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Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine: Curvylicious Desires Romance Series, #1
Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine: Curvylicious Desires Romance Series, #1
Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine: Curvylicious Desires Romance Series, #1
Ebook65 pages50 minutes

Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine: Curvylicious Desires Romance Series, #1

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About this ebook

Sienna Miller, a voluptuous barista with an air of confidence, crafts the best espresso in her small town.


But when Logan Carter, a wealthy CEO with striking silver-streaked hair and a perpetually grumpy demeanor, walks into her cozy café, she feels a dangerous current of attraction that threatens to consume her.


Despite Sienna's reservations about getting involved with someone so different from her, she can't resist the pull towards him.


As they engage in flirtatious banter and electrifying encounters, neither Sienna nor Logan can deny the intense chemistry between them.


Logan's rugged masculinity, combined with his deep sensitivity, charms Sienna, drawing her even closer to him. And as Logan discloses the secret that has brought him to her small town, their connection deepens into undeniable passion.


But their passion is not without obstacles. Sienna's toxic ex, Mark, emerges to wreak havoc on their relationship. Despite Mark's attempts to sabotage their love, Sienna and Logan's connection only grows stronger.


In this heart-pounding short, sweet and steamy romance filled with a rollercoaster ride of emotions, where fire meets ice, a heart-warming, happily ever after is guaranteed!

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine: Curvylicious Desires Romance Series, #1

Beth M.Roberts

Beth M. Roberts  writes short, sexy, feel-good romances about irresistible men and the curvy heroines they can't live without.

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    Book preview

    Mr. Grumpy meets Miss Sunshine - Beth M.Roberts

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle clink of porcelain mugs filled the cozy cafe, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Sienna Miller moved behind the counter with practiced grace, her fingers dancing across the espresso machine as she prepared a latte.

    Despite the outward confidence she exuded, a hint of self-doubt lingered beneath the surface, a remnant of the toxic relationship she had endured with her ex-boyfriend, Mark.

    Sienna couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her craft, as she poured the velvety steamed milk into the rich espresso. The delicate rosette she created on top was a work of art, a testament to her passion for coffee and her desire to bring joy to others, even in the simplest of ways.

    With a confident sway in her step and a twinkle in her green eyes, she announced with a dramatic flourish, Voilà! Behold, art you can drink! She slid the masterpiece across the counter towards Mr. Henderson, a regular whose caramel macchiato and dad jokes were as much a part of the cafe's charm as Sienna herself.

    Remind me again why you're still here and not gracing the cover of 'Barista Monthly?' he quipped, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

    Sienna's laughter rang out, genuine and unguarded. Because I'm waiting for 'Gourmet Gazette' to spot my talent. A girl must have standards, Mr. H!

    Ah, to be young and full of dreams, he sighed theatrically, cradling the cup like a precious gem. Instead, I'm old and full of caffeine.

    Keeps you sharp, Sienna shot back, her eyes twinkling. And keeps me employed.

    Sharp enough to remember your birthday is coming up. What's the damage this year—twenty-one... again? Mr. Henderson's grin was cheeky, challenging her to come up with a clever response.

    Careful, or I'll start carding you for senior discounts, she warned with mock severity, the banter flowing as smoothly as the coffee from the grinder.

    Sienna's long chestnut hair bounced as she greeted each customer with a wide grin. At 25, her infectious energy and charisma made her a beloved team member. Her confident and cheerful nature drew in everyone who crossed her path, leaving them feeling lighter and happier after their encounter.

    Only a select few of Sienna's close friends glimpsed the true depths of her personality beneath her bubbly exterior. And only a couple of those knew about the crippling self-doubt that plagued her, worsened by the toxic influence of her ex-boyfriend, Mark.

    Playful banter flowed between Sienna and customers, as effortlessly as the coffee from the grinder, a comfortable familiarity that Sienna cherished. It was moments like these that helped her forget the lingering doubts that plagued her, the ghosts of her past that whispered she wasn't good enough.

    Okay, okay, listen up, Sienna called out to the table crowded with her friends, her hands animatedly framing the air as she delivered the punchline to her latest anecdote.

    And then he says, 'But I ordered decaf!' As if the foam art on top wasn't a dead giveaway!

    Her friends erupted into peals of laughter, their delight echoing off the walls. The warmth in Sienna's chest bloomed like the steam from a fresh cappuccino. This was her domain—the place where her humor was as much a staple as the coffee itself.

    Sienna, you're too much! Jenna gasped between giggles, wiping away a tear that threatened to smudge her mascara.

    Can't help it, Sienna quipped with a theatrical shrug, I was born to serve caffeine with a side of sarcasm.

    As the laughter tapered to contented chuckles and sips of coffee, the bell jangled again, signaling a new presence.

    Sienna turned, her practiced smile ready, but it faltered for a heartbeat when her eyes landed on the newcomer.

    Who's the iceberg? whispered Sienna, leaning closer to Jenna.

    That’s Logan Carter... Jenna whispered "big shot CEO. Heard from Darlene that he has that big place

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