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Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition
Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition
Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition
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Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition

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As the name suggests, this is a book of Political and Scientific Articles. It is relevant, as it concerns the Revolutionary motion that is taking place in North America, as well as around the world. The capitalists have to be overthrown, the existing state apparatus, which has been set up by the capitalists, to crush the working clas

Release dateMay 28, 2024
Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition

Gerald McIsaac

Gerald McIsaac is a working class intellectual, a theoretical scientist, inventor and the author of several books, of which Bird From Hell, Fourth Edition, is the most famous. He is convinced of the existence of numerous prehistoric animals, which the scientists swear to be extinct. McIsaac is also convinced that the scientists are well aware of the existence of these animals, and equally well aware that some of these animals prey upon people, mainly women and children. Yet the scientists choose to remain silent, in order to protect their careers. This is a natural result of the system of capitalism, in which the capitalists are determined that nothing must change. The system of capitalism must be overthrown, replaced by scientific socialism.

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    Political and Scientific Articles, Volume 1, Second Edition - Gerald McIsaac


    Copyright © 2024 by Gerald McIsaac.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-1-959483-67-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-959483-66-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-959483-65-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023908855



    Table of Contents


    Lenin and the Key Link

    Preparing for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

    Lenin: Elections and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

    Supporting the Squad

    Concerning the Upcoming Federal Elections

    Flood Both Democratic and Republican Parties with Leftist People

    Changing the System from Within

    American Coalition Government

    Concerning Dual Power

    DSA Supporting Sanders for President

    Lenin: Letter to American Workers

    Women with Power

    Capitalists Accusing Sanders of Capitalism

    Concerning the Women’s March

    Concerning the Never Again Student Protest Movement

    Latest Developments and What Is To Be Done?

    Concerning State and Revolution

    Concerning What is to Be Done?

    In North America

    Concerning the State of Emergency

    Concerning Reports that

    Trump is a Russian Agent

    Concerning the White House Resistance

    Concerning the Latest Plan to Remove Trump

    American Crisis in Capitalism

    Destroy the Old, Embrace the New

    The Importance of Organizing

    Concerning Marxism and Insurrection

    Concerning the Collapse of Capitalism

    Tasks for the Approaching Revolution

    Concerning Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

    Concerning May Day

    Concerning Lenin and Letters from Afar

    Concerning Left Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder

    Concerning the Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky

    Concerning the American Party of Labor

    Determining our Friends and Our Enemies

    The Approaching American Uprising

    Preparing for the Socialist Revolution

    Concerning The Formation And Political Platform Of An American Communist Party

    Need for American Communist Party

    Concerning a Working Class Communist Political Party

    Concerning North American Socialist Republics

    Concerning the Current French Revolution

    Revolt in Hong Kong

    Concerning the Great Chinese

    Cultural Revolution

    In Defence of Lenin

    In Defence of Stalin

    Supporting Sanders for President

    Concerning Anti Semetism,

    Capitalism and Socialism

    Concerning the 2020 Election

    Concerning the Gong Show in Washington

    Concerning OTZI the Iceman

    Concerning Homo Naledi

    Another Pterodactyl Correction


    For many years, I have been working on my science project. This includes my inventions, such as the Power Bike, which dramatically improves upon the efficiency of the conventional bicycle. In fact, it gives the human powered bicycle three times the power. Then there is the not so little matter of my plan to harness the magnetic field of the earth to generate electricity.

    As well, I have written three books, The Second American Revolution, Occupy Movement and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and possibly my most famous work, Bird from Hell, Third Edition. The title of the last book is a none too subtle reference to the pterodactyl.

    These are books of science. In Bird from Hell, I document the existence of numerous prehistoric animals, those which are thought to be extinct. They are not. I have documented that there was no mass extinction of dinosaurs, just as there was no mass extinction of megafauna in North America. The directions for locating these animals is outlined in the book.

    The fact is that the scientists are well aware of the existence of these animals, and that includes the Sasquatch, otherwise known as Bigfoot. Yet they choose to remain silent, and for good reason. To even suggest these animals exist, is to commit career suicide.

    In effect, science has been turned upon its head. Instead of proving these animals exist, the scientists are denying them.

