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Aloha Unexpected Love
Aloha Unexpected Love
Aloha Unexpected Love
Ebook362 pages4 hours

Aloha Unexpected Love

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Aloha Unexpected Love: A Romantic Comedy

When a workaholic architect meets a mysterious beauty on a Hawaiian getaway, sparks fly, secrets unravel, and laughter ensues in this heartwarming romantic comedy.

Jared, a pragmatic and meticulous architect, finds himself reluctantly whisked away to the sun-d

PublisherJared Klev
Release dateMay 24, 2024
Aloha Unexpected Love

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    Book preview

    Aloha Unexpected Love - Jared Klev

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    The Aloha Con

    Chapter 2

    The Packing Conundrum

    Chapter 3

    Turbulence and Tequila

    Chapter 4

    The Awkward Introductions

    Chapter 5

    The Rulebook

    Chapter 6

    Surfing and Shenanigans

    Chapter 7

    Lava Tubes and Laughter

    Chapter 8

    Walking to the Sky

    Chapter 9

    Road Trip Romance

    Chapter 10

    Moonlit Magic

    Chapter 11

    Confessions and Cocktails

    Chapter 12

    A Gift from the Gods

    Chapter 13

    Island of Temptation

    Chapter 14

    Dinner under the stars

    Chapter 15

    The Morning After

    Chapter 16

    Double Date Disaster

    Chapter 17

    Underwater Escapade

    Chapter 18

    Luau Love

    Chapter 19

    The Farewell Dance

    Chapter 20

    Heartbreak in the Heartland

    Chapter 21

    The Search for Cinderella

    Chapter 22

    The Reunion

    Chapter 23

    Love conquers all (almost)

    Chapter 24

    The Family Feud

    Chapter 25

    The Wedding Crashers

    Chapter 26

    Epilogue: Happily Ever After (with a Twist)

    Hawaiian Hearts Aflame

    Chapter 1

    The Aloha Con

    Jared was ensconced at his drafting table, an altar to precision where graphite was his offering. It was here that countless hours of his life had been willingly sacrificed. An expanse of blueprints lay unfurled before him, their corners raised slightly, as if yearning to break free from the intensity of his gaze. The soft cadence of his pencil tapping against his temple broke the silence, a rhythmic accompaniment to the concert of concentrated thought that was playing out in his mind.

    The room served as a testament to his single-minded devotion to his work, exuding a sense of order and clinical detachment. Not a single personal memento had the audacity to interrupt the symmetrical array of pens and rulers. His coffee cups, now devoid of any trace of heat, stood sentinel around the edges of his blueprints, a silent, vigilant crew.

    With a sigh that seemed to carry the burdens of his architectural endeavors, Jared allowed himself to stretch, to straighten out the foreboding that had become a constant companion. He pressed the pads of his thumb and forefinger against the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment in a vain attempt to banish the creeping exhaustion that dared to crack his well-kept veneer.

    The office was bathed in the harsh, unforgiving light of fluorescent bulbs, sucking the life out of the colors and casting everything in an artificial pallor. They hummed with an insistent, almost aggressive vitality, a stark contrast to the quiet darkness that pressed against the window panes from the outside world.

    Opening his eyes once more, Jared returned to his work with a renewed, if tired, vigor. Every move he made was a testament to his meticulous nature - every line he drew was a manifestation of his intent, every dimension he marked subject to rigorous verification. His hands, sure and skilled, danced across the terrains of paper, forging realms with nothing more than ink and ambition.

    The sudden noise of the door swinging open jolted Jared from his focused reverie. In burst Tom, a tornado of untamed blond hair and a Hawaiian shirt so vibrant it seemed to rebel against the dreariness of the office. He was a beacon of disorder in Jared's world of straight lines and sharp angles.

    Tom made a beeline for Jared's desk, excitement radiating from him like heat from sun-baked asphalt. With a dramatic flourish, he slammed a glossy brochure onto the cluttered surface, forcing Jared to look up. The front of the brochure featured an idyllic scene-a palm-lined beach with waves crashing on the shore, the kind of image that beckoned weary souls to surrender to its call.

