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Uncertain Foundations: A Searchlight Paranormal Romance
Uncertain Foundations: A Searchlight Paranormal Romance
Uncertain Foundations: A Searchlight Paranormal Romance
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Uncertain Foundations: A Searchlight Paranormal Romance

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About this ebook

They’ve been there for each other through death and life, through pain and joy. Their love life has held them together through all external dangers. But what happens when the threat seems to come from within?

Charlie, half werewolf, has never felt so uncertain. Everything he’s trusted in -- his eyesight, his psychic ability, his confidence in making decisions -- is under attack. Even his mate, his Life dancer, Luis, seems untrustworthy.

Luis, a psychic vampire, is consumed by terror and paranoia. Unable to tell fact from fiction, and feeling Charlie pulling away, he lashes out.

These two lovers who have stood the test of time find themselves on unsteady ground. Can their love prevail despite the terror working its way through the pack?

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Release dateMay 9, 2024
Uncertain Foundations: A Searchlight Paranormal Romance

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    Book preview

    Uncertain Foundations - Emily Carrington

    Uncertain Foundations (Tilthos Pack 3)

    A SearchLight Paranormal Romance

    Emily Carrington

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright ©2024 Emily Carrington

    BIN: 011152-03629

    Formats Available:

    Adobe PDF, Epub


    Changeling Press LLC

    315 N. Centre St.

    Martinsburg, WV 25404

    Editor: Crystal Esau

    Cover Artist: Angela Knight

    Adult Sexual Content

    This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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    Table of Contents

    Uncertain Foundations (Tilthos Pack 3)

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Emily Carrington

    Uncertain Foundations (Tilthos Pack 3)

    A SearchLight Paranormal Romance

    Emily Carrington

    They’ve been there for each other through death and life, through pain and joy. Their love life has held them together through all external dangers. But what happens when the threat seems to come from within?

    Charlie, half werewolf, has never felt so uncertain. Everything he’s trusted in -- his eyesight, his psychic ability, his confidence in making decisions -- is under attack. Even his mate, his Life Dancer, Luis, seems untrustworthy.

    Luis, a psychic vampire, is consumed by terror and paranoia. Unable to tell fact from fiction, and feeling Charlie pulling away, he lashes out.

    These two lovers, who have stood the test of time, find themselves on unsteady ground. Can their love prevail despite the terror working its way through the pack?

    Chapter One

    Luis stood with his back to a wall. He gazed across the crowded room to his Life Dancer, who was shaking hands with Princess Angelina Oakland. Scanning the princess’s living room quickly, Luis noted the approaching dawn lightening the sky in the east and the Pakistani land dragon speaking quietly with Claudette, the water dragon from Western New York. He felt like a stalker, watching all these people in their final moments of conversation and leave-taking, but he wouldn’t let Charlie, his Life Dancer, be alone. Too much had happened during this last delegate gathering.

    Go downstairs, Charlie said, turning his head away from the princess to meet Miguel’s gaze. The blood-dependent vampire, slave to the darkness of night, was swaying on his feet.

    You are leaving, Miguel said.

    This morning, Charlie agreed.

    I wanted to say thank you. He nodded to Princess Angelina. To you as well, Your Highness. I have lived without hope for many years. To have it again is a marvelous blessing. It wouldn’t have been possible, Tilthos Charles, without your assistance.

    You’re welcome, but if you thank me again, I’m going to have to demand payment. Charlie sounded more concerned than flippant despite his words. Go. Down. Stairs. We’ll meet again.

    Miguel shook hands with them and headed from the room.

    He passed close to Luis and said softly, Your lover is a beacon of hope. Then he was gone.

    Luis watched Charlie making the rounds of the other magical creatures in the room. All the others were ignoring Luis as if he was just a bodyguard. That suited Luis just fine. Charlie didn’t really need his protection, not in this room, and not usually in the world at large. The leader of all the werewolves on this and the southern continent was only half werewolf, and visually impaired as well, but he’d held his position without others defending him for over half a decade. He was confident. He was strong.

    And sexy as hell.

    Luis firmly turned his thoughts from that particular channel because some of the magical creatures gathered here had great senses of smell. They’d know he was aroused if he allowed himself the luxury of thinking of his Life Dancer without clothes on.