    Instead of challenging scientific theories, scientists are now memorizing these theories. That is the only way in which they can continue to earn a living working in science.

    The problem does not lie with the scientists, but with the capitalists. They are determined that nothing should change. Everything must remain precisely the way it is. In short, they are determined to destroy our civilization, as that is the very approach which brought down so many civilizations in the past.

    That is the reason I wrote my Political and Scientific Articles. The politicians cannot threaten me with career suicide, as I do not have a career. I committed career suicide many years ago. Even though I cannot earn a living working in science, my conscience is clear. Now, I just work in science, but without getting paid for this.

    In my book, I am suggesting that all Americans become card-carrying members of the two mainstream political parties, Democratic and Republican. That way, as party bosses, they will determine the various candidates for political office. As a result, Washington can be flooded with Leftist people, Republican as well as Democratic. Both parties can nominate Sanders for president, and that will save everyone a great deal of money on campaign expenses.

    Of course, I am suggesting a great deal more, as that is the reason there are so many articles. So feel free to sit back, relax and enjoy reading my plan to make the lives of Trump, and a great many other capitalists, completely miserable.

    Gerald McIsaac


    Lenin and the Key Link

    The current revolutionary situation in America may well have most people confused, and for good reason. It is confusing. With that in mind, may I suggest giving serious consideration to that which Lenin advised, when faced with a similar situation?

    In various writings, Lenin consistently stressed the importance of the key link. In one of his most important writings, that of What Is To Be Done? He said: Every question ‘runs in a vicious circle’ because political life as a whole is an endless chain consisting of an infinite number of links. The whole art of politics lies in finding and taking as firm a grip as we can of the link that is least likely to be struck from our hands, the one that is most important at the given moment, the one that most of all guarantees its possessor the possession of the whole chain.

    That was written at a time of revolutionary motion, similar to that which we are experiencing today. His advice is as valid today as when it was first written.

    In my opinion, the key link in the chain today is preparations for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. It is the Proletariat which has to be trained to exercise Dictatorship over the bourgeoisie.

    Preparations for that dictatorship involve raising the level of awareness of the working class, the proletariat. They have to be made aware of the existence of classes and the irreconcilability of the interests of those classes. They also have to be made aware of their duty to exercise dictatorship over that class of human parasites, the bourgeoisie. A little training in that respect should prove most valuable.

    For the benefit of those who are just now becoming politically active -welcome, my brothers and sisters, my Comrades-I will mention that the scientific name for the working class is the proletariat, and the scientific name for the monopoly capitalists is the bourgeoisie. They are also referred to as imperialists, as the age of monopoly capitalism is the age of imperialism.

    I am sure all of you are aware of the scientific meaning of the word dictatorship, so I will not bore you with that which you already know. Suffice it to say that after the revolution, the capitalists will be separated from their wealth as well as their power. They will be held accountable for their crimes and not be allowed to hide behind an army of lawyers. They will be denied any and all democratic rights. The proletariat, the working class, will have the exclusive right to democracy. There is no other way to prevent the bourgeoisie from returning to power.

    As an aside, I will mention that all workers must learn the correct scientific terms, as otherwise, the capitalists will use our ignorance against us.

    The recent spate of shootings, mass murders in the country, are seen by the bourgeoisie as an opportunity. They do not see it as the tragedy that it is. In particular, they see it as an opportunity to divert the revolutionary movement. They are now blaming these acts of violence, this senseless slaughter of civilians, on video games. As if video games drive people to murder!

    No, the problem is one of capitalism, and capitalism in its highest, rottenest form, monopoly capitalism, which is imperialism. The imperialists, the bourgeoisie, are completely reactionary, which is to say that there is nothing progressive about them. They can, and do, go to any lengths to preserve their wealth and power. As for those who are skeptical, consider the various wars in which the country is involved. The capitalists always have money for war, but they cannot afford to feed their own people.

    The fact is that in the richest country of the world, people are going hungry. Seniors are suffering and dying because they cannot afford the medication they so desperately need. Children are neglected and abused because their parents are forced to work two and even three jobs, in an effort to make ends meet. People are forced to live on the street because they cannot afford to pay rent. There are various slums in the cities, filled with the homeless and unemployed.

