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Trail's End: A Bigfoot Experience
Trail's End: A Bigfoot Experience
Trail's End: A Bigfoot Experience
Ebook82 pages57 minutes

Trail's End: A Bigfoot Experience

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Trail's End is a story based on two months the author spent alone in the Northwest Rocky Mountains. The area of Montana where the story takes place is referred to as "nowhere" by the residents of Montana and Idaho. The region is teeming with wildlife, which formed the basis for this tale. The story is fictional even though some of the events actually happened including certain occurrences that caused the author to believe Bigfoot exists.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Trail's End: A Bigfoot Experience

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    Book preview

    Trail's End - David Nicol

    Table of Contents



    Forest Rangers

    Tale of Two Brothers

    Alone in the Wilderness


    The Spring Box

    Wolf Pack


    Grizzlies Live Here


    About the Author


    Trail's End

    A Bigfoot Experience

    David Nicol

    ISBN 979-8-89112-788-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89112-789-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2024 David Nicol

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    Forest Rangers

    Hickory was a magnificent creature. Even for a Sasquatch, he was a large specimen; towering to over 8 feet tall and weighing 350 pounds, he appeared quite imposing. His long brown hair completely covered his body except for his face. His facial features resembled those of a great ape. He had opposable thumbs and fingers similar to human beings, and he had extremely large feet, causing humans to name his species Bigfoot.

    Hickory was surveying his territory in the northwest Rocky Mountains of Montana. This was a wild place—wilderness all around and home to bears, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, deer, elk, moose, fox, and many of the mammals that reside in North America.

    Today Hickory was accompanied by his mate, Spruce, and their two grown children, Tor and Ebony. Families of Bigfoot live throughout the forests of the world and consider themselves guardians of their environment—forest rangers, so to speak, that guard and protect the trees and plants and wildlife. They have learned to peacefully coexist with the other species that inhabit these woods.

    Bigfoot's one enemy, if they have any, were human beings. As humans encroach more and more into their territory, it became more and more difficult for Sasquatch to elude them. The Sasquatch were masters of disguise and blend into the forest as if they were the forest. Thus, they had been able to keep mostly out of sight.

    As Hickory and his family wandered through the area, they spotted deer and elk scampering amongst the trees. Since it was spring heading into early summer, there were many young with their mothers. From the does with the frolicking fawns to the elk cows and their calves, it was a wonderful sight.

    Then along came a flock of turkeys with their young bobbing down the path. Spring brought new life to the forest for all species. It was truly a remarkable time.

    The Bigfoot family descended the mountain toward Elk Creek below. They emerged from the trees onto the grassy flats, extending out another fifty yards or so to the water. It was a beautiful sight. The sun was shining, and the tall grass glistened as it swayed with the breeze. The area was popular with the deer and elk mothers. There were plenty of bushes and smaller trees to provide protection for birthing and bedding spots for the new mothers.

    The Sasquatch walked along the creek. They observed two does, and a fawn bounced past. Then a group of seven cow elk and three of their young scampered along. Truly a fantastic sight.

    Then they happened by the resident cinnamon black bear splashing in the creek, possibly looking for breakfast. He paid the Bigfoot no mind.

    Hickory and his family continued their walk along the creek. They spotted a human being with a rifle walking through the grass near the base of the mountain along the tree line. The hunter had not seen the Sasquatch family as they blended into the trees and grass. Their camouflage ability allowed them to appear as trees and bushes to humans.

    Hickory sent Tor back to warn the bear of the impending danger. The rest of them remained motionless. As they watched this human, Hickory noticed the way he carried his high-powered rifle. He thought he must be hunting. It was not yet the humans hunting season, but nonetheless this man was hunting. While the Sasquatch stood their ground, a group of deer, a large buck, three does, and a fawn emerged from the forest onto the grassy flats between where the hunter was and the Bigfoot were standing.

    The hunter raised his weapon and fired toward the deer. The report from the rifle broke the peaceful quiet of the forest.

    Spruce gasped loudly. Since the deer was moving, the hunter missed his mark, and the bullet caught her squarely in the chest.

    Hickory bellowed out a mournful scream that resonated throughout the woods. The hunter froze with fear, the sound from Hickory sending chills up his spine. Hickory shook

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