    Look at that, Jared! Tom exclaimed, his voice an octave higher than usual in his excitement. It's paradise on paper!

    Jared leaned back in his chair, a quizzical arch of one eyebrow as he studied the brochure before returning his gaze to Tom's animated face.

    Tom's hands fluttered like birds eager to fly as he launched into his story. So there I was, scrolling through my feed when I stumbled upon Sophia. He paused for dramatic effect, his eyes wide with the fervor of his story. She was strumming her ukulele, man, and singing with this voice that could make angels weep.

    Jared couldn't help but let a grin tug at the corner of his mouth. Tom had always been one to exaggerate, but even for him, this was over the top.

    She's incredible, Jared, Tom continued. A goddess with a ukulele and a heart of gold. He leaned over the desk, his eyes gleaming. And guess what? We're meeting in Maui!

    The architect's expression changed from amusement to skepticism. Maui? The word hung in the air between them like a kite caught in an updraft.

    Yes, Maui! Tom repeated as if sensing Jared's disbelief. I booked the tickets last night! His grin widened as he clapped his hands together in anticipation.

    Jared sat up straighter, taking in this latest revelation. His friend was notorious for impulsive gestures, but flying halfway across the ocean on the wings of an online romance was bold even by Tom's standards.

    Tickets? Jared echoed, finding himself caught up in Tom's infectious enthusiasm despite his pragmatic nature. You're serious about this?

    Deadly serious, Tom affirmed with a nod that sent his mop of hair into further disarray. She's special, Jared. I can feel it.

    Jared pinched the bridge of his nose, the lurid colors of the brochure blurring before his eyes. Tom leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. Jared, when's the last time you did something for yourself, huh? You're always buried in these, he waved a dismissive hand over the blueprints, but there's a whole world out there!

    Tom's eyes swept the sterile office before returning to Jared with a look of mock horror. I mean, come on! Do you even remember your last vacation?

    Jared's silence was telling. Tom picked it up like a shark smelling blood in the water.

    Think about it, man! The sun, the sand, the surf... You could be lying on the beach, Mai Tai in hand, watching the sunset paint the sky in shades you can't find on any palette. He leaned back, arms outstretched as if to embrace the vision he was conjuring. While you're stuck here calculating angles, I'll be living it up with Sophia. We'll be sipping coconuts and dancing under the stars.

    Jared tried to maintain his composed exterior, but Tom's words were like an artist's brushstroke across a blank canvas, coloring his thoughts with possibilities he'd never allowed himself to consider. He could almost feel the warm breeze on his skin and taste the tangy sweetness of tropical fruit on his tongue.

    Tom's grin turned mischievous as he watched Jared's stoic facade waver. Imagine missing all this because you were too busy aligning door frames and windowsills.

    The playful jab landed with precision, and Jared found himself grappling with a sudden and unfamiliar sense of FOMO. His friend's words had unearthed a long-buried longing for spontaneity that was clawing its way to the surface.

    Tom watched Jared closely, aware of the change in his demeanor. He continued with an earnestness that bordered on pleading. Come with us, Jared. What do you say? Trade in those rulers and squares for a real adventure.

    Jared met Tom's expectant gaze with one of mild annoyance tinged with curiosity. The idea was ridiculous - a wild departure from his carefully structured life - but it hung between them, potent and tantalizing.

    Maui, Jared murmured under his breath, as if testing the word for taste.

    The seed of curiosity Tom had planted had found fertile ground in Jared's mind.

    Intrigued but cautious, Jared raised a skeptical eyebrow. Wait a minute, who said I was bringing a date? I barely know this Sophia person, let alone her circle of friends.

    Tom patted Jared on the back, his grin wide enough to rival the stretch of beach on the brochure. Don't worry, buddy! Sophia has a best friend named Emily. Apparently she's fun, adventurous, and single. Sounds like a match made in Hawaiian heaven, huh?

    Jared rolled his eyes, not convinced. The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, betraying his amusement at Tom's relentless matchmaking efforts. Sounds like you're trying to set me up on a blind date in paradise. Thanks, but no thanks.

    Tom's enthusiasm didn't wane. He leaned in closer, his voice taking on the persuasive tone he reserved for moments when he knew he was close to winning Jared over. Come on, Jared! When was the last time you had a date that didn't involve discussing floor plans or sustainable building materials? This could do you some good.