    It is also a fact that immigrants, people who are as desperate as they are poor, seeking a better way of life, are being arrested and thrown into prison. Children are being separated from their parents, and the children are being placed in prison. We are not allowed to see the suffering of these children, as cameras are not allowed inside those prisons. We are only allowed to hear those poor infants crying for their mothers.

    These are the same people whom Trump has referred to as thieves, killers and rapists! As if infants are capable of rape and murder!

    Then consider the fact that the president has referred to a major American city as a slum! As if it is the fault of the people who are forced to live in poverty!

    Now consider the fact that the capitalists, the billionaires, the bourgeoisie, have more money than they can ever hope to spend, and it is not enough. They want more, and they are further determined to not pay any taxes. It is the bourgeoisie that is the problem.

    It is to be stressed that the problem is not one of video games. Nor is the problem that of Trump. Impeaching him and removing Trump from office will not change the fact that the bourgeoisie are in charge. To replace him with one of the couple dozen Democratic candidates, the so called 20-20 contenders, those who are currently plugging up the airways with their drivel, will change nothing. The bourgeoisie will remain in charge. Such a change of face will merely replace Trump with another figurehead.

    Now there are a great many young people -young from my rather ancient viewpoint-who are very fond of video games and object to the fact that the capitalists are blaming the video games on these senseless acts of mass murder. As they are rather worked up, I can only suggest that Leftist people suggest to these people, those who are fond of video games, that they take action. By that I mean that they should also join the two mainstream political parties, Democratic and Republican. That way, as party bosses, they will have a great deal to say about the candidates to run for any and all political offices, and that includes the presidency.

    The point is that we should take advantage of all forms of discontent, and use this against the bourgeoisie. Those who join the two parties will gain valuable training and experience in the class struggle, in the sense that such training will be put to good use after the revolution, in exercising dictatorship over the bourgeoisie. The reason they have for joining the two parties is secondary. It is the raising of their level of awareness and the training they receive, in the class struggle, which is the main thing.

    They can join such people as the students, who are mainly concerned with tuition. The seniors, who are very concerned with the cost of medication and their pensions. The workers, who are quite concerned with the minimum wage. Together, they can and will learn from each other. With some helpful input from Leftist people, they will soon learn that the problem is the bourgeoisie, and the solution lies in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

    No doubt there are those who think I am expecting too much from working people. To such people I can only respond that the working class is not to be underestimated.

    There are a great many talented people within the working-class. Most of them may not be aware of this yet, as they have never had an opportunity to exercise those talents. But now that so many working people are waking up, as they phrase it, those talents will no doubt be revealed.

    As I have mentioned in previous articles, the approaching revolution can be successful only if it follows the revolutionary theories of Marx and Lenin. That requires workers to be familiar with the fundamentals of Marxism, and I have covered that before, so there is no need to go into it again.

    Now we want as many Americans to join the two mainstream political parties as possible, especially those who display discontent. If that discontent is based on video games, so be it. We also want those who are defending our democratic rights to join the two parties, including those who are defending our right to bear arms and our right to free speech. Any other differences we have with those people we can hash out later.

    Also in the news, the revolutionary upheaval in Hong Kong is instructive. The people there are resorting to different tactics, referred to as hit and run, which is an excellent idea. They have also closed down the major airport, which is quite an accomplishment. As yet they are not strong enough to challenge the police in open combat, so they are hitting in one place, running to another, and then another. Strangely, they have yet to start opening fire hydrants, which will reduce the water pressure, strictly limiting the use of water cannons. I am surprised they have yet to hit upon that tactic.

    As such revolutionary motion tends to spread, it is entirely possible that similar revolts are taking place in other parts of China. The Chinese government may simply be keeping that well-hidden.

