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Tarot Tells: Tapping into the Reading within the Reading
Tarot Tells: Tapping into the Reading within the Reading
Tarot Tells: Tapping into the Reading within the Reading
Ebook247 pages2 hours

Tarot Tells: Tapping into the Reading within the Reading

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Discover the Deeper Magic of "Tarot Tells": A Guide to Patterns, Themes and Intuition.

Unlock the profound secrets of the tarot environment with this comprehensiv

Release dateMay 3, 2024
Tarot Tells: Tapping into the Reading within the Reading

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    Tarot Tells - Lulu Fletcher

    Tarot Tells

    Tarot Tells

    Tarot Tells

    Tapping into the Reading within the Reading

    Lulu Fletcher

    publisher logo

    Soulful Awakenings

    Dedicated to...

    My Mum, whose continuous, ongoing support and encouragement made it possible for me to believe in myself and my abilities. As my biggest champion, I know in my heart that she continues to support and watch over me from above.

    Forever in my heart.

    Thank you, Mum.

    I love you.

    Everything I am, you helped me to be.

    I also dedicate this book to all my students – past, present, and future.

    Thank you for listening and allowing me to share my passion with you.

    With love and deep gratitude, from my heart to yours.

    Love Life Big

    Big love xo

    "When you align your heart with what you love,

    Magic happens."

    Lulu Fletcher

    Published by Soulful Awakenings 2024

    Copyright © 2023 Lulu Fletcher

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from both the copyright owner and publisher.

    The Tarot Tells method is a Trade Mark of Soulful Awakenings

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia.

    Formatting  by Kooky Cat Books

    Cover design by Lulu Fletcher

    Cover images attributed to Canva, designed by Soulful Awakenings

    ISBN 978-1-7635661-2-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-7635661-3-2 (e-bk)


    All the information, techniques, skills and concepts contained within this publication are of the nature of general comment only, and are not in any way recommended as individual advice. The intent is to offer a variety of information to provide a wider range of choices now and in the future, recognising that we all have widely diverse circumstances and viewpoints. Should any reader choose to make use of the information herein, this is their decision, and the author and publisher/s do not assume any responsibilities whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances. The author does not take responsibility for the business, financial, personal or other success, results or fulfilment upon the readers’ decision to use this information. It is recommended that the reader obtain their own independent advice.




    Purpose and Mission:




    Touched by Tarot

    A Brief History of Tarot

    The Power and Potential of Tarot

    Why Tarot is Unique

    PART 1: Tarot Foundation

    1 Choosing Your Deck

    2 Getting To Know Your Deck

    3 Get Comfortable with Readings


    Part 2: Tarot Tells

    Tell 1: It’s An Inside-Outside Job

    Tell 2: It’s Picturesque! How Cards Are Laid Out

    Tell 3: The Aerial Shot! Looking From Above

    Tell 4: It’s A Jumper! Cards Popping Out

    Tell 5: Beginnings And Endings

    Tell 6: Major Influences

    Tell 7: No Big Picture Here

    Tell 8: It’s A Numbers Game

    Tell 9: Suited

    Tell 10: People, People Everywhere

    Tell 11: It’s Missing

    Tell 12: Ain’t Nothing To Tell Here

    Tell 13: Multi-layered

    Tell 14: Incomplete Spread

    Tell 15: It’s A Timeline Jump

    Tell 16: It All Lines Up

    Tell 17: It’s This; It’s That; It’s This; It’s That

    Tell 18: Big Picture-Little Picture

    Tell 19: When The Outer Is A Reflection Of The Inner

    Tell 20: The Secrets Of The Head And Heart


    About The Author



    How to work with me

    Purpose and Mission:

    My Purpose:

    The purpose of my life is to experience joy and light.

    My Mission:

    My mission is to accomplish this as an energetic and courageous being, to live my life guided by love and intuition, where integrity is the foundation of my actions. I am committed to creating deep and genuine connections that provide a secure and supportive environment so that others become inspired on their journey to live through an open heart and are able to fully experience themselves lovingly.

    Pellucid Stills Photography


    Lu is such a special woman and is more than a fabulous tarot reader. She has so much wisdom and insight. I love her meditations and her tarot readings. I can’t praise her work highly enough, and her down-to-earth communication is so refreshing. She genuinely wants to make a positive difference to people’s lives and she does so. Recently, I had a private Zoom tarot lesson which Lu tailored to my needs. I learned so much.

    Thank you, Lu.


    I recently had the pleasure of working with Lulu, and I must say, she is truly a gem in the world of Tarot and therapy. Lulu is the real deal! Her integrity and guidance were impeccable, and her way of thinking on healing with reflection through Tarot was truly eye-opening. What impressed me the most was her ability to blend the wisdom of Tarot with modern therapeutic techniques to create a unique and transformative experience. Her approach was both compassionate and empowering, and I left each session feeling more grounded and inspired.

    What really sets Lulu apart is her sense of community. She has created a safe and supportive space where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to share their experiences. It’s clear that she takes great pride in fostering a sense of belonging and connection among her clients. Overall, I would highly recommend Lulu to anyone looking for a truly transformative experience with Tarot and therapy. I will say it again: She is the real deal and I feel so grateful to have found her.


    In 2008, I embarked on a transformative journey by learning Tarot with Lulu. Since that momentous decision, I’ve devoted 16 years to practising and honing my tarot skills. This incredible journey has had a profound impact on my life, setting me on a path of spiritual growth and self-discovery.

    Lulu’s guidance and teaching have been instrumental in my evolution as a professional reader. The knowledge and wisdom I gained from her became the foundation of my spiritual journey. The tarot cards have become my faithful companions – they are my babies – leading me to explore various other fields of learning.