    Charlie’s thoughts drifted through Luis’s mind, his psychic tone lightly teasing. I think it’s too late for you to hide anything.

    Luis smirked and thought back, Good.

    Gradually, the heads of this or that species left, taking their chauffeured rides to private airplanes. Agent Jack Sowerby would be meeting some of them at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, but some wouldn’t allow the new head of SearchLight to see them off. Claudette, the water dragon, was one of these, preferring to keep her exact departure a secret.

    Luis knew she was flying out of Dulles, the airport south of here in Virginia, but he was a tracker. It was his job to know the comings and goings of those who might be a threat to SearchLight. Or to his Life Dancer.

    As the room emptied, he wondered if the princess would let him and Charlie have one last fling in the bedroom she’d set aside for them. Although, even if she did, Charlie might not want to hang around. He was anxious to get back to their displaced pack.

    Tilthos Charles, do you need to rest before starting on your drive home? Princess Angelina asked as if she’d read Luis’s mind. He didn’t think she had telepathy, and his shields were mostly up anyway.

    That would be a better question for Luis, since I can’t drive, Charlie said, sounding amused. He tapped the end of his white cane on the parquet floor. Thank you, but I think we should get going.

    Keeping his thoughts hidden from his Life Dancer, Luis thought, Damn. And I was hoping to be driving without blue balls.

    Still, he had to admit he wanted to get home. And not just so that the Tilthos Pack could return from where they’d been scattered to when all the dominant protectors were occupied here in DC and Maryland. Luis had concerns about those pack members here: Jeremy, Ethan, and Charlie.

    Jeremy and Ethan would be driving back at some point soon, but first, Ethan needed to regain his human shape. He’d taken to sticking close to Jeremy and their son, Will, but in his werewolf guise. It was as if he thought being in his four-footed form would somehow protect him from further pain.

    Luis had absolutely no doubt Jeremy would take care of his mate. The Night Wanderer was protective anyway, and since Ethan had been forced to --


    He blinked, startled out of his thoughts by his Life Dancer calling his name. Charlie stood about ten feet away, his gaze unfocused as it always was when he wasn’t trying to read some large print or looking at a picture eight-year-old Will had drawn.

    Luis crossed to him and touched his shoulder. What is it? he asked gently.

    I guess you missed the change in plans.

    Luis smiled guiltily. I was lost in my own world.

    I realized -- Charlie said, lowering his voice and bending so he could put his mouth next to Luis’s ear. I need you before we head out.

    Luis’s cock raised its head and he felt his asshole constrict in anticipation. Not here, he ventured.

    Well, in this house, but no, not in the living room. If we stained any of her pillows or cushions, I’m sure Angelina would throw us out and bill us through the nose. He took Luis’s hand, pressing the shaft of the white cane between their palms. Will you guide me?

    Luis knew Charlie didn’t mean that literally. He was independent to a fault, was Tilthos Charles McLaughlin, alpha above all alphas. But having Charlie make the request made Luis harder still. He kissed Charlie’s palm and then encouraged him to take his arm.

    Swinging his cane out before his feet, Charlie followed Luis up the stairs and down the hall. The warmth of his hand, firm on the back of Luis’s arm, was ambrosia to the anxiety Luis had been feeling for the last week or so. Charlie trusted him. He glanced back and saw Charlie’s eyes were closed and his cane no longer touched the floor. He was letting Luis guide him completely.

    Luis’s heart rose and he swallowed against sudden, stupid tears. "Te amo, Charlie," he whispered.

    A mischievous smile lit Charlie’s dark and handsome features. Of course you do.

    Luis snorted, but before he could retort, Charlie stopped walking and pulled Luis into a tight embrace. Luis inhaled, loving the scent of his lover’s aftershave. I love you too. Now, come on. I need you.

    * * *

    With the door locked between their nudity and the rest of the world, Charlie took a moment to admire his mate. Luis was a sculpted godlike figure, all warmly tinted skin and beautiful black hair. He was Puerto Rican, son of the most powerful psychic vampire in this part of the world, and he was Charlie’s for the taking. It sometimes amazed him, Charlie thought as he traced a finger languidly around Luis’s left nipple, that they’d found each other. Mostly, he was just grateful to be in Luis McLaughlin’s heart.

    I’d like you to take me, he murmured. I haven’t had you inside me in far too long.

    Luis moaned as he pinched Charlie’s ass cheek. I will give you everything you want. No matter what. No matter where.

    Charlie smiled and kissed Luis deeply, searching out his lover’s dark cocoa and coffee taste. He spread his legs a little in anticipation. When he drew back, he slipped two fingers between his lips. It really had been far too long since Luis had claimed him. Their usual positions were the reverse, and as a matter of course that was what they both craved, but Charlie admitted he had been feeling vulnerable lately, and being penetrated would settle something in his soul.

    Bed? Luis asked.

    That encourages us to take our time. I want you now. Charlie shoved one finger up his own ass, arching into the pain and pleasure of it. The angle’s all wrong for true enjoyment, though, he complained, smirking when he felt Luis’s lust spike.

    Let me help you with that. Luis tugged Charlie’s fingers free and put two of his own in their place. He scissored, stretching Charlie’s entrance for his cock. Lean against the wall. When Charlie braced himself, Luis resumed scissoring his fingers.

    I thought -- Charlie began.

    I haven’t been inside you in over six months. There is no way I’m hurrying this.

    Charlie’s heart seemed to swell with love as he heard the determination in his mate’s voice to care for him. Five minutes later, he was cursing Luis’s name as the psychic vampire continued to take things slowly. He’d added a third finger, but he was moving so damnably slowly.

    Ready for me? Luis teased.

    I’ve been ready for -- He gasped as Luis pulled his fingers out. Please, Luis. Please. I’m stretched. I’m hard. And… Damn it.

    What’s wrong?

    Condoms first. Princess Angelina won’t thank me for leaving the wall a mess.

    Luis grunted but didn’t protest. He even put the condom on Charlie’s hardness himself, squeezing at the base before running his finger over the rubber-covered slit.

    Charlie shuddered. Please fuck me, he begged.

    Luis was inside him in less than thirty seconds, buried so deep in Charlie’s heat that they both groaned their need. Luis tended to move slowly because he rode Charlie so rarely, but today, they both seemed to be desperate. Charlie knew he was.

    Planting his hands on the wall, Charlie pushed back every time Luis thrust, and soon they were moving with intention, almost like dancers. Except for more than the purpose of making something beautiful with their bodies.

    He could feel Luis shivering and trembling behind him, and he clenched his ass muscles to encourage his lover to come. He longed for the rush of Luis’s semen deep inside him but, with both of them wearing condoms, that wasn’t possible. Still, when he felt the pressure of Luis’s letting go, his own orgasm washed over him.

    We need to get home, he gasped. I’ll want you again, long before we’re safe in our own bed.

    * * *

    It felt as though they’d been riding in Luis’s car for days instead of hours. Sometimes, especially when he was exhausted, Charlie didn’t like being driven around. It gave him what he’d learned to call a fit of independence. He’d been visually impaired his whole life. He should have gotten used to being powerless. And that was true helplessness, thinking he was weaker because he couldn’t pilot a vehicle. He only got this way, down on himself, when he was tired or stressed. At the moment, he was both.

    The conference Agent Jack Sowerby had called, between all the heads of the different magical groups around the world, had accomplished two things. It had fortified some friendships, forged others, and also renewed Charlie’s dislike of the alpha above all alphas in Europe. Oh, and it had done one more thing. As soon as SearchLight felt it reasonable and to the benefit of most involved, they were going to reveal magical creatures to the world of humans.

    Charlie cursed softly and opened his eyes in an attempt to get away from his stressful thoughts that were feeding on each other. He could see the trees zooming past as blurs of green, both the dark of pine trees and the lighter green of maples and oaks. He couldn’t differentiate those second two types without holding a leaf in his hand.


    After weeks of being called nothing but Tilthos Charles, hearing his nickname was jarring. Tensing, he balled his left hand into a fist. He reached down beside the door and grasped his foldable white cane, drawing it up onto his lap. This was the symbol of his disability.

    He cursed again.

    He sensed rather than saw his mate, his Life Dancer, glance in his direction. We need to stop for the night.

    His voice was soft, melodious, lightly accented with a Spanish flavor that usually made Charlie’s cock stand at attention. Just now, that conciliatory sound made

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