    Back on the home front, we can safely say that the only people who have proven themselves capable of organizing nationwide marches and protests, are the students and the women, and many of them are involved in various causes. The only way in which the capitalists, the bourgeoisie, can be overthrown, is by uniting in one common front, and not just by students and women. Men of the working class and the middle class, the petty bourgeois, will have to unite with those people, with the goal of overthrowing the bourgeoisie, and establishing the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

    No one wants a lengthy civil war, so the seizure of power is critical. Technically, this is referred to as an insurrection, and ideally, it should be quick and bloodless. Power should be seized within a day or two. The idea of keeping the plans for the insurrection a secret is not practical, as the bourgeoisie are masters of electronic eaves dropping. Of course, there is also no shortage of paid informers. They are a natural byproduct of capitalism.

    With that in mind, upon the day which is appointed as the day of insurrection, millions of working people should march, across the country, seizing key installations, including military bases, such as the Pentagon, government headquarters, such as the White House and Capitol Hill, communications centers and the stock exchange, such as are located in New York City, air ports, bridges, railroad stations and sea ports. Perhaps a dress rehearsal should be carried out, just to make sure there are no glitches in the system.

    Without doubt, the ruling class of capitalists in Hong Kong is also well informed, and yet the revolutionaries were able to shut down the major airport. We can learn from them.

    Similar tactics in America should also prove to be most helpful. The politicians and members of the Trump administration should be harassed and humiliated, allowed no peace. Banners and posters should contain class content. Videos should be produced and placed on the internet, explaining the class struggle. The buildings which are the location for the 20-20 debates should be occupied, just as the main airport in Hong Kong was occupied. We should strive for as much mainstream press coverage as possible, as a means of carrying our message. We can and must raise the level of awareness of millions of people.

    At the same time, there is an urgent need for a true American Communist Party, one which advocates for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The membership in that Party must be rather few, limited to true Marxists. It is up to such people to provide the true leadership, as otherwise the revolution will only succeed in replacing one group of rulers with another.

    As for those who are current or former members of the petty bourgeois, aware of the class struggle, serious students of Marxism, may I suggest that along with knowledge and education comes responsibility, if only on a moral level. The proletariat is counting on you, true Marxist intellectuals, to take the bull by the horns. Form an American Communist Party, Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

    As ever more Americans become card carrying members of the two mainstream political parties, they will become more politically active and their level of awareness will rise. These advanced workers will also receive valuable training, which will serve them well after the revolution.


    Preparing for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

    It is now clear that the vast majority of working people have spontaneously gravitated towards socialism. It is also clear that the American working people, which is to say the proletariat and petty bourgeois of the United States, are leading the revolutionary movement of the working people of North America. It is also quite likely that the working people of South America, the proletariat and peasants, will also joining the revolutionary movement. What is more, it is the American women who are leading the revolution.

    (As an aside, I should explain that the citizens of the United States refer to themselves as Americans, so that is the terminology I am using.)

    There is a reason for the fact that it is American women who are leading the revolution. As Lenin pointed out, One of the chief causes hampering the revolutionary working-class movement in the developed capitalist countries is the fact that because of their colonial possessions and the super profits gained by finance capital, etc., the capitalists of these countries have been able to create a relatively larger and more stable labor aristocracy, a section which comprises a small minority of the working class. This minority enjoys better terms of employment and is most imbued with a narrow minded craft spirit and with petty bourgeois and imperialist prejudices…. No preparation of the proletariat for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie is possible, even in the preliminary sense, unless an immediate, systematic, extensive and open struggle is waged against this stratum…

    This means that on the one hand, we have the vast majority of American working people who are leading the revolutionary North American movement, and on the other hand we have a small minority of workers who comprise a labor aristocracy, those who enjoy better terms of employment, and subsequently are hindering the revolution, defending the capitalists, the bourgeoisie. It is not by chance that the members of this labor aristocracy are primarily men. Now it is necessary to wage an immediate, systematic, extensive and open struggle against this stratum, this small minority of the working class, those whom Marx refers to as class traitors.

    This brings us back to the American working class women who are currently leading the revolutionary movement. There is a reason that very few of them are part of the labor aristocracy.

    It is characteristic of capitalism that women tend to be paid considerably less than men. It is also characteristic of the capitalists that they tend to regard women, or at least those whom they employ, as members of their personal harem. Such women tend not to be burdened with petty bourgeois and imperialist prejudices. Their conditions of life, which frequently involves sexual harassment, especially in the field of entertainment, preclude such prejudices. Instead, these women tend to be revolutionary, and indeed that is most certainly the case.

