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Dead Husband
Dead Husband
Dead Husband
Ebook76 pages46 minutes

Dead Husband

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In a world where wealth and power dictate the terms of life, Anna finds herself trapped in an unimaginable situation. Forced by her father into a marriage with Tom, a billionaire lying comatose due to a tragic accident, she is thrust into a life of opulence shadowed by despair. Her father's cruel intentions are clear: marry Tom, inherit his fort

PublisherDD USA
Release dateMay 26, 2024
Dead Husband

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    Book preview

    Dead Husband - Farah Sepanlou





    Chapter 1: UnlikelyBeginnings

    Chapter 2: BuildingTrust

    Chapter 3: External Pressures

    Chapter 4: DeepeningBonds

    Chapter 5: OvercomingObstacles

    Chapter 6:A New Beginning



    Unlikely Beginnings

    Forced Union

    The air was thick with tension as Anna stood before her father, the weight of his expectations pressing down on her shoulders. It's for the best, he insisted, his voice a mixture of persuasion and command. Tom's family is wealthy, and with him in a coma... well, you know the situation. Anna's heart sank; she felt trapped in a plot she had no say in, her future sold in exchange for financial security.

    But father, it's not right, Anna protested weakly, her voice barely above a whisper. Her father's gaze hardened. "Right? This is about survival, Anna.

    Our family needs this." The conversation was cut short by the arrival of Tom's lawyer, who came to finalize the arrangements. As documents were signed and hands shaken, Anna felt as though she was watching her life unfold from afar.

    The wedding was a somber affair. With Tom lying unconscious in his hospital bed, vows were exchanged in whispers and promises made to the sound of beeping monitors. It was surreal—marrying a man she had never spoken to, bound by legal ties rather than love or affection.

    In the days that followed, Anna visited Tom regularly. She spoke to him about her day, read books aloud, and sometimes just sat in silence. It was during one of these visits that Tom's brother approached her. You don't have to do this alone, he said gently. But his kindness only served to remind Anna of the reality she faced—a marriage built on desperation rather than desire.

    Yet something shifted when Tom finally woke up. His initial anger and

    confusion slowly gave way to curiosity about the woman who had become his wife under such unusual circumstances. Through their awkward conversations and shared moments of vulnerability, they began to see each other not as pawns in their families' schemes but as individuals caught in an extraordinary situation.

    Anna's resolve strengthened with each passing day; she would not let her spirit be crushed by the forced union or her family's greed. And as for Tom, witnessing Anna’s resilience and kindness began to dissolve the barriers around his heart.

    A Glimmer of Hope

    The days began to blend into one another, each marked by Anna's visits to Tom's side. It was during one of these routine visits that a glimmer of hope sparked between them, illuminating the dark corners of their forced union. You know, Tom began hesitantly, breaking the silence that had settled between them, I never thought I'd find myself grateful for this... situation. His words hung in the air, fragile and uncertain.

    Anna looked up, surprised by his admission. Grateful? she echoed, her voice laced with disbelief.

    Yes, Tom replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. For you. You've been here every day, talking to me as if I were awake. It's made me feel less alone. His honesty bridged the gap that circumstances had created between them.

    Their conversation flowed more freely after that confession, touching on dreams deferred and hopes yet unspoken. They shared stories of their

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