    Jared crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, a fortress of reluctance in the midst of Tom's onslaught of optimism. He pondered the absurdity of it all - an impromptu trip to Maui with Tom and his online sweetheart wasn't exactly the pragmatic decision-making he was known for.

    Besides, Tom continued with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Emily's not just any girl. She's smart, runs her own business, and has a sharp wit that could probably match yours. He nudged Jared's shoulder playfully. You might even enjoy her company.

    At the mention of Emily's wit, Jared felt a twinge of curiosity. His encounters with women had often been stilted by their lack of appreciation for his dry humor or penchant for intellectual banter.

    Tom sensed the flicker of interest and continued. And hey, it's only a week. What's the worst that can happen? You get some sun, drink some exotic cocktails, and maybe - just maybe - have a great time with someone who gets your jokes.

    Jared considered this for a moment, weighing the pros and cons as if they were elements in one of his architectural designs. The idea of stepping out from behind his drafting table into an experience filled with unknown variables was both daunting and exhilarating.

    He glanced at Tom, whose hopeful expression bordered on pleading. Jared sighed, knowing full well that once Tom made up his mind, he was like a dog with a bone.

    All right, Jared conceded with a hint of reluctance in his tone. Tell me more about this Emily.

    Tom's face lit up like the Fourth of July as he slapped a victorious hand on Jared's shoulder. You won't regret this, I promise. It's going to be a blast, and Emily is far from a dud. She's amazing, man. Quick on her feet, a real firecracker.

    Jared let out a sigh that seemed to contain both resignation and the faintest whisper of anticipation. He shook his head slightly, as if still in disbelief at the course his life was suddenly taking. Double date adventure, huh? I suppose it could be interesting, he admitted, though his tone carried the weight of a man bracing for impact.

    Tom bounced on the balls of his feet, his energy almost palpable. Absolutely! We'll dive into crystal clear waters, hike through lush rainforests, and dance at luaus under the stars. His arms swept through the air, painting a picture of escapism and tropical romance.

    And if Emily is half as impressive as you claim, Jared said, a note of challenge running through his words, I might even enjoy myself.

    That's the spirit! Tom beamed with pride, as if he'd just brokered an international peace treaty instead of persuading his friend to go on vacation. And hey, worst case scenario, you get a free week in paradise and an unlimited supply of Mai Tais on my tab.

    Jared cracked a smile - his first real smile in what felt like forever. You got yourself a deal. He held out his hand across the table, and Tom shook it enthusiastically.

    This is going to be epic, buddy, Tom repeated with unbridled enthusiasm. Wait till you meet Sophia and Emily. They'll blow you away. His words hung in the air between them - a promise, or perhaps a premonition.

    Jared watched Tom's retreating figure as he strolled out of the office with a cheerful wave, the brochure still in his hand like a ticket to adventure. Alone again in his architectural sanctuary, Jared felt an unfamiliar flutter in his chest - a cocktail of trepidation and excitement that left him momentarily breathless.

    He glanced down at the blueprints that had consumed him for so long, and then out at the darkened cityscape beyond his window. Perhaps it was time for him to sketch something new - not on paper, but in life itself.

    Tom's phone popped out of his pocket like a magician's final revelation, the screen glowing with the promise of adventure. His thumbs flew across the digital display, a flurry of movement as he scrolled through a series of Hawaiian excursions that seemed to stretch into infinity.

    Look at this, Jared! Tom enthused, his voice bubbling with excitement. We can take surf lessons at dawn, right when the waves are perfect!

    Jared's eyes followed Tom's rapid sweeps, each new image a window into a world he had never thought to explore. The architect in him appreciated the structural majesty of a curling wave, even if the pragmatist hesitated at the thought of mounting a board himself.

    And if you think that's cool, Tom continued without missing a beat, there's a volcano hike that promises views you won't believe. It's like walking on the back of the earth!

    The corners of Jared's mouth quirked upward despite his initial reservations. The concept of hiking across an ancient lava flow piqued his interest-a natural architecture carved by time and the fiery heart of the earth.