    Now the proletariat has to be trained for their approaching dictatorship by waging an immediate, systematic, extensive and open struggle against the class traitors within their midst, which is to say the labor aristocracy, those relatively few but well paid members of the working class who are cursed with the petty bourgeois and imperialist prejudices. This stratum includes a great many leaders of the trade unions and sports clubs, among others.

    That little task may not be as difficult as it sounds, as the capitalists have very thoughtfully provided us with the tools we need, in the form of the two mainstream political parties, the Democrats and Republicans. As yet, they are blissfully unaware of this fact. The capitalists think they have all the bases covered. They do not. Since the days of the civil war, a century and a half ago, the two party system has been their preferred method of rule, and it has served them well. Various attempts by leftist political parties to challenge this two party method of rule have largely failed. For that reason, I am suggesting a different approach. Instead of challenging the two party system, we should embrace it.

    Perhaps a little explanation is in order. At the time Americans register to vote, they are asked if they prefer to be classified as Republican, Democratic or Independent. Those who choose one of the two mainstream political parties are classified as registered members of one of the parties, and such voters cannot be registered members of both parties. This stands in contrast to the card carrying members of the party, either Democratic or Republican. These card carrying members are referred to as the party bosses, as indeed they are. They decide the individual to run for political office, on a local, state or federal level. On a local level, this may involve running for mayor of a town or city, as well as the members of the town or city council. On a state level, this may involve the office of governor and state legislature. On federal level, this may involve members of the House of Representatives, generally referred to as the Congress, as well as members of the Senate. Then there are the delegates who go to the national convention to determine the individual to run for president. I believe I have all the technical terms correct.

    This begs the question: How does an American become a card carrying member of either party? The answer is that they have to apply. Almost all adult Americans are eligible to join the party, and in fact they are free to join both parties. No American can be a registered member of both parties, but all Americans can be card carrying members of both parties. Strange but true.

    As members of the American working class become card carrying members of one or both mainstream political parties, such people will feel empowered, for the very fine reason that they will be empowered. They will effectively become party bosses, able to determine the person to run for any particular political office. This feeling of empowerment will carry over into all aspects of their life, including their membership in trade unions and sports clubs, among others. This will most certainly bring them into conflict with the labor aristocracy, the small stratum of workers who are in the service of the capitalists. This is the very thing that is needed. This will help to raise the level of awareness of the working class and provide valuable training to workers, which will be put to good use after the revolution.

    With that in mind, the task of enrolling as many members of the working class within the two mainstream political parties, Democratic and Republican, becomes ever more urgent. Apparently, it is quick and easy, can be done online, is open to adult American citizens, and within five to seven weeks, an applicant can expect to receive a card in the mail.

    That is where conscious people come in. It is now up to Leftist people, which is to say those of us who are aware of the existence of classes, and the fact that the two mainstream political parties serve the same class. As such, we can encourage working people to join one or both political parties. We can expect that those who are registered members of one party will be more likely to join that party, rather than the other, but not both, and that is perfectly acceptable. It is also perfectly acceptable for working people to not want to become card carrying members of either party. Such people should not be pushed.

    We can also expect that those voters who are registered as Independents and vote a split ticket, as they refer to it, to be slightly more advanced than others. They may be more likely to join both political parties. Then there are the seniors, those who are accustomed to being ignored by politicians of both political parties. Many of them may be downright anxious to become card carrying members of both parties, and send one of their own to Washington.

    Of course it is reasonable to expect more from Leftist people, and it is hoped that all such people become card carrying members of both parties.

    Due to the recent upsurge in the revolutionary motion, there are now millions of Americans who are anxious to become involved in the political process. Now is their opportunity to take the advice of the capitalists and attempt to change the system from within. The two mainstream political parties are wide open, just waiting for American citizens to become card carrying members. Then such citizens can make every effort do just that, to change the system from within.

    If nothing else, this will allow working people to gain valuable experience in the class struggle. It may help to think of this as training for the roles they will have to assume after the revolution.

