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The 144 Thousand in Revelation: Explained and Identified-Israel's Haradim
The 144 Thousand in Revelation: Explained and Identified-Israel's Haradim
The 144 Thousand in Revelation: Explained and Identified-Israel's Haradim
Ebook53 pages50 minutes

The 144 Thousand in Revelation: Explained and Identified-Israel's Haradim

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The book of Revelation is a Jewish book. The 144 thousand anointed servants from each of the twelve tribes of Israel appear in Revelation 7, 14 and 15. These young men play a major role during the Tribulation. This work explains and examines their anointing, ministry, divine appointment, and place in the heavenly kingdom. In addition, after further investigation the 144 thousand servants are identified as rising from Israel's Haredim. You will discover the details of the book of Revelation's description that only could be met by the Haredi Jews. Moreover, this work proves this finding by looking at the actual population numbers and reporting on the passage in this light. For an in-depth understanding of the 144 thousand servants in the book of Revelation along with learning about the Haredim that fits their identity, this book is a must read. This dissertation is another example of Erika Grey's unmatched in-depth analysis of the Scriptural forecasts and their relation to today's events, which reports first time exclusive information not found anywhere else.

PublisherErika Grey
Release dateMay 30, 2024
The 144 Thousand in Revelation: Explained and Identified-Israel's Haradim

Erika Grey

Erika Grey is an Evangelical Christian author, prophecy expert, teacher and commentator. features Erika's books, blogs, articles and radio broadcasts. Erika Grey focuses on current affairs, the EU and its relation to Bible Prophecy and issues that effect individuals living in these end times. Within Evangelical circles, Erika Grey is the leading authority on the EU and Bible Prophecy which is evidenced by her exposes and books on the European Union, for which Erika speaks on radio shows across the U.S. Erika Grey hosts "Prophecy Talk" her own weekly radio show on blogtalkradio. Erika is also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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    Book preview

    The 144 Thousand in Revelation - Erika Grey

    The 144 Thousand in Revelation

    Explained and Identified-Israel’s Haredim


    Pedante Press

    Short Book Series

    All Scriptural quotations in this publication are from the New King James Version of the Bible © by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Copyright © 2021 Erika Grey

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-940844-42-8


    To the 144 thousand empowered servants, what an honor it has been to learn and write about you.


    Acknowledgments      i

    1      The Book of Revelation a Jewish Book

    2      The 144 Thousand

    3      Revelation 14 The Lamb

    4      A New Song

    5      Virgins and First Fruits

    6      The Identity of the 144 Thousand

    7      Not Defiled With Women

    8      Ezekiel 38 War Turning Point

    9      The Role of the Orthodox at Jesus Death

    10      The Haredim- The Perfect Fit

    For Bible Prophecy news and analysis and more books visit my website.  For Bible Prophecy Updates subscribe to my podcast and YouTube channel Prophecy Talk with

    Erika Grey




    According to the 1906 unedited full text of the Jewish Encyclopedia, the book of Revelation remains, under its Christian cloak, a Jewish document. The entry comments on the authorship of the book as a whole and adds, "It is important in this connection to note the Hebraisms of the whole of this part of the book, which prove that the writer or—if he himself originally wrote Hebrew or Aramaic—the translator could neither write nor speak Greek correctly. It adds that the main apocalypse belongs to Jewish apocalyptic literature. Moreover, it sites many references in the Torah that match the Revelation.

    There are many more that can be added such as Jeremiah 51 corresponding with Revelation 18 and more.

    Revelation Uses Language From Old Testament Books

    In the Revelation are many references to the Torah and to key figures in Israel’s early days. For example, Balaam and Jezebel, not to mention the many citations from the Old Testament. In addition to noting the children of Israel and naming the Twelve Tribes and the song of Moses regarding the 144 thousand anointed Jews.  Revelation 9:20 follows the language from the books of Moses through to the minor prophets in admonishing against idolatry.  It states:

    20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk.

    21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

    This reference also proves that there is no real division from the Old Testament to the New Testament as many pastors erroneously teach. Many ignore all the books prior to the Gospels for this reason.

    Book of Daniel

    Theologians view the book of Daniel as the companion book to the Revelation. Both are written for our edification but geared for the Jews who are yet future. We regard these men and women as the Tribulation Saints. Within the books of Daniel and Revelation we learn of the 1260 days of persecution and death of these Saints. We also see the parallel of those with wisdom and understanding able to count the number of the beast. This phrase is used in the book of Daniel relating to their plight and victory recorded in the Revelation.

    There are also the ten days of Daniel’s testing relating to the ten days of Tribulation mentioned in Revelation 2:10. In many areas one book adds more details to the other, such as the ten-king division of the beast. The four beasts of Daniel and the beast of Revelation. In addition to the war in heaven recorded in Revelation 12:7-9:

    7: And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought,

    8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.

    9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his

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