    Tom tapped his phone with renewed vigor, images flashing past in a blur of color and motion. Oh! And we can't miss the sunset cruises. They say it's like watching the sky catch fire, with cocktails to match every hue.

    A flicker of anticipation stirred within Jared, warmth blooming in his chest as he considered witnessing such spectacles firsthand. The excursions Tom suggested were worlds away from his daily routine, each one pulling at him with an allure that was both exotic and intimidating.

    Jared leaned in closer, drawn in by the contagious energy Tom exuded. It was as if his friend had tapped into the very essence of the islands, channeling their vibrancy and mystery into every word and gesture.

    With each new activity Tom rattled off - a helicopter tour over cascading waterfalls, a night of stargazing on a secluded beach - Jared felt himself swept up in the current of excitement. The images danced before his eyes: green valleys yawning beneath him, stars strewn across the sky like diamonds on velvet.

    The hesitant voice within Jared, whispering words of caution, was gradually drowned out by the siren call of unknown experiences. He imagined himself there, amidst the grandeur of nature, far from the familiar confines of steel and concrete.

    As Tom waxed lyrical about luaus and hidden coves, Jared found himself nodding along, captivated by visions of island life that beckoned with untold stories and unspent joys. It was as if Maui itself had reached across the ocean to fan the embers of adventure in his heart.

    Chapter 2

    The Packing Conundrum

    Jared's bedroom had been transformed into a canvas of meticulous organization. His bed, once a simple place to rest, now housed a grid of packing cubes, each one a testament to his methodical nature. Labels faced outward, proclaiming the contents within: Swimwear, Casual, Emergency Snacks. He even had a cube dedicated to Hawaiian Shirts, though he owned only one - a gag gift from Tom that he never intended to wear.

    He picked up a pair of swim trunks and folded them with geometric precision. The crisp snap of the fabric was satisfying, each fold reducing the trunks to a fraction of their size before tucking them into their designated cube. He took care of each item, aligning seams and smoothing out any potential creases with an almost reverent touch.

    The door swung open with a bang that shattered the quiet atmosphere of the room. Tom strode in, arms laden with an assortment of clothing that seemed to have been gathered in a whirlwind of enthusiasm rather than selection. Without ceremony or warning, he dumped his collection on Jared's bed.

    Hey, Jared! You won't believe what I just picked up! Tom declared, oblivious to the chaos he had created in Jared's orderly universe.

    Jared watched in silent horror as a rogue sock unfurled across his carefully labeled Dress Shirts cube. The delicate balance he had achieved between order and necessity teetered on the brink of collapse under Tom's exuberant disregard for systematization.

    Tom! Jared exclaimed, lifting the errant sock with two fingers as if it were toxic waste. I have a system here.

    Tom laughed, brushing off Jared's dismay with a slight grin. Relax, man! We're on vacation! It's all about going with the flow.

    But there's a flow to packing, too, Jared insisted, holding up his shirt-now adorned with a wrinkle-as Exhibit A.

    Okay, Mr. Neat Freak, Tom chided playfully as he picked up a T-shirt from his pile and tried to fold it in imitation of Jared's precise technique. The result was less than perfect - a lopsided shape that looked more like an abstract sculpture than proper travel attire.

    Jared sighed, but couldn't stop his lips from curling upward into a reluctant smile. Tom's haphazard approach was the antithesis of his own, but there was something infectious about his friend's carefree attitude. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let go a little - to find the balance between planning and spontaneity.

    With that thought in mind, Jared reached for another shirt, smoothing it out with careful hands before guiding Tom through the process of folding it properly. Together they worked their way through the pile, Tom gradually achieving some semblance of order under Jared's patient tutelage.

    Tom rummaged through a drawer that looked less like storage and more like a clown's treasure chest. He unearthed a garish assortment of Hawaiian shirts, each one louder than the last. Parrots squawked in neon colors, pineapples shone like suns in a polyester sky, and hula dancers swayed around hems and cuffs.

    Look at that! Tom exclaimed, holding a particularly vibrant shirt to his chest. The fabric was a cacophony of colors, parrots squawking against an electric blue backdrop.

