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The Lousy Zombie Book 3: The Mystery of Steve
The Lousy Zombie Book 3: The Mystery of Steve
The Lousy Zombie Book 3: The Mystery of Steve
Ebook52 pages45 minutes

The Lousy Zombie Book 3: The Mystery of Steve

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GENRE: Children's Adventure (An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen) After finally befriending the human girl, Herobrine dubs Jasper and Alex, official 'acolytes-in-training', and assigns them to their first task: deliver a message to a person

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateMay 28, 2024
The Lousy Zombie Book 3: The Mystery of Steve

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    The Lousy Zombie Book 3 - Mark Mulle

    The Lousy Zombie

    Book 3: The Mystery of Steve

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2016

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    DAY 23

    DAY 24

    DAY 25

    DAY 23

    If I had to describe the Nether in one word, it would be this: hot. I’m not kidding, either. Thousands of miles underneath the surface, the Nether Realm is swimming in lava, spiky reddish-brown stones, and filled with the weirdest (and deadliest) monsters I’ve ever seen. If you’re unfamiliar with the Nether, the odds of catching on fire, falling into lava pools, or falling off a rocky cliff are high. You’ll also be super thirsty. Did I mention water here evaporates the instant it touches the ground?

    I’m not sure what Herobrine had in mind as a beginner’s quest, but his idea of a nice, simple task with little risk of danger was the fiery underworld. A Ghast accidentally blew me to bits. Blaze monsters thought I’d make a great recipe for Extra Crispy Deep-Fried Jasper, and don’t even get me started on the Magma Cubes. Granted, as hazardous as I found the place, Alex just loved it.

    As my official partner acolyte-in-training, Alex was probably the only reason I made it through the ordeal. She was so excited I had to keep running after her and keep her from running into impending death.

    Look at all those lava waterfalls! she’d say at one turn.

    Hey, Jasper! I bet I can hop over those stones and not fall into the lava, she’d say a few minutes later.

    Is that giant blazing ball of fire heading right at us? she’d say a little later.

    All that considered, my green skin was almost as white as Skeleton bones from all those close calls.

    I guess I should get into a little more detail as to what the mission was. Now, if this wasn’t done in the Nether, then maybe it would have been the easiest task ever. It was simple enough: deliver the letter to Mister Bacon.

    Mister Bacon is supposedly a good friend of Herobrine’s. He’s a Zombie Pigman (a breed of monsters that are distant cousins of zombies), and he’s a resident at one of the Nether fortresses here.

    A Nether fortress is a giant structure made of Nether brick that resembles a castle. There are tall towers, long bridges, twisting paths with small rooms and dungeons, and lots of treasure chests. A bunch of different monsters live here, while Wither Skeletons and Zombie Pigman guard the fortress for them.

    You should be able to spot it instantly, Herobrine told us.

    He was standing next to us in front of a large square frame made of obsidian rock. Using a piece of flint and some iron, he made a small spark in the middle of this frame and a large purple vortex appeared.

    Step into it and you’ll be in the Nether fortress, he said. If you get lost, turn your attention to the map I gave you. Once you reach the fortress, ask around for Mister Bacon. A monster should be able to tell you where he is. Now, do you have any questions?

    Alex raised her hand. She seemed to be having a hard time doing so because of the bulky iron armor she was wearing.

    Yes, Alex?

    Are monsters going attack me there because I’m human? she asked.

    This was a question Alex probably wouldn’t be asking had she not been sitting down and having lessons with Herobrine. Alex was, after all, the girl who tried to befriend a kid zombie on the day we met. She was pretty oblivious as to why monsters and humans fought one another, and she still is, to

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