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Shattered Rainbows
Shattered Rainbows
Shattered Rainbows
Ebook43 pages14 minutes

Shattered Rainbows

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About this ebook

"Shattered Rainbows" is a profoundly moving and powerful narrative that explores the devastating impact of rejection and the transformative power of love and acceptance. Through Jamie Lynn's eyes, we witness the heart-wrenching journey of her brother Alex, whose coming out shatters their family but ultimately leads to healing and understanding.

PublisherJ.L. Grace
Release dateMay 27, 2024
Shattered Rainbows

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    Book preview

    Shattered Rainbows - J.L. Grace

    Shattered_RainbowsNonFiction Template 6x9Eevi JonesADRIAN GUZMAN ALAMIA81932024-05-28T21:21:00Z2024-05-28T01:03:00Z2024-05-28T21:21:00Z38330318828Aspose156442208716.00002000-11-02T22:00:00Z

    Copyright © 2024 by J.L. Grace.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    For more information, or to book an event, contact :

    Book design by :  AC Guzman

    Cover design by : AC Guzman

    ISBN - Paperback : 979-8-3302-0139-6

    First Edition - May 2024

    Shattered_RainbowsNonFiction Template 6x9Eevi JonesADRIAN GUZMAN ALAMIA81932024-05-28T21:21:00Z2024-05-28T01:03:00Z2024-05-28T21:21:00Z38330318828Aspose156442208716.00002000-11-02T22:00:00Z

    For Alex—

    May your story inspire others to choose love over fear.

    Shattered_RainbowsNonFiction Template 6x9Eevi JonesADRIAN GUZMAN ALAMIA81932024-05-28T21:21:00Z2024-05-28T01:03:00Z2024-05-28T21:21:00Z38330318828Aspose156442208716.00002000-11-02T22:00:00Z



    he night everything changed was like any other. It was an ordinary Tuesday evening, the kind that slipped by unnoticed in the rhythm of everyday life. Yet, beneath the surface, the air crackled with an energy that felt like an impending storm. The dining room, once a place of warmth and laughter, had become a battleground for unspoken truths.

    I watched my brother, Alex, sit at the head of the table, his hands trembling as he glanced nervously at our parents. His usual confidence had

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