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Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #9
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #9
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #9
Ebook69 pages53 minutes

Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #9

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Join Chrissy on a thrilling odyssey, where a young woman from Earth transforms into a tenacious warrior pursued by a relentless psychopath. Traversing mystical, magical realms and time's passageways, her quest to reunite with her lost younger brother becomes a poignant mission. Along the way, Chrissy confronts legendary creatures, forges unexpected alliances, and uncovers hidden strengths. Amidst the turmoil of war and chaos, she emerges as a guiding light, a beacon of hope. Follow her through this enthralling coming-of-age saga as she bravely faces the unknown, reveals her true power, and navigates intricate challenges. Journey alongside Chrissy into realms of resilience and courage in this captivating tale of survival and self-discovery.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #9

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    Flight Through Dragon Fire - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Chapter 11- Over the hills and through Hell we go

    Book 9

    On the Road toward Mark Hall, Keep

    Day 16 Early Morning

    THE RHYTHMIC CLATTER of hooves against the cobblestone road echoed for a while, the overgrown path winding beneath the horses' steps. However, as the journey progressed, Chrissy and Lysandra decided to veer off the road, guiding their horses into the embrace of a dense forest. The once-manicured cobblestone gave way to the natural chaos of trees and undergrowth. Ascending slowly, they found themselves on a winding trail leading up a mountain. The day progresses with a pleasant ambiance, each rider atop their horse, forging a path through the captivating wilderness.

    It was in this hushed atmosphere that Lysandra finally spoke, perhaps sensing the need to bridge the quiet expanse. You did the right thing. 

    What do you mean? Chrissy asked, gently pulling on the reins to stop the grey horse as she rode alongside the babbling stream, its cool waters glinting in the sunlight.

    You're not the only one who can take care of others, Lysandra replied, her voice calm as she guided the painted horse, she was riding closer to Chrissy's, letting it lower its head to drink from the clear stream.

    Chrissy furrowed her brow in confusion. Huh? she asked, sliding down from the horse's back and stretching her legs, the muscles protesting slightly after the long ride.

    Leaving Michael with Jarlam was a good choice, Lysandra clarified, her eyes reflecting understanding and support. It's okay to rely on others sometimes. We're in this together, after all.

    I know it's hard to leave him, but I must get to Seik’si because I sense he's in danger. Even though he hasn't said it, I can feel it. But you're right. I wouldn't say I like leaving a sick boy in the hands of a man I barely know, Chrissy admitted, her concern evident in her voice as she glanced back in the direction they had come from.

    Jarlam has been running the wagon with his father, who ran it for years. I've never heard anyone speak ill of him or his family. He gave passage to anyone who paid. He's one of the few who can travel all over the keeps without issue, other than bandits, wildlife, and now dragons, Lysandra explained, her tone reassuring as she tried to alleviate Chrissy's worries.

    That's good to know. And that does take some worry off of me, Chrissy acknowledged, a flicker of relief crossing her features as she looked ahead. Her resolve to reach Seik’si was unwavering despite the concerns for Michael's well-being.

    Speaking of knowing, what do you know where we are going? Lysandra's voice held a hint of curiosity as she looked towards the distant horizon, her gaze unwavering even as Chrissy mounted her horse once again.

    Well, I'm not entirely certain of the distance, but I do know that we're headed towards a cannibalistic tribe. But I don’t think that will be the worst part.  You see, there are these three mysterious women who seem like part birds, Chrissy explained, her words carrying a weight of concern as they continued their journey.

    What?! You mean we'll be facing the Pharcry and their Skrikande priestesses? Lysandra exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief at the daunting prospect ahead.

    Now seated atop her mount as they crossed the stream where the horses had just quenched their thirst, Chrissy offered a pragmatic suggestion. You always have the option to turn back.

    No! I won't let you face them alone, Lysandra declared.

    It's still not ideal odds, Chrissy remarked with a resigned shake of her head, acknowledging the gravity of the challenge they were about to confront.

    Do you have any inkling of how we're going to handle them? Lysandra wondered aloud,

    A frontal attack is out of the question, Chrissy explained, deftly ducking under a low-hanging branch as they navigated the dense foliage. The Pharcry have booby traps set up, and their archers have a clear line of sight. They'd pick us off before we even got close.

    Following closely behind and mirroring Chrissy's movements to avoid the obstacles, Lysandra asked, How high are their positions?

    "If we circle around

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