429: Harvest

    The remaining people of the Jie Tribe were basically considered elites, with more than twenty Green-Patterned Warriors alone.

    A tribe would only have about a hundred Green-Patterned Warriors, and they had probably sent out about thirty or forty this time.

    As the saying goes, even a cornered beast will fight. Although their morale was very low, they did not surrender. Instead, they put up a stubborn resistance.

    However, the current Xia Tribe had an overwhelming advantage not only in strength but also in numbers.

    Up to this point, although the Xia Tribe had some injuries, no one had died.

    This was naturally due to the uniform armor that Wu Yu had made for them.

    The armor they had made was covered with beast bones with Bone Patterns in the vital areas.

    Furthermore, each camp of the Xia Tribe’s Green-Patterned Warriors had forty members.

    The Xia Tribe could now destroy the Jie Tribe with just these Green-Patterned Warriors.

    The leader of the Jie Tribe looked at Wu Yu, who was dressed as a mountain ghost, and shouted at him, Are you the Spirit Witch named Wu Yu? Are these all Totem Warriors from the Xia Tribe?

    Wu Yu smiled at him and said, That’s right, I’m Wu Yu. Today, I’ll let you die with peace of mind. These people surrounding you are all Totem Warriors from the Xia Tribe.

    When you came to our tribe to talk about forming an alliance, we didn’t believe that you alone could change and influence a tribe. Now, I believe it, the leader replied.

    Then, he asked, How did you know that we would pass through here?

    We divined it, Wu Yu replied. Stop talking nonsense. Will you kill yourself, or should we do it? Don’t waste our time destroying the Shang Tribe and the Zhou Tribe.

    Hmph, the man sneered. We’ve come to this point. Even if we die, we’ll have to take a few people with us. Ah, I’ll kill you first.

    As soon as he finished speaking, he shouted and charged at Wu Yu with a Bone Pattern Cleaver.

    Hmph, Wu Yu sneered. He brandished his Bone Pattern Sword and met the attack head-on.

    It had to be said that this Green-Patterned Warrior was quite powerful, or else he wouldn’t have been chosen as the leader.

    It was just a pity that he had encountered Wu Yu.

    After a few rounds, his sword-wielding hand was severed at the wrist by Wu Yu’s sword, and the Bone Pattern Cleaver fell to the ground.


    To Wu Yu’s surprise, after his Bone Pattern Cleaver fell, the man roared and charged at Wu Yu, giving him a bear hug.

    When it came to close combat, Wu Yu would say he was second to none in this world. No one would dare to say he was first.

    He was confident in this.

    He put away his Bone Pattern Sword and met the attack bare-handed.


    Seeing this, the leader shouted. His move changed, and he grabbed for Wu Yu’s shoulders.

    Wu Yu did not dodge and let him grab his shoulders.

    The leader roared, Die! when he grabbed Wu Yu’s shoulders, and pulled him into his arms with all his might.

    Wu Yu merely lowered his shoulders. With his left hand, he slapped the hand that was grabbing his right shoulder. With his right hand, he made a fist and punched the leader’s elbow with great force, bending it.

    Then, he punched the leader’s face with his right hand.

    Wu Yu’s series of moves were as fast as lightning, fierce, accurate, and ruthless. Not only did he break free from the leader’s shoulder lock, but he also kicked the leader in the lower abdomen, sending him flying.

    After the leader was sent flying, Wu Yu followed him. Just as the leader was about to land, Wu Yu stepped on the leader’s back, immobilizing him completely.

    At this time, several Totem Warriors from the Xia Tribe rushed over. They took out some Beast Sinew and tied the leader up.

    To prevent the leader from biting his tongue and committing suicide, Wu Yu also had someone stuff his mouth with something.

    He had captured the leader for a reason.

    With the capture of their leader, the remaining Jie Tribe warriors lost all hope. They let out sorrowful roars and used moves that would end in mutual destruction.

    Even so, it was useless.

    About half an hour later, except for the leader who was captured alive, all the other Totem Warriors of the Jie Tribe were killed.

    After the battle, Wu Yu immediately had someone take stock of the results. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that no one had died and only a few were seriously injured.

    Next, he had the Totem Warriors of the Jie Tribe who had been killed thrown into a cave and erased all traces of the battle.