    One possible complication is the fact that among the most advanced stratum of the working class, there are people who deeply distrust their elected politicians. They tend to be bitter, even to the point of hatred of the people who are supposed to be representing them. This is completely understandable, as their distrust is well rooted. As Lenin phrased it, the entire history of bourgeois democracy, particularly in the advanced countries, has converted the parliamentary rostrum into one of the principle, if not the principle, venues of unparalleled fraudulency, financial and political deception of the people, careerism, hypocrisy and oppression of the working people. The intense hatred of parliaments felt by the best representatives of the revolutionary proletariat is therefore quite justified.

    Those are the people, among the most advanced members of the working class, who deserve special attention. They are the leaders of the working class, and the less advanced among the working people pay strict attention to them. These advanced workers are the people whom we want elected to political office, especially in Washington. If we can manage this, then their friends will run for office also, and win positions in state and local elections. As well, with a sense of renewed confidence, they will assume positions of leadership in strictly working class organizations, such as trade unions and sports clubs. This is another way of saying that an immediate, systematic, extensive and open struggle is waged against this stratum, by which is meant of course the labor aristocracy. This is all part of the preparation of the proletariat for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, which is absolutely necessary, in the interests of a successful proletarian socialist revolution.

    In this way we can imbue the proletariat with confidence in its leading role as the revolutionary vanguard. As for those who doubt this, who question the importance of working class leaders in working class organizations, allow me to quote Lenin yet again: The more complete, lengthy and firmly established the rule of bourgeois democracy has been in a given country, the more the bourgeoisie will have succeeded in securing the appointment to such leading posts of people whose minds have been molded by it and imbued with its views and prejudices, and who have very often been directly or indirectly bought by it. These representatives of the labor aristocracy, bourgeoisified workers, should be ousted from all their posts a hundred times more sweepingly than hitherto, and replaced by workers-even by wholly inexperienced men, provided they are connected with the exploited masses and enjoy their confidence in the struggle against the exploiters. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat will require the appointment of such inexperienced workers to the most responsible posts in the state; otherwise the worker’s government will be impotent and will not have the support of the masses.

    It is my opinion that the immediate task is to intensify the preparation of the proletariat for the coming revolution and the subsequent Dictatorship of the Proletariat. That is key to the success to the forthcoming revolution. With that in mind, I am calling upon all Leftist people and especially all Marxist people to become card carrying members of both mainstream parties, Democratic and Republican, and to encourage all of your friends to also join the parties. As well, it is essential to carry the message to union halls, sports clubs, senior’s centers, churches, mosques, synagogues and temples. Schools and universities should be notified. As well, computer centers need to be established where citizens can be assisted in becoming card carrying members of the parties. It is very likely that a great many young people will be happy to assist in this little task.

    No doubt there are a great many Leftist people who are of the opinion that there can be no peaceful transition to socialism, and in this they are absolutely correct. Equally without doubt, there are others who are of the opinion that such a transition to socialism can be accomplished by flooding Washington with Leftist people. Many of these misguided souls are honest members of the working class, and they have got to learn, from their own practical experience, that such a transition is not possible.

    On the other hand, at the time of the revolution, it will be of enormous benefit to the revolution to have as many Leftist people as possible in Washington, those who are aiding the revolution.

    With that in mind, I can think of no reason we cannot persuade millions of Americans to join the two mainstream parties. The only reason they have not done so before this is because no one has suggested it. Perhaps enrolment centres can be set up, complete with posters which read:

    Join the Democratic Party! Join the Republican Party!

    Send Working People to Washington!


    Lenin: Elections and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

    It is no secret that for some time now I have been encouraging Americans to join the two mainstream political parties, Democratic and Republican. Of course I am mainly concerned with the working class, proletarians, and the more advanced those workers are, the better. No doubt at least some of those workers are considered to be Leftist people, and of course there are a great many middle class people, petty bourgeois, who are also Leftist. With a little effort, it is possible to flood Washington with such Leftist people, those who consider themselves to be Communists, Marxists, socialists, independent socialists, or just plain folks who are determined to make a difference. Contrary to popular belief, this is not as difficult and expensive as is commonly thought. In fact, it is really simple and just as easy, not at all expensive. The only reason it has not been tried before is because no one has thought of this.