    Jared winced as if the shirt had physically hurt him. You're not seriously considering wearing that, are you?

    Tom threw his head back with laughter, his mop of blond hair falling into disarray. Jared, my man, this is the epitome of island chic.

    More like a walking fruit salad, Jared muttered.

    Undeterred, Tom paraded another shirt before him - this one adorned with pineapples so yellow they seemed to compete with the sun itself.

    Oh, come on, Tom chided, reading Jared's expression. When in Maui, right?

    Jared looked at the shirts with the same trepidation one might reserve for handling exotic snakes. There's 'embracing local customs,' and then there's... this.

    Embrace the kitsch, Jared, Tom insisted, pulling another shirt from the drawer. This one featured hula dancers who danced as Tom waved the fabric. This is vacation mode!

    Jared couldn't help but laugh at Tom's antics. His friend's unapologetic embrace of the outrageous was one of the qualities he admired most - though he'd never admit it out loud.

    Tom's hands plunged into the depths of his suitcase, emerging triumphantly with items that made Jared's eyebrows rise to his hairline. The first was a coconut bra, its halves polished to a high sheen and tied together with a bright pink string.

    Tom, you can't be serious, Jared said, his voice laced with incredulity as he eyed the bra.

    Tom waved the tropical undergarment with the flourish of a magician revealing his final trick. Sophia will love it! It's fun, it's flirty-

    It'll probably get you slapped, Jared interjected, imagining Sophia's gentle smile turning into a grimace at the sight of such a gift.

    Undeterred, Tom reached back into his suitcase and pulled out a lava lamp that would have looked right at home in a cheesy 70's sitcom. Shaped like a volcano, its red glow pulsed ominously like an impending eruption.

    Jared shook his head. You do realize that real volcanoes aren't exactly romantic, right?

    Tom put the lava lamp down carefully. It's metaphorical! Our passion is like a volcano-

    About to cause mass destruction? Jared quipped.

    Before Tom could defend his choice, he reached for the pièce de a pair of résistance: sunglasses adorned with miniature palm trees that sprouted from the frames as if growing out of Tom's temples as he tried them on.

    These are perfect for Sophia! She has this quirky sense of humor, Tom explained, ignoring Jared's skeptical frown.

    Jared looked at the sunglasses. They did have a certain whimsical charm, even if it bordered on the absurd. Maybe as a joke, he admitted, but Tom was already nodding enthusiastically.

    Exactly! She'll see the humor in it, Tom said confidently.

    Jared looked at the collection of souvenirs. Each item was more cringe-worthy than the last, and yet there was something endearing about Tom's unwavering certainty. He had an earnestness that could turn even the most questionable gifts into tokens of affection.

    He let out a resigned sigh. Well, if anyone can do it, it's you.

    Tom beamed at him, and for a moment Jared saw not only the irrepressible optimist, but also the romantic who believed in grand gestures and heart-stopping surprises. Whether Sophia would appreciate these particular surprises remained to be seen.

    Jared hesitated, the fabric of the shorts creating a soft whisper between his fingers as an irrepressible curiosity piqued his interest. He gave Tom a quizzical look, his eyebrows knitted together as if weaving threads of inquiry. So what's the scoop on Emily? Does she thrive on humor? Is she the type to seek thrills in the great outdoors? Could she be the type to revel in the taste of piña coladas and the thrill of an unexpected downpour?

    Tom, leaning comfortably against the sturdy bedpost, allowed a mischievous grin to spread across his face, his eyes glittering with the secrets he held. "Ah, Emily... she's like a captivating mystery, a riddle wrapped in allure. Her sense of humor is sharp as a tack, and her laughter can cut through the dullest of moments. As for her penchant for activity, well, she's not one to shy away from a little adventure or a little dirt.

    A flicker of intrigue lit up Jared's gaze as he set the shorts down, his full attention captured by Tom's cryptic description. And their calling? What ignites her passion? What's guaranteed to make her giggle?

    Tom relished the building intrigue, leaning in with the dramatic flair of a seasoned storyteller, his voice lowered to a tantalizing murmur. "She is the embodiment of success, a paragon of self-reliance, far from the clichéd image of the carefree beach bum. As for the key to her laughter, well,

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