    After doing all this, he had the warriors resupply. After treating the seriously injured warriors, he led them to the Strange Mountain Arena at top speed.

    They traveled very quickly.

    This could be considered a great victory. The warriors were overjoyed.

    In the past, with only 300 people, they would never have been able to defeat a force of nearly 500.

    Now, as they looked at the back of Wu Yu, who was running ahead of them, their eyes were filled with admiration.

    As for their own strength, they had a whole new assessment. They were not only confident, but also full of fighting spirit.

    Of course, none of this escaped Wu Yu’s eyes. This was exactly what he wanted to see.

    The morale of a team was sometimes a decisive factor in battle.

    They galloped forward without stopping. When they were hungry, they would take out the prepared beast meat and gnaw on it. When they were thirsty, they would drink some water. When they were tired, they would persevere.

    In this way, they covered a journey that would normally take a day and a half in just one day.

    When they arrived at the meeting place agreed upon with Hao, they did not see Hao and the others.

    Wu Yu was not in a hurry. He had the warriors sit down in formation to replenish their supplies and recover their strength.

    He changed the dressings of the seriously injured warriors.

    By this time, it was almost dark.

    But Hao and the others had yet to arrive.

    Many Totem Warriors began to look anxious and worried about Hao and the others.

    Seeing this, Wu Yu, in order to not affect morale, comforted them, The place where the Lone Wolf Camp set up the ambush is a bit far from here. It’ll take them some time to get here.

    Hearing Wu Yu say this, the warriors secretly heaved a sigh of relief and lay down on the ground to rest.

    Sure enough, at dusk, Hao led the Lone Wolf Camp here.

    Wu Yu was secretly relieved when he saw that Hao and the others had arrived safely.

    He glanced at the Lone Wolf Camp and could tell that Hao and the others had suffered casualties.

    Indeed, in this battle, Hao and his men lost ten Blue-Patterned Warriors and seriously injured five Green-Patterned Warriors.

    But such casualties would not affect the Totem Warriors’ morale at all. On the contrary, it aroused their fighting spirit.

    For Totem Warriors, from the day they became Totem Warriors, they were prepared to accept death.

    This was true for any tribe.

    Hao’s casualties were within Wu Yu’s expectations and acceptance. In fact, they even exceeded his expectations. He had estimated that twenty people would die.

    For Wu Yu, as long as there was a battle, there would inevitably be casualties. This was unavoidable.

    After letting Hao and the others rest for a while, he headed to the arena.

    He guessed that by noon tomorrow, the Zhou Tribe and the Tang Tribe would arrive there one after another.

    They had to set up an ambush in the arena in advance.

    When they arrived at the arena, the moon was high in the sky.

    After arranging the ambush points, he let the warriors rest on the spot.

    He sat down on a relatively high ground and gazed at the moon.

    At some point, Hao sat down beside him.

    He asked softly, Wu Yu, at this rate, it should only be a matter of time before our Xia Tribe unifies the four major tribes. I wonder if you will still stay with our Xia Tribe by then?

    Wu Yu chuckled softly, looked into Hao’s eyes, and replied softly, Our Yanlong Tribe’s ancestral land is in the Central Continent. I have to lead them back to the ancestral land and reclaim the glory that belongs to the Yanlong Tribe.

    Wu Yu, if there really comes a day when you lead your tribe back to the ancestral land, our Xia Tribe will definitely listen to your command, Hao said.

    Wu Yu rolled his eyes at him and retorted, You’re not the Wu. Can you make the decision?

    I think the Wu will definitely agree. According to what you said, this world is so big. I want to see it too, Hao replied.

    Wu Yu smiled, turned his head, and asked him, Who gave you your name?

    Hao was stunned for a moment and replied, My father gave me my name, of course. Is there something wrong?

    No, you have a good name, and your tribe has a good name, Wu Yu replied.

    Hao was confused and muttered, Is there a difference between good and bad names?

    Wu Yu chuckled and asked, When you unify the four major tribes, will you want to unify this continent?

    Of course, Hao replied firmly.

    As long as you have a dream, it will come true, Wu Yu said.

    Wu Yu, when we unify the four major tribes, I will help you find a woman in the tribe. You should have a woman to bear your children, Hao changed the subject.

    After hearing this, Wu Yu rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, lay down, and propped his head up with his hand.

    Seeing that he was not talking, Hao also lay down and stared at the two moons in

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