    This requires a little explanation. Capitalism has long since reached the monopoly stage, that which is technically referred to as imperialism. This highest stage of capitalism has certain features, as was documented by Lenin many years ago. Among other things, he pointed out that imperialism is reaction, right down the line. As a result of this, everything in America is now for sale. That includes any and all political offices. Such offices are considered to be commodities, to be sold to the highest bidder.

    The most expensive office is of course the presidency, and in fact it is reported that in the last federal election, the Democratic candidate for president spent one billion dollars, and she lost!

    People are well aware that a congressional seat, by which I mean an office that is held by a member of the House of Representatives, also costs a great deal, possibly several million dollars. That is far beyond the price range of common people, so very few working people even give it a thought. Then again, they can take my advice and may be elected at almost no expense.

    Almost all adult American citizens are eligible to join the two parties. All that is required is an application form to be filled out, and this can be done online. It costs nothing. Then in several weeks the citizen will receive, in the mail, a card which identifies the holder as a member of the party. Such card carrying members are referred to as party bosses, because that is precisely what they are. Such party bosses determine the individual to run for any and all political offices. This means that as long as the party bosses choose the same person to run for congress on behalf of both parties, then that person is sure to win. There is no need for any expensive campaign. As a bonus, such a process is also blessed by the fact that it is completely legal. There is no law that says Americans cannot be members of both parties.

    There are a number of Leftist political parties and organizations in the country. Many of them have challenged the two party system of the country in previous elections, without a great deal of success. I am suggesting a different approach. Instead of fighting the two party system, I am suggesting that Leftist people should embrace it. That is perhaps the best way to destroy the two party system.

    With that in mind, I am suggesting that each and every member of all Leftist groups, along with their families and friends, should join the two parties. After that, it is a matter of getting as many concerned citizens as possible to also join the two parties. The simplest, most effective way to do this is to approach people with a slogan. That should get their attention. Different groups of people should be approached with different slogans. I would suggest first approaching the students, with slogans to which they can all relate. May I suggest:

    Free Education!

    Abolish All Student Loans!

    As there are reported to be over forty million people who are saddled with crushing student debts, it is reasonable to expect that a great many citizens, and not just students, will flock to the cause. Better yet, we can expect the more advanced people to join the two parties.

    Then there are the seniors. They are accustomed to being ignored by all politicians, except at election time. As a result of this, they tend to be rather bitter. Given the chance to turn the tables, do not be surprised if they jump at the opportunity. The only reason they have not done so years ago is because they were not aware of it. That little problem is easily remedied. Just let them know about this. For the seniors, perhaps different slogans, such as:

    Free Medical!

    Raise The Pensions!

    I have no doubt that will get their attention. Then explain to them that as card carrying members of the two parties, they will get to decide the person to run for office. The shoe will be on the other foot. The days of being ignored by politicians will then be over. Offer to assist them in applying for membership, as most seniors are not computer experts. Do not be surprised if that puts a smile on their faces.

    As for the working people, including union members, may I suggest:

    Raise the Minimum Wage!

    All workers are aware that if the minimum wage goes up, all wages go up. There are other groups of people, such as sports enthusiasts, who will likely respond to different slogans. May I suggest:

    Defend the Right to Bear Arms!

    The vast majority of such people are reasonable, only concerned with bearing firearms for sporting purposes. As for those who are determined to own machine guns and artillery, do not argue the point. By all means avoid confrontation. It will serve no purpose.

    Then there are those who are mainly concerned with our right to free speech, such as journalists. They too can be approached with a suitable slogan, such as:

    Defend Our Right to Free Speech!

    Less savory elements may flock to the cause, such as pornographers, and they too must be welcomed. Of course, this does not apply to kiddy pornographers. Bear in mind that in politics, it is occasionally necessary to make certain compromises, if only temporarily, with people whom we find to be completely contemptible. As long as these compromises do not violate principle, they are acceptable.

    In all cases, feel free to stress the fact that as party bosses, they get to choose the individual to run for any and all political office, on behalf of both parties.

    In days gone by, it

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