    I wholeheartedly endorse Lulu as a tarot mentor. Her insights and readings are not just accurate, they are also deeply insightful. If you are looking to embark on your own journey with Tarot, Lulu is the mentor to choose. Her readings are consistently on point and her insight is invaluable.


    Lu is as wholly and warmly human and present as she is in the ether reading the stars and intuiting futures. Lu has an extraordinary capacity to interpret the cards and articulate what they show in a profoundly gifted way. Every read with Lu unfailingly captures where things were, are, and could be. This woman is gifted, is humble about that gift, and simply seeks to share it for the betterment of those around her.



    Tarot – I have always been fascinated by the Tarot. I bought my first deck of tarot cards aged 19 and have treasured them ever since. Even though I tried to teach myself the Tarot over the next 30 years, buying book after book, it never felt right.

    That is until I met Lulu – at a meditation of all things. The way she started the meditation with the Tarot, picking my own card, then demanding that I read it, throwing me in the deep end, telling me to just read the picture, opened up a new way of looking at the cards. I was hooked and I haven’t looked back since.

    I turned up to meditation every week, just to see what else I could learn from Lulu and the Tarot. Yes, I did go for the meditation as well, and it turns out that Lulu was the teacher I had been searching for all those years.

    Over the next couple of years, Lulu started running tarot workshops. Sign me up! This is what I was waiting for, to learn more and more about the Tarot, how to read for myself, to trust the messages I was getting, and then reading for other people. I was enjoying myself, then Covid hit. How was I going to continue my education of the Tarot if I couldn’t be at meditation? Lulu went online, of course, offering her Tarot Mentorship course.

    Every month for 18 months, I went online with other tarot enthusiasts, and as scary as it was to read for other people, it was the best thing I could have signed up for. Lulu’s teaching manner and her vast knowledge of the Tarot made it exciting and pushed me out of my comfort zone. It prepared me for actually reading Tarot professionally. What better way for preparing a tarot reading in a working environment – when you don’t know who is going to walk through your door, having no idea who was going to show up on your screen – than sitting in a Zoom call waiting for me to give them a tarot reading on what we had just learned?

    Soon after, I had the opportunity to actually read Tarot professionally, and with Lulu’s encouragement, off I went to put my skills and everything I had learned with Lulu to the test. Suffice it to say, I have continued to read professionally ever since, and still continue with Lulu’s teachings through her various workshops and programs. Again, sign me up! I will never know enough, and there is always more to learn and discover about the Tarot.

    To say meeting and connecting with Lulu and her tarot teachings have made a huge impact on me would be an understatement. It has been totally life changing. I was someone who had no confidence. I spent my time being and playing really small. I honestly believe that if I had not met Lulu, I would still be searching for that mentor or teacher and Tarot would have just been something I did on the side. Thanks to Lulu, my confidence has soared and not only am I now a professional reader, I am an extremely confident and accurate reader.

    By the way, Lulu and I, two old ducks who love talking Tarot, have started our own podcast,

    The Tarot Dealers. Just another way for me to continue my learning with my beautiful, wonderful mentor, teacher, and most of all, friend – and now to pass all our combined knowledge onto you, the reader and the listener. Well, really, its Lulu’s knowledge and the little bits of info I have picked up along the way, as well as a few tarot tells.

    I am so excited about how much more I can learn through this book and how both you and I can become next-level tarot readers.


    Trenna B

    Current – and always will be – student, and now colleague


    The number of times clients have said to me, How do you know that? Oh, my God, it’s like you are in my head! Your last reading for me was insanely accurate, or my favourite, That is such a random thing to say, yet gives such clarity for me, is something I lost count of long ago.

    At times I felt like a fraud; other times I wondered how the bloody hell I knew this stuff myself, and sometimes, I felt like I was just making it up as I went along. In a way, all of these things were true, and in other ways, all of these things were not true. What is absolute truth, though, is that this method that I am about to share with you is something I have always applied. It is a method that has allowed me to grow my own collection of spookily accurate tells. It is this method and a long journey that has led me to write this book.

    This book itself has been 40 plus years in the making. It is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time. I have had this inside me, in my head and in my heart: it is a part of me. The decision to finally do it, to actually start to write, to empty my head, to empty out all this knowledge, was actually such a relief. Each word I see come to life on the pages in front of me fills me with excitement. Even as I write these words in this moment, I wonder where this part of my tarot journey will take me? Will it be accepted and embraced? Will I be accepted for my out-of-the-box thinking and methodology? Only time will tell.

    Whilst I am forever grateful for the initial input from my nana and aunties, as well as the ongoing unconditional support of my mum, albeit from above these days, when I was first learning Tarot, I felt somewhat alone during the process. Not many of my friends wanted to learn Tarot. Sure, they wanted their cards read – that seemed to excite them – but to learn the Tarot? That didn’t excite them as much.

    It was a different world and a different time back then, and I soon discovered that there was still a lot of fear around Tarot. There were even extended family members who sincerely thought that I was selling my soul by being involved with the Tarot. The thought of this was both challenging and confronting. It did make me search my soul; it did make me question what I was doing. In the end, though, it didn’t matter how many times I put the Tarot away; it would always call me back.

    Through the need and the pull I felt from it, I was constantly called back to it through the dreams I was having and the messages I was receiving out of seemingly nowhere. These feelings, these dreams, these messages, they wouldn’t leave me alone. So I made the decision to embrace it. Let’s face it: it was definitely a calling, and I finally accepted that it was my calling.

    As I was quite

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