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Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #8
Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #8
Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #8
Ebook66 pages47 minutes

Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #8

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Join Chrissy on a remarkable journey as she transforms from a regular young woman into a tenacious warrior, escaping a relentless psychopathic foe through fantastical realms and time's passageways. Her quest to reunite with her lost brother leads her to encounter legendary creatures, form unlikely alliances, and unearth concealed strengths. Amidst war and chaos, she emerges as a guiding light, a beacon of hope. Follow Chrissy through this enthralling saga of survival and self-discovery, as she faces the unknown, uncovers her true power, and navigates intricate challenges. Journey alongside her into realms of resilience and courage, leaving you eager to discover what lies ahead.

Release dateMay 29, 2024
Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #8

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    Book preview

    Flight Through Dragons Fire Lost - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Book 8

    Chapter 10- Not the Yellow Brick Road

    On the Road to Mark Hall, Keep

    Day 15 -Day

    UNDER THE BENEVOLENT rays of the sun, the landscape around the wagon transformed into a picturesque panorama. The once-chilly atmosphere now basked in the warm embrace of sunlight, filling the air with a sense of rejuvenation. Chrissy and Lysandra, positioned differently in the wagon, soaked in the peaceful journey.

    Chrissy leaned against a stack of supplies, using her backpack as a makeshift pillow to cushion her from the bumps and jolts of the road. She observed the changing scenery with a relaxed expression, her eyes occasionally closing to savor the tranquility. On the other side, Lysandra sat upright, her posture reflecting a vigilant readiness despite the serene surroundings.

    As the wagon trundled along the familiar path, a gentle breeze wafted the delightful scent of blooming flowers, imbuing the journey with a natural and pleasant fragrance.  The distant sound of birds chirping and the rustle of leaves created a harmonious symphony that complemented the soothing ride. Chrissy and Lysandra experienced a rare moment of peace amid their adventurous endeavors, finding solace in the beauty of the world around them.

    In the midst of this serene journey, Jarlam, the seasoned driver, broke the tranquil spell. His voice, a gruff melody, cut through the peaceful ambiance, jolting Chrissy from her almost-dreamlike state. She had allowed herself a moment of reprieve, a respite from the arduous trudge through mud-laden paths and the weight of self-propelled steps.

    As the wagon rumbled along the winding road, Jarlam, the seasoned driver, initiated a conversation, probing the purpose of Chrissy and Lysandra's journey toward Mark Hall Keep.

    So why are you ladies heading for Mark Hall Keep? Jarlam asked, his eyes glancing between Chrissy and Lysandra.

    Don’t know if we are going all the way, Chrissy remarked, adjusting her cloak against the brisk air.

    Well, you two look like you can care for yourselves, Jarlam remarked, casually surveying their weapons.

    Is there trouble we should be aware of? Lysandra inquired, giving Jarlam a scrutinizing look.

    Sometimes there are bandits, wolves, saber cats, and bears. I have even seen giants, but there are dragons now, Jarlam shared, his gaze returning to the road to avoid Lysandra’s piercing eyes.

    Yeah, we know about the dragons, Chrissy muttered, blending familiarity and wariness.

    How long will it take to get to Mark Hall? Lysandra asked, seeking practical details.

    Depending on the weather, about five to six days. If it stays nice and I push it, I could make it four and a half, Jarlam replied, his hands expertly guiding the reins.

    Are you driving all night? Lysandra pressed a note of concern in her voice.

    I never do that, as it’s too dark and dangerous, Jarlam reassured, focusing on the road ahead. 

    No need to push it just yet. Where might we be staying at night? Chrissy inquired with closed eyes, a subtle signal for Lysandra to remain vigilant.

    Well, this first night, we’ll have to camp as we will still be a day from Ronick Stead. If you have the coin, you can stay at the Inn in Ronick Stead. If you don’t have the coin, you must camp again, Jarlam explained, leaning back in his seat as the carriage continued its rhythmic journey through the countryside.

    After Ronick Stead? Lysandra inquired, seeking clarity about the upcoming stops.

    Depends on how far we get. We will likely have a night or two of camping until we reach Holdend Farm. If you have some coin, Martta Holdend will feed you; you must sleep in the stable, Jarlam explained, mapping out their potential accommodations.

    Stable sounds better than nothing, Lysandra remarked, considering the options.

    